ARTS  2.4.0(git:4fb77825)
arts_api_classes.h File Reference

This file contains all declarations of the ARTS C API class interface. More...

#include "matpack.h"

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#define DLL_PUBLIC   __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define BasicInterfaceCAPI(TYPE)
#define GetterSetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE, BASETYPE)
#define EnumGetterSetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE, ENUM)
#define VoidGetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE)
#define VoidStructGetterCAPI(TYPE, VALUE)
#define BasicInputOutputCAPI(TYPE)
#define VoidArrayCAPI(TYPE)
#define VoidArrayElemCAPI(TYPE, ELEM)


 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Index) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Index) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfIndex) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfIndex) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfIndex) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfIndex) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfIndex) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfIndex) DLL_PUBLIC Index getIndex(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setIndex (void *, Index)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Numeric) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Numeric) DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getNumeric(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void setNumeric (void *data, Numeric newval)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (ZeemanModel) GetterSetterCAPI(ZeemanModel
Numeric GetterSetterCAPI (ZeemanModel, gl, Numeric) BasicInterfaceCAPI(Rational) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Rational) GetterSetterCAPI(Rational
Numeric Index GetterSetterCAPI (Rational, Denom, Index) DLL_PUBLIC void simplifyRational(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void printLineShapeModelParameters (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getLineShapeModelParametersType (char *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel) VoidGetterCAPI(LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel
G0 VoidGetterCAPI (LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel, D0) VoidGetterCAPI(LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel
G0 G2 VoidGetterCAPI (LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel, D2) VoidGetterCAPI(LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel
G0 G2 FVC VoidGetterCAPI (LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel, ETA) VoidGetterCAPI(LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel
G0 G2 FVC Y VoidGetterCAPI (LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel, G) VoidGetterCAPI(LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel
G0 G2 FVC Y DV BasicInterfaceCAPI (LineShapeModel) VoidArrayCAPI(LineShapeModel) BasicInterfaceCAPI(AbsorptionSingleLine) GetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionSingleLine
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric GetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionSingleLine, I0, Numeric) GetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionSingleLine
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric GetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionSingleLine, g_low, Numeric) GetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionSingleLine
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric GetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionSingleLine, A, Numeric) VoidGetterCAPI(AbsorptionSingleLine
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman VoidGetterCAPI (AbsorptionSingleLine, LineShape) VoidArrayElemCAPI(AbsorptionSingleLine
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers VoidArrayElemCAPI (AbsorptionSingleLine, UpperQuantumNumbers) BasicInterfaceCAPI(QuantumNumbers) DLL_PUBLIC void *getelemQuantumNumbers(Index
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers void *DLL_PUBLIC Index sizeQuantumNumbers ()
DLL_PUBLIC Index string2quantumnumbersindex (char *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (QuantumIdentifier) BasicInputOutputCAPI(QuantumIdentifier) EnumGetterSetterCAPI(QuantumIdentifier
QuantumIdentifier::QType GetterSetterCAPI (QuantumIdentifier, Species, Index) GetterSetterCAPI(QuantumIdentifier
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index VoidGetterCAPI (QuantumIdentifier, EnergyLevelQuantumNumbers) VoidGetterCAPI(QuantumIdentifier
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers VoidGetterCAPI (QuantumIdentifier, UpperQuantumNumbers) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier) BasicInterfaceCAPI(SpeciesTag) BasicInputOutputCAPI(SpeciesTag) GetterSetterCAPI(SpeciesTag
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index GetterSetterCAPI (SpeciesTag, Isotopologue, Index) GetterSetterCAPI(SpeciesTag
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric GetterSetterCAPI (SpeciesTag, Lf, Numeric) GetterSetterCAPI(SpeciesTag
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric Index GetterSetterCAPI (SpeciesTag, CIADataset, Index) EnumGetterSetterCAPI(SpeciesTag
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric Index Index VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfSpeciesTag) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfSpeciesTag) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfSpeciesTag) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag) DLL_PUBLIC Index setSpeciesTag(void *
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric Index Index char *DLL_PUBLIC Index validSpecies (Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index validAllIsotopologues (Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index validIsotopologue (Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index validContinuum (Index, Index)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (AbsorptionLines) BasicInputOutputCAPI(AbsorptionLines) GetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionLines
bool GetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionLines, Bath, bool) EnumGetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionLines
bool Absorption::CutoffType EnumGetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionLines, LineShapeType, LineShape::Type) EnumGetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionLines
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType EnumGetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionLines, Population, Absorption::PopulationType) EnumGetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionLines
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType GetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionLines, T0, Numeric) GetterSetterCAPI(AbsorptionLines
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType Numeric GetterSetterCAPI (AbsorptionLines, LinemixingLimit, Numeric) VoidGetterCAPI(AbsorptionLines
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType Numeric QuantumIdentity VoidArrayElemCAPI (AbsorptionLines, LocalQuanta) VoidGetterCAPI(AbsorptionLines
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType Numeric QuantumIdentity BroadeningSpecies VoidArrayElemCAPI (AbsorptionLines, AllLines) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfAbsorptionLines) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfAbsorptionLines) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfAbsorptionLines) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines) DLL_PUBLIC void printmetaAbsorptionLines(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index isAbsorptionLinesOK (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * getSpeciesNameAbsorptionLines (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (EnergyLevelMap) BasicInputOutputCAPI(EnergyLevelMap) EnumGetterSetterCAPI(EnergyLevelMap
EnergyLevelMapType VoidGetterCAPI (EnergyLevelMap, Levels) VoidGetterCAPI(EnergyLevelMap
EnergyLevelMapType Energies VoidGetterCAPI (EnergyLevelMap, Data) DLL_PUBLIC bool getOKEnergyLevelMap(void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Vector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Vector) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfVector) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfVector) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfVector) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfVector) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeVector(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index nelemVector (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataVector (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Matrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Matrix) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfMatrix) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfMatrix) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeMatrix(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsMatrix (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsMatrix (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataMatrix (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Tensor3) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Tensor3) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfTensor3) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTensor3) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTensor3) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeTensor3(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor3 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor3 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor3 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataTensor3 (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Tensor4) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Tensor4) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfTensor4) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTensor4) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTensor4) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeTensor4(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor4 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor4 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor4 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor4 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataTensor4 (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Tensor5) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Tensor5) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfTensor5) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTensor5) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTensor5) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeTensor5(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor5 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor5 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor5 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor5 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor5 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataTensor5 (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Tensor6) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Tensor6) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfTensor6) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTensor6) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTensor6) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeTensor6(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index vitrinesTensor6 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor6 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor6 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor6 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor6 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor6 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataTensor6 (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Tensor7) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Tensor7) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfTensor7) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTensor7) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTensor7) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeTensor7(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index librariesTensor7 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index vitrinesTensor7 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor7 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor7 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor7 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor7 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor7 (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataTensor7 (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (PropagationMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(PropagationMatrix) VoidGetterCAPI(PropagationMatrix
