ARTS  2.4.0(git:4fb77825)
ARTS::Var Namespace Reference


class  AbsorptionLines
class  Agenda
class  ArrayOfAbsorptionLines
class  ArrayOfAgenda
class  ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines
class  ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1
class  ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2
class  ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3
class  ArrayOfArrayOfIndex
class  ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix
class  ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix
class  ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector
class  ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData
class  ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData
class  ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag
class  ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector
class  ArrayOfArrayOfString
class  ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3
class  ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6
class  ArrayOfArrayOfTime
class  ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix
class  ArrayOfArrayOfVector
class  ArrayOfCIARecord
class  ArrayOfGriddedField1
class  ArrayOfGriddedField2
class  ArrayOfGriddedField3
class  ArrayOfGriddedField4
class  ArrayOfIndex
class  ArrayOfMatrix
class  ArrayOfPpath
class  ArrayOfPropagationMatrix
class  ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier
class  ArrayOfRadiationVector
class  ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity
class  ArrayOfScatteringMetaData
class  ArrayOfSingleScatteringData
class  ArrayOfSparse
class  ArrayOfStokesVector
class  ArrayOfString
class  ArrayOfTelsemAtlas
class  ArrayOfTensor3
class  ArrayOfTensor4
class  ArrayOfTensor5
class  ArrayOfTensor6
class  ArrayOfTensor7
class  ArrayOfTime
class  ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix
class  ArrayOfVector
class  ArrayOfXsecRecord
class  CIARecord
class  CovarianceMatrix
class  EnergyLevelMap
class  GasAbsLookup
class  GriddedField1
class  GriddedField2
class  GriddedField3
class  GriddedField4
class  GriddedField5
class  GriddedField6
class  GridPos
class  HitranRelaxationMatrixData
class  Index
class  Matrix
class  MCAntenna
class  Numeric
class  Ppath
class  PropagationMatrix
class  QuantumIdentifier
class  RadiationVector
class  Rational
class  ScatteringMetaData
class  SingleScatteringData
class  Sparse
class  SpeciesAuxData
class  StokesVector
class  String
class  TelsemAtlas
class  Tensor3
class  Tensor4
class  Tensor5
class  Tensor6
class  Tensor7
class  TessemNN
class  Time
class  Timer
class  TransmissionMatrix
class  Vector
class  Verbosity


Vector aa_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index aa_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfCIARecord abs_cia_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix abs_coef (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix abs_coef_per_species (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString abs_cont_models (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString abs_cont_names (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfVector abs_cont_parameters (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index abs_f_interp_order (Workspace &ws) noexcept
HitranRelaxationMatrixData abs_hitran_relmat_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfAbsorptionLines abs_lines (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines abs_lines_per_species (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GasAbsLookup abs_lookup (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index abs_lookup_is_adapted (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag abs_nls (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index abs_nls_interp_order (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector abs_nls_pert (Workspace &ws) noexcept
EnergyLevelMap abs_nlte (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector abs_p (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index abs_p_interp_order (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag abs_species (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex abs_species_active (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector abs_t (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index abs_t_interp_order (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector abs_t_pert (Workspace &ws) noexcept
StokesVector abs_vec (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfStokesVector abs_vec_spt (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix abs_vmrs (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda abs_xsec_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index abs_xsec_agenda_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix abs_xsec_per_species (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index agenda_array_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index antenna_dim (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix antenna_dlos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField4 antenna_response (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField4 atm_fields_compact (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index atmfields_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index atmgeom_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index atmosphere_dim (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix avk (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfGriddedField1 backend_channel_response (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 backend_channel_response_multi (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier band_identifiers (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfGriddedField4 batch_atm_fields_compact (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfIndex batch_cloudbox_limits (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor4 batch_pnd_fields (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfIndex channel2fgrid_indexes (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfVector channel2fgrid_weights (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index cloudbox_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor7 cloudbox_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor6 cloudbox_field_mono (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor6 cloudbox_field_mono_old (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex cloudbox_limits (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index cloudbox_on (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 collision_coefficients (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier collision_line_identifiers (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 complex_refr_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex counts (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Sparse covmat_block (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Sparse covmat_inv_block (Workspace &ws) noexcept
CovarianceMatrix covmat_se (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix covmat_sepsbatch (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix covmat_so (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix covmat_ss (Workspace &ws) noexcept
CovarianceMatrix covmat_sx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix dabs_coef_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix dabs_xsec_per_species_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor3 diy_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfStokesVector dnlte_dx_source (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda dobatch_calc_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor7 dobatch_cloudbox_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor4 dobatch_irradiance_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor5 dobatch_radiance_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor5 dobatch_spectral_irradiance_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index doit_conv_flag (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda doit_conv_test_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index doit_is_initialized (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index doit_iteration_counter (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda doit_mono_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda doit_rte_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor6 doit_scat_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda doit_scat_field_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector doit_za_grid_opt (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index doit_za_grid_size (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index doit_za_interp (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 dpnd_data_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString dpnd_data_dx_names (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor4 dpnd_field_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfPropagationMatrix dpropmat_clearsky_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 dpsd_data_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix dsrc_coef_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix dsurface_emission_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString dsurface_names (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor4 dsurface_rmatrix_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix dxdy (Workspace &ws) noexcept
PropagationMatrix ext_mat (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfPropagationMatrix ext_mat_spt (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector f_backend (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfVector f_backend_multi (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector f_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index f_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index file_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda forloop_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index forloop_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector fos_iyin_za_angles (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix fos_scatint_angles (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric g0 (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda g0_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector geo_pos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda geo_pos_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 heating_rates (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfXsecRecord hitran_xsec_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex instrument_pol (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfIndex instrument_pol_array (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda inversion_iterate_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index inversion_iteration_counter (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 irradiance_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
SpeciesAuxData isotopologue_ratios (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix iy (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index iy_agenda_call1 (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix iy_aux (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString iy_aux_vars (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda iy_cloudbox_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index iy_id (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda iy_loop_freqs_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda iy_main_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda iy_space_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda iy_surface_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfAgenda iy_surface_agenda_array (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 iy_transmission (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda iy_transmitter_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
String iy_unit (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector iyb (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix jacobian (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda jacobian_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index jacobian_do (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity jacobian_quantities (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric lat (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector lat_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector lat_true (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index lbl_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix line_irradiance (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 line_transmission (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector lm_ga_history (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric lo (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector lo_multi (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric lon (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector lon_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector lon_true (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 mag_u_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 mag_u_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 mag_v_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 mag_v_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 mag_w_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 mag_w_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda main_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix mblock_dlos_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index mblock_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
MCAntenna mc_antenna (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector mc_error (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index mc_iteration_count (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index mc_max_iter (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index mc_max_scatorder (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index mc_max_time (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index mc_min_iter (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 mc_points (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex mc_scat_order (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index mc_seed (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex mc_source_domain (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric mc_std_err (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric mc_taustep_limit (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector mc_y_tx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix met_amsu_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector met_mm_antenna (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix met_mm_backend (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString met_mm_polarisation (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda met_profile_calc_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric molarmass_dry_air (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index nbooks (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index ncols (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index nelem (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index nlibraries (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index nlte_do (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfStokesVector nlte_dsource_dx (Workspace &ws) noexcept
EnergyLevelMap nlte_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfGriddedField3 nlte_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier nlte_level_identifiers (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfStokesVector nlte_source (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor6 nlte_source_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector nlte_vibrational_energies (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index npages (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index nrows (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index nshelves (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index nvitrines (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector oem_diagnostics (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString oem_errors (Workspace &ws) noexcept
String output_file_format (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector p_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector p_grid_orig (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric p_hse (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 particle_bulkprop_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString particle_bulkprop_names (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix particle_masses (Workspace &ws) noexcept
SpeciesAuxData partition_functions (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 pha_mat (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor7 pha_mat_doit (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor5 pha_mat_spt (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTensor7 pha_mat_sptDOITOpt (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda pha_mat_spt_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric planet_rotation_period (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfAgenda pnd_agenda_array (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfString pnd_agenda_array_input_names (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix pnd_agenda_input (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString pnd_agenda_input_names (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector pnd_agenda_input_t (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix pnd_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 pnd_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfGriddedField3 pnd_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector pnd_size_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Ppath ppath (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda ppath_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfPpath ppath_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index ppath_inside_cloudbox_do (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric ppath_lmax (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric ppath_lraytrace (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Ppath ppath_step (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda ppath_step_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix ppvar_f (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 ppvar_iy (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix ppvar_mag (Workspace &ws) noexcept
EnergyLevelMap ppvar_nlte (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix ppvar_optical_depth (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector ppvar_p (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix ppvar_pnd (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector ppvar_t (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 ppvar_trans_cumulat (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 ppvar_trans_partial (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix ppvar_vmr (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix ppvar_wind (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfPropagationMatrix propmat_clearsky (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda propmat_clearsky_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor7 propmat_clearsky_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix psd_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector psd_size_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor5 radiance_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector range_bins (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector refellipsoid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric refr_index_air (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda refr_index_air_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric refr_index_air_group (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix relmat_per_band (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex relmat_type_per_band (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index retrieval_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector retrieval_eo (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector retrieval_ss (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric rte_alonglos_v (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector rte_los (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector rte_pos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector rte_pos2 (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector rtp_los (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector rtp_mag (Workspace &ws) noexcept
EnergyLevelMap rtp_nlte (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector rtp_pos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric rtp_pressure (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric rtp_temperature (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector rtp_vmr (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData scat_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index scat_data_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData scat_data_mono (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData scat_data_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
SingleScatteringData scat_data_single (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index scat_lat_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index scat_lon_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData scat_meta (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ScatteringMetaData scat_meta_single (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index scat_p_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString scat_species (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric scat_species_a (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric scat_species_b (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector scat_species_x (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index sensor_checked (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix sensor_description_amsu (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix sensor_los (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index sensor_norm (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix sensor_pol (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix sensor_pos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Sparse sensor_response (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector sensor_response_aa (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda sensor_response_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix sensor_response_dlos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix sensor_response_dlos_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector sensor_response_f (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector sensor_response_f_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex sensor_response_pol (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex sensor_response_pol_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector sensor_time (Workspace &ws) noexcept
String sideband_mode (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString sideband_mode_multi (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField1 sideband_response (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfGriddedField1 sideband_response_multi (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 specific_heat_capacity (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor5 spectral_irradiance_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor7 spectral_radiance_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector specular_los (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda spt_calc_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix src_coef (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix src_coef_per_species (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix src_xsec_per_species (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index stokes_dim (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector stokes_rotation (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 surface_complex_refr_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix surface_emission (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix surface_los (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector surface_normal (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 surface_props_data (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfString surface_props_names (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 surface_reflectivity (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 surface_rmatrix (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda surface_rtprop_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfAgenda surface_rtprop_agenda_array (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda surface_rtprop_sub_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix surface_rv_rh (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector surface_scalar_reflectivity (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric surface_skin_t (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index surface_type (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric surface_type_aux (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField2 surface_type_mask (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 t_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 t_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix t_surface (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTelsemAtlas telsem_atlases (Workspace &ws) noexcept
TessemNN tessem_neth (Workspace &ws) noexcept
TessemNN tessem_netv (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda test_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfAgenda test_agenda_array (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Time time (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTime time_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfTime time_stamps (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Timer timer (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix transmitter_pos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Verbosity verbosity (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor4 vmr_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfGriddedField3 vmr_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda water_p_eq_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 water_p_eq_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index wigner_initialized (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 wind_u_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 wind_u_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 wind_v_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 wind_v_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 wind_w_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 wind_w_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex wmrf_channels (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Sparse wmrf_weights (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector x (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector xa (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index xml_output_type (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector y (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfVector y_aux (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector y_baseline (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector y_f (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix y_geo (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix y_los (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfIndex y_pol (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix y_pos (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector yb (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfVector ybatch (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfArrayOfVector ybatch_aux (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Agenda ybatch_calc_agenda (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfVector ybatch_corr (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index ybatch_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
ArrayOfMatrix ybatch_jacobians (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index ybatch_n (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index ybatch_start (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector yf (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Tensor3 z_field (Workspace &ws) noexcept
GriddedField3 z_field_raw (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Numeric z_hse_accuracy (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Matrix z_surface (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector za_grid (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Vector za_grid_weights (Workspace &ws) noexcept
Index za_index (Workspace &ws) noexcept
AbsorptionLines AbsorptionLinesCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::AbsorptionLines &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Agenda AgendaCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Agenda &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfAbsorptionLines ArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfAbsorptionLines &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfAgenda ArrayOfAgendaCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfAgenda &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2 ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3 ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfIndex ArrayOfArrayOfIndexCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfIndex &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix ArrayOfArrayOfMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTagCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfString ArrayOfArrayOfStringCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfString &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfTime ArrayOfArrayOfTimeCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTime &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfArrayOfVector ArrayOfArrayOfVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfCIARecord ArrayOfCIARecordCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfCIARecord &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfGriddedField1 ArrayOfGriddedField1Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField1 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfGriddedField2 ArrayOfGriddedField2Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField2 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfGriddedField3 ArrayOfGriddedField3Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField3 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfGriddedField4 ArrayOfGriddedField4Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField4 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfIndex ArrayOfIndexCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfIndex &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfMatrix ArrayOfMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfPpath ArrayOfPpathCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfPpath &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfPropagationMatrix ArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfPropagationMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfRadiationVector ArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfRadiationVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity ArrayOfRetrievalQuantityCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfScatteringMetaData ArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfScatteringMetaData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfSingleScatteringData ArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfSingleScatteringData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfSparse ArrayOfSparseCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfSparse &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfStokesVector ArrayOfStokesVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfStokesVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfString ArrayOfStringCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfString &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTelsemAtlas ArrayOfTelsemAtlasCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTelsemAtlas &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTensor3 ArrayOfTensor3Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTensor3 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTensor4 ArrayOfTensor4Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTensor4 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTensor5 ArrayOfTensor5Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTensor5 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTensor6 ArrayOfTensor6Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTensor6 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTensor7 ArrayOfTensor7Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTensor7 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTime ArrayOfTimeCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTime &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix ArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfVector ArrayOfVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ArrayOfXsecRecord ArrayOfXsecRecordCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ArrayOfXsecRecord &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
CIARecord CIARecordCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::CIARecord &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
CovarianceMatrix CovarianceMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::CovarianceMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
EnergyLevelMap EnergyLevelMapCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::EnergyLevelMap &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GasAbsLookup GasAbsLookupCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::GasAbsLookup &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GridPos GridPosCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::GridPos &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GriddedField1 GriddedField1Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::GriddedField1 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GriddedField2 GriddedField2Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::GriddedField2 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GriddedField3 GriddedField3Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::GriddedField3 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GriddedField4 GriddedField4Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::GriddedField4 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GriddedField5 GriddedField5Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::GriddedField5 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
GriddedField6 GriddedField6Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::GriddedField6 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
HitranRelaxationMatrixData HitranRelaxationMatrixDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::HitranRelaxationMatrixData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Index IndexCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Index &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
MCAntenna MCAntennaCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::MCAntenna &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Matrix MatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Matrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Numeric NumericCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Numeric &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Ppath PpathCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Ppath &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
PropagationMatrix PropagationMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::PropagationMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
QuantumIdentifier QuantumIdentifierCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::QuantumIdentifier &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
RadiationVector RadiationVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::RadiationVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Rational RationalCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Rational &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
ScatteringMetaData ScatteringMetaDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::ScatteringMetaData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
SingleScatteringData SingleScatteringDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::SingleScatteringData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Sparse SparseCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Sparse &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
SpeciesAuxData SpeciesAuxDataCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::SpeciesAuxData &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
StokesVector StokesVectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::StokesVector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
String StringCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::String &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
TelsemAtlas TelsemAtlasCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::TelsemAtlas &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Tensor3 Tensor3Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::Tensor3 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Tensor4 Tensor4Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::Tensor4 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Tensor5 Tensor5Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::Tensor5 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Tensor6 Tensor6Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::Tensor6 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Tensor7 Tensor7Create (Workspace &ws, const Group::Tensor7 &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
TessemNN TessemNNCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::TessemNN &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Time TimeCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Time &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Timer TimerCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Timer &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
TransmissionMatrix TransmissionMatrixCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::TransmissionMatrix &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Vector VectorCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Vector &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")
Verbosity VerbosityCreate (Workspace &ws, const Group::Verbosity &inval, const Group::String &name, const Group::String &desc="nodescription")

