Workspace functions for straightforward operations on variables of basic types. More...
#include <cmath>
#include "array.h"
#include "arts.h"
#include "energylevelmap.h"
#include "exceptions.h"
#include "gridded_fields.h"
#include "lin_alg.h"
#include "logic.h"
#include "math_funcs.h"
#include "matpackI.h"
#include "matpackII.h"
#include "matpackIII.h"
#include "matpackIV.h"
#include "matpackV.h"
#include "matpackVI.h"
#include "matpackVII.h"
#include "messages.h"
#include "mystring.h"
#include "optproperties.h"
#include "quantum.h"
#include "sorting.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
void | ArrayOfIndexSet (ArrayOfIndex &aoi, const ArrayOfIndex &values, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: ArrayOfIndexSet. More... | |
void | ArrayOfIndexSetConstant (ArrayOfIndex &aoi, const Index &nelem, const Index &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: ArrayOfIndexSetConstant. More... | |
void | ArrayOfIndexLinSpace (ArrayOfIndex &x, const Index &start, const Index &stop, const Index &step, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: ArrayOfIndexLinSpace. More... | |
void | ArrayOfStringSet (ArrayOfString &sa, const ArrayOfString &sa2, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: ArrayOfStringSet. More... | |
void | FlagOff (Index &x, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: FlagOff. More... | |
void | FlagOn (Index &x, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: FlagOn. More... | |
void | IndexAdd (Index &out, const Index &in, const Index &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: IndexAdd. More... | |
void | IndexSet (Index &x, const Index &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: IndexSet. More... | |
void | IndexStepDown (Index &xout, const Index &xin, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: IndexStepDown. More... | |
void | IndexStepUp (Index &xout, const Index &xin, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: IndexStepUp. More... | |
void | MatrixAddScalar (Matrix &out, const Matrix &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixAddScalar. More... | |
void | MatrixCopySparse (Matrix &out, const Sparse &in, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixCopySparse. More... | |
void | MatrixExtractFromTensor3 (Matrix &m, const Tensor3 &t3, const Index &index, const String &direction, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixExtractFromTensor3. More... | |
void | MatrixMatrixMultiply (Matrix &Y, const Matrix &M, const Matrix &X, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixMatrixMultiply. More... | |
void | MatrixVectorMultiply (Vector &Y, const Matrix &M, const Vector &X, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixVectorMultiply. More... | |
void | Matrix1ColFromVector (Matrix &m, const Vector &v, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix1ColFromVector. More... | |
void | Matrix2ColFromVectors (Matrix &m, const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix2ColFromVectors. More... | |
void | Matrix3ColFromVectors (Matrix &m, const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Vector &v3, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix3ColFromVectors. More... | |
void | Matrix1RowFromVector (Matrix &m, const Vector &v, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix1RowFromVector. More... | |
void | Matrix2RowFromVectors (Matrix &m, const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix2RowFromVectors. More... | |
void | Matrix3RowFromVectors (Matrix &m, const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Vector &v3, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix3RowFromVectors. More... | |
void | MatrixIdentity (Matrix &out, const Index &n, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixIdentity. More... | |
void | MatrixScale (Matrix &out, const Matrix &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixScale. More... | |
void | MatrixSet (Matrix &x, const Matrix &values, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixSet. More... | |
void | MatrixSetConstant (Matrix &x, const Index &nrows, const Index &ncols, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixSetConstant. More... | |
void | NumericAdd (Numeric &out, const Numeric &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: NumericAdd. More... | |
void | NumericFromVector (Numeric &out, const Vector &in, const String &op, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: NumericFromVector. More... | |
void | NumericInvScale (Numeric &out, const Numeric &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: NumericInvScale. More... | |
void | NumericScale (Numeric &out, const Numeric &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: NumericScale. More... | |
void | NumericSet (Numeric &x, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: NumericSet. More... | |
void | QuantumIdentifierSet (QuantumIdentifier &x, const String &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: QuantumIdentifierSet. More... | |
void | ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet (ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier &x, const ArrayOfString &values, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet. More... | |
void | RationalAdd (Rational &out, const Rational &in, const Rational &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: RationalAdd. More... | |
void | RationalInvScale (Rational &out, const Rational &in, const Rational &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: RationalInvScale. More... | |
void | RationalScale (Rational &out, const Rational &in, const Rational &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: RationalScale. More... | |
void | RationalSet (Rational &x, const Index &numerator, const Index &denominator, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: RationalSet. More... | |
void | SparseSparseMultiply (Sparse &Y, const Sparse &M, const Sparse &X, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: SparseSparseMultiply. More... | |
void | SparseMatrixIdentity (Sparse &X, const Index &n, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: SparseMatrixIdentity. More... | |
void | DiagonalMatrix (Matrix &X, const Vector &diag, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: DiagonalMatrix. More... | |
void | DiagonalMatrix (Sparse &X, const Vector &diag, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: DiagonalMatrix. More... | |
void | StringSet (String &s, const String &s2, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: StringSet. More... | |
void | Tensor3AddScalar (Tensor3 &out, const Tensor3 &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor3AddScalar. More... | |
void | Tensor3Scale (Tensor3 &out, const Tensor3 &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor3Scale. More... | |
void | Tensor3SetConstant (Tensor3 &x, const Index &npages, const Index &nrows, const Index &ncols, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor3SetConstant. More... | |
void | Tensor4AddScalar (Tensor4 &out, const Tensor4 &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor4AddScalar. More... | |
void | Tensor4Scale (Tensor4 &out, const Tensor4 &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor4Scale. More... | |
void | Tensor4SetConstant (Tensor4 &x, const Index &nbooks, const Index &npages, const Index &nrows, const Index &ncols, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor4SetConstant. More... | |
void | Tensor5Scale (Tensor5 &out, const Tensor5 &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor5Scale. More... | |
void | Tensor5SetConstant (Tensor5 &x, const Index &nshelves, const Index &nbooks, const Index &npages, const Index &nrows, const Index &ncols, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor5SetConstant. More... | |
void | Tensor6Scale (Tensor6 &out, const Tensor6 &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor6Scale. More... | |
void | Tensor6SetConstant (Tensor6 &x, const Index &nvitrines, const Index &nshelves, const Index &nbooks, const Index &npages, const Index &nrows, const Index &ncols, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor6SetConstant. More... | |