Data VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfPropagationMatrix) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfPropagationMatrix) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix) DLL_PUBLIC Index stokesPropagationMatrix(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index frequenciesPropagationMatrix (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index zenithsPropagationMatrix (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index azimuthsPropagationMatrix (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setPropagationMatrix (void *, Index, Index, Index, Index, Numeric)
DLL_PUBLIC bool getOKPropagationMatrix (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (StokesVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(StokesVector) VoidGetterCAPI(StokesVector
Data VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfStokesVector) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfStokesVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfStokesVector) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector) DLL_PUBLIC Index stokesStokesVector(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index frequenciesStokesVector (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index zenithsStokesVector (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index azimuthsStokesVector (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setStokesVector (void *, Index, Index, Index, Index, Numeric)
DLL_PUBLIC bool getOKStokesVector (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (String) BasicInputOutputCAPI(String) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfString) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfString) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfString) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfString) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfString) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfString) DLL_PUBLIC void setString(void *data
DLL_PUBLIC char * getString (void *data)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GridPos) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GridPos) VoidStructGetterCAPI(GridPos
idx VoidStructGetterCAPI (GridPos, fd) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfGridPos) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfGridPos) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfGridPos) BasicInterfaceCAPI(GridPosPoly) VoidStructGetterCAPI(GridPosPoly
idx idx VoidStructGetterCAPI (GridPosPoly, w) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfGridPosPoly) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfGridPosPoly) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfGridPosPoly) BasicInterfaceCAPI(Ppath) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Ppath) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, np) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, background) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, start_los) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, pos) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, r) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, end_pos) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, end_lstep) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, ngroup) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal gp_p VoidStructGetterCAPI (Ppath, gp_lat) VoidStructGetterCAPI(Ppath
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal gp_p gp_lon VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfPpath) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfPpath) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfPpath) BasicInterfaceCAPI(TransmissionMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(TransmissionMatrix) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix) DLL_PUBLIC Numeric *getMat1TransmissionMatrix(Index
idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal gp_p gp_lon void *DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetMat2TransmissionMatrix (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetMat3TransmissionMatrix (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetMat4TransmissionMatrix (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setTransmissionMatrix (void *, Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getStokesDimTransmissionMatrix (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getFrequenciesTransmissionMatrix (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (RadiationVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(RadiationVector) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfRadiationVector) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfRadiationVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfRadiationVector) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector) DLL_PUBLIC Numeric *getVec1RadiationVector(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetVec2RadiationVector (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetVec3RadiationVector (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetVec4RadiationVector (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setRadiationVector (void *, Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getStokesDimRadiationVector (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getFrequenciesRadiationVector (void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GriddedField1) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GriddedField1) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField1) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField1) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField1) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_dimGriddedField1(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField1 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField1 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField1 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField1 (void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField1 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField1 (Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField1 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField1 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField1 (Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField1 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField1 (void *data)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GriddedField2) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GriddedField2) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField2) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField2) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField2) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_dimGriddedField2(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField2 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField2 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField2 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField2 (void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField2 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField2 (Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField2 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField2 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField2 (Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField2 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField2 (void *data)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GriddedField3) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GriddedField3) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField3) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField3) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField3) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_dimGriddedField3(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField3 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField3 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField3 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField3 (void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField3 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField3 (Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField3 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField3 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField3 (Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField3 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField3 (void *data)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GriddedField4) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GriddedField4) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField4) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField4) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfGriddedField4) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_dimGriddedField4(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField4 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField4 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField4 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField4 (void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField4 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField4 (Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField4 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField4 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField4 (Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField4 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField4 (void *data)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GriddedField5) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GriddedField5) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_dimGriddedField5(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField5 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField5 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField5 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField5 (void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField5 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField5 (Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField5 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField5 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField5 (Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField5 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField5 (void *data)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GriddedField6) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GriddedField6) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_dimGriddedField6(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField6 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField6 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_nameGriddedField6 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField6 (void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC char * get_grid_nameGriddedField6 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField6 (Index i, void *data, char *newdata)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_numeric_gridGriddedField6 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_string_gridGriddedField6 (Index i, void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField6 (Index i, void *data, void *newdata, bool NumericType)
DLL_PUBLIC void * dataGriddedField6 (void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField6 (void *data)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (SpeciesAuxData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(SpeciesAuxData) DLL_PUBLIC void initSpeciesAuxData(void *data)
DLL_PUBLIC bool validindexSpeciesAuxData (void *data, Index s, Index i)
DLL_PUBLIC void * getDataSpeciesAuxData (void *data, Index s, Index i)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeFromIndexSpeciesAuxData (void *data, Index s, Index i, Index t)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getTypeSpeciesAuxData (void *data, Index s, Index i)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (CIARecord) BasicInputOutputCAPI(CIARecord) VoidGetterCAPI(CIARecord
Data VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfCIARecord) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfCIARecord) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfCIARecord) DLL_PUBLIC Index getSpecies1CIARecord(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getSpecies2CIARecord (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setSpeciesCIARecord (void *, Index, Index)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Verbosity) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Verbosity) DLL_PUBLIC Index getAgendaVerbosity(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getScreenVerbosity (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getFileVerbosity (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC bool getMainVerbosity (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setVerbosity (void *, Index, Index, Index, bool)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (TessemNN) BasicInputOutputCAPI(TessemNN) VoidStructGetterCAPI(TessemNN
nb_inputs VoidStructGetterCAPI (TessemNN, nb_outputs) VoidStructGetterCAPI(TessemNN
