ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable vmr_field
VMR field. This variable gives the volume mixing ratio of the chosen gaseous species as a function of p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid. See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables". Units: [ Differ between the elements, can be VMR, kg/m3 or #/m3. ] Dimensions: [species, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid]
Group: Tensor4
Specific methods that can generate vmr_field
- AtmFieldsCalc
- AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D
- AtmFieldsExpand1D
- AtmFieldsExtract1D
- AtmFieldsRefinePgrid
- AtmFieldsAndParticleBulkPropFieldFromCompact
- OptimizeDoitPressureGrid
- vmr_fieldClip
- vmr_fieldPerturb
- vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids
- vmr_fieldSetAllConstant
- vmr_fieldSetConstant
- x2artsAtmAndSurf
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate vmr_field
- Tensor4Create
- Append
- AtmFieldPRegrid
- Copy
- Extract
- FieldFromGriddedField
- Flatten
- RadiationFieldSpectralIntegrate
- ReadNetCDF
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Reduce
- RT4Test
- particle_fieldCleanup
- Tensor4AddScalar
- Tensor4Scale
- Tensor4SetConstant
- Touch
Specific methods that require vmr_field
- AbsInputFromAtmFields
- abs_lookupSetup
- AtmFieldsExpand1D
- AtmFieldsExtract1D
- AtmFieldsRefinePgrid
- atmfields_checkedCalc
- cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D
- cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP
- cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D
- DisortCalc
- DisortCalcWithARTSSurface
- DisortCalcClearsky
- OptimizeDoitPressureGrid
- iyActiveSingleScat
- iyActiveSingleScat2
- iyEmissionStandard
- iyEmissionStandardSequential
- iyHybrid
- iyHybrid2
- iyIndependentBeamApproximation
- iyMC
- iyTransmissionStandard
- MCGeneral
- MCRadar
- nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines
- ppath_stepRefractionBasic
- propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc
- line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D
- RT4Calc
- RT4CalcWithRT4Surface
- spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel
- spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- vmr_fieldClip
- vmr_fieldPerturb
- vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids
- vmr_fieldSetAllConstant
- vmr_fieldSetConstant
- xaStandard
- x2artsAtmAndSurf
- z_fieldFromHSE
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use vmr_field
- Append
- AtmFieldPRegrid
- cloudboxSetAutomatically
- Compare
- Compare
- CompareRelative
- CompareRelative
- Copy
- Delete
- Extract
- Ignore
- ncolsGet
- nrowsGet
- npagesGet
- nbooksGet
- nlte_fieldFromRaw
- Reduce
- particle_fieldCleanup
- Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4
- Tensor4AddScalar
- Tensor4Scale
- WriteNetCDF
- WriteNetCDFIndexed
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate vmr_field
- none