void | Tensor7Scale (Tensor7 &out, const Tensor7 &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor7Scale. More... | |
void | Tensor7SetConstant (Tensor7 &x, const Index &nlibraries, const Index &nvitrines, const Index &nshelves, const Index &nbooks, const Index &npages, const Index &nrows, const Index &ncols, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor7SetConstant. More... | |
void | VectorAddScalar (Vector &out, const Vector &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorAddScalar. More... | |
void | VectorAddVector (Vector &c, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorAddVector. More... | |
void | VectorSubtractVector (Vector &c, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorSubtractVector. More... | |
void | VectorCrop (Vector &out, const Vector &in, const Numeric &min_value, const Numeric &max_value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorCrop. More... | |
void | VectorExtractFromMatrix (Vector &v, const Matrix &m, const Index &index, const String &direction, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorExtractFromMatrix. More... | |
void | Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4 (Tensor3 &t3, const Tensor4 &t4, const Index &index, const String &direction, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4. More... | |
void | VectorFlip (Vector &out, const Vector &in, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorFlip. More... | |
void | VectorInsertGridPoints (Vector &og, const Vector &ingrid, const Vector &points, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorInsertGridPoints. More... | |
void | VectorLinSpace (Vector &x, const Numeric &start, const Numeric &stop, const Numeric &step, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorLinSpace. More... | |
void | VectorLogSpace (Vector &x, const Numeric &start, const Numeric &stop, const Numeric &step, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorLogSpace. More... | |
void | VectorMatrixMultiply (Vector &y, const Matrix &M, const Vector &x, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorMatrixMultiply. More... | |
void | VectorNLinSpace (Vector &x, const Index &n, const Numeric &start, const Numeric &stop, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorNLinSpace. More... | |
void | VectorNLogSpace (Vector &x, const Index &n, const Numeric &start, const Numeric &stop, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorNLogSpace. More... | |
void | VectorReshapeMatrix (Vector &v, const Matrix &m, const String &direction, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorReshapeMatrix. More... | |
void | VectorScale (Vector &out, const Vector &in, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorScale. More... | |
void | VectorSetConstant (Vector &x, const Index &n, const Numeric &value, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorSetConstant. More... | |
void | VectorSet (Vector &x, const Vector &values, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorSet. More... | |
void | VectorVectorMultiply (Vector &y, const Vector &x1, const Vector &x2, const Verbosity &) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorVectorMultiply. More... | |
void | Compare (const Numeric &var1, const Numeric &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const Vector &var1, const Vector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const Matrix &var1, const Matrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const Tensor3 &var1, const Tensor3 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const Tensor4 &var1, const Tensor4 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const Tensor5 &var1, const Tensor5 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const Tensor7 &var1, const Tensor7 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const ArrayOfVector &var1, const ArrayOfVector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const ArrayOfMatrix &var1, const ArrayOfMatrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const ArrayOfTensor7 &var1, const ArrayOfTensor7 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const GriddedField3 &var1, const GriddedField3 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const Sparse &var1, const Sparse &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | Compare (const SingleScatteringData &var1, const SingleScatteringData &var2, const Numeric &maxabsdiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Compare. More... | |
void | _cr_internal_ (const Numeric &var1, const Numeric &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const ConstVectorView var1, const ConstVectorView var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const ConstMatrixView var1, const ConstMatrixView var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const ConstTensor3View var1, const ConstTensor3View var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const ConstTensor4View var1, const ConstTensor4View var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const ConstTensor5View var1, const ConstTensor5View var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const ConstTensor6View var1, const ConstTensor6View var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const ConstTensor7View var1, const ConstTensor7View var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const PropagationMatrix &var1, const PropagationMatrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | _cr_internal_ (const StokesVector &var1, const StokesVector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
template<class T > | |
void | _cr_internal_ (const Array< T > &var1, const Array< T > &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | CompareRelative (const Numeric &var1, const Numeric &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const Vector &var1, const Vector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const Matrix &var1, const Matrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const Tensor3 &var1, const Tensor3 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const Tensor4 &var1, const Tensor4 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const Tensor5 &var1, const Tensor5 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const Tensor6 &var1, const Tensor6 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const Tensor7 &var1, const Tensor7 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfVector &var1, const ArrayOfVector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfMatrix &var1, const ArrayOfMatrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfTensor3 &var1, const ArrayOfTensor3 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfTensor4 &var1, const ArrayOfTensor4 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfTensor5 &var1, const ArrayOfTensor5 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfTensor6 &var1, const ArrayOfTensor6 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfTensor7 &var1, const ArrayOfTensor7 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfVector &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfVector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor7 &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor7 &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &var1, const ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfStokesVector &var1, const ArrayOfStokesVector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector &var1, const ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | CompareRelative (const EnergyLevelMap &var1, const EnergyLevelMap &var2, const Numeric &maxabsreldiff, const String &error_message, const String &var1name, const String &var2name, const String &, const String &, const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative. More... | |
void | PrintPhysicalConstants (const Verbosity &verbosity) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: PrintPhysicalConstants. More... | |
Workspace functions for straightforward operations on variables of basic types.
This file includes workspace functions for variables of basic types, such as Matrix and ArrayOfIndex. The functions are mainly of two types:
These functions are listed in the doxygen documentation as entries of the file auto_md.h.