nb_inputs nb_cache VoidStructGetterCAPI (TessemNN, b1) VoidStructGetterCAPI(TessemNN
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 VoidStructGetterCAPI (TessemNN, w1) VoidStructGetterCAPI(TessemNN
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 VoidStructGetterCAPI (TessemNN, x_min) VoidStructGetterCAPI(TessemNN
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max VoidStructGetterCAPI (TessemNN, y_min) VoidStructGetterCAPI(TessemNN
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max BasicInterfaceCAPI (SingleScatteringData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(SingleScatteringData) VoidStructGetterCAPI(SingleScatteringData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype VoidStructGetterCAPI (SingleScatteringData, description) VoidStructGetterCAPI(SingleScatteringData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid VoidStructGetterCAPI (SingleScatteringData, T_grid) VoidStructGetterCAPI(SingleScatteringData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid VoidStructGetterCAPI (SingleScatteringData, aa_grid) VoidStructGetterCAPI(SingleScatteringData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data VoidStructGetterCAPI (SingleScatteringData, ext_mat_data) VoidStructGetterCAPI(SingleScatteringData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfSingleScatteringData) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfSingleScatteringData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfSingleScatteringData) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ScatteringMetaData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ScatteringMetaData) VoidStructGetterCAPI(ScatteringMetaData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description VoidStructGetterCAPI (ScatteringMetaData, source) VoidStructGetterCAPI(ScatteringMetaData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description refr_index VoidStructGetterCAPI (ScatteringMetaData, mass) VoidStructGetterCAPI(ScatteringMetaData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description refr_index diameter_max VoidStructGetterCAPI (ScatteringMetaData, diameter_volume_equ) VoidStructGetterCAPI(ScatteringMetaData
nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description refr_index diameter_max diameter_area_equ_aerodynamical VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfScatteringMetaData) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfScatteringMetaData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfScatteringMetaData) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData) BasicInterfaceCAPI(Timer) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Timer) DLL_PUBLIC bool getrunningTimer(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC bool getfinishedTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_utimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_stimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_cutimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_cstimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getrealtime_startTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_utimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_stimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_cutimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_cstimeTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index getrealtime_endTimer (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setrunningTimer (void *, bool)
DLL_PUBLIC void setfinishedTimer (void *, bool)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_utimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_stimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_cutimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_cstimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setrealtime_startTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_utimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_stimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_cutimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_cstimeTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void setrealtime_endTimer (void *, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC bool supportTimer ()
DLL_PUBLIC Index tickTimer ()
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (TelsemAtlas) BasicInputOutputCAPI(TelsemAtlas) VoidGetterCAPI(TelsemAtlas
DataCount VoidGetterCAPI (TelsemAtlas, ChannelCount) VoidGetterCAPI(TelsemAtlas
DataCount Name VoidGetterCAPI (TelsemAtlas, Month) VoidGetterCAPI(TelsemAtlas
DataCount Name Lat VoidGetterCAPI (TelsemAtlas, Cells) VoidGetterCAPI(TelsemAtlas
DataCount Name Lat FirstCells VoidGetterCAPI (TelsemAtlas, Emis) VoidGetterCAPI(TelsemAtlas
DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err VoidGetterCAPI (TelsemAtlas, Correlations) VoidGetterCAPI(TelsemAtlas
DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err Classes1 VoidGetterCAPI (TelsemAtlas, Classes2) VoidGetterCAPI(TelsemAtlas
DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err Classes1 Cellnumber VoidGetterCAPI (TelsemAtlas, Correspondance) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfTelsemAtlas) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTelsemAtlas) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTelsemAtlas) DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_K0TelsemAtlas(Index
DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err Classes1 Cellnumber void *DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_K1TelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_K2TelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA1_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA2_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA3_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB0_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB1_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB2_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB3_EVEHTelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getRAPPORT43_32TelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getRAPPORT54_43TelsemAtlas (Index, void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (MCAntenna) BasicInputOutputCAPI(MCAntenna) VoidGetterCAPI(MCAntenna
saa VoidGetterCAPI (MCAntenna, sza) VoidGetterCAPI(MCAntenna
saa aag VoidGetterCAPI (MCAntenna, zag) VoidGetterCAPI(MCAntenna
saa aag G DLL_PUBLIC Index getTypeMCAntenna (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeMCAntenna (void *, Index)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (GasAbsLookup) BasicInputOutputCAPI(GasAbsLookup) VoidGetterCAPI(GasAbsLookup
Species VoidGetterCAPI (GasAbsLookup, NonLinearSpecies) VoidGetterCAPI(GasAbsLookup
Species Fgrid VoidGetterCAPI (GasAbsLookup, FGPDefault) VoidGetterCAPI(GasAbsLookup
Species Fgrid Pgrid VoidGetterCAPI (GasAbsLookup, LogPgrid) VoidGetterCAPI(GasAbsLookup
Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs VoidGetterCAPI (GasAbsLookup, Tref) VoidGetterCAPI(GasAbsLookup
Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert VoidGetterCAPI (GasAbsLookup, NLSPert) VoidGetterCAPI(GasAbsLookup
Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec BasicInterfaceCAPI (XsecRecord) BasicInputOutputCAPI(XsecRecord) VoidGetterCAPI(XsecRecord
Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs VoidGetterCAPI (XsecRecord, RefPressure) VoidGetterCAPI(XsecRecord
Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs RefTemperature VoidGetterCAPI (XsecRecord, Fgrids) VoidGetterCAPI(XsecRecord
Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs RefTemperature Xsecs VoidGetterCAPI (XsecRecord, TemperatureSlope) VoidGetterCAPI(XsecRecord
Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs RefTemperature Xsecs TemperatureIntersect VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfXsecRecord) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfXsecRecord) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfXsecRecord) DLL_PUBLIC Index getSpeciesXsecRecord(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setSpeciesXsecRecord (void *, Index)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Sparse) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Sparse) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfSparse) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfSparse) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfSparse) DLL_PUBLIC void resizeSparse(Index
void *DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsSparse (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index colsSparse (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index sizeSparse (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC int * rowsptrSparse (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC int * colsptrSparse (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC NumericgetDataSparse (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setDataSparse (void *, Index, Index, Numeric)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (CovarianceMatrix) BasicInputOutputCAPI(CovarianceMatrix) VoidArrayElemCAPI(CovarianceMatrix
get_blocks VoidArrayElemCAPI (CovarianceMatrix, get_inverse_blocks) BasicInterfaceCAPI(Any) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Any) BasicInterfaceCAPI(Agenda) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Agenda) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfAgenda) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfAgenda) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfAgenda) BasicInterfaceCAPI(RetrievalQuantity) BasicInputOutputCAPI(RetrievalQuantity) VoidGetterCAPI(RetrievalQuantity
get_blocks MainTag VoidGetterCAPI (RetrievalQuantity, SubTag) VoidGetterCAPI(RetrievalQuantity
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag VoidGetterCAPI (RetrievalQuantity, Mode) VoidGetterCAPI(RetrievalQuantity
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical VoidGetterCAPI (RetrievalQuantity, Perturbation) VoidGetterCAPI(RetrievalQuantity
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids VoidGetterCAPI (RetrievalQuantity, QuantumIdentity) VoidGetterCAPI(RetrievalQuantity
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc VoidGetterCAPI (RetrievalQuantity, TFuncParameters) VoidGetterCAPI(RetrievalQuantity
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc Transformation VoidGetterCAPI (RetrievalQuantity, Offset) GetterSetterCAPI(RetrievalQuantity
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc Transformation bool VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity) DLL_PUBLIC Index getTypeRetrievalQuantity(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeRetrievalQuantity (void *, Index)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Range) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_startRange(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_strideRange (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_extentRange (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void setRange (void *, Index, Index, Index)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Block) VoidGetterCAPI(Block
get_row_range VoidGetterCAPI (Block, get_column_range) VoidGetterCAPI(Block
get_row_range get_dense VoidGetterCAPI (Block, get_sparse) DLL_PUBLIC Index get_matrix_typeBlock(void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_index1Block (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC Index get_index2Block (void *)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_indicesBlock (void *, Index, Index)
DLL_PUBLIC void set_matrixBlock (void *, void *, bool)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (Time) BasicInputOutputCAPI(Time) GetterSetterCAPI(Time
Numeric VoidArrayCAPI (ArrayOfTime) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfTime) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfTime) VoidArrayCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTime) BasicInterfaceCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTime) BasicInputOutputCAPI(ArrayOfArrayOfTime) DLL_PUBLIC void setTime(void *
Numeric void *DLL_PUBLIC bool equalTime (void *, void *)
DLL_PUBLIC bool lessTime (void *, void *)
 BasicInterfaceCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData) BasicInputOutputCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0rr) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0rq) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq W0rp VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0rp) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0qr) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0qq) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0qp) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp W0pr VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0pr) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp W0pr W0pq VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0pq) VoidStructGetterCAPI(HitranRelaxationMatrixData
W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp W0pr W0pq W0pp VoidStructGetterCAPI (HitranRelaxationMatrixData, B0pp) DLL_PUBLIC Index string2filetypeindex(char *)
DLL_PUBLIC void * get_list_of_all_workspace_classes ()


