ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method x2artsAtmAndSurf


Maps x to atmospheric and surface variables.

Maps OEM's state vector, x, to the matching ARTS variables. This
method handles atmospheric and surface variables. If you retrieve
other variables, make sure that you also call x2artsSensor and/or

The following retrieval quantities are handled by this method:
   Absorption species
   Scattering species
   Surface variables

Should only be used inside inversion_iterate_agenda.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


x2artsAtmAndSurf( vmr_field, t_field, particle_bulkprop_field, wind_u_field, wind_v_field, wind_w_field, mag_u_field, mag_v_field, mag_w_field, surface_props_data, jacobian_quantities, x, atmfields_checked, atmgeom_checked, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, abs_species, cloudbox_on, cloudbox_checked, particle_bulkprop_names, surface_props_names, water_p_eq_agenda )


OUT+INvmr_field(Tensor4)VMR field.
OUT+INt_field(Tensor3)The field of atmospheric temperatures.
OUT+INparticle_bulkprop_field(Tensor4)Container for various data that describes scattering bulk properties.
OUT+INwind_u_field(Tensor3)Zonal component of the wind field.
OUT+INwind_v_field(Tensor3)Meridional component of the magnetic field.
OUT+INwind_w_field(Tensor3)Vertical wind component field.
OUT+INmag_u_field(Tensor3)Zonal component of the magnetic field.
OUT+INmag_v_field(Tensor3)Meridional component of the magnetic field.
OUT+INmag_w_field(Tensor3)Vertical component of the magnetic field.
OUT+INsurface_props_data(Tensor3)Various surface properties.
INjacobian_quantities(ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity)The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix.
INx(Vector)The state vector.
INatmfields_checked(Index)OK-flag for atmospheric grids and (physical) fields.
INatmgeom_checked(Index)OK-flag for the geometry of the model atmosphere.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INp_grid(Vector)The pressure grid.
INlat_grid(Vector)The latitude grid.
INlon_grid(Vector)The longitude grid.
INabs_species(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag)Tag groups for gas absorption.
INcloudbox_on(Index)Flag to activate the cloud box.
INcloudbox_checked(Index)OK-flag for variables associated with the cloudbox.
INparticle_bulkprop_names(ArrayOfString)Identification of the data in particle_bulkprop_field.
INsurface_props_names(ArrayOfString)Name on surface properties found in surface_props_data.
INwater_p_eq_agenda(Agenda)Agenda to calculate the saturation pressure of water.