Function Documentation

◆ aa_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::aa_grid ( Workspace ws)

Azimuthal angle grid.

The azimutal angle grid, on which the intensity field is stored. This grid is used for RT calculations inside the cloudbox, therefore one has to define it if the cloudbox is activated by the flag cloudbox_on. The grid must be sorted in increasing order, with no repetitions.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1717 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AngIntegrate_trapezoid(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_fixedstep(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_fixedstep_opt(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_fixedstep_opt2(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_opt(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_opti(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_original(), AngularGridsSetFluxCalc(), antenna2d_gridded_dlos(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), DOAngularGridsSet(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), FouComp_1ScatElem(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), init_xy(), irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(), ARTS::Method::irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matTransform(), spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField(), test_AngIntegrate_trapezoid_opti(), test_xy(), test_xy_fixedstep(), test_xy_fixedstep_opt(), test_xy_fixedstep_opt2(), and test_xy_opt().

◆ aa_index()

Index ARTS::Var::aa_index ( Workspace ws)

Azimuth angle index for scattering calculations.

This variable is used in methods used for computing scattering properties. It holds the information about the azimuth angles for which the scattering calculations are done. The angles used for computing scattering properties of particles can be different from that used for radiative transfer calculation.

Usage: Method output.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1733 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_fieldsCalc(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), doit_conv_flagAbs(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), DoitGetIncoming(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), pha_mat_spt_agendaExecute(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), and spt_calc_agendaExecute().

◆ abs_cia_data()

ArrayOfCIARecord ARTS::Var::abs_cia_data ( Workspace ws)

HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data.

This variable holds HITRAN CIA data (binary absorption cross-sections). The data itself is described in: Richard, C. et al. (2012), New section of the HITRAN database: Collision-induced absorption (CIA), J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 113, 1276-1285, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.11.004.

The binary absorption cross-sections have to be multiplied with the densities of both molecules to get absorption coefficients.


The outer array dimension in the ArrayOfArrayOfCIARecord is the same as that of abs_species. There will be CIA data only for those species that contain a CIA tag, for all other species it will be empty. The inner array dimension corresponds to the number of CIA tags for this species (there could be for example both N2-N2 and N2-H2) in the same species.

The CIA abs_species tags are described in abs_speciesSet.

Each individual CIARecord holds the complete information from one HITRAN CIA file. For the given pair of molecules A HITRAN CIA data file can hold several datasets (data for different temperatures but fixed frequency range).

Units: Frequencies: Hz Binary absorption cross-sections: m^5*molecule^-2

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1769 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_cia_dataAddCIARecord(), abs_cia_dataReadFromCIA(), ARTS::Method::abs_cia_dataReadFromCIA(), abs_cia_dataReadFromXML(), and abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA().

◆ abs_coef()

Matrix ARTS::Var::abs_coef ( Workspace ws)

The matrix of total scalar absorption coefficients.

Contains the gas absorption summed over all species as a function of f_grid* and abs_p, i.e., for a single atmospheric profile.

This variable is not used explicitly in a standard calculation, where absorption comes from the lookup table abs_lookup. However, it is useful for testing the methods that actually calculate line-by-line absorption, which have this variable as output. These methods are called internally by the method abs_lookupCalc, which generates the lookup table.

Dimensions: [f_grid, abs_p]

Unit: 1/m

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1790 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ abs_coef_per_species()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::abs_coef_per_species ( Workspace ws)

Scalar absorption coefficients individually per tag group.

The Array contains one matrix of absorption coefficients for each tag group, where the matrix format is the same as that of abs_coef

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1800 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ abs_cont_models()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::abs_cont_models ( Workspace ws)

Continuum / full model absorption model description parameter.

See the WSV ‘abs_cont_names’ for a detailed description of the allowed continuum models. There should be one string here for each entry in ‘abs_cont_names’.See also the online documentation in arts/doc/doxygen/html/continua_cc.html.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1812 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_cont_descriptionAppend(), ARTS::Method::abs_cont_descriptionInit(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), and ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts().

◆ abs_cont_names()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::abs_cont_names ( Workspace ws)

Continuum / full model absorption tag names.

This variable should contain a list of tag names of continuum and full models, respectively. Associated with this WSV is the WSV ‘abs_cont_models’ which contains the specific model version of each continuum / full model absorption tag and the WSV ‘abs_cont_parameters’ which should contain the continuum / full model user defined parameters. The user defined parameters are only used when the specified model is 'user'. See also the online documentation in arts/doc/doxygen/html/continua_cc.html.

The following full water vapor models are implemented: 'H2O-MPM87': absorption model (line and continuum) according to H. J. Liebe, A contribution to modeling atmospheric millimeter-wave properties, Frequenz, 41, 1987, 31-36 and H. J. Liebe and D. H. Layton, Millimeter-wave properties of the atmosphere: Laboratory studies and propagation modeling, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Institute for Communication Sciences, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303-3328, report 87224. 'H2O-MPM89': absorption model (line and continuum) according to H. J. Liebe, Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 10(6), 1989, 631 'H2O-MPM93': absorption model (line and continuum) according to H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton, Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz, AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 ( 'H2O-CP98': absorption model (line and continuum) according to S. L. Cruz-Pol et al., Radio Science, 33(5), 1319, 1998 ( 'H2O-PWR98': absorption model (line and continuum) according to P. W. Rosenkranz, Radio Science, 33(4), 919, 1998, Radio Science, 34(4), 1025, 1999 (ftp:

The following full oxygen models are implemented: 'O2-MPM93': absorption model (line and continuum) according to H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton, Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz, AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 ( 'O2-PWR93': absorption model (line and continuum) according to P. W. Rosenkranz, Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 (

The following continuum parameterizations are implemented: H2O-H2O ('H2O-SelfContStandardType'): P. W. Rosenkranz, Radio Science, Vol. 33, No 4, Pages 919-928, 1998 and Radio Science, Vol. 34, No 4, Page 1025, 1999 ( H2O-air ('H2O-ForeignContStandardType'): P. W. Rosenkranz, Radio Science, Vol. 33, No 4, Pages 919-928, 1998 and Radio Science, Vol. 34, No 4, Page 1025, 1999 ( H2O-air ('H2O-ContMPM93'): H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton, Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz, AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 ( O2-air ('O2-SelfContStandardType'): P. W. Rosenkranz, Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 ( and also described in H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton, Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz, AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 ( N2-N2 ('N2-SelfContStandardType'): The functional form of Rosenkranz but with more input parameters. P. W. Rosenkranz, Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 ( N2-N2 ('N2-SelfContMPM93'): H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton, Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz, AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 ( CO2-CO2 ('CO2-SelfContPWR93'): P. W. Rosenkranz, Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 ( CO2-N2 ('CO2-ForeignContPWR93'): P. W. Rosenkranz, Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993 (

The following cloud absorption models are implemented: Suspended water droplet ('liquidcloud-MPM93') absorption parameterization from the MPM93 model: H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton, Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz, AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 ( Ice water droplet absorption ('icecloud-MPM93') parameterization from MPM93 model: H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton, Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz, AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21 (

The following rain extinction model is implemented: Rain extinction parameterization ('rain-MPM93') from the MPM93 model, described in: H. J. Liebe, MPM - An Atmospheric Millimeter-Wave Propagation Model, Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 10(6), pp. 631-650, 1989; and based on: Olsen, R.L., D.V. Rogers, and D. B. Hodge, The aR^b relation in the calculation of rain attenuation, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-26, pp. 318-329, 1978. IMPORTANT NOTE: rain-MPM93 parameterizes the EXTINCTION by rain, not just the absorption. Therefore it is not suitable for calculating thermal emission by rain! Please use rain-MPM93 only for calculation of attenuation.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1966 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_cont_descriptionAppend(), abs_cont_descriptionInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_cont_descriptionInit(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), and ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts().

◆ abs_cont_parameters()

ArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::abs_cont_parameters ( Workspace ws)

Continuum model parameters. See the WSV abs_cont_names

for a detailed description of the allowed continuum models. There should be one parameter vector here for each entry in abs_cont_names*. See also the online documentation in arts/doc/doxygen/html/continua_cc.html.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1978 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_cont_descriptionAppend(), abs_cont_descriptionInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_cont_descriptionInit(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), and ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts().

◆ abs_f_interp_order()

Index ARTS::Var::abs_f_interp_order ( Workspace ws)

Frequency interpolation order for absorption lookup table.

The interpolation order to use when interpolating the absorption lookup table in frequency. This is in particular needed for calculations with Doppler shift, so that absorption is interpolated to the shifted frequency grid. One is linear interpolation, two quadratic, and so on.

As a special case, order 0 in this particular case means no interpolation. In that case f_grid must match exactly the grid inside the lookup table. This is the global default value, set in general.arts.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 1996 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetupBatch(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), and propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup().

◆ abs_hitran_relmat_data()

HitranRelaxationMatrixData ARTS::Var::abs_hitran_relmat_data ( Workspace ws)

HITRAN line mixing data to compute the relaxation matrix.

This variable holds HITRAN line mixing data as per J. Lamouroux, L. Realia, X. Thomas, et al., J.Q.S.R.T. 151 (2015), 88-96

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2006 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_hitran_relmat_dataReadHitranRelmatDataAndLines(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), and ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines().