Numeric Nom
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric E0
G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric g_upp
QuantumIdentifier::QType Isotopologue
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Species
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Uf
QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric CIASecond
bool Cutoff
bool Absorption::CutoffType Mirroring
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Normalization
bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType CutoffFreqValue
char * newdata
get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc Transformation Integration

Detailed Description

This file contains all declarations of the ARTS C API class interface.

Richard Larsson

Definition in file arts_api_classes.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ BasicInputOutputCAPI

#define BasicInputOutputCAPI (   TYPE)
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
Index xmlread##TYPE(void * data, char * filepath); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
Index xmlsave##TYPE(void * data, char * filepath, Index filetype, Index clobber);

Definition at line 76 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI

#define BasicInterfaceCAPI (   TYPE)
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void * create##TYPE(); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void delete##TYPE(void * data); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void print##TYPE(void * data);

Definition at line 41 of file arts_api_classes.h.


#define DLL_PUBLIC   __attribute__((visibility("default")))

Definition at line 35 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ EnumGetterSetterCAPI

#define EnumGetterSetterCAPI (   TYPE,
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
Index get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
Index set##VALUE##TYPE(void * data, Index newval); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
Index string2index##VALUE##TYPE(void * data, char * newval);

Definition at line 57 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ GetterSetterCAPI

#define GetterSetterCAPI (   TYPE,
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
BASETYPE get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void set##VALUE##TYPE(void * data, BASETYPE newval);

Definition at line 50 of file arts_api_classes.h.



Definition at line 36 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ VoidArrayCAPI

#define VoidArrayCAPI (   TYPE)
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
Index size##TYPE(void * data); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void resize##TYPE(Index n, void * data); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void * getelem##TYPE(Index i, void * data);

Definition at line 83 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ VoidArrayElemCAPI

#define VoidArrayElemCAPI (   TYPE,
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
Index size##ELEM##TYPE(void * data); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void resize##ELEM##TYPE(Index n, void * data); \
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void * getelem##ELEM##TYPE(Index i, void * data);

Definition at line 92 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ VoidGetterCAPI

#define VoidGetterCAPI (   TYPE,
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void * get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data);

Definition at line 66 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI

#define VoidStructGetterCAPI (   TYPE,
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) \
void * get##VALUE##TYPE(void * data);

Definition at line 71 of file arts_api_classes.h.