Definition in file
inline |
Definition at line 2402 of file
References _cr_internal_(), Array< base >::nelem(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2217 of file
References _cr_internal_(), joker, ConstMatrixView::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2241 of file
References _cr_internal_(), joker, ConstTensor3View::npages(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2265 of file
References _cr_internal_(), joker, ConstTensor4View::nbooks(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2289 of file
References _cr_internal_(), joker, ConstTensor5View::nshelves(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2313 of file
References _cr_internal_(), joker, ConstTensor6View::nvitrines(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2337 of file
References _cr_internal_(), joker, ConstTensor7View::nlibraries(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2193 of file
References _cr_internal_(), ConstVectorView::nelem(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2167 of file
References abs.
Referenced by _cr_internal_(), and CompareRelative().
inline |
Definition at line 2361 of file
References _cr_internal_(), PropagationMatrix::Data(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
inline |
Definition at line 2381 of file
References _cr_internal_(), PropagationMatrix::Data(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void ArrayOfIndexLinSpace | ( | ArrayOfIndex & | out, |
const Index & | start, | ||
const Index & | stop, | ||
const Index & | step, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Initializes an ArrayOfIndex with linear spacing.
The first element equals always the start value, and the spacing equals always the step value, but the last value can deviate from the stop value. step can be both positive and negative.
The created array is [start, start+step, start+2*step, ...] <br>
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | start | Generic Input |
[in] | stop | Generic Input |
[in] | step | Generic Input |
Definition at line 88 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, Zeeman::start(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by ArrayOfIndexLinSpace_g().
void ArrayOfIndexSet | ( | ArrayOfIndex & | out, |
const ArrayOfIndex & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Creates an ArrayOfIndex from the given list of numbers.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 72 of file
Referenced by ArrayOfIndexSet_g().
void ArrayOfIndexSetConstant | ( | ArrayOfIndex & | out, |
const Index & | nelem, | ||
const Index & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: ArrayOfIndexSetConstant.
Creates an ArrayOfIndex of length nelem, with all values identical.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nelem | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 79 of file
References Absorption::nelem().
Referenced by ArrayOfIndexSetConstant_g().
void ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet | ( | ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier & | out, |
const ArrayOfString & | string_initializers, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet.
Sets an ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier workspace variable to the given value by converting the input ArrayOfString
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | string_initializers | Generic Input |
Definition at line 479 of file
References Array< base >::nelem(), QuantumIdentifierSet(), ARTS::Var::verbosity(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet_g().
void ArrayOfStringSet | ( | ArrayOfString & | out, |
const ArrayOfString & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Sets a String array according the given text. The format is text = ["String1","String2",...]
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 114 of file
References Array< base >::nelem().
Referenced by ArrayOfStringSet_g().
void Compare | ( | const ArrayOfMatrix & | var1, |
const ArrayOfMatrix & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1893 of file
References Compare(), Array< base >::nelem(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void Compare | ( | const ArrayOfTensor7 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfTensor7 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1938 of file
References Compare(), Array< base >::nelem(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void Compare | ( | const ArrayOfVector & | var1, |
const ArrayOfVector & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1848 of file
References Compare(), Array< base >::nelem(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void Compare | ( | const GriddedField3 & | var1, |
const GriddedField3 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1983 of file
References Compare(), GriddedField3::data, GriddedField::get_dim(), GriddedField::get_grid_name(), GriddedField::get_grid_size(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void Compare | ( | const Matrix & | var1, |
const Matrix & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1501 of file
References ConstMatrixView::ncols(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ConstMatrixView::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::nrows().
void Compare | ( | const Numeric & | var1, |
const Numeric & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1397 of file
References abs, and CREATE_OUT2.
Referenced by Compare(), Compare_sg_ArrayOfMatrixArrayOfMatrix_g(), Compare_sg_ArrayOfTensor7ArrayOfTensor7_g(), Compare_sg_ArrayOfVectorArrayOfVector_g(), Compare_sg_GriddedField3GriddedField3_g(), Compare_sg_MatrixMatrix_g(), Compare_sg_NumericNumeric_g(), Compare_sg_SingleScatteringDataSingleScatteringData_g(), Compare_sg_SparseSparse_g(), Compare_sg_Tensor3Tensor3_g(), Compare_sg_Tensor4Tensor4_g(), Compare_sg_Tensor5Tensor5_g(), Compare_sg_Tensor7Tensor7_g(), and Compare_sg_VectorVector_g().
void Compare | ( | const SingleScatteringData & | var1, |
const SingleScatteringData & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2086 of file
References SingleScatteringData::aa_grid, SingleScatteringData::abs_vec_data, Compare(), SingleScatteringData::ext_mat_data, SingleScatteringData::f_grid, SingleScatteringData::pha_mat_data, SingleScatteringData::ptype, PTypeToString(), SingleScatteringData::T_grid, ARTS::Var::verbosity(), and SingleScatteringData::za_grid.
void Compare | ( | const Sparse & | var1, |
const Sparse & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2021 of file
References Sparse::ncols(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), Sparse::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::nrows().
void Compare | ( | const Tensor3 & | var1, |
const Tensor3 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1566 of file
References ConstTensor3View::ncols(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ConstTensor3View::npages(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ConstTensor3View::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::nrows().
void Compare | ( | const Tensor4 & | var1, |
const Tensor4 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1631 of file
References ConstTensor4View::nbooks(), ARTS::Var::nbooks(), ConstTensor4View::ncols(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ConstTensor4View::npages(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ConstTensor4View::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::nrows().
void Compare | ( | const Tensor5 & | var1, |
const Tensor5 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1698 of file
References ConstTensor5View::nbooks(), ARTS::Var::nbooks(), ConstTensor5View::ncols(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ConstTensor5View::npages(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ConstTensor5View::nrows(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), ConstTensor5View::nshelves(), and ARTS::Var::nshelves().