◆ abs_lines()

ArrayOfAbsorptionLines ARTS::Var::abs_lines ( Workspace ws)

A list of spectral line data.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2013 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(), abs_lines_per_speciesReadSplitCatalog(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoff(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimit(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeType(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroring(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalization(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulation(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetZeemanCoefficients(), abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), abs_linesAppendWithLines(), abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_linesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_linesCleanupEmpty(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesCleanupEmpty(), abs_linesCompact(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesCompact(), abs_linesDeleteBadF0(), abs_linesDeleteLinesWithBadOrHighChangingJs(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteLinesWithBadOrHighChangingJs(), abs_linesDeleteLinesWithQuantumNumberAbove(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteLinesWithQuantumNumberAbove(), abs_linesDeleteLinesWithUndefinedLocalQuanta(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteLinesWithUndefinedLocalQuanta(), abs_linesDeleteWithLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteWithLines(), abs_linesKeepBands(), abs_linesPrintDefinedQuantumNumbers(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesPrintDefinedQuantumNumbers(), abs_linesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(), abs_linesRemoveBand(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesRemoveBand(), abs_linesRemoveUnusedLocalQuantumNumbers(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesRemoveUnusedLocalQuantumNumbers(), abs_linesReplaceWithLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesReplaceWithLines(), abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_linesSetCutoff(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetCutoff(), abs_linesSetCutoffForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetCutoffForMatch(), abs_linesSetEmptyBroadeningParametersToEmpty(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetEmptyBroadeningParametersToEmpty(), abs_linesSetLinemixingLimit(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLinemixingLimit(), abs_linesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), abs_linesSetLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_linesSetLineShapeType(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLineShapeType(), abs_linesSetLineShapeTypeForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLineShapeTypeForMatch(), abs_linesSetMirroring(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetMirroring(), abs_linesSetMirroringForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetMirroringForMatch(), abs_linesSetNormalization(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetNormalization(), abs_linesSetNormalizationForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetNormalizationForMatch(), abs_linesSetPopulation(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetPopulation(), abs_linesSetPopulationForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetPopulationForMatch(), abs_linesSetQuantumNumberForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetQuantumNumberForMatch(), abs_linesSetT0(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetT0(), abs_linesSetT0ForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetT0ForMatch(), abs_linesSetZeemanCoefficients(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetZeemanCoefficients(), abs_linesTruncateGlobalQuantumNumbers(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesTruncateGlobalQuantumNumbers(), abs_linesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), abs_linesWriteSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesWriteSplitXML(), createAij(), createBij(), createBji(), createCji(), nlte_collision_factorsCalcFromCoeffs(), nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), nlte_positions_in_statistical_equilibrium_matrix(), ReadHITRAN(), ReadJPL(), ReadLBLRTM(), ReadMytran2(), ReadSplitARTSCAT(), and setCji().

◆ abs_lines_per_species()

ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines ARTS::Var::abs_lines_per_species ( Workspace ws)

A list of spectral line data for each tag.

Dimensions: [abs_species.nelem()][Depends on how many bands there are in abs_lines]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2022 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_hitran_relmat_dataReadHitranRelmatDataAndLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesCompact(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesCompact(), abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesReadSplitCatalog(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoff(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoff(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetEmpty(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetEmpty(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimit(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimit(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeType(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeType(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroring(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroring(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalization(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalization(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulation(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulation(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetQuantumNumberForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetQuantumNumberForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetZeemanCoefficients(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetZeemanCoefficients(), abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSplitXML(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierFromLines(), f_gridFromAbsorptionLines(), lbl_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::lbl_checkedCalc(), line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), nlteSetByQuantumIdentifiers(), ARTS::Method::nlteSetByQuantumIdentifiers(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ abs_lookup()

GasAbsLookup ARTS::Var::abs_lookup ( Workspace ws)

An absorption lookup table.

It holds an absorption lookup table, as well as all information that is necessary to use the table to extract absorption. Extraction routines are implemented as member functions.

It has quite a complicated structure. For details see the Arts User Guide section "The gas absorption lookup table" or the source code documentation in gas_abs_lookup.h.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2037 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), f_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), ARTS::Method::f_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), p_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), ARTS::Method::p_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), and propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup().

◆ abs_lookup_is_adapted()

Index ARTS::Var::abs_lookup_is_adapted ( Workspace ws)

Flag to indicate whether abs_lookupAdapt has already been called.

Values: 0=false, 1=true.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2047 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), and propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup().

◆ abs_nls()

ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag ARTS::Var::abs_nls ( Workspace ws)

Nonlinear species for absorption lookup table generation.

A list of absorption species that should be treated non-linearly. This means that the H2O VMR should be varied when calculating the lookup table for those species.

A typical example is for this to containt the Rosenkranz full absorption model species for water vapor and oxygen (["H2O-PWR98", "O2-PWR93"]).

See user guide and online documentation of abs_lookupCalc for more details and usage examples.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2065 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), and choose_abs_nls().

◆ abs_nls_interp_order()

Index ARTS::Var::abs_nls_interp_order ( Workspace ws)

The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the H2O values given by abs_nls_pert.

This is used by methods extracting absorption coefficients from the lookup table, and by methods setting up parameters for lookup table generation. Has a default value, which is set in general.arts.

Note that the number of points used in the interpolation scheme is interpolation order + 1 (e.g., two for first order interpolation).

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2081 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), calc_lookup_error(), and propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup().

◆ abs_nls_pert()

Vector ARTS::Var::abs_nls_pert ( Workspace ws)

Fractional perturbations for the nonlinear species in the absorption lookup table.

This is a vector of fractional perturbations that should contain 1 (the unperturbed reference profile). A value of 0 may lead to error messages from some absorption routines, so a possible content for this variable is: [1e-24, 1, 2]. (This is similar to abs_t_pert, but multiplicative, not additive.)

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2095 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), abs_lookupSetup(), and choose_abs_nls_pert().

◆ abs_nlte()

EnergyLevelMap ARTS::Var::abs_nlte ( Workspace ws)

NLTE temperatures or ratios to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.

In contrast to the global nlte_field, this is just a matrix. Any absorption method should check that the columns of this vector is the same as that of abs_p

Dimension: [nltes, 1, 1, p_grid] or [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

Unit: K

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2111 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_nlteFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::abs_nlteFromRaw(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), and xsec_species().

◆ abs_p()

Vector ARTS::Var::abs_p ( Workspace ws)

List of pressures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.

This can be copied from the global p_grid, but could also be different.

Any absorption method should check that the length of this vector is the same as that of abs_t

Dimension: [p_grid]

Unit: Pa

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2129 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), AbsInputFromAtmFields(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromAtmFields(), AbsInputFromRteScalars(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromRteScalars(), BF86_CIA_N2(), CKD24_H20(), CKD_222_foreign_h2o(), CKD_222_self_h2o(), CKD_241_co2(), CKD_242_foreign_h2o(), CKD_242_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_100_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_100_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_250_CIAfun_n2(), CKD_mt_250_CIArot_n2(), CKD_mt_250_co2(), CKD_mt_250_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_250_o2_vis(), CKD_mt_250_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_320_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_320_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_CIAfun_n2(), CKD_mt_CIAfun_o2(), CKD_mt_CIArot_n2(), CKD_mt_co2(), CKD_mt_v0v0_o2(), CKD_mt_v1v0_o2(), CP98H2OAbsModel(), ELL07WaterDropletAbs(), Ho66_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Ho66_CO2_self_continuum(), MaTipping_H2O_foreign_continuum(), MPM02H2OAbsModel(), MPM85O2AbsModel(), MPM87H2OAbsModel(), MPM87O2AbsModel(), MPM89H2OAbsModel(), MPM89O2AbsModel(), MPM92O2AbsModel(), MPM93_H2O_continuum(), MPM93_N2_continuum(), MPM93_O2_continuum(), MPM93H2OAbsModel(), MPM93IceCrystalAbs(), MPM93O2AbsModel(), MPM93RainExt(), MPM93WaterDropletAbs(), Pardo_ATM_H2O_ForeignContinuum(), Pardo_ATM_N2_dry_continuum(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), PWR93O2AbsModel(), PWR98H2OAbsModel(), Rosenkranz_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Rosenkranz_CO2_self_continuum(), Rosenkranz_N2_self_continuum(), Rosenkranz_O2_continuum(), Standard_H2O_foreign_continuum(), Standard_H2O_self_continuum(), Standard_N2_self_continuum(), Standard_O2_continuum(), TRE05O2AbsModel(), xsec_continuum_tag(), and xsec_species().

◆ abs_p_interp_order()

Index ARTS::Var::abs_p_interp_order ( Workspace ws)

The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between pressure levels.

This is used by methods extracting absorption coefficients from the lookup table, and by methods setting up parameters for lookup table generation. Has a default value, which is set in general.arts.

Note that the number of points used in the interpolation scheme is interpolation order + 1 (e.g., two for first order interpolation).

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2145 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), calc_lookup_error(), and propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup().

◆ abs_species()

ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag ARTS::Var::abs_species ( Workspace ws)

Tag groups for gas absorption.

This is an array of arrays of SpeciesTag tag definitions. It defines the available tag groups for the calculation of scalar gas absorption coefficients. See online documentation of method abs_speciesSet for more detailed information how tag groups work and some examples.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2157 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_cia_dataReadFromCIA(), ARTS::Method::abs_cia_dataReadFromCIA(), abs_cia_dataReadFromXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), abs_hitran_relmat_dataReadHitranRelmatDataAndLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(), abs_lines_per_speciesReadSplitCatalog(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesReadSplitCatalog(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetEmpty(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetEmpty(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForSpecies(), abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), abs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesAdd(), abs_speciesAdd2(), abs_speciesDefineAll(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesDefineAll(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesDefineAllInScenario(), abs_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesInit(), abs_speciesSet(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesSet(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_agenda_checkedCalc(), abs_xsec_agenda_checkedCalc(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmRawRead(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), AtmWithNLTERawRead(), bad_abs_species(), check_abs_species(), checkIsotopologueRatios(), checkPartitionFunctions(), choose_abs_nls(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), collision_coefficientsFromSplitFiles(), find_nonlinear_continua(), get_pointers_for_analytical_jacobians(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), lbl_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::lbl_checkedCalc(), nlte_collision_factorsCalcFromCoeffs(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc(), propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), ReadSplitARTSCAT(), refr_index_airMicrowavesEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(), rtmethods_jacobian_init(), ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), set_vmr_from_first_species(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), vmr_fieldClip(), vmr_fieldPerturb(), vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), vmr_fieldSetAllConstant(), ARTS::Method::vmr_fieldSetAllConstant(), vmr_fieldSetConstant(), ARTS::Method::vmr_fieldSetConstant(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), xsec_species(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), z_fieldFromHSE(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ abs_species_active()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::abs_species_active ( Workspace ws)

Indices of active absorption species.

This variable selects, which absorption species are active in abs_xsec_agenda*.

Dimension: A vector with one element for every active species, at max same number of elements as abs_species.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2170 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ abs_t()

Vector ARTS::Var::abs_t ( Workspace ws)

List of temperatures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.

In contrast to the global t_field, this is just a vector. Any absorption method should check that the length of this vector is the same as that of abs_p

Dimension: [p_grid]

Unit: K

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2186 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), AbsInputFromAtmFields(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromAtmFields(), AbsInputFromRteScalars(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromRteScalars(), BF86_CIA_N2(), choose_abs_t_pert(), CKD24_H20(), CKD_222_foreign_h2o(), CKD_222_self_h2o(), CKD_241_co2(), CKD_242_foreign_h2o(), CKD_242_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_100_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_100_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_250_CIAfun_n2(), CKD_mt_250_CIArot_n2(), CKD_mt_250_co2(), CKD_mt_250_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_250_o2_vis(), CKD_mt_250_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_320_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_320_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_CIAfun_n2(), CKD_mt_CIAfun_o2(), CKD_mt_CIArot_n2(), CKD_mt_co2(), CKD_mt_v0v0_o2(), CKD_mt_v1v0_o2(), CP98H2OAbsModel(), ELL07WaterDropletAbs(), Ho66_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Ho66_CO2_self_continuum(), MaTipping_H2O_foreign_continuum(), MPM02H2OAbsModel(), MPM85O2AbsModel(), MPM87H2OAbsModel(), MPM87O2AbsModel(), MPM89H2OAbsModel(), MPM89O2AbsModel(), MPM92O2AbsModel(), MPM93_H2O_continuum(), MPM93_N2_continuum(), MPM93_O2_continuum(), MPM93H2OAbsModel(), MPM93IceCrystalAbs(), MPM93O2AbsModel(), MPM93RainExt(), MPM93WaterDropletAbs(), Pardo_ATM_H2O_ForeignContinuum(), Pardo_ATM_N2_dry_continuum(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), PWR93O2AbsModel(), PWR98H2OAbsModel(), Rosenkranz_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Rosenkranz_CO2_self_continuum(), Rosenkranz_N2_self_continuum(), Rosenkranz_O2_continuum(), Standard_H2O_foreign_continuum(), Standard_H2O_self_continuum(), Standard_N2_self_continuum(), Standard_O2_continuum(), TRE05O2AbsModel(), xsec_continuum_tag(), and xsec_species().

◆ abs_t_interp_order()

Index ARTS::Var::abs_t_interp_order ( Workspace ws)

The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the temperature values given by abs_t_pert.

This is used by methods extracting absorption coefficients from the lookup table, and by methods setting up parameters for lookup table generation. Has a default value, which is set in general.arts.

Note that the number of points used in the interpolation scheme is interpolation order + 1 (e.g., two for first order interpolation).

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2202 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), calc_lookup_error(), and propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup().

◆ abs_t_pert()

Vector ARTS::Var::abs_t_pert ( Workspace ws)

Temperature perturbations for the absorption lookup table.

This is a vector containing temperature perturbations (in Kelvin) that should be added to the reference temperature profile. (Similar to abs_nls_pert*, but additive, not multiplicative.) Should normally contain 0, to include the reference profile itself. Example content: [-5, 0, 5].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2215 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), and choose_abs_t_pert().

◆ abs_vec()

StokesVector ARTS::Var::abs_vec ( Workspace ws)

Total absorption vector.