Function Documentation

◆ azimuthsPropagationMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Index azimuthsPropagationMatrix ( void *  )

◆ azimuthsStokesVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Index azimuthsStokesVector ( void *  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [1/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( AbsorptionLines  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [2/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Block  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [3/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( CIARecord  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [4/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( CovarianceMatrix  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [5/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( EnergyLevelMap  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [6/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GasAbsLookup  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [7/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GriddedField1  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [8/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GriddedField2  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [9/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GriddedField3  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [10/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GriddedField4  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [11/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GriddedField5  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [12/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GriddedField6  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [13/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( GridPos  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [14/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [15/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Index  )

Definition at line 160 of file

References data.

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [16/41]

G0 G2 FVC Y DV BasicInterfaceCAPI ( LineShapeModel  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [17/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [18/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Matrix  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [19/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( MCAntenna  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [20/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Numeric  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [21/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( PropagationMatrix  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [22/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( QuantumIdentifier  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [23/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( RadiationVector  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [24/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Range  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [25/41]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max BasicInterfaceCAPI ( SingleScatteringData  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [26/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Sparse  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [27/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( SpeciesAuxData  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [28/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( StokesVector  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [29/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( String  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [30/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [31/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Tensor3  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [32/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Tensor4  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [33/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Tensor5  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [34/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Tensor6  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [35/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Tensor7  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [36/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( TessemNN  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [37/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Time  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [38/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Vector  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [39/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( Verbosity  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [40/41]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec BasicInterfaceCAPI ( XsecRecord  )

◆ BasicInterfaceCAPI() [41/41]

BasicInterfaceCAPI ( ZeemanModel  )

◆ booksTensor4()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor4 ( void *  )

◆ booksTensor5()

DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor5 ( void *  )

◆ booksTensor6()

DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor6 ( void *  )

◆ booksTensor7()

DLL_PUBLIC Index booksTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ checksizeGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField1 ( void *  data)

◆ checksizeGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField2 ( void *  data)

◆ checksizeGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField3 ( void *  data)

◆ checksizeGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField4 ( void *  data)

◆ checksizeGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField5 ( void *  data)

◆ checksizeGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC bool checksizeGriddedField6 ( void *  data)

◆ colsMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Index colsMatrix ( void *  )

◆ colsptrSparse()

DLL_PUBLIC int* colsptrSparse ( void *  )

◆ colsSparse()

DLL_PUBLIC Index colsSparse ( void *  )

◆ colsTensor3()

DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor3 ( void *  )

◆ colsTensor4()

DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor4 ( void *  )

◆ colsTensor5()

DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor5 ( void *  )

◆ colsTensor6()

DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor6 ( void *  )

◆ colsTensor7()

DLL_PUBLIC Index colsTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ dataGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC void* dataGriddedField1 ( void *  data)

◆ dataGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC void* dataGriddedField2 ( void *  data)

◆ dataGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC void* dataGriddedField3 ( void *  data)

◆ dataGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC void* dataGriddedField4 ( void *  data)

◆ dataGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC void* dataGriddedField5 ( void *  data)

◆ dataGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC void* dataGriddedField6 ( void *  data)

◆ EnumGetterSetterCAPI() [1/2]

bool Absorption::CutoffType EnumGetterSetterCAPI ( AbsorptionLines  ,
LineShapeType  ,

◆ EnumGetterSetterCAPI() [2/2]

bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType EnumGetterSetterCAPI ( AbsorptionLines  ,
Population  ,

◆ equalTime()

Numeric void* DLL_PUBLIC bool equalTime ( void *  ,
void *   

◆ frequenciesPropagationMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Index frequenciesPropagationMatrix ( void *  )

◆ frequenciesStokesVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Index frequenciesStokesVector ( void *  )

◆ get_extentRange()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_extentRange ( void *  )

◆ get_grid_nameGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_grid_nameGriddedField1 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_nameGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_grid_nameGriddedField2 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_nameGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_grid_nameGriddedField3 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_nameGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_grid_nameGriddedField4 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_nameGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_grid_nameGriddedField5 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_nameGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_grid_nameGriddedField6 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_sizeGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField1 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_sizeGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField2 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_sizeGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField3 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_sizeGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField4 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_sizeGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField5 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_sizeGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_sizeGriddedField6 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField1 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField2 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField3 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField4 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField5 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_grid_typeIndexGriddedField6 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_index1Block()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_index1Block ( void *  )

◆ get_index2Block()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_index2Block ( void *  )

◆ get_list_of_all_workspace_classes()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_list_of_all_workspace_classes ( )

◆ get_nameGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_nameGriddedField1 ( void *  data)

◆ get_nameGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_nameGriddedField2 ( void *  data)

◆ get_nameGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_nameGriddedField3 ( void *  data)

◆ get_nameGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_nameGriddedField4 ( void *  data)

◆ get_nameGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_nameGriddedField5 ( void *  data)

◆ get_nameGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC char* get_nameGriddedField6 ( void *  data)

◆ get_numeric_gridGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_numeric_gridGriddedField1 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_numeric_gridGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_numeric_gridGriddedField2 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_numeric_gridGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_numeric_gridGriddedField3 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_numeric_gridGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_numeric_gridGriddedField4 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_numeric_gridGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_numeric_gridGriddedField5 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_numeric_gridGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_numeric_gridGriddedField6 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_strideRange()

DLL_PUBLIC Index get_strideRange ( void *  )

◆ get_string_gridGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_string_gridGriddedField1 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_string_gridGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_string_gridGriddedField2 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_string_gridGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_string_gridGriddedField3 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_string_gridGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_string_gridGriddedField4 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_string_gridGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_string_gridGriddedField5 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ get_string_gridGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC void* get_string_gridGriddedField6 ( Index  i,
void *  data 

◆ getA0_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getA0_K1TelsemAtlas()

DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err Classes1 Cellnumber void* DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_K1TelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getA0_K2TelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA0_K2TelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getA1_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA1_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getA2_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA2_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getA3_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getA3_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getB0_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB0_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getB1_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB1_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getB2_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB2_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getB3_EVEHTelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getB3_EVEHTelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getcputime_end_cstimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_cstimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getcputime_end_cutimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_cutimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getcputime_end_stimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_stimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getcputime_end_utimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_end_utimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getcputime_start_cstimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_cstimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getcputime_start_cutimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_cutimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getcputime_start_stimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_stimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getcputime_start_utimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getcputime_start_utimeTimer ( void *  )