void Compare | ( | const Tensor7 & | var1, |
const Tensor7 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1770 of file
References ConstTensor7View::nbooks(), ARTS::Var::nbooks(), ConstTensor7View::ncols(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ConstTensor7View::nlibraries(), ARTS::Var::nlibraries(), ConstTensor7View::npages(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ConstTensor7View::nrows(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), ConstTensor7View::nshelves(), ARTS::Var::nshelves(), ConstTensor7View::nvitrines(), and ARTS::Var::nvitrines().
void Compare | ( | const Vector & | var1, |
const Vector & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsdiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsdiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Checks the consistency between two variables.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified value (maxabsdiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsdiff | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsdiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 1441 of file
References abs, CREATE_OUT2, and ConstVectorView::nelem().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2731 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2866 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2906 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2750 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor4 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1name, | ||
const String & | var2name, | ||
const String & | , | ||
const String & | , | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Definition at line 2769 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor5 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1name, | ||
const String & | var2name, | ||
const String & | , | ||
const String & | , | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Definition at line 2788 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2807 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor7 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfTensor7 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1name, | ||
const String & | var2name, | ||
const String & | , | ||
const String & | , | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Definition at line 2826 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfArrayOfVector & | var1, |
const ArrayOfArrayOfVector & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2712 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfMatrix & | var1, |
const ArrayOfMatrix & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2598 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfPropagationMatrix & | var1, |
const ArrayOfPropagationMatrix & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2846 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfStokesVector & | var1, |
const ArrayOfStokesVector & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2886 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfTensor3 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfTensor3 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2617 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfTensor4 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfTensor4 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2636 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfTensor5 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfTensor5 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1name, | ||
const String & | var2name, | ||
const String & | , | ||
const String & | , | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Definition at line 2655 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfTensor6 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfTensor6 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2674 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfTensor7 & | var1, |
const ArrayOfTensor7 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2693 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const ArrayOfVector & | var1, |
const ArrayOfVector & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2579 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const EnergyLevelMap & | var1, |
const EnergyLevelMap & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2927 of file
References _cr_internal_(), EnergyLevelMap::Data(), EnergyLevelMap::Energies(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Matrix & | var1, |
const Matrix & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2465 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Numeric & | var1, |
const Numeric & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2427 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
Referenced by CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfArrayOfMatrixArrayOfArrayOfMatrix_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrixArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVectorArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfArrayOfVectorArrayOfArrayOfVector_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfMatrixArrayOfMatrix_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfPropagationMatrixArrayOfPropagationMatrix_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfStokesVectorArrayOfStokesVector_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfTensor3ArrayOfTensor3_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfTensor4ArrayOfTensor4_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfTensor6ArrayOfTensor6_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfTensor7ArrayOfTensor7_g(), CompareRelative_sg_ArrayOfVectorArrayOfVector_g(), CompareRelative_sg_EnergyLevelMapEnergyLevelMap_g(), CompareRelative_sg_MatrixMatrix_g(), CompareRelative_sg_NumericNumeric_g(), CompareRelative_sg_Tensor3Tensor3_g(), CompareRelative_sg_Tensor4Tensor4_g(), CompareRelative_sg_Tensor5Tensor5_g(), CompareRelative_sg_Tensor6Tensor6_g(), CompareRelative_sg_Tensor7Tensor7_g(), and CompareRelative_sg_VectorVector_g().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Tensor3 & | var1, |
const Tensor3 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2484 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Tensor4 & | var1, |
const Tensor4 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2503 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Tensor5 & | var1, |
const Tensor5 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2522 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Tensor6 & | var1, |
const Tensor6 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2541 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Tensor7 & | var1, |
const Tensor7 & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2560 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
void CompareRelative | ( | const Vector & | var1, |
const Vector & | var2, | ||
const Numeric & | maxabsreldiff, | ||
const String & | error_message, | ||
const String & | var1_wsvname, | ||
const String & | var2_wsvname, | ||
const String & | maxabsreldiff_wsvname, | ||
const String & | error_message_wsvname, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: CompareRelative.
Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.
The two variables are checked to not deviate outside the specified relative value (maxabsreldiff). An error is issued if this is not fulfilled.
The main application of this method is to be part of the test control files, and then used to check that a calculated value is consistent with an old, reference, value.
If either value is 0.0, the relative error is considered as 0 for easier use. This really means infinite differences, though allowing zero-crossings is useful for plenty of tests. So Be Aware!
If both var1 and var2 are non-zero, the difference is evaluated as: abs(var1/var2-1) That is, var2 is taken as the reference value.
[in] | var1 | Generic Input |
[in] | var2 | Generic Input |
[in] | maxabsreldiff | Generic Input |
[in] | error_message | Generic Input (Default: "") |
[in] | var1_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | var2_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | maxabsreldiff_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
[in] | error_message_wsvname | Generic Input Name |
Definition at line 2446 of file
References _cr_internal_(), and ARTS::Var::verbosity().
Create a diagonal matrix from a vector. This creates a dense or sparse diagonal matrix with the elements of the given vector <br> on the diagonal.
[out] | out | Supergeneric output |
[in] | v | Generic Input |
Definition at line 556 of file
References ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by DiagonalMatrix_sg_Matrix_g(), and DiagonalMatrix_sg_Sparse_g().
Create a diagonal matrix from a vector. This creates a dense or sparse diagonal matrix with the elements of the given vector <br> on the diagonal.
[out] | out | Supergeneric output |
[in] | v | Generic Input |
Definition at line 567 of file
References Sparse::insert_elements(), ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Sparse::resize().
Sets an index variable that acts as an on/off flag to 0.
[out] | flag | Generic output |
Definition at line 122 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by FlagOff_g().
Sets an index variable that acts as an on/off flag to 1.
[out] | flag | Generic output |
Definition at line 125 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by FlagOn_g().
Adds a index and a value (out = in+value).
The result can either be stored in the same or another index. (in and out can be the same variable, but not out and value)
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 128 of file
Referenced by IndexAdd_g().
Sets an index workspace variable to the given value.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 136 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by IndexSet_g().
Performas: out = in - 1
Input and output can be same variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
Definition at line 139 of file
Referenced by IndexStepDown_g().