This variable contains the absorption coefficient vector which is used in the RTE calculation. It is the physical absorption which includes particle absorption for all considered scattering elements as well as gaseous absorption for all selected gaseous species. The vector is calculated by opt_prop_bulkCalc The dimension of the variable adapts to stokes_dim.

See ARTS user guide (AUG) for further information. Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Output of opt_prop_bulkCalc

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [f_grid, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2239 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_vecAddGas(), ARTS::Method::abs_vecAddGas(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), ext_matFromabs_vec(), opt_prop_1ScatElem(), opt_prop_Bulk(), opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_NScatElems(), opt_prop_ScatSpecBulk(), opt_prop_sum_propmat_clearsky(), and OptimizeDoitPressureGrid().

◆ abs_vec_spt()

ArrayOfStokesVector ARTS::Var::abs_vec_spt ( Workspace ws)

Absorption vectors of the scattering elements.

This variable contains the elements of the absorption vector of the individual scattering elements. It is calculated in the agenda spt_calc_agenda*.

See ARTS user guide (AUG) for further information.

Usage: Input and Output of the method abs_vec_sptCalc

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [number of scattering elements, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2258 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), and spt_calc_agendaExecute().

◆ abs_vmrs()

◆ abs_xsec_agenda()

◆ abs_xsec_agenda_checked()

◆ abs_xsec_per_species()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::abs_xsec_per_species ( Workspace ws)

Absorption cross sections for the attenuation.

This variable contains absorption cross section xsec individually for each tag group. The Array contains one matrix for each tag group, the matrix format is the same as that of abs_coef.

Dimensions: [abs_species](f_grid, abs_p)

Unit: m^2 (alpha = xsec * n * VMR), where n is total density.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2299 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ AbsorptionLinesCreate()

AbsorptionLines ARTS::Var::AbsorptionLinesCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::AbsorptionLines inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an AbsorptionLines

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]AbsorptionLinesinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7804 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ agenda_array_index()

Index ARTS::Var::agenda_array_index ( Workspace ws)

Index of the current agenda in ArrayOfAgenda.

This is set during the execution of an agenda from an ArrayOfAgenda. It indicates the index of the current agenda inside the array.

Unit: Integer value.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2311 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ArrayOfAgendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfAgendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), surface_rtprop_agenda_arrayExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::test_agenda_array(), and test_agenda_arrayExecute().

◆ AgendaCreate()

Agenda ARTS::Var::AgendaCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Agenda inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Agenda

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Agendainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7823 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ antenna_dim()

Index ARTS::Var::antenna_dim ( Workspace ws)

The dimensionality of the antenna pattern (1-2).

A dimensionality of 1 means that only the respons variation in the zenith direction is considered. The provided respons shall then be the integrated in the azimuth direction. For 2D, the respons of the antenna has both a zenith and azimuth variation.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Integer value [1-2].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2327 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by antenna1d_matrix(), antenna2d_interp_response(), AntennaConstantGaussian1D(), AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), AntennaOff(), ARTS::Method::AntennaOff(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensorOff(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ antenna_dlos()

Matrix ARTS::Var::antenna_dlos ( Workspace ws)

The relative line-of-sight of each antenna pattern.

This variable describes the line-of-sight of the individual antennae relative to sensor_los. If each measurement block corresponds to a single antenna pattern, the normal choice is to set the angle(s) of this variable to zero.

The first column holds the relative zenith angle. This column is mandatory for all atmospheric dimensionalities. For 3D, there can also be a second column, giving relative azimuth angles. If this column is not present (for 3D) zero azimuth off-sets are assumed.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ degrees, degrees ]

Size: [ number of antennae, 1 or 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2354 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by antenna2d_interp_response(), AntennaConstantGaussian1D(), AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), sensor_responseAntenna(), and sensor_responseMetMM().

◆ antenna_response()

GriddedField4 ARTS::Var::antenna_response ( Workspace ws)

The antenna pattern/response.

This WSV describes the antenna response as a function of polarisation (pol), frequencue (f), zenith angle (za) and azimuth angle (aa).

Polarisation dimension: If this dimension has size 1, the data are applied for all polarisations of concern. The data are otherwise used in sequential order. This signifies that, in general, the first polarisation "layer" corresponds to the first stokes dimension etc. An exception is if a polarisation rotation has been applied. In any case, it is up to the user to ensure that polarisations are consistently defined.

Frequency dimension: If this dimension has size 1, the data are applied for all frequencies of concern. The given frequency must be inside the frequency range of concern. A linear interpolation is otherwise applied.

Zenith angle dimension: This dimension must always have a size >= 2 The response outside covered grid range is treated as zero. If antenna_dim* equals 1, the data should correspond to the response integrated in the azimuthal direction.

Azimuth angle dimension: If antenna_dim equals 1, this dimension must have size 1. A size >= 2 is otherwise required. The response outside covered grid range is treated as zero.

Usage: Set by the user.

Dimensions: GriddedField4: ArrayOfString field_names[N_pol] Vector f_grid[N_f] Vector za_grid[N_za] Vector aa_grid[N_aa] Tensor4 data[N_pol][N_f][N_za][N_aa]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2396 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by antenna1d_matrix(), antenna2d_interp_response(), and sensor_responseAntenna().

◆ ArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate()

ArrayOfAbsorptionLines ARTS::Var::ArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfAbsorptionLines inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfAbsorptionLines

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfAbsorptionLinesinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7842 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfAgendaCreate()

ArrayOfAgenda ARTS::Var::ArrayOfAgendaCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfAgenda inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfAgenda

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfAgendainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7861 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLinesinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7880 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1Create()

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7899 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2Create()

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7918 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3Create()

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7937 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfIndexCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfIndexCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfIndex inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfIndex

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfIndexinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7956 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfMatrixCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7975 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 7994 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8013 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8032 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8051 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTagCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTagCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTaginval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8070 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVectorCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8089 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfStringCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfString ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfStringCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfString inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfString

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfStringinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8108 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3Create()

ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8127 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6Create()

ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8146 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfTimeCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfTime ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfTimeCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTime inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfTime

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfTimeinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8165 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8184 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfArrayOfVectorCreate()

ArrayOfArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::ArrayOfArrayOfVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfArrayOfVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfArrayOfVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfArrayOfVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8203 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfCIARecordCreate()

ArrayOfCIARecord ARTS::Var::ArrayOfCIARecordCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfCIARecord inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfCIARecord

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfCIARecordinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8222 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfGriddedField1Create()

ArrayOfGriddedField1 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfGriddedField1Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField1 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfGriddedField1

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfGriddedField1inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8241 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfGriddedField2Create()

ArrayOfGriddedField2 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfGriddedField2Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField2 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfGriddedField2

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfGriddedField2inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8260 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfGriddedField3Create()

ArrayOfGriddedField3 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfGriddedField3Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField3 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfGriddedField3

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfGriddedField3inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8279 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfGriddedField4Create()

ArrayOfGriddedField4 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfGriddedField4Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfGriddedField4 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfGriddedField4

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfGriddedField4inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8298 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfIndexCreate()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::ArrayOfIndexCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfIndex inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfIndex

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfIndexinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8317 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfMatrixCreate()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::ArrayOfMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8336 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfPpathCreate()

ArrayOfPpath ARTS::Var::ArrayOfPpathCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfPpath inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfPpath

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfPpathinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8355 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate()

ArrayOfPropagationMatrix ARTS::Var::ArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfPropagationMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfPropagationMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfPropagationMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8374 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierCreate()

ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier ARTS::Var::ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8393 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate()

ArrayOfRadiationVector ARTS::Var::ArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfRadiationVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfRadiationVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfRadiationVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8412 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfRetrievalQuantityCreate()

ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity ARTS::Var::ArrayOfRetrievalQuantityCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfRetrievalQuantityinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8431 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate()

ArrayOfScatteringMetaData ARTS::Var::ArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfScatteringMetaData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfScatteringMetaData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfScatteringMetaDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8450 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate()

ArrayOfSingleScatteringData ARTS::Var::ArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfSingleScatteringData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfSingleScatteringData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfSingleScatteringDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8469 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfSparseCreate()

ArrayOfSparse ARTS::Var::ArrayOfSparseCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfSparse inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfSparse

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfSparseinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8488 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfStokesVectorCreate()

ArrayOfStokesVector ARTS::Var::ArrayOfStokesVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfStokesVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfStokesVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfStokesVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8507 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfStringCreate()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::ArrayOfStringCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfString inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfString

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfStringinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8526 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTelsemAtlasCreate()

ArrayOfTelsemAtlas ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTelsemAtlasCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTelsemAtlas inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTelsemAtlas

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTelsemAtlasinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8545 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTensor3Create()

ArrayOfTensor3 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTensor3Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTensor3 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTensor3

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTensor3inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8564 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTensor4Create()

ArrayOfTensor4 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTensor4Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTensor4 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTensor4

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTensor4inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8583 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTensor5Create()

ArrayOfTensor5 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTensor5Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTensor5 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTensor5

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTensor5inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8602 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTensor6Create()

ArrayOfTensor6 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTensor6Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTensor6 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTensor6

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTensor6inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8621 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTensor7Create()

ArrayOfTensor7 ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTensor7Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTensor7 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTensor7

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTensor7inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8640 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTimeCreate()

ArrayOfTime ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTimeCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTime inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTime

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTimeinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8659 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate()

ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix ARTS::Var::ArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfTransmissionMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8678 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfVectorCreate()

ArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::ArrayOfVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8697 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ArrayOfXsecRecordCreate()

ArrayOfXsecRecord ARTS::Var::ArrayOfXsecRecordCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ArrayOfXsecRecord inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ArrayOfXsecRecord

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ArrayOfXsecRecordinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8716 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ atm_fields_compact()

GriddedField4 ARTS::Var::atm_fields_compact ( Workspace ws)

A compact set of atmospheric fields on a common set of grids.

Data is supposed to contain basic atmsopheric fields for a RT calculation, i.e., temperature, altitude, and gas VMRs. It can furthermore contain fields describing scattering species like mass content, mass flux, number density of diverse scattering species.

VMR fields are unitless, scattering species fields are supposed to be in SI units (i.e. kg/m3 for mass contents, kg/m2/s for mass flux, 1/m3 for number densities).

The data are stored in a GriddedField4.

The first field in the matrix (i.e., first matrix column) has to be atmospheric pressure. Apart from this, the order of the fields is free. Field content (apart from pressure) is identified by their given field name tag. Furthermore, absorption species (e.g. VMR) fields and scattering species fields are related to abs_species and scat_species entries, respectively, by their field name tags. The tags must exhibit the following structure:

0) species identifier: Fields, supposed to be sorted into vmr_field, must be headed the tag 'abs_species'. Names of scattering species fields likewise must be headed by the 'scat_species' tag. Temperature and altitude fields do not hold any heading tag. 1) species name: The (core) name of the field: 'T' for temperature, 'z' for altitude, the absorption species name (e.g. 'H2O, 'O3', etc.) for absorption species, the scattering species name (e.g. 'IWC') for scattering species. For scattering species, this part is matched against the scattering species name part of the scat_species tags. 2) field type: This has to be given for scattering species only, indicating the type of the scattering species fields, i.e. 'mass_density', 'mass_flux', 'number_density', 'mean_mass'. Dashes ('-') serve as delimiter, separating the elements of each field name tag.

Usage: Used inside batch calculations, to hold successive atmospheric states from an ArrayOfGriddedField4.

Dimensions: GriddedField4: ArrayOfString field_names[N_fields] Vector p_grid[N_p] Vector lat_grid[N_lat] Vector lon_grid[N_lon] Tensor4 data[N_fields][N_p][N_lat][N_lon]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2452 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetupBatch(), atm_fields_compactAddSpecies(), atm_fields_compactCleanup(), ARTS::Method::atm_fields_compactCleanup(), atm_fields_compactCreateFromField(), ARTS::Method::atm_fields_compactCreateFromField(), ARTS::Method::atm_fields_compactFromMatrix(), and iyIndependentBeamApproximation().

◆ atmfields_checked()

Index ARTS::Var::atmfields_checked ( Workspace ws)

OK-flag for atmospheric grids and (physical) fields.

The variable flags that clear-sky part of the atmosphere is defined in formally correct way. Example on problems captured include that the size of an atmospheric fields does not match the length of the atmospheric grids, and physically incorrect data such as negative temperatures.

Note that z_field is not covered by this variable, it is instead treated to be part of the geometrical considerations where the ok-flag is denoted as atmgeom_checked. The cloudbox is covered by cloudbox_checked*.

Shall be set by atmfields_checkedCalc. See that WSMs for treated WSVs. Only the value 1 is taken as OK.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2473 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), check_disort_input(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), DoitCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), p_gridDensify(), p_gridRefine(), ARTS::Method::p_gridRefine(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), yActive(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalcAppend(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), and z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ atmgeom_checked()

Index ARTS::Var::atmgeom_checked ( Workspace ws)

OK-flag for the geometry of the model atmosphere.

The variable flags that reference ellipsoid, the surface and z_field contain formally correct values. Includes for example, that z_field holds strictly increasing values at each geographical position.

See also atmfields_checked.

Shall be set by atmgeom_checkedCalc. Only the value 1 is taken as OK.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2489 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), check_disort_input(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), DoitCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), p_gridDensify(), p_gridRefine(), ARTS::Method::p_gridRefine(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), yActive(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ atmosphere_dim()

Index ARTS::Var::atmosphere_dim ( Workspace ws)

The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).

