ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method propmat_clearskyInit
Initialize propmat_clearsky and nlte_source. This method must be used inside propmat_clearsky_agenda and then be called first.
Authors: Oliver Lemke, Richard Larsson
propmat_clearskyInit( | propmat_clearsky, nlte_source, dpropmat_clearsky_dx, dnlte_dx_source, nlte_dsource_dx, abs_species, jacobian_quantities, f_grid, stokes_dim, propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked, nlte_do ) |
OUT | propmat_clearsky | (ArrayOfPropagationMatrix) | This contains the absorption coefficients for one point in the atmosphere (one set of pressure, temperature, magnetic field, and VMR values). |
OUT | nlte_source | (ArrayOfStokesVector) | Variable to contain the additional source function due to NLTE effects. |
OUT | dpropmat_clearsky_dx | (ArrayOfPropagationMatrix) | Partial derivative of absorption coefficients. |
OUT | dnlte_dx_source | (ArrayOfStokesVector) | NLTE partial derivatives output is two parts: S*dB/dx+dS/dx*B. |
OUT | nlte_dsource_dx | (ArrayOfStokesVector) | NLTE partial derivatives output is two parts: S*dB/dx+dS/dx*B. |
IN | abs_species | (ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag) | Tag groups for gas absorption. |
IN | jacobian_quantities | (ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity) | The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix. |
IN | f_grid | (Vector) | The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. |
IN | stokes_dim | (Index) | The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4). |
IN | propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked | (Index) | OK-flag for propmat_clearsky_agenda. |
IN | nlte_do | (Index) | Flag to perform Non-LTE calculations. |