Performas: out = in + 1
Input and output can be same variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
Definition at line 144 of file
Referenced by IndexStepUp_g().
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix1ColFromVector.
Forms a matrix containing one column from a vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | v | Generic Input |
Definition at line 279 of file
References joker, ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by Matrix1ColFromVector_g().
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix1RowFromVector.
Forms a matrix containing one row from a vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | v | Generic Input |
Definition at line 327 of file
References joker, ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by Matrix1RowFromVector_g().
void Matrix2ColFromVectors | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Vector & | v1, | ||
const Vector & | v2, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix2ColFromVectors.
Forms a matrix containing two columns from two vectors.
The vectors are included as columns in the matrix in the same order as they are given.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | v1 | Generic Input |
[in] | v2 | Generic Input |
Definition at line 291 of file
References joker, ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by Matrix2ColFromVectors_g().
void Matrix2RowFromVectors | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Vector & | v1, | ||
const Vector & | v2, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix2RowFromVectors.
Forms a matrix containing two rows from two vectors.
The vectors are included as rows in the matrix in the same order as they are given.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | v1 | Generic Input |
[in] | v2 | Generic Input |
Definition at line 339 of file
References joker, ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by Matrix2RowFromVectors_g().
void Matrix3ColFromVectors | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Vector & | v1, | ||
const Vector & | v2, | ||
const Vector & | v3, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix3ColFromVectors.
Forms a matrix containing three columns from three vectors.
The vectors are included as columns in the matrix in the same order as they are given.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | v1 | Generic Input |
[in] | v2 | Generic Input |
[in] | v3 | Generic Input |
Definition at line 308 of file
References joker, ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by Matrix3ColFromVectors_g().
void Matrix3RowFromVectors | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Vector & | v1, | ||
const Vector & | v2, | ||
const Vector & | v3, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Matrix3RowFromVectors.
Forms a matrix containing three rows from three vectors.
The vectors are included as rows in the matrix in the same order as they are given.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | v1 | Generic Input |
[in] | v2 | Generic Input |
[in] | v3 | Generic Input |
Definition at line 356 of file
References joker, ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by Matrix3RowFromVectors_g().
void MatrixAddScalar | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Matrix & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Adds a scalar to all elements of a matrix.
The result can either be stored in the same or another matrix.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 149 of file
References ConstMatrixView::ncols(), ConstMatrixView::nrows(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by MatrixAddScalar_g().
Creates a matrix by copying a variable of type Sparse.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
Definition at line 167 of file
References Sparse::ncols(), Sparse::nrows(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by MatrixCopySparse_g().
void MatrixExtractFromTensor3 | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Tensor3 & | in, | ||
const Index & | i, | ||
const String & | direction, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixExtractFromTensor3.
Extracts a Matrix from a Tensor3.
Copies page or row or column with given Index from input Tensor3 variable to output Matrix. Higher order equivalent of VectorExtractFromMatrix.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | i | Generic Input |
[in] | direction | Generic Input |
Definition at line 178 of file
References joker, ConstTensor3View::ncols(), ConstTensor3View::npages(), ConstTensor3View::nrows(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by MatrixExtractFromTensor3_g().
void MatrixIdentity | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Index & | n, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Returns an identity matrix.
The size if the matrix created is n x n. Default is to return a true identity matrix (I), but you can also select another value along the diagonal by setting value. That is, the output is value*I.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | n | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input (Default: "1") |
Definition at line 375 of file
References id_mat(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by MatrixIdentity_g().
void MatrixMatrixMultiply | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Matrix & | m, | ||
const Matrix & | x, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixMatrixMultiply.
Multiply a Matrix with another Matrix and store the result in the result Matrix.
This just computes the normal Matrix-Matrix product, Y=M*X. It is ok if Y and X are the same Matrix.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | m | Generic Input |
[in] | x | Generic Input |
Definition at line 226 of file
References M, mult(), ConstMatrixView::ncols(), ConstMatrixView::nrows(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by MatrixMatrixMultiply_g().
void MatrixScale | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Matrix & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales all elements of a matrix with the specified value.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 387 of file
References ConstMatrixView::ncols(), ConstMatrixView::nrows(), and Matrix::resize().
Referenced by MatrixScale_g().
Initialize a Matrix from the given list of numbers.
Usage: <br> MatrixSet(m1, [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6])
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 405 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by MatrixSet_g().
void MatrixSetConstant | ( | Matrix & | out, |
const Index & | nrows, | ||
const Index & | ncols, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixSetConstant.
Creates a matrix and sets all elements to the specified value.
The size is determined by ncols and nrows.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nrows | WS Input |
[in] | ncols | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 410 of file
References ARTS::Var::ncols(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by MatrixSetConstant_g().
void MatrixVectorMultiply | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Matrix & | m, | ||
const Vector & | v, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: MatrixVectorMultiply.
Multiply a Matrix with a Vector
Computes the normal Matrix-Vector product, out=m*v. It is ok if out and v are the same Vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | m | Generic Input |
[in] | v | Generic Input |
Definition at line 254 of file
References M, mult(), and ConstVectorView::nelem().
Referenced by MatrixVectorMultiply_g().
void NumericAdd | ( | Numeric & | out, |
const Numeric & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Adds a numeric and a value (out = in+value).
The result can either be stored in the same or another numeric. (in and out can be the same varible, but not out and value)
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 420 of file
Referenced by NumericAdd_g().
void NumericFromVector | ( | Numeric & | out, |
const Vector & | in, | ||
const String & | op, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: NumericFromVector.
Derivs a numeric from a vector, following selected operation.
The following operations can be selected: <br> first : Selects the first element of the vector. <br> last : Selects the last element of the vector. <br> max : Selects the maximum element of the vector. <br> min : Selects the minimum element of the vector. <br> mean : Calculates the mean of the vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | op | Generic Input |
Definition at line 428 of file
References max, mean(), min, and ConstVectorView::nelem().