This variable defines the complexity of the atmospheric structure. The dimensionality is given by an integer between 1 and 3, where 1 means 1D etc. This is the master variable for the atmospheric dimensionality, variables which size changes with the dimensionality are checked to match this variable.

Methods adapt automatically to this variable. That is, it should not be needed to change any methods if the dimensionality is changed. However, not all methods are working for higher dimensions.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Integer value.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2510 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), abs_speciesAdd2(), AbsInputFromAtmFields(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromAtmFields(), adapt_stepwise_partial_derivatives(), adjust_los(), AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), atm_fields_compactFromMatrix(), ARTS::Method::atm_fields_compactFromMatrix(), AtmFieldPerturb(), AtmFieldPerturbAtmGrids(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExtract1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), AtmosphereSet1D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet1D(), AtmosphereSet2D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet2D(), AtmosphereSet3D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet3D(), batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix(), ARTS::Method::batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix(), check_disort_input(), chk_latlon_true(), chk_pnd_data(), chk_pnd_raw_data(), chk_rte_los(), chk_rte_pos(), cloud_atm_vars_by_gp(), cloud_fieldsCalc(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), cloud_RT_no_background(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldCrop(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), cloudboxSetAutomatically(), cloudboxSetFullAtm(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetFullAtm(), cloudboxSetManually(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManually(), cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), diy_from_path_to_rgrids(), diy_from_pos_to_rgrids(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), doit_za_interpSet(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), dotprod_with_los(), find_cloudlimits(), get_gp_atmgrids_to_rq(), get_gp_atmsurf_to_rq(), get_gp_rq_to_atmgrids(), get_iy_of_background(), get_ppath_atmvars(), get_ppath_cloudvars(), get_ppath_f(), get_stepwise_f_partials(), get_stepwise_frequency_grid(), get_stepwise_scattersky_propmat(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), ARTS::Method::IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), interp_atmfield_by_gp(), interp_atmfield_by_itw(), interp_atmfield_gp2itw(), interp_atmsurface_by_gp(), interp_atmsurface_by_itw(), interp_atmsurface_gp2itw(), interp_cloudfield_gp2itw(), InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), EnergyLevelMap::InterpToGridPos(), is_gp_inside_cloudbox(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), jacobianAddAbsSpecies(), jacobianAddMagField(), jacobianAddNLTE(), jacobianAddNLTEs(), jacobianAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddScatSpecies(), jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), jacobianAddTemperature(), jacobianAddWind(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), mirror_los(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), pnd_fieldExpand1D(), pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), pos2refell_r(), pos2true_latlon(), ppath_calc(), ppath_fieldFromDownUpLimbGeoms(), ppath_init_structure(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), regrid_atmfield_by_gp(), regrid_atmfield_by_gp_oem(), regrid_atmsurf_by_gp(), regrid_atmsurf_by_gp_oem(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), retrievalAddMagField(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), rte_losSet(), ARTS::Method::rte_losSet(), rte_pos2gridpos(), rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), rte_posSet(), ARTS::Method::rte_posSet(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensorOff(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), specular_losCalc(), specular_losCalcNoTopography(), ARTS::Method::specular_losCalcNoTopography(), surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), ARTS::Method::surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), surface_props_check(), surface_props_interp(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), surfaceTelsem(), SurfaceTessem(), surfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), ARTS::Method::telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), VectorZtanToZa1D(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZa1D(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), vmr_fieldPerturb(), vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), WriteMolTau(), ARTS::Method::WriteMolTau(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), ySimpleSpectrometer(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), and z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ avk()

Matrix ARTS::Var::avk ( Workspace ws)

Averaging kernel matrix.

This matrix is the partial derivative of the retrieved state vector with respect to the measurement vector (y).

Usage: Used and set by inversion methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2522 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::avkCalc(), and ARTS::Method::covmat_ssCalc().

◆ backend_channel_response()

ArrayOfGriddedField1 ARTS::Var::backend_channel_response ( Workspace ws)

The response of each backend channel.

The response is given as an ArrayOfGriddedField1. The grid consists of relative frequencies. These relative frequencies are added to f_backend* to obtain the absolute frequency for each response value. The actual data are the response at each frequency grid point.

There are here two options. If the array has length 1, the same response is applied for all channels. Accordingly, this assumes that all channels have the same response function. The second option is to specify the response for each channel seperately. This signifies that the backend_channel_response array has either 1 or n elements, where n is the length of f_backend

Usage: Set by the user.

Size: Array[N_ch] GriddedField1 [N_f] [N_f]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2548 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::backend_channel_responseFlat(), f_gridFromSensorAMSU(), f_gridFromSensorHIRS(), find_effective_channel_boundaries(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching().

◆ backend_channel_response_multi()

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 ARTS::Var::backend_channel_response_multi ( Workspace ws)

As backend_channel_response but describes an instrument with muliple mixer/receiver chains.

See f_backend_multi for when to use this variable and size constraints.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2561 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by f_gridFromSensorAMSUgeneric(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), and sensor_responseSimpleAMSU().

◆ band_identifiers()

ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier ARTS::Var::band_identifiers ( Workspace ws)

An array of identifiers for bands.

Used by line mixing calculations to identify which bands to match to the line database.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2571 of file autoarts.h.

◆ batch_atm_fields_compact()

ArrayOfGriddedField4 ARTS::Var::batch_atm_fields_compact ( Workspace ws)

An array of compact atmospheric states.

This is used to hold a set of atm_fields_compact for batch calculations. For further information see atm_fields_compact.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2581 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by batch_atm_fields_compactAddConstant(), batch_atm_fields_compactAddSpecies(), batch_atm_fields_compactCleanup(), ARTS::Method::batch_atm_fields_compactCleanup(), batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix(), and ARTS::Method::batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix().

◆ batch_cloudbox_limits()

ArrayOfArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::batch_cloudbox_limits ( Workspace ws)

An array of cloudbox_limits.

This is used to hold a set of cloudbox_limits for batch calculations.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2591 of file autoarts.h.

◆ batch_pnd_fields()

ArrayOfTensor4 ARTS::Var::batch_pnd_fields ( Workspace ws)

An array of compact pnd states.

This is used to hold a set of 1D pnd_field for batch calculations.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2601 of file autoarts.h.

◆ channel2fgrid_indexes()

ArrayOfArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::channel2fgrid_indexes ( Workspace ws)

Definition of backend frequency response, link to f_grid.

The WSV is used to describe the frequency response of backend channels together with the accompanying WSV channel2fgrid_weights.

This WSV links each channel to the elements of f_grid. In short it lists what elements of f_grid that are relevant for each channel.

More precisely, the first dimension gives the number of output channels. Each ArrayOfIndex gives the index of the values in f_grid associated with the channel of concern. For a pure double-sideband receiver, where there is one monochromatic frequency per passband, this argument could look like: [[0,5],[1,4],[2,3],[7,8],[7,8]].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2620 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by f_gridMetMM(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights().

◆ channel2fgrid_weights()

ArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::channel2fgrid_weights ( Workspace ws)

Definition of backend frequency response, weighting of f_grid.

The WSV is used to describe the frequency response of backend channels together with the accompanying WSV channel2fgrid_indexes.

This WSV shall have excatly the same sizes as channel2fgrid_indexes. Each element gives the weight to be assigned to the associated monochromatic frequency.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2634 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by f_gridMetMM(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights().

◆ CIARecordCreate()

CIARecord ARTS::Var::CIARecordCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::CIARecord inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an CIARecord

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]CIARecordinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8735 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ cloudbox_checked()

Index ARTS::Var::cloudbox_checked ( Workspace ws)

OK-flag for variables associated with the cloudbox.

This variable flags that cloudbox variables are defined in a formally and practically correct way. For example, that there is sufficient space between the cloudbox and edges of the model atmosphere (for 2D and 3D). Pure clear-sky variables are covered by atmfields_checked* (and atmgeom_checked).

Relevant checks are performed by *cloudbox_checkedCalc. Only the value 1 is taken as OK.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2650 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), check_disort_input(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), DoitCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), p_gridDensify(), p_gridRefine(), ARTS::Method::p_gridRefine(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), yActive(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ cloudbox_field()

Tensor7 ARTS::Var::cloudbox_field ( Workspace ws)

The spectral radiance field inside the cloudbx.

This variable is used to store the radiance field inside the cloud box, probably determined by a scattering solver method.

That is, this variable matches spectral_radiance_field but holds a field that is restricted to the cloud box.

Unit: W / (m^2 Hz sr) for each Stokes component.

Size: [f_grid, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, stokes_dim ]

Note: For 1D, the size of the latitude, longitude and azimuth dimension (N_aa) are all 1.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2676 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_fieldCrop(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), DOBatchCalc(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), DoitCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), init_ifield(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ cloudbox_field_mono()

Tensor6 ARTS::Var::cloudbox_field_mono ( Workspace ws)

Monochromatic radiation field inside the cloudbox.

This variable is used to store the monochromatic radiation field inside the cloudbox which is found by an iterative solution (DOIT). Refer to AUG for further information.

Usage: Method output.

Unit: W / (m^2 Hz sr) for each Stokes component.

Size: [(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1, N_za, N_aa, N_i ]

Note: For 1D, the size of the azimuth angle dimension (N_aa) is always 1.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2699 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloud_RT_no_background(), cloud_RT_surface(), cloudbox_field_monoIterate(), cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_field_ngAcceleration(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), doit_conv_flagAbs(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_conv_test_agenda(), doit_conv_test_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_mono_agenda(), doit_mono_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_rte_agenda(), doit_rte_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_scat_field_agenda(), doit_scat_field_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), doit_za_grid_optCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_za_grid_optCalc(), DoitWriteIterationFields(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), OptimizeDoitPressureGrid(), and za_gridOpt().

◆ cloudbox_field_mono_old()

Tensor6 ARTS::Var::cloudbox_field_mono_old ( Workspace ws)

As cloudbox_field_mono but from previous iteration.

This variable is used to store the intensity field inside the cloudbox while performing the iteration. One has to store the intensity field of the previous iteration to be able to do the convergence test after each iteration. Refer to AUG for more information.

Usage: Method output.

Unit: W / (m^2 Hz sr) for each Stokes component.

Size: [(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1, N_za, N_aa, N_i ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2721 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by doit_conv_flagAbs(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_conv_test_agenda(), and doit_conv_test_agendaExecute().

◆ cloudbox_limits()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::cloudbox_limits ( Workspace ws)

The limits of the cloud box.

This variable defines the extension of the cloud box. The cloud box is defined to be rectangular in the used coordinate system, with limits exactly at points of the involved grids. This means, for example, that the vertical limits of the cloud box are two pressure levels. For 2D, the angular extension of the cloud box is between two points of the latitude grid, and likewise for 3D but then also with a longitude extension between two grid points. The latitude and longitude limits for the cloud box cannot be placed at the end points of the corresponding grid as it must be possible to calculate the incoming intensity field.

The variable cloudbox_limits is an array of index value with length twice atmosphere_dim. For each dimension there is a lower limit and an upper limit. The order of the dimensions is as usual pressure, latitude and longitude. The upper limit index must be greater then the lower limit index. For example, cloudbox_limits* = [0 5 4 11 4 11] means that cloud box extends between pressure levels 0 and 5, and latitude and longitude points 4 and 11.

If cloudbox_on = 0, the content of this variable is neglected, but it must be initiated to some dummy values.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user, either directly or using a method checking the extension of scattering particles.

Unit: Index values.

Size: [ 2 * atmosphere_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2762 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by check_disort_input(), chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(), cloud_atm_vars_by_gp(), cloud_fieldsCalc(), cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloud_RT_no_background(), cloud_RT_surface(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldCrop(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), cloudboxSetAutomatically(), cloudboxSetFullAtm(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetFullAtm(), cloudboxSetManually(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManually(), cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), get_paroptprop(), get_parZ(), get_pfct(), get_ppath_cloudvars(), get_ppath_transmat(), init_ifield(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), interp_cloudfield_gp2itw(), is_gp_inside_cloudbox(), is_inside_cloudbox(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), OptimizeDoitPressureGrid(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), pnd_fieldExpand1D(), pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), ppath_calc(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), run_cdisort(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ cloudbox_on()

Index ARTS::Var::cloudbox_on ( Workspace ws)

Flag to activate the cloud box.

Scattering calculations are confined to a part of the atmosphere denoted as the cloud box. The extension of the cloud box is given by cloudbox_limits*. This variable tells methods if a cloud box is activated or not.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Boolean.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2782 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by check_disort_input(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_fieldCrop(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), cloudboxSetAutomatically(), cloudboxSetFullAtm(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetFullAtm(), cloudboxSetManually(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManually(), cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), DoitCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), get_pointers_for_analytical_jacobians(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldExpand1D(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ppath_calc(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_start_stepping(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), rtmethods_jacobian_init(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), yActive(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ collision_coefficients()

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 ARTS::Var::collision_coefficients ( Workspace ws)

An array of coefficients for effective collisions

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2789 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by collision_coefficientsFromSplitFiles(), and nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines().

◆ collision_line_identifiers()

ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier ARTS::Var::collision_line_identifiers ( Workspace ws)

An array of quantum identifiers for finding collisional rates in collision_coefficients

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2797 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by check_collision_line_identifiers(), collision_coefficientsFromSplitFiles(), nlte_collision_factorsCalcFromCoeffs(), and nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines().

◆ complex_refr_index()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::complex_refr_index ( Workspace ws)

Complex refractive index (n) data.