◆ getDataMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataMatrix ( void *  )

◆ getDataSparse()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataSparse ( void *  )

◆ getDataSpeciesAuxData()

DLL_PUBLIC void* getDataSpeciesAuxData ( void *  data,
Index  s,
Index  i 

◆ getDataTensor3()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataTensor3 ( void *  )

◆ getDataTensor4()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataTensor4 ( void *  )

◆ getDataTensor5()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataTensor5 ( void *  )

◆ getDataTensor6()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataTensor6 ( void *  )

◆ getDataTensor7()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ getDataVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getDataVector ( void *  )

◆ getFileVerbosity()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getFileVerbosity ( void *  )

◆ getfinishedTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC bool getfinishedTimer ( void *  )

◆ getFrequenciesRadiationVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getFrequenciesRadiationVector ( void *  )

◆ getFrequenciesTransmissionMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getFrequenciesTransmissionMatrix ( void *  )

◆ getLineShapeModelParametersType()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getLineShapeModelParametersType ( char *  )

Definition at line 195 of file

References data, and LineShape::string2temperaturemodel().

◆ getMainVerbosity()

DLL_PUBLIC bool getMainVerbosity ( void *  )

◆ getMat2TransmissionMatrix()

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal gp_p gp_lon void* DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getMat2TransmissionMatrix ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getMat3TransmissionMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getMat3TransmissionMatrix ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getMat4TransmissionMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getMat4TransmissionMatrix ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getOKPropagationMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC bool getOKPropagationMatrix ( void *  )

◆ getOKStokesVector()

DLL_PUBLIC bool getOKStokesVector ( void *  )

◆ getRAPPORT43_32TelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getRAPPORT43_32TelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getRAPPORT54_43TelsemAtlas()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric getRAPPORT54_43TelsemAtlas ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getrealtime_endTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getrealtime_endTimer ( void *  )

◆ getrealtime_startTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getrealtime_startTimer ( void *  )

◆ getScreenVerbosity()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getScreenVerbosity ( void *  )

◆ getSpecies2CIARecord()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getSpecies2CIARecord ( void *  )

◆ getSpeciesNameAbsorptionLines()

DLL_PUBLIC void* getSpeciesNameAbsorptionLines ( void *  )

◆ getStokesDimRadiationVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getStokesDimRadiationVector ( void *  )

◆ getStokesDimTransmissionMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getStokesDimTransmissionMatrix ( void *  )

◆ getString()

DLL_PUBLIC char* getString ( void *  data)

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [1/12]

bool GetterSetterCAPI ( AbsorptionLines  ,
Bath  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [2/12]

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [3/12]

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [4/12]

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric GetterSetterCAPI ( AbsorptionSingleLine  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [5/12]

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric GetterSetterCAPI ( AbsorptionSingleLine  ,
g_low  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [6/12]

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric GetterSetterCAPI ( AbsorptionSingleLine  ,
I0  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [7/12]

QuantumIdentifier::QType GetterSetterCAPI ( QuantumIdentifier  ,
Species  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [8/12]

Numeric Index GetterSetterCAPI ( Rational  ,
Denom  ,

Definition at line 189 of file

References data.

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [9/12]

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric Index GetterSetterCAPI ( SpeciesTag  ,
CIADataset  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [10/12]

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index GetterSetterCAPI ( SpeciesTag  ,
Isotopologue  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [11/12]

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric GetterSetterCAPI ( SpeciesTag  ,
Lf  ,

◆ GetterSetterCAPI() [12/12]

Numeric GetterSetterCAPI ( ZeemanModel  ,
gl  ,

◆ getTypeMCAntenna()

saa aag G DLL_PUBLIC Index getTypeMCAntenna ( void *  )

◆ getTypeSpeciesAuxData()

DLL_PUBLIC Index getTypeSpeciesAuxData ( void *  data,
Index  s,
Index  i 

◆ getVec2RadiationVector()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getVec2RadiationVector ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getVec3RadiationVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getVec3RadiationVector ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ getVec4RadiationVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Numeric* getVec4RadiationVector ( Index  ,
void *   

◆ isAbsorptionLinesOK()

DLL_PUBLIC Index isAbsorptionLinesOK ( void *  )

◆ lessTime()

DLL_PUBLIC bool lessTime ( void *  ,
void *   

◆ librariesTensor7()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index librariesTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ nelemVector()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index nelemVector ( void *  )

◆ pagesTensor3()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor3 ( void *  )

◆ pagesTensor4()

DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor4 ( void *  )

◆ pagesTensor5()

DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor5 ( void *  )

◆ pagesTensor6()

DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor6 ( void *  )

◆ pagesTensor7()

DLL_PUBLIC Index pagesTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ printLineShapeModelParameters()

DLL_PUBLIC void printLineShapeModelParameters ( void *  )

Definition at line 194 of file

References data.

◆ rowsMatrix()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsMatrix ( void *  )

◆ rowsptrSparse()

DLL_PUBLIC int* rowsptrSparse ( void *  )

◆ rowsSparse()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsSparse ( void *  )

◆ rowsTensor3()

DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor3 ( void *  )

◆ rowsTensor4()

DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor4 ( void *  )

◆ rowsTensor5()

DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor5 ( void *  )

◆ rowsTensor6()

DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor6 ( void *  )

◆ rowsTensor7()

DLL_PUBLIC Index rowsTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ set_grid_nameGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField1 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_grid_nameGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField2 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_grid_nameGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField3 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_grid_nameGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField4 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_grid_nameGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField5 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_grid_nameGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_grid_nameGriddedField6 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_gridGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField1 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
void *  newdata,
bool  NumericType 

◆ set_gridGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField2 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
void *  newdata,
bool  NumericType 