Referenced by NumericFromVector_g().
void NumericInvScale | ( | Numeric & | out, |
const Numeric & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Inversely scales/divides a numeric with a value (out = in/value).
The result can either be stored in the same or another numeric. (in and out can be the same varible, but not out and value)
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 451 of file
Referenced by NumericInvScale_g().
void NumericScale | ( | Numeric & | out, |
const Numeric & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales/multiplies a numeric with a value (out = in*value).
The result can either be stored in the same or another numeric. (in and out can be the same varible, but not out and value)
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 459 of file
Referenced by NumericScale_g().
Sets a numeric workspace variable to the given value.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 467 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by NumericSet_g().
void PrintPhysicalConstants | ( | const Verbosity & | verbosity | ) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: PrintPhysicalConstants.
Prints (most) physical constants used in ARTS.
Definition at line 2956 of file
Referenced by PrintPhysicalConstants_g().
void QuantumIdentifierSet | ( | QuantumIdentifier & | out, |
const String & | string_initializer, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: QuantumIdentifierSet.
Sets a QuantumIdentifier workspace variable to the given value by converting the input String
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | string_initializer | Generic Input |
Definition at line 472 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet(), and QuantumIdentifierSet_g().
void RationalAdd | ( | Rational & | out, |
const Rational & | in, | ||
const Rational & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Adds a Rational and a value (out = in+value).
The result can either be stored in the same or another Rational. (in and out can be the same varible, but not out and value)
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 488 of file
Referenced by RationalAdd_g().
void RationalInvScale | ( | Rational & | out, |
const Rational & | in, | ||
const Rational & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Inversely scales/divides a Rational with a value (out = in/value).
The result can either be stored in the same or another Rational. (in and out can be the same varible, but not out and value)
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 496 of file
Referenced by RationalInvScale_g().
void RationalScale | ( | Rational & | out, |
const Rational & | in, | ||
const Rational & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales/multiplies a Rational with a value (out = in*value).
The result can either be stored in the same or another Rational. (in and out can be the same varible, but not out and value)
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 504 of file
Referenced by RationalScale_g().
void RationalSet | ( | Rational & | out, |
const Index & | numerator, | ||
const Index & | denominator, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Sets a Rational workspace variable to the given value.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | numerator | Generic Input |
[in] | denominator | Generic Input (Default: "1") |
Definition at line 512 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by RationalSet_g().
void SparseMatrixIdentity | ( | Sparse & | out, |
const Index & | n, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: SparseMatrixIdentity.
Returns a sparse dentity matrix.
The size of the matrix created is n x n. Default is to return a true identity matrix (I), but you can also select another value along the diagonal be setting value. That is, the output is value*I.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | n | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input (Default: "1") |
Definition at line 545 of file
References id_mat(), and Sparse::resize().
Referenced by SparseMatrixIdentity_g().
void SparseSparseMultiply | ( | Sparse & | out, |
const Sparse & | m1, | ||
const Sparse & | m2, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: SparseSparseMultiply.
Multiplies a Sparse with another Sparse, result stored in Sparse.
Makes the calculation: out = m1 * m2
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | m1 | Generic Input |
[in] | m2 | Generic Input |
Definition at line 520 of file
References M, mult(), Sparse::ncols(), and Sparse::nrows().
Referenced by SparseSparseMultiply_g().
Sets a String to the given text string.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | text | Generic Input |
Definition at line 581 of file
Referenced by StringSet_g().
void Tensor3AddScalar | ( | Tensor3 & | out, |
const Tensor3 & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Adds a scalar value to all elements of a tensor3.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 584 of file
References ConstTensor3View::ncols(), ConstTensor3View::npages(), ConstTensor3View::nrows(), and Tensor3::resize().
Referenced by Tensor3AddScalar_g().
void Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4 | ( | Tensor3 & | out, |
const Tensor4 & | in, | ||
const Index & | i, | ||
const String & | direction, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4.
Extracts a Tensor3 from a Tensor4.
Copies book, page, row or column with given Index from input Tensor4 variable to output Tensor3. Higher order equivalent of VectorExtractFromMatrix.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | i | Generic Input |
[in] | direction | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1007 of file
References joker, ConstTensor4View::nbooks(), ConstTensor4View::ncols(), ConstTensor4View::npages(), ConstTensor4View::nrows(), and Tensor3::resize().
Referenced by Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4_g().
void Tensor3Scale | ( | Tensor3 & | out, |
const Tensor3 & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales all elements of a tensor with the specified value.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 602 of file
References ConstTensor3View::ncols(), ConstTensor3View::npages(), ConstTensor3View::nrows(), and Tensor3::resize().
Referenced by Tensor3Scale_g().
void Tensor3SetConstant | ( | Tensor3 & | out, |
const Index & | npages, | ||
const Index & | nrows, | ||
const Index & | ncols, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor3SetConstant.
Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.
The size is determined by ncols, nrows etc.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | npages | WS Input |
[in] | nrows | WS Input |
[in] | ncols | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 620 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, ARTS::Var::ncols(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by Tensor3SetConstant_g().
void Tensor4AddScalar | ( | Tensor4 & | out, |
const Tensor4 & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Adds a scalar value to all elements of a tensor4.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 639 of file
References ConstTensor4View::nbooks(), ConstTensor4View::ncols(), ConstTensor4View::npages(), ConstTensor4View::nrows(), and Tensor4::resize().
Referenced by Tensor4AddScalar_g().
void Tensor4Scale | ( | Tensor4 & | out, |
const Tensor4 & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales all elements of a tensor with the specified value.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 657 of file
References ConstTensor4View::nbooks(), ConstTensor4View::ncols(), ConstTensor4View::npages(), ConstTensor4View::nrows(), and Tensor4::resize().