The variable works as a lookup-table of complex refractive index. The matter type (water, ice ...) is unspecified, it is up to the user to fill the variable with data for the expected matter. This variable type can be used to describe n of both the surface and atmospheric particles. For the surface, a dedicated variable exists: surface_complex_refr_index*.

The column dimension has always size 2, where the first and second column holds the real and imaginary part of n, respectively. The row dimension matches temperature, and the page dimension is frequency. Both the temperature and frequency dimensions grids are allowed to have length 1, which is interpreted as n being constant in that dimension.

When mapping these data to the required frequencies and temperatures a bi-linear interpolation is applied.

Unit: -

Dimensions: Vector f_grid[N_f] Vector T_grid[N_T] ArrayOfString Complex[2] Tensor3 data[N_f][N_T][2]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2829 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by complex_refr_indexConstant(), ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexConstant(), complex_refr_indexIceMatzler06(), ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexIceMatzler06(), ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexIceWarren84(), complex_refr_indexWaterLiebe93(), and ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexWaterLiebe93().

◆ counts()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::counts ( Workspace ws)

Holds a list of counts, any counts.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2836 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ybatchTimeAveraging().

◆ CovarianceMatrixCreate()

CovarianceMatrix ARTS::Var::CovarianceMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::CovarianceMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an CovarianceMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]CovarianceMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8754 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ covmat_block()

Sparse ARTS::Var::covmat_block ( Workspace ws)

Holds matrices used to set blocks in covmat_sx and covmat_se.

The matrix contained in this block will be added to the blocks in in covmat_sx and covmat_se by the corresponding WSMs. Its dimensions must agree with gridpoints of the correlated retrieval quantities. Usage: Used by the retrievalAdd functions.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2848 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by check_and_add_block(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddFreqShift(), retrievalAddFreqStretch(), retrievalAddMagField(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddSinefit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), and retrievalDefInit().

◆ covmat_inv_block()

Sparse ARTS::Var::covmat_inv_block ( Workspace ws)

Holds matrices used to set the inverse blocks in covmat_sx and covmat_se.

The matrix contained in this block will be used as the inverse of the matrix contained in covmat_block.

Usage: Used by the retrievalAdd functions.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2860 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by check_and_add_block(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddFreqShift(), retrievalAddFreqStretch(), retrievalAddMagField(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddSinefit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), and retrievalDefInit().

◆ covmat_se()

CovarianceMatrix ARTS::Var::covmat_se ( Workspace ws)

Covariance matrix for observation uncertainties.

This matrix (Se) describes the uncertainty of the measurement vector (y), and can be writtenn as Se = Seps + Kb * Sb * Kb', where Seps describes direct measurement errors (such as thermal noise), Kb is Jacobian for forward model parameters, and Sb describes the uncertainty of the forwatrd model parameters.

Usage: Used by inversion methods.

Dimensions: [ y, y ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2879 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by covmat_seAddBlock(), covmat_seAddInverseBlock(), ARTS::Method::covmat_seSet(), ARTS::Method::covmat_soCalc(), OEM_checks(), and retrievalDefInit().

◆ covmat_sepsbatch()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::covmat_sepsbatch ( Workspace ws)

Covariance matrix for measurement uncertainties

Dimensions: [ybatch.nelem()][ ybatch[i], ybatch[i] ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2889 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ybatchTimeAveraging().

◆ covmat_so()

Matrix ARTS::Var::covmat_so ( Workspace ws)

Covariance matrix describing the retrieval error due to uncertainties of the observation system.

That is: So = G * Se * G', where G is the gain matrix (dxdy).

Usage: Set by the covmat_soCalc workspace method to characterize the error. of a successful OEM calculation.

Dimensions: [x,x]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2905 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::covmat_soCalc(), retrievalErrorsExtract(), and ARTS::Method::retrievalErrorsExtract().

◆ covmat_ss()

Matrix ARTS::Var::covmat_ss ( Workspace ws)

Covariance matrix describing the retrieval error due to smoothing.

That is: Ss = (A-I) * Sx * (A-I)', where A is the averaging kernel matrix (avk).

Usage: Set by the covmat_ssCalc workspace method to characterize the. errors of a successful OEM calculation. Dimensions: [x,x]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2919 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::covmat_ssCalc(), retrievalErrorsExtract(), and ARTS::Method::retrievalErrorsExtract().

◆ covmat_sx()

CovarianceMatrix ARTS::Var::covmat_sx ( Workspace ws)

Covariance matrix of a priori distribution

This covariance matrix describes the Gaussian a priori distribution for an OEM retrieval. It is represented using a symmetric block matrix. covmat_sx can be used in two ways: Either with a block for each retrieval quantity or with a single block containing the full covariance matrix.

Using a single block for each retrieval quantity has is advantageous for if the retrieval quantities are assumed to be independent. In this case, the covariance blocks can be added separately for each quantity and will allow optimizing matrix multiplications and inverses required for the OEM calculation.

The other case of using a single-block covariance matrix is supported for convenience as well.

Usage: Used by inversion methods.

Dimensions: [ x, x ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2945 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::covmat_ssCalc(), covmat_sxAddBlock(), covmat_sxAddInverseBlock(), covmat_sxExtractSqrtDiagonal(), ARTS::Method::covmat_sxExtractSqrtDiagonal(), ARTS::Method::covmat_sxSet(), OEM_checks(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddFreqShift(), retrievalAddFreqStretch(), retrievalAddMagField(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddSinefit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), ARTS::Method::retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefClose(), and retrievalDefInit().

◆ dabs_coef_dx()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::dabs_coef_dx ( Workspace ws)

The partial derivatives of the matrix of total scalar absorption coefficients.

Contains the derivative of the gas absorption summed over all species as a function of f_grid and abs_p, i.e., for a single atmospheric profile for some parameter.

This variable is not used explicitly in a standard calculation, where absorption comes from the lookup table abs_lookup. However, it is useful for testing the methods that actually calculate line-by-line absorption, which have this variable as output. These methods are called internally by the method abs_lookupCalc, which generates the lookup table.

Dimensions: [n_quantities][f_grid, abs_p]

Unit: 1/m/quantity

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2968 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ dabs_xsec_per_species_dx()

ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::dabs_xsec_per_species_dx ( Workspace ws)

Derivative of abs_xsec_per_species with respect to retrieval quantities.

The variable gives the derivative of abs_xsec_per_species with respect to some variables (but not all jacobian variables). Handled are only variables that are involved in xsec and cannot be calculated at transmission level

Usage: Output of abs_xsec_agenda.

Dimensions: [abs_species][n_quantities][f_grid, abs_p ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 2986 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ diy_dx()

ArrayOfTensor3 ARTS::Var::diy_dx ( Workspace ws)

Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities.

The variable gives the derivative if iy with respect to some variables (but not all jacobian variables). Handled are only variables affecting monochromatic pencil beam radiances where an (semi-) analytical expression can be applied (and that this calculation way has been selected when the jacobian was been set-up).

The values in diy_dx considers the retrieval unit selected (such as "nd"), but no transformations are applied.

Usage: Output of iy_main_agenda.

Dimensions: [n_quantities][ n_retrieval_points, f_grid, stokes_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3007 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by diy_from_path_to_rgrids(), diy_from_pos_to_rgrids(), from_dpath_to_dx(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc_body(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), rtmethods_jacobian_init(), rtmethods_unit_conversion(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), and yActive().

◆ dnlte_dx_source()

ArrayOfStokesVector ARTS::Var::dnlte_dx_source ( Workspace ws)

NLTE partial derivatives output is two parts: S*dB/dx+dS/dx*B. This should contain the latter term for one point in the atmosphere (one set of pressure, temperature, zn magnetic field, and VMR values) with respect to one of of the input parameters.

Dimensions: [ quantities ] [nza, naa, nf, stokes_dim] or [0]

Unit: 1/m/jacobian_quantity

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3021 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calc_lookup_error(), get_stepwise_clearsky_propmat(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ dobatch_calc_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::dobatch_calc_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda defining the calculations to perform for each batch case.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3028 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::dobatch_calc_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::dobatch_calc_agenda(), and DOBatchCalc().

◆ dobatch_cloudbox_field()

ArrayOfTensor7 ARTS::Var::dobatch_cloudbox_field ( Workspace ws)

Batch of radiation fields.

Each element of dobatch_cloudbox_field corresponds to a radiation field. See further DOBatchCalc.

Usage: Most commonly produced by DOBatchCalc.

Unit: See cloudbox_field.

Dimensions: Number of array elements equals number of batch cases.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3044 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DOBatchCalc().

◆ dobatch_irradiance_field()

ArrayOfTensor4 ARTS::Var::dobatch_irradiance_field ( Workspace ws)

Batch of irradiance fields.

Each element of dobatch_irradiance_field corresponds to a irradiance field. See further DOBatchCalc.

Usage: Most commonly produced by DOBatchCalc.

Unit: See irradiance_field.

Dimensions: Number of array elements equals number of batch cases.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3060 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DOBatchCalc().

◆ dobatch_radiance_field()

ArrayOfTensor5 ARTS::Var::dobatch_radiance_field ( Workspace ws)

Batch of radiance fields.

Each element of dobatch_radiance_field corresponds to a radiance field. See further DOBatchCalc.

Usage: Most commonly produced by DOBatchCalc.

Unit: See radiance_field.

Dimensions: Number of array elements equals number of batch cases.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3076 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DOBatchCalc().

◆ dobatch_spectral_irradiance_field()

ArrayOfTensor5 ARTS::Var::dobatch_spectral_irradiance_field ( Workspace ws)

Batch of spectral irradiance fields.

Each element of dobatch_spectral_irradiance_field corresponds to a spectral irradiance field. See further DOBatchCalc.

Usage: Most commonly produced by DOBatchCalc.

Unit: See spectral_irradiance_field.

Dimensions: Number of array elements equals number of batch cases.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3093 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DOBatchCalc().

◆ doit_conv_flag()

Index ARTS::Var::doit_conv_flag ( Workspace ws)

Flag for the convergence test.

This variable is initialized with 0 inside the method cloudbox_field_monoIterate*. If after an iteration the convergence test is fulfilled, 1 is assigned which means that the iteration is completed.

Usage: Method output.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3107 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by doit_conv_flagAbs(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_conv_test_agenda(), and doit_conv_test_agendaExecute().

◆ doit_conv_test_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::doit_conv_test_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda executing the DOIT convergence test.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3114 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_field_monoIterate(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_conv_test_agenda(), and ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_conv_test_agenda().

◆ doit_is_initialized()

Index ARTS::Var::doit_is_initialized ( Workspace ws)

Flag to determine if DoitInit was called.

This flag is checked by DoitCalc to make sure that DoitInit* was called before.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3124 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), DoitCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), and ARTS::Method::DoitInit().

◆ doit_iteration_counter()

Index ARTS::Var::doit_iteration_counter ( Workspace ws)

Counter for number of iterations.

This variable holds the number of iterations while solving the VRTE using the DOIT method.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3134 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by doit_conv_flagAbs(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_conv_test_agenda(), doit_conv_test_agendaExecute(), and DoitWriteIterationFields().

◆ doit_mono_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::doit_mono_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda performing monochromatic DOIT calculation.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3141 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_mono_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_mono_agenda(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), and DoitCalc().

◆ doit_rte_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::doit_rte_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda performing the DOIT cloudbox radiative transfer update.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3148 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_field_monoIterate(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_rte_agenda(), and ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_rte_agenda().

◆ doit_scat_field()

Tensor6 ARTS::Var::doit_scat_field ( Workspace ws)

Scattered field inside the cloudbox.

This variable holds the value of the scattering integral for all points inside the cloudbox. For more information refer to AUG.

Usage: Input to cloudbox_fieldUpdate....

Unit: W / (m^2 Hz sr) for each Stokes component.

Size: [(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1, N_za, N_aa, N_i ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3167 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_ppath_update3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_rte_agenda(), doit_rte_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_scat_field_agenda(), doit_scat_field_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), and interp_cloud_coeff1D().

◆ doit_scat_field_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::doit_scat_field_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda calculating the scattering integral field in DOIT.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3174 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_field_monoIterate(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_scat_field_agenda(), and ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_scat_field_agenda().

◆ doit_za_grid_opt()

Vector ARTS::Var::doit_za_grid_opt ( Workspace ws)

Optimized zenith angle grid.

Output of the method doit_za_grid_optCalc.

Usage: Output of doit_za_grid_optCalc

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3187 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by doit_za_grid_optCalc(), and ARTS::Method::doit_za_grid_optCalc().

◆ doit_za_grid_size()

Index ARTS::Var::doit_za_grid_size ( Workspace ws)

Number of equidistant grid points of the zenith angle grid.

Grid points are defined from 0 to 180 deg, for the scattering integral calculation.

Usage: Output of DOAngularGridsSet.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3199 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DOAngularGridsSet(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), and ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData().

◆ doit_za_interp()

Index ARTS::Var::doit_za_interp ( Workspace ws)

Flag for interplation method in zenith angle dimension.

0 - linear interpolation 1 - cubic interpolation

Usage: Set by user in doit_za_interpSet.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3211 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_za_grid_optCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_za_grid_optCalc(), and doit_za_interpSet().

◆ dpnd_data_dx()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::dpnd_data_dx ( Workspace ws)

Partial derivates of pnd_data.

The variable gives the particle derivate of pnd_data with respect to the quantities set in dpnd_data_dx_names.