◆ set_gridGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField3 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
void *  newdata,
bool  NumericType 

◆ set_gridGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField4 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
void *  newdata,
bool  NumericType 

◆ set_gridGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField5 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
void *  newdata,
bool  NumericType 

◆ set_gridGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_gridGriddedField6 ( Index  i,
void *  data,
void *  newdata,
bool  NumericType 

◆ set_indicesBlock()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_indicesBlock ( void *  ,
Index  ,

◆ set_matrixBlock()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_matrixBlock ( void *  ,
void *  ,

◆ set_nameGriddedField1()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField1 ( void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_nameGriddedField2()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField2 ( void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_nameGriddedField3()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField3 ( void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_nameGriddedField4()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField4 ( void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_nameGriddedField5()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField5 ( void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ set_nameGriddedField6()

DLL_PUBLIC void set_nameGriddedField6 ( void *  data,
char *  newdata 

◆ setcputime_end_cstimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_cstimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setcputime_end_cutimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_cutimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setcputime_end_stimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_stimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setcputime_end_utimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_end_utimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setcputime_start_cstimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_cstimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setcputime_start_cutimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_cutimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setcputime_start_stimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_stimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setcputime_start_utimeTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setcputime_start_utimeTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setDataSparse()

DLL_PUBLIC void setDataSparse ( void *  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,

◆ setfinishedTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setfinishedTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setIndex()

DLL_PUBLIC void setIndex ( void *  ,

Definition at line 163 of file

References data.

◆ setNumeric()

DLL_PUBLIC void setNumeric ( void *  data,
Numeric  newval 

Definition at line 176 of file

References data.

◆ setPropagationMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Index setPropagationMatrix ( void *  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,

◆ setRadiationVector()

DLL_PUBLIC void setRadiationVector ( void *  ,
Index  ,

◆ setRange()

DLL_PUBLIC void setRange ( void *  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,

◆ setrealtime_endTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setrealtime_endTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setrealtime_startTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setrealtime_startTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setrunningTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC void setrunningTimer ( void *  ,

◆ setSpeciesCIARecord()

DLL_PUBLIC void setSpeciesCIARecord ( void *  ,
Index  ,

◆ setSpeciesXsecRecord()

DLL_PUBLIC void setSpeciesXsecRecord ( void *  ,

◆ setStokesVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Index setStokesVector ( void *  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,

◆ setTransmissionMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC void setTransmissionMatrix ( void *  ,
Index  ,

◆ setTypeFromIndexSpeciesAuxData()

DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeFromIndexSpeciesAuxData ( void *  data,
Index  s,
Index  i,
Index  t 

◆ setTypeMCAntenna()

DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeMCAntenna ( void *  ,

◆ setTypeRetrievalQuantity()

DLL_PUBLIC Index setTypeRetrievalQuantity ( void *  ,

◆ setVerbosity()

DLL_PUBLIC void setVerbosity ( void *  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,
Index  ,

◆ shelvesTensor5()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor5 ( void *  )

◆ shelvesTensor6()

DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor6 ( void *  )

◆ shelvesTensor7()

DLL_PUBLIC Index shelvesTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ sizeQuantumNumbers()

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers void* DLL_PUBLIC Index sizeQuantumNumbers ( )

Definition at line 233 of file

References J.

◆ sizeSparse()

DLL_PUBLIC Index sizeSparse ( void *  )

◆ string2quantumnumbersindex()

DLL_PUBLIC Index string2quantumnumbersindex ( char *  )

Definition at line 234 of file

References string2quantumnumbertype().

◆ supportTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC bool supportTimer ( )

◆ tickTimer()

DLL_PUBLIC Index tickTimer ( )

◆ validAllIsotopologues()

DLL_PUBLIC Index validAllIsotopologues ( Index  ,

◆ validContinuum()

DLL_PUBLIC Index validContinuum ( Index  ,

◆ validindexSpeciesAuxData()

DLL_PUBLIC bool validindexSpeciesAuxData ( void *  data,
Index  s,
Index  i 

◆ validIsotopologue()

DLL_PUBLIC Index validIsotopologue ( Index  ,

◆ validSpecies()

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric Index Index char* DLL_PUBLIC Index validSpecies ( Index  )

◆ vitrinesTensor6()

void* DLL_PUBLIC Index vitrinesTensor6 ( void *  )

◆ vitrinesTensor7()

DLL_PUBLIC Index vitrinesTensor7 ( void *  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [1/10]

Data VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfCIARecord  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [2/10]

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal gp_p gp_lon VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfPpath  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [3/10]

Data VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfPropagationMatrix  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [4/10]

get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc Transformation bool VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [5/10]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description refr_index diameter_max diameter_area_equ_aerodynamical VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfScatteringMetaData  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [6/10]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfSingleScatteringData  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [7/10]

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric Index Index VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfSpeciesTag  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [8/10]

Data VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfStokesVector  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [9/10]

Numeric VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfTime  )

◆ VoidArrayCAPI() [10/10]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs RefTemperature Xsecs TemperatureIntersect VoidArrayCAPI ( ArrayOfXsecRecord  )

◆ VoidArrayElemCAPI() [1/4]

bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType Numeric QuantumIdentity BroadeningSpecies VoidArrayElemCAPI ( AbsorptionLines  ,

◆ VoidArrayElemCAPI() [2/4]

bool Absorption::CutoffType Absorption::MirroringType Absorption::NormalizationType Numeric QuantumIdentity VoidArrayElemCAPI ( AbsorptionLines  ,

◆ VoidArrayElemCAPI() [3/4]

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers VoidArrayElemCAPI ( AbsorptionSingleLine  ,

◆ VoidArrayElemCAPI() [4/4]

get_blocks VoidArrayElemCAPI ( CovarianceMatrix  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [1/34]

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman VoidGetterCAPI ( AbsorptionSingleLine  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [2/34]

get_row_range VoidGetterCAPI ( Block  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [3/34]

get_row_range get_dense VoidGetterCAPI ( Block  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [4/34]

EnergyLevelMapType Energies VoidGetterCAPI ( EnergyLevelMap  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [5/34]