Referenced by Tensor4Scale_g().
void Tensor4SetConstant | ( | Tensor4 & | out, |
const Index & | nbooks, | ||
const Index & | npages, | ||
const Index & | nrows, | ||
const Index & | ncols, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor4SetConstant.
Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.
The size is determined by ncols, nrows etc.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nbooks | WS Input |
[in] | npages | WS Input |
[in] | nrows | WS Input |
[in] | ncols | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 675 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, ARTS::Var::nbooks(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by Tensor4SetConstant_g().
void Tensor5Scale | ( | Tensor5 & | out, |
const Tensor5 & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales all elements of a tensor with the specified value.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 696 of file
References ConstTensor5View::nbooks(), ConstTensor5View::ncols(), ConstTensor5View::npages(), ConstTensor5View::nrows(), ConstTensor5View::nshelves(), and Tensor5::resize().
Referenced by Tensor5Scale_g().
void Tensor5SetConstant | ( | Tensor5 & | out, |
const Index & | nshelves, | ||
const Index & | nbooks, | ||
const Index & | npages, | ||
const Index & | nrows, | ||
const Index & | ncols, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor5SetConstant.
Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.
The size is determined by ncols, nrows etc.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nshelves | WS Input |
[in] | nbooks | WS Input |
[in] | npages | WS Input |
[in] | nrows | WS Input |
[in] | ncols | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 714 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, ARTS::Var::nbooks(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), ARTS::Var::nshelves(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by Tensor5SetConstant_g().
void Tensor6Scale | ( | Tensor6 & | out, |
const Tensor6 & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales all elements of a tensor with the specified value.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 737 of file
References ConstTensor6View::nbooks(), ConstTensor6View::ncols(), ConstTensor6View::npages(), ConstTensor6View::nrows(), ConstTensor6View::nshelves(), ConstTensor6View::nvitrines(), and Tensor6::resize().
Referenced by Tensor6Scale_g().
void Tensor6SetConstant | ( | Tensor6 & | out, |
const Index & | nvitrines, | ||
const Index & | nshelves, | ||
const Index & | nbooks, | ||
const Index & | npages, | ||
const Index & | nrows, | ||
const Index & | ncols, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor6SetConstant.
Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.
The size is determined by ncols, nrows etc.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nvitrines | WS Input |
[in] | nshelves | WS Input |
[in] | nbooks | WS Input |
[in] | npages | WS Input |
[in] | nrows | WS Input |
[in] | ncols | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 760 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, ARTS::Var::nbooks(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), ARTS::Var::nshelves(), ARTS::Var::nvitrines(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by Tensor6SetConstant_g().
void Tensor7Scale | ( | Tensor7 & | out, |
const Tensor7 & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales all elements of a tensor with the specified value.
The result can either be stored in the same or another variable.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 785 of file
References ConstTensor7View::nbooks(), ConstTensor7View::ncols(), ConstTensor7View::nlibraries(), ConstTensor7View::npages(), ConstTensor7View::nrows(), ConstTensor7View::nshelves(), ConstTensor7View::nvitrines(), and Tensor7::resize().
Referenced by Tensor7Scale_g().
void Tensor7SetConstant | ( | Tensor7 & | out, |
const Index & | nlibraries, | ||
const Index & | nvitrines, | ||
const Index & | nshelves, | ||
const Index & | nbooks, | ||
const Index & | npages, | ||
const Index & | nrows, | ||
const Index & | ncols, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: Tensor7SetConstant.
Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.
The size is determined by ncols, nrows etc.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nlibraries | WS Input |
[in] | nvitrines | WS Input |
[in] | nshelves | WS Input |
[in] | nbooks | WS Input |
[in] | npages | WS Input |
[in] | nrows | WS Input |
[in] | ncols | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 809 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, ARTS::Var::nbooks(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ARTS::Var::nlibraries(), ARTS::Var::npages(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), ARTS::Var::nshelves(), ARTS::Var::nvitrines(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by Tensor7SetConstant_g().
void VectorAddScalar | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Vector & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Adds a scalar to all elements of a vector.
The result can either be stored in the same or another vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 836 of file
References ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Vector::resize().
Referenced by VectorAddScalar_g().
void VectorAddVector | ( | Vector & | c, |
const Vector & | a, | ||
const Vector & | b, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Element-wise addition of two vectors.
The method calculates c = a + b.
The variable b is allowed to have length 1, for any length of a*. This single value in b is then added to every element of a.
The vectors a and c can be the same WSV, while b can not be the same WSV as any of the the other vector.
[out] | c | Generic output |
[in] | a | Generic Input |
[in] | b | Generic Input |
Definition at line 854 of file
Referenced by VectorAddVector_g().
void VectorCrop | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Vector & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | min_value, | ||
const Numeric & | max_value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Keeps only values of a vector inside the specified range.
All values outside the range [min_value,max-value] are removed. Note the default values, that basically should act as -+Inf.
The result can either be stored in the same or another vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | min_value | Generic Input (Default: "-99e99") |
[in] | max_value | Generic Input (Default: "99e99") |
Definition at line 932 of file
References ConstVectorView::nelem().
Referenced by VectorCrop_g().
void VectorExtractFromMatrix | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Matrix & | in, | ||
const Index & | i, | ||
const String & | direction, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorExtractFromMatrix.
Extracts a Vector from a Matrix.
Copies row or column with given Index from input Matrix variable to create output Vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | i | Generic Input |
[in] | direction | Generic Input |
Definition at line 969 of file
References joker, ConstMatrixView::ncols(), ConstMatrixView::nrows(), and Vector::resize().
Referenced by VectorExtractFromMatrix_g().
Flips a vector.
The output is the input vector in reversed order. The result can either be stored in the same or another vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1066 of file
References ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Vector::resize().
Referenced by VectorFlip_g().
void VectorInsertGridPoints | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Vector & | in, | ||
const Vector & | points, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorInsertGridPoints.
Insert some additional points into a grid.
This method can for example be used to add line center frequencies to a regular frequency grid. If the original grid is [1,2,3], and the additional points are [2.2,2.4], the result will be [1,2,2.2,2.4,3].