Dimensions: [ n_quantities, n_points, n_scattering_elements ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3223 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pndFromPsd(), and pndFromPsdBasic().

◆ dpnd_data_dx_names()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::dpnd_data_dx_names ( Workspace ws)

Selection of partial derivatives of pnd_data.

This variable tells an element in pnd_agenda_array for which quantities partial derivatives shall be calculated.

Dimensions: [ n_quantities ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3235 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMilbrandtYau05(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), psdSeifertBeheng06(), and psdWangEtAl16().

◆ dpnd_field_dx()

ArrayOfTensor4 ARTS::Var::dpnd_field_dx ( Workspace ws)

Partial derivatives of pnd_field.

The variable gives the particle derivative of pnd_field with respect to scattering species variables included in jacobian_quantities.

The length of this array shall match the size of jacobian_quantities. For retrieval quantities that are not scattering species, the matching Tensor4 is of no relevance and must be set to be empty.

Dimensions: [n_quantities][ n_scattering_elements, n_p, n_lat, n_lon ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3251 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), DisortCalcClearsky(), get_ppath_cloudvars(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), and rtmethods_jacobian_init().

◆ dpropmat_clearsky_dx()

ArrayOfPropagationMatrix ARTS::Var::dpropmat_clearsky_dx ( Workspace ws)

Partial derivative of absorption coefficients.

This contains the partial derivative of absorption coefficients for one point in the atmosphere (one set of pressure, temperature, znmagnetic field, and VMR values) with respect to one of the input parameters.

Dimension: [ n_quantities ] [naa, nza, nf, f(stokes_dim)]

jacobian_quantities* should be used to set the input variable for partial derivation

Unit: 1/m/jacobian_quantity

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3269 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calc_lookup_error(), get_stepwise_clearsky_propmat(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(), propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ dpsd_data_dx()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::dpsd_data_dx ( Workspace ws)

Partial derivates of psd_data.

The variable gives the particle derivate of psd_data with respect to the quantities set in dpnd_data_dx_names.

Dimensions: [ n_quantities, n_points, n_scattering_elements ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3281 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by pndFromPsd(), pndFromPsdBasic(), psd_mgd_mass_and_something(), psd_mono_common(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMilbrandtYau05(), psdModifiedGamma(), psdModifiedGammaMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), psdSeifertBeheng06(), and psdWangEtAl16().

◆ dsrc_coef_dx()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::dsrc_coef_dx ( Workspace ws)

The partial derivatives of the matrix of total scalar NLTE source term.

Contains the derivative of the NLTE source term summed over all species as a function of f_grid and abs_p, i.e., for a single atmospheric profile for some parameter.

This variable is not used explicitly in a standard calculation, where absorption comes from the lookup table abs_lookup. However, it is useful for testing the methods that actually calculate line-by-line absorption, which have this variable as output. These methods are called internally by the method abs_lookupCalc, which generates the lookup table.

Dimensions: [n_quantities][f_grid, abs_p]

Unit: 1/m/quantity

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3303 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx()

ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::dsrc_xsec_per_species_dx ( Workspace ws)

Derivative of src_xsec_per_species with respect to retrieval quantities.

The variable gives the derivative of src_xsec_per_species with respect to some variables (but not all jacobian variables). Handled are only variables that are involved in xsec and cannot be calculated at transmission level

Usage: Output of abs_xsec_agenda.

Dimensions: [abs_species][n_quantities][f_grid, abs_p ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3321 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ dsurface_emission_dx()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::dsurface_emission_dx ( Workspace ws)

The derivative of surface_emission with respect to quantities listed in dsurface_names.

Usage: Used internally of radiative transfer methods

Dimensions: [dsurface_names][f_grid, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3333 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by dsurface_check(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), SurfaceTessem(), and ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem().

◆ dsurface_names()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::dsurface_names ( Workspace ws)

Name of surface retrieval quantities.

Usage: Used internally of radiative transfer methods

Dimensions: [retrieval quantity]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3344 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by dsurface_check(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), SurfaceTessem(), and ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem().

◆ dsurface_rmatrix_dx()

ArrayOfTensor4 ARTS::Var::dsurface_rmatrix_dx ( Workspace ws)

The derivative of surface_rmatrix with respect to quantities listed in dsurface_names.

Usage: Used internally of radiative transfer methods

Dimensions: [dsurface_names][surface_los, f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3356 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by dsurface_check(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), SurfaceTessem(), and ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem().

◆ dxdy()

Matrix ARTS::Var::dxdy ( Workspace ws)

Contribution function (or gain) matrix.

This matrix is the partial derivative of the retrieved state vector with respect to the measurement vector (y).

Usage: Used and set by inversion methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3368 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::avkCalc(), and ARTS::Method::covmat_soCalc().

◆ EnergyLevelMapCreate()

EnergyLevelMap ARTS::Var::EnergyLevelMapCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::EnergyLevelMap inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an EnergyLevelMap

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]EnergyLevelMapinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8773 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ext_mat()

PropagationMatrix ARTS::Var::ext_mat ( Workspace ws)

Total extinction matrix.

This variable contains the extinction coefficient matrix, which is used in the RT calculation in the cloudbox. It is the physical extinction matrix which includes particle extinction for all chosen scattering species and gaseous extinction for all chosen gaseous species.

See the ARTS user guide (AUG) for further information. Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Output of opt_prop_bulkCalc

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3390 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), ext2trans(), ext_mat_case(), ext_matAddGas(), ARTS::Method::ext_matAddGas(), ext_matFromabs_vec(), get_ppath_transmat(), main(), mcPathTraceGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), opt_prop_1ScatElem(), opt_prop_Bulk(), opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_NScatElems(), opt_prop_ScatSpecBulk(), opt_prop_sum_propmat_clearsky(), and OptimizeDoitPressureGrid().

◆ ext_mat_spt()

ArrayOfPropagationMatrix ARTS::Var::ext_mat_spt ( Workspace ws)

Extinction matrix for all individual scattering elements.

This variable contains the elements of the extinction matrix of all individual scattering elements for a given propagation direction. It is calculated input as well as the output of the agenda spt_calc_agenda.

Usage: Output of spt_calc_agenda

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [number of scattering elements, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3407 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), and spt_calc_agendaExecute().

◆ f_backend()

◆ f_backend_multi()

ArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::f_backend_multi ( Workspace ws)

As f_backend but describes an instrument with muliple mixer/receiver chains.

This variable is needed when e.g. the receiver has several mixers or the the receiver measures several polarisation and the channels differ in position or response function.

The array has one element for each "receiver chain". The array length must match backend_channel_response_multi, and possibly also lo_multi.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Hz

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3438 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by f_gridFromSensorAMSUgeneric(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), and sensor_responseSimpleAMSU().

◆ f_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::f_grid ( Workspace ws)

The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Hz

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3449 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lines_per_speciesCompact(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesCompact(), abs_linesCompact(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesCompact(), abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), antenna1d_matrix(), antenna2d_gridded_dlos(), antenna2d_interp_response(), antenna_responseVaryingGaussian(), apply_iy_unit(), apply_iy_unit2(), Linefunctions::apply_rosenkranz_quadratic_scaling(), Linefunctions::apply_VVH_scaling(), Linefunctions::apply_VVW_scaling(), bad_propmat(), BF86_CIA_N2(), cia_interpolation(), CKD24_H20(), CKD_222_foreign_h2o(), CKD_222_self_h2o(), CKD_241_co2(), CKD_242_foreign_h2o(), CKD_242_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_100_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_100_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_250_CIAfun_n2(), CKD_mt_250_CIArot_n2(), CKD_mt_250_co2(), CKD_mt_250_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_250_o2_vis(), CKD_mt_250_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_320_foreign_h2o(), CKD_mt_320_self_h2o(), CKD_mt_CIAfun_n2(), CKD_mt_CIAfun_o2(), CKD_mt_CIArot_n2(), CKD_mt_co2(), CKD_mt_v0v0_o2(), CKD_mt_v1v0_o2(), cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloud_RT_surface(), cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), complex_n_ice_matzler06(), complex_n_interp(), complex_n_water_liebe93(), complex_refr_indexIceMatzler06(), complex_refr_indexWaterLiebe93(), CP98H2OAbsModel(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_mono_agenda(), doit_mono_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), DoitCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), ELL07WaterDropletAbs(), emission_from_propmat_field(), XsecRecord::Extract(), CIARecord::Extract(), f_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), ARTS::Method::f_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), f_gridFromSensorAMSU(), f_gridFromSensorAMSUgeneric(), f_gridFromSensorHIRS(), f_gridMetMM(), FastemStandAlone(), field_of_propagation(), Linefunctions::find_cutoff_ranges(), get_disortsurf_props(), get_gasoptprop(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), get_paroptprop(), get_ppath_f(), get_ppath_transmat(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), get_stepwise_f_partials(), get_stepwise_frequency_grid(), Ho66_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Ho66_CO2_self_continuum(), init_ifield(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_cloudbox_agenda(), iy_cloudbox_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_space_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::iy_space_agenda_cosmic_background(), iy_space_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_transmitter_agenda(), iy_transmitter_agendaExecute(), iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), iy_transmitterSinglePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterSinglePol(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyApplyUnit(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), jacobianAddFreqShift(), jacobianAddFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D(), MaTipping_H2O_foreign_continuum(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), mixer_matrix(), MPM02H2OAbsModel(), MPM85O2AbsModel(), MPM87H2OAbsModel(), MPM87O2AbsModel(), MPM89H2OAbsModel(), MPM89O2AbsModel(), MPM92O2AbsModel(), MPM93_H2O_continuum(), MPM93_N2_continuum(), MPM93_O2_continuum(), MPM93H2OAbsModel(), MPM93IceCrystalAbs(), MPM93O2AbsModel(), MPM93RainExt(), MPM93WaterDropletAbs(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), Pardo_ATM_H2O_ForeignContinuum(), Pardo_ATM_N2_dry_continuum(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), pndFromPsd(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::ppath_agenda_plane_parallel(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ppath_calc(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_step_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::ppath_step_agenda_geometric_path(), ppath_step_agendaExecute(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), propmat_clearskyZero(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyZero(), PWR93O2AbsModel(), PWR98H2OAbsModel(), RadiationFieldSpectralIntegrate(), ARTS::Method::RadiationFieldSpectralIntegrate(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::refr_index_air_agenda(), refr_index_air_agendaExecute(), retrievalAddFreqShift(), retrievalAddFreqStretch(), Rosenkranz_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Rosenkranz_CO2_self_continuum(), Rosenkranz_N2_self_continuum(), Rosenkranz_O2_continuum(), rtmethods_unit_conversion(), run_cdisort(), scat_data_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoCalc(), scat_dataCalc(), ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), Linefunctions::set_cross_section_of_band(), Linefunctions::set_doppler(), Linefunctions::set_lineshape(), Linefunctions::set_lorentz(), Linefunctions::set_voigt(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), Standard_H2O_foreign_continuum(), Standard_H2O_self_continuum(), Standard_N2_self_continuum(), Standard_O2_continuum(), surf_albedoCalc(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), surface_rtprop_agenda_arrayExecute(), surface_rtprop_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), surface_rtprop_sub_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceTelsem(), SurfaceTessem(), surfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), test_hitran2017(), TRE05O2AbsModel(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), WMRFSelectChannels(), ARTS::Method::WMRFSelectChannels(), WriteMolTau(), ARTS::Method::WriteMolTau(), xsec_continuum_tag(), xsec_species(), yActive(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), ySimpleSpectrometer(), ARTS::Method::ySimpleSpectrometer(), ze_cfac(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ f_index()

Index ARTS::Var::f_index ( Workspace ws)

Frequency index.

Not all methods handle all monochromatic frequencies (of f_grid) in parellel and this variable is used for communication between methods, holding the index of the frequency treated presently.

In some contexts, a negative f_index means all frequencies.

Usage: Method output.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3464 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calcSingleScatteringDataProperties(), cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloud_RT_surface(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::doit_mono_agenda(), doit_mono_agendaExecute(), DoitCalc(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitWriteIterationFields(), f_gridMetMM(), get_disortsurf_props(), get_dtauc_ssalb(), get_paroptprop(), get_pfct(), get_pmom(), get_ppath_transmat(), iyMC(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), opt_prop_NScatElems(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), pha_mat_NScatElems(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), run_cdisort(), Sample_los(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoCalc(), scat_data_monoExtract(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoExtract(), and surf_albedoCalc().

◆ file_index()

Index ARTS::Var::file_index ( Workspace ws)

Index number for files.

See WriteXMLIndexed for further information.

Usage: Input to WriteXMLIndexed and ReadXMLIndexed.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3475 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by filename_xml_with_index(), nca_filename_with_index(), ppathWriteXMLPartial(), ReadXMLIndexed(), WriteNetCDFIndexed(), and WriteXMLIndexed().

◆ forloop_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::forloop_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda performing a for loop.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3482 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ForLoop(), ARTS::Method::ForLoop(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::forloop_agenda(), and ARTS::AgendaDefine::forloop_agenda().

◆ forloop_index()

Index ARTS::Var::forloop_index ( Workspace ws)

The index for for-loops.

This is the index that is used by method ForLoop to loop over forloop_agenda*.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3492 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::forloop_agenda(), and forloop_agendaExecute().

◆ fos_iyin_za_angles()

Vector ARTS::Var::fos_iyin_za_angles ( Workspace ws)

So far just testing of FOS ...

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3499 of file autoarts.h.

