ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable nlte_field
The field of NLTE temperatures and/or ratios. This variable gives the NLTE temperature/ratio at each crossing of the pressure, latitude and longitude grids. The size of the array is the number of NLTE levels in all molecules. The temperature/ratio for a point between the grid crossings is obtained by (multi-)linear interpolation of the nlte_field. There are two types of NLTE computations available in ARTS. One from giving excitiation temperatures that makes the absorption/emission diverge from LTE. The other is to use the absolute ratios of upper-to-lower states at the levels of interest. Units: [ K or % ]] Dimensions: [ NLTE levels, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Group: EnergyLevelMap
Specific methods that can generate nlte_field
- AtmFieldsCalc
- AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D
- nlte_fieldRescalePopulationLevels
- nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines
- nlteOff
- nlte_fieldFromRaw
- nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction
- nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate nlte_field
Specific methods that require nlte_field
- DoitGetIncoming
- DoitGetIncoming1DAtm
- iyActiveSingleScat
- iyActiveSingleScat2
- iyCalc
- iyEmissionStandard
- iyEmissionStandardSequential
- iyHybrid
- iyHybrid2
- iyIndependentBeamApproximation
- iySurfaceFastem
- iySurfaceRtpropAgenda
- iySurfaceRtpropCalc
- iyTransmissionStandard
- jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc
- nlte_fieldRescalePopulationLevels
- nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines
- nlteSetByQuantumIdentifiers
- propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc
- line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D
- spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel
- spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField
- yCalc
- yCalcAppend
- yActive
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use nlte_field
Agendas that can generate nlte_field
- none