EnergyLevelMapType VoidGetterCAPI ( EnergyLevelMap  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [6/34]

Species Fgrid VoidGetterCAPI ( GasAbsLookup  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [7/34]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VoidGetterCAPI ( GasAbsLookup  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [8/34]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert VoidGetterCAPI ( GasAbsLookup  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [9/34]

Species VoidGetterCAPI ( GasAbsLookup  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [10/34]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs VoidGetterCAPI ( GasAbsLookup  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [11/34]

G0 VoidGetterCAPI ( LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [12/34]

G0 G2 VoidGetterCAPI ( LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [13/34]

G0 G2 FVC VoidGetterCAPI ( LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [14/34]

G0 G2 FVC Y VoidGetterCAPI ( LineShapeSingleSpeciesModel  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [15/34]

saa VoidGetterCAPI ( MCAntenna  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [16/34]

saa aag VoidGetterCAPI ( MCAntenna  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [17/34]

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index VoidGetterCAPI ( QuantumIdentifier  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [18/34]

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers VoidGetterCAPI ( QuantumIdentifier  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [19/34]

get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag VoidGetterCAPI ( RetrievalQuantity  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [20/34]

get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc Transformation VoidGetterCAPI ( RetrievalQuantity  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [21/34]

get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical VoidGetterCAPI ( RetrievalQuantity  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [22/34]

get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids VoidGetterCAPI ( RetrievalQuantity  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [23/34]

get_blocks MainTag VoidGetterCAPI ( RetrievalQuantity  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [24/34]

get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc VoidGetterCAPI ( RetrievalQuantity  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [25/34]

DataCount Name Lat VoidGetterCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [26/34]

DataCount VoidGetterCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [27/34]

DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err Classes1 VoidGetterCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [28/34]

DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err VoidGetterCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [29/34]

DataCount Name Lat FirstCells Emis_err Classes1 Cellnumber VoidGetterCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [30/34]

DataCount Name Lat FirstCells VoidGetterCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [31/34]

DataCount Name VoidGetterCAPI ( TelsemAtlas  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [32/34]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs RefTemperature VoidGetterCAPI ( XsecRecord  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [33/34]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs VoidGetterCAPI ( XsecRecord  ,

◆ VoidGetterCAPI() [34/34]

Species Fgrid Pgrid VMRs Tpert Xsec Coeffs RefTemperature Xsecs VoidGetterCAPI ( XsecRecord  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [1/32]

idx VoidStructGetterCAPI ( GridPos  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [2/32]

idx idx VoidStructGetterCAPI ( GridPosPoly  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [3/32]

W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp W0pr W0pq W0pp VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [4/32]

W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp W0pr W0pq VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [5/32]

W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp W0pr VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [6/32]

W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq W0qp VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [7/32]

W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr W0qq VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [8/32]

W0rr W0rq W0rp W0qr VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [9/32]

W0rr W0rq W0rp VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [10/32]

W0rr W0rq VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [11/32]

W0rr VoidStructGetterCAPI ( HitranRelaxationMatrixData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [12/32]

idx idx dim constant VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [13/32]

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [14/32]

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [15/32]

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal gp_p VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [16/32]

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los lstep end_los nreal VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [17/32]

idx idx dim VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [18/32]

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [19/32]

idx idx dim constant start_pos start_lstep los VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [20/32]

idx idx dim constant start_pos VoidStructGetterCAPI ( Ppath  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [21/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description refr_index diameter_max VoidStructGetterCAPI ( ScatteringMetaData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [22/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description refr_index VoidStructGetterCAPI ( ScatteringMetaData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [23/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data abs_vec_data description VoidStructGetterCAPI ( ScatteringMetaData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [24/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid VoidStructGetterCAPI ( SingleScatteringData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [25/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype VoidStructGetterCAPI ( SingleScatteringData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [26/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid za_grid pha_mat_data VoidStructGetterCAPI ( SingleScatteringData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [27/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max y_max ptype f_grid VoidStructGetterCAPI ( SingleScatteringData  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [28/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache VoidStructGetterCAPI ( TessemNN  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [29/32]

nb_inputs VoidStructGetterCAPI ( TessemNN  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [30/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 VoidStructGetterCAPI ( TessemNN  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [31/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 VoidStructGetterCAPI ( TessemNN  ,

◆ VoidStructGetterCAPI() [32/32]

nb_inputs nb_cache b2 w2 x_max VoidStructGetterCAPI ( TessemNN  ,

◆ zenithsPropagationMatrix()

DLL_PUBLIC Index zenithsPropagationMatrix ( void *  )

◆ zenithsStokesVector()

DLL_PUBLIC Index zenithsStokesVector ( void *  )

Variable Documentation

◆ CIASecond

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Numeric CIASecond

Definition at line 193 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Cutoff

bool Cutoff

Definition at line 213 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ CutoffFreqValue

◆ E0

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric E0

Definition at line 156 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ F0


Definition at line 154 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ g_upp

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric g_upp

Definition at line 158 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ gu


Definition at line 122 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Index

Definition at line 266 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Integration

get_blocks MainTag SubSubTag Analytical Grids TransformationFunc Transformation Integration

Definition at line 829 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Isotopologue

Definition at line 176 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Mirroring

bool Absorption::CutoffType Mirroring

Definition at line 215 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ newdata

char* newdata

Definition at line 399 of file arts_api_classes.h.

Referenced by VoidArrayCAPI().

◆ Nom

Numeric Nom

Definition at line 128 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Normalization

Definition at line 217 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Seconds


Definition at line 858 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Self


Definition at line 211 of file arts_api_classes.h.

Referenced by Absorption::Lines::BroadeningSpeciesVMR().

◆ Species

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Species

Definition at line 189 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Type


Definition at line 174 of file arts_api_classes.h.

◆ Uf

QuantumIdentifier::QType Index LowerQuantumNumbers Index Uf

Definition at line 191 of file arts_api_classes.h.

G0 G2 FVC Y DV Numeric Numeric Numeric Zeeman LowerQuantumNumbers void * data
The type to use for all integer numbers and indices.
Definition: matpack.h:39