◆ fos_scatint_angles()

Matrix ARTS::Var::fos_scatint_angles ( Workspace ws)

So far just testing of FOS ...

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3506 of file autoarts.h.

◆ g0()

Numeric ARTS::Var::g0 ( Workspace ws)

Gravity at zero altitude.

This variable is "little g" at the reference ellipsiod. That is, for Earth this is a value around 9.81 m/s2

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3516 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::g0_agenda(), g0_agendaExecute(), g0Earth(), ARTS::Method::g0Earth(), g0Io(), ARTS::Method::g0Io(), g0Jupiter(), ARTS::Method::g0Jupiter(), g0Mars(), ARTS::Method::g0Mars(), g0Venus(), ARTS::Method::g0Venus(), GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid(), heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), ARTS::Method::heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), init_mpm2020_lsm(), init_mpm2020_slsm(), and z2g().

◆ g0_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::g0_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda providing the gravity constant.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3523 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::g0_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::g0_agenda(), and ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ GasAbsLookupCreate()

GasAbsLookup ARTS::Var::GasAbsLookupCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GasAbsLookup inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GasAbsLookup

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GasAbsLookupinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8792 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ geo_pos()

Vector ARTS::Var::geo_pos ( Workspace ws)

Geo-position of a measurement.

An empty vector is allowed, then flagging that no geo-positioning has been performed.

Otherwise, this should be a vector having length 5. The elements are: altitude latitude longitide zenith angle azimuth angle

Dimensions: 0 or 5

Unit: [ m, deg, deg, deg, deg ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3544 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::geo_pos_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::geo_pos_agenda_empty(), geo_pos_agendaExecute(), geo_posEndOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::geo_posEndOfPpath(), geo_posLowestAltitudeOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::geo_posLowestAltitudeOfPpath(), geo_posWherePpathPassesZref(), ARTS::Method::geo_posWherePpathPassesZref(), iyb_calc(), and jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc().

◆ geo_pos_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::geo_pos_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda deriving the geo-position of a pencil beam calculation.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3551 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::geo_pos_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::geo_pos_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::geo_pos_agenda_empty(), iyb_calc(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ GriddedField1Create()

GriddedField1 ARTS::Var::GriddedField1Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GriddedField1 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GriddedField1

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GriddedField1inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8830 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ GriddedField2Create()

GriddedField2 ARTS::Var::GriddedField2Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GriddedField2 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GriddedField2

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GriddedField2inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8849 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ GriddedField3Create()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::GriddedField3Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GriddedField3 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GriddedField3

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GriddedField3inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8868 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ GriddedField4Create()

GriddedField4 ARTS::Var::GriddedField4Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GriddedField4 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GriddedField4

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GriddedField4inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8887 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ GriddedField5Create()

GriddedField5 ARTS::Var::GriddedField5Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GriddedField5 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GriddedField5

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GriddedField5inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8906 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ GriddedField6Create()

GriddedField6 ARTS::Var::GriddedField6Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GriddedField6 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GriddedField6

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GriddedField6inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8925 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ GridPosCreate()

GridPos ARTS::Var::GridPosCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::GridPos inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an GridPos

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]GridPosinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8811 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ heating_rates()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::heating_rates ( Workspace ws)

The heating rates of atmospheric layers.

The heating rate is defined as the rate of temperature change of an atmospheric layer due the heating by absorption of radiation or if it is negative the loss of energy by emission of radiation.

Units: K s^-1

Size: [(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1,

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3568 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), and ARTS::Method::heating_ratesFromIrradiance().

◆ hitran_xsec_data()

ArrayOfXsecRecord ARTS::Var::hitran_xsec_data ( Workspace ws)

Data for Hitran cross section species.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3575 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec().

◆ HitranRelaxationMatrixDataCreate()

HitranRelaxationMatrixData ARTS::Var::HitranRelaxationMatrixDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::HitranRelaxationMatrixData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an HitranRelaxationMatrixData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]HitranRelaxationMatrixDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8944 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ IndexCreate()

Index ARTS::Var::IndexCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Index inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Index

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Indexinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8963 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ instrument_pol()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::instrument_pol ( Workspace ws)

Definition of the polarisation of an instrument.

The default for output is to give data for the selected Stokes elements (1:stokes_dim). This variable defines the polarisations that are actually measured, or are transmitted.

The polarisation states/components are coded as 0 = Undefined. 1 = I, total intensity. 2 = Q, second Stokes component, Iv - Ih. 3 = U, third Stokes component, I+45 - I-45. 4 = V, forth Stokes component, Irc - Ilc 5 = Iv, intensity of vertically polarised component. 6 = Ih, intensity of horizontally polarised component. 7 = I+45, intensity of +45 deg linearly polarised component. 8 = I-45, intensity of -45 deg linearly polarised component. 9 = Ilhc, intensity of left-hand circularly polarised component. 10 = Irhc, intensity of right-hand circularly polarised component.

See the documentation for definition of the Stokes vector and the different components.

If the instrument measures, or transmits, vertical and horizontal components, this variable shall accordingly be set to [5,6].

Conversion to Planck-BT of components 2-4 requires that component 1 is kept, and must be included as first element.

The shift from the Stokes vector can be made at any stage when of the sensor response set-up. The responses used must of course be adopted correspondingly. Or reversed, if the antenna response is defined for Iv or Ih it could be useful to shift polarisation as first sensor operation.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3616 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), iy_transmitterSinglePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterSinglePol(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation().

◆ instrument_pol_array()

ArrayOfArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::instrument_pol_array ( Workspace ws)

Multiple definition of instrument polarisation.

Defined as instrument_pol but used when multiple polarisations are possible/required.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3628 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yActive().

◆ inversion_iterate_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::inversion_iterate_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda recalculating spectra and Jacobian for iterative inversion methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3635 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::inversion_iterate_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::inversion_iterate_agenda(), and OEM_checks().

◆ inversion_iteration_counter()

Index ARTS::Var::inversion_iteration_counter ( Workspace ws)

Iteration counter variable for inversion_iterate_agenda.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3642 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::inversion_iterate_agenda(), and inversion_iterate_agendaExecute().

◆ irradiance_field()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::irradiance_field ( Workspace ws)

Irradiance also known as flux density.

Radiant flux received by a surface per unit area seperately for each hemisphere. The last dimension denotes the hemispheres. The first component is the downward irradiance and the second component is the upward irradianceUnits: W m^-2

Size: [(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1, 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3659 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::dobatch_calc_agenda(), dobatch_calc_agendaExecute(), DOBatchCalc(), heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), ARTS::Method::heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), and ARTS::Method::irradiance_fieldFromRadiance().

◆ isotopologue_ratios()

SpeciesAuxData ARTS::Var::isotopologue_ratios ( Workspace ws)

Contains the isotopologue ratios.

This variable can be set to default values by calling isotopologue_ratiosInitFromBuiltin

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3669 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), isotopologue_ratiosInitFromBuiltin(), ARTS::Method::isotopologue_ratiosInitFromBuiltin(), lbl_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::lbl_checkedCalc(), nlte_collision_factorsCalcFromCoeffs(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ iy()

Matrix ARTS::Var::iy ( Workspace ws)

Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum.

This variable holds a single spectrum, with values corresponding to infinite frequency and spatial resolution (compare to y).

The variable is used to represent spectra at all positions of the propagation path and can e.g. temporarily hold radiation entering the atmosphere from space.

Usage: Used by radiative transfer methods.

Unit: For passive observations, as selected by iy_unit. For transmission type, same as for transmitted signal.

Dimensions: [ f_grid, stokes_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3690 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by apply_iy_unit(), apply_iy_unit2(), cloud_RT_surface(), DoitGetIncoming(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), emission_from_propmat_field(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_cloudbox_agenda(), iy_cloudbox_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_space_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::iy_space_agenda_cosmic_background(), iy_space_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_transmitter_agenda(), iy_transmitter_agendaExecute(), iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), iy_transmitterSinglePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterSinglePol(), iyApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::iyApplyUnit(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), iyReplaceFromAux(), ARTS::Method::iyReplaceFromAux(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), rtmethods_unit_conversion(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), surface_calc(), yActive(), ySimpleSpectrometer(), and ARTS::Method::ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ iy_agenda_call1()

Index ARTS::Var::iy_agenda_call1 ( Workspace ws)

Flag to handle recursive calls of iy_main_agenda

The agenda iy_main_agenda can be used recursively and this flag is used to tell the methods inside the agenda which is the primary call. This is handled automatically for methods using iy_main_agenda*, such as yCalc, but the user must set this variable to 1 if the agenda is called directly inside the control file (which should be a rare case).

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3704 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), rtmethods_jacobian_init(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ iy_aux()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::iy_aux ( Workspace ws)

◆ iy_aux_vars()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::iy_aux_vars ( Workspace ws)

Selection of quantities for iy_aux and when applicable also y_aux.

Each element of this string array determines the quantity for the corresponding element in iy_aux and y_aux (i.e. the quantities are stored in the order given in iy_aux_vars).

The possible choices vary between the methods. See the WSM you select for iy_main_agenda for the complete set of choices. Please not that if the calculations are done through yCalc, you can not select along-the-path variables.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3735 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_iy(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyApplyUnit(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), iyReplaceFromAux(), ARTS::Method::iyReplaceFromAux(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), main(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), transmittanceFromIy_aux(), ARTS::Method::transmittanceFromIy_aux(), yActive(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ iy_cloudbox_agenda()

◆ iy_id()

Index ARTS::Var::iy_id ( Workspace ws)

Identification number of iy.

This variable is intended to be an identification number for individual calculations of iy. This id-number can e.g. be used as input to WriteXMLIndexed*, to link filenames to the different calculations.

Some methods sets and updates iy_id. The general numbering scheme is: xxxyyycba where xxx identifies the row in sensorPos/los (i.e. the mblock_index), yyy identifies pencil beam direction inside measurement block (should in general match a row in mblock_dlos_grid), and cba identies later legs of total propagation paths, where a, b and c identifies secondary, tertiary and quaternary part, respectively. 1-based numbering is used. That is, the primary path of the first pencil beam of the first measurement block has iy_id = 001001000.

Accordingly, the primary propagation path has cba = 000. If the primary path intersects with the surface, and the downwelling radiation is calculated for three directions, these secondary paths get cba = 001, 002 and 003. If tertiary paths appear, they have numbers such as 011.

As the numbering scheme has nine positions, it is suitable to store files as: WriteXMLIndexed(output_file_format,iy_id,in,filename,9)

Setting of iy_id is not yet supported together with scattering calculations. The value of iy_id then differs, it is either set to 0 or keeps its value set by yCalc.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3775 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::iy_main_agenda_transmission(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), and yActive().

◆ iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda dedicated to iyIndependentBeamApproximation.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3781 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), and iyIndependentBeamApproximation().

◆ iy_loop_freqs_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::iy_loop_freqs_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda dedicated to iyLoopFrequencies.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3787 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), and iyLoopFrequencies().

◆ iy_main_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::iy_main_agenda ( Workspace ws)

◆ iy_space_agenda()

◆ iy_surface_agenda()

◆ iy_surface_agenda_array()

ArrayOfAgenda ARTS::Var::iy_surface_agenda_array ( Workspace ws)

Upwelling radiation from the surface, divided into surface types.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3815 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), and iySurfaceCallAgendaX().

◆ iy_transmission()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::iy_transmission ( Workspace ws)

Transmission to be included in iy.

The calculation of iy can be performed over several propation path branches, and there can be recursive calls of iy_main_agenda. This variable gives the transmission from the end point of the present branch and the sensor for such recursive cases.

This variable is used purely internally. The exact usage can vary between different RT integration schemes.

Usage: Internally inside iy_main_agenda.

Unit: 1

Dimensions: [ f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3836 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc_body(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), and yActive().

◆ iy_transmitter_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::iy_transmitter_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda providing a transmitter signal.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3843 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_transmitter_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_transmitter_agenda(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), and iyTransmissionStandard().

◆ iy_unit()

String ARTS::Var::iy_unit ( Workspace ws)

Selection of output unit for some radiative transfer methods.

This variable allows that the unit of the output radiance/intensity is changed. The possible choices differ between the radiative methods, including not considering the variable at all. Accordingly, for details see the radiative method you have selected (e.g., iyEmissionStandard, iyMC, iyActiveSingleScat and the like).

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3856 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by apply_iy_unit(), apply_iy_unit2(), DoitGetIncoming(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::iy_main_agenda_transmission(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), iyApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::iyApplyUnit(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), main(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), met_mm_polarisation_hmatrix(), rtmethods_unit_conversion(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::test_agenda_array(), test_agenda_arrayExecute(), yActive(), yApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::yApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ iyb()

Vector ARTS::Var::iyb ( Workspace ws)

Monochromatic pencil beam data for one measurement block.

The data for all iy of a measurement block appended to a vector, following the sorting order used for y.

Usage: Used internally.

Unit: W / (m^2 Hz sr) or transmission.

Dimensions: [ nlos * nf * stokes_dim ] where nlos is number of rows in mblock_dlos_grid, and nf is length of f_grid.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3873 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::jacobian_agenda(), jacobian_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcDoNothing(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ jacobian()

Matrix ARTS::Var::jacobian ( Workspace ws)

The Jacobian matrix.

The matrix holding the Jacobians of the retrieval quantities. The matrix has to be initialised before the retrieval quantities can be defined. Initialisation is done by*jacobianInit*. Retrieval quantities are then added with jacobianAdd... or retrievalAdd.. methods.

The order between rows and columns follows