It is assumed that the original grid is sorted, otherwise a runtime error is thrown. The vector with the points to insert does not have to be sorted. If some of the input points are already in the grid, these points are not inserted again. New points outside the original grid are appended at the appropriate end. Input vector and output vector can be the same.
Generic output: <br> Vector : The new grid vector.
Generic input: <br> Vector : The original grid vector. <br> Vector : The points to insert.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | points | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1082 of file
References arts_exit(), CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, get_sorted_indexes(), is_decreasing(), is_increasing(), ConstVectorView::nelem(), Vector::resize(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by choose_abs_nls_pert(), and VectorInsertGridPoints_g().
void VectorLinSpace | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Numeric & | start, | ||
const Numeric & | stop, | ||
const Numeric & | step, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Initializes a vector with linear spacing.
The first element equals always the start value, and the spacing equals always the step value, but the last value can deviate from the stop value. step can be both positive and negative.
The created vector is [start, start+step, start+2*step, ...] <br>
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | start | Generic Input |
[in] | stop | Generic Input |
[in] | step | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1186 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, linspace(), Zeeman::start(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by VectorLinSpace_g().
void VectorLogSpace | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Numeric & | start, | ||
const Numeric & | stop, | ||
const Numeric & | step, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Initializes a vector with logarithmic spacing.
The first element equals always the start value, and the spacing equals always the step value, but note that the last value can deviate from the stop value. The keyword step can be both positive and negative.
Note, that although start has to be given in direct coordinates, step has to be given in log coordinates.
Explicitly, the vector is: <br> exp([ln(start), ln(start)+step, ln(start)+2*step, ...])
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | start | Generic Input |
[in] | stop | Generic Input |
[in] | step | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1207 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, linspace(), Zeeman::start(), transform(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by VectorLogSpace_g().
void VectorMatrixMultiply | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Matrix & | m, | ||
const Vector & | v, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorMatrixMultiply.
Multiply a Vector with a Matrix and store the result in another Vector.
This just computes the normal Matrix-Vector product, y=M*x. It is ok if input and output Vector are the same. This function is handy for multiplying the H Matrix to spectra.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | m | Generic Input |
[in] | v | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1229 of file
References M, mult(), ConstVectorView::nelem(), ARTS::Var::x(), and ARTS::Var::y().
Referenced by VectorMatrixMultiply_g().
void VectorNLinSpace | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Index & | nelem, | ||
const Numeric & | start, | ||
const Numeric & | stop, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Creates a vector with length nelem, equally spaced between the given end values.
The length (nelem) must be larger than 1.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nelem | WS Input |
[in] | start | Generic Input |
[in] | stop | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1255 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, nlinspace(), Zeeman::start(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by VectorNLinSpace_g().
void VectorNLogSpace | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Index & | nelem, | ||
const Numeric & | start, | ||
const Numeric & | stop, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Creates a vector with length nelem, equally logarithmically spaced between the given end values.
The length (nelem) must be larger than 1.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nelem | WS Input |
[in] | start | Generic Input |
[in] | stop | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1277 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, nlogspace(), Zeeman::start(), and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by antenna_responseVaryingGaussian(), p_gridDensify(), VectorNLogSpace_g(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ybatchMetProfilesClear().
void VectorReshapeMatrix | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Matrix & | in, | ||
const String & | direction, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorReshapeMatrix.
Converts a Matrix to a Vector.
The matrix is reshaped into a vector. That is, all elements of the matrix are kept. The elements can be extracted both in column (default) and row order. The ouput vector has the same length for both options.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | direction | Generic Input (Default: "column") |
Definition at line 1300 of file
References ConstMatrixView::ncols(), ARTS::Var::ncols(), ConstMatrixView::nrows(), ARTS::Var::nrows(), and Vector::resize().
Referenced by VectorReshapeMatrix_g().
void VectorScale | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Vector & | in, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
Scales all elements of a vector with the same value.
The result can either be stored in the same or another vector.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | in | Generic Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1334 of file
References ConstVectorView::nelem(), and Vector::resize().
Referenced by VectorScale_g().
Create a vector from the given list of numbers.
<br> VectorSet(p_grid, [1000, 100, 10] ) <br> Will create a p_grid vector with these three elements.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1368 of file
References ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by ARTS::Agenda::geo_pos_agenda_empty(), and VectorSet_g().
void VectorSetConstant | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Index & | nelem, | ||
const Numeric & | value, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorSetConstant.
Creates a vector and sets all elements to the specified value.
The vector length is determined by nelem.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | nelem | WS Input |
[in] | value | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1352 of file
References CREATE_OUT2, CREATE_OUT3, and ARTS::Var::x().
Referenced by VectorSetConstant_g().
void VectorSubtractVector | ( | Vector & | c, |
const Vector & | a, | ||
const Vector & | b, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorSubtractVector.
Element-wise subtraction of two vectors.
The method calculates c = a - b.
The variable b is allowed to have length 1, for any length of a*. This single value in b is then added to every element of a.
The vectors a and c can be the same WSV, while b can not be the same WSV as any of the the other vector.
[out] | c | Generic output |
[in] | a | Generic Input |
[in] | b | Generic Input |
Definition at line 893 of file
Referenced by VectorSubtractVector_g().
void VectorVectorMultiply | ( | Vector & | out, |
const Vector & | v1, | ||
const Vector & | v2, | ||
const Verbosity & | verbosity | ||
) |
WORKSPACE METHOD: VectorVectorMultiply.
Multiply a Vector with another Vector and store result in a third one.
This is an element-wise multiplication. It is ok if output Vector is the same as any of the input Vectors.
[out] | out | Generic output |
[in] | v1 | Generic Input |
[in] | v2 | Generic Input |
Definition at line 1373 of file
References Vector::resize(), x1, x2, and ARTS::Var::y().
Referenced by VectorVectorMultiply_g().