ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction
Turns on NTLE calculations. Sets NLTE ratios to those expected for LTE calculations with a known partition function
Authors: Richard Larsson
nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction( | nlte_do, nlte_field, abs_lines_per_species, nlte_level_identifiers, partition_functions, t_field ) |
OUT | nlte_do | (Index) | Flag to perform Non-LTE calculations. |
OUT | nlte_field | (EnergyLevelMap) | The field of NLTE temperatures and/or ratios. |
OUT+IN | abs_lines_per_species | (ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines) | A list of spectral line data for each tag. |
IN | nlte_level_identifiers | (ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier) | An array of non-lte quantum identifiers for levels matching nlte_field_raw and on request nlte_vibrational_energies. |
IN | partition_functions | (SpeciesAuxData) | Partition functions. |
IN | t_field | (Tensor3) | The field of atmospheric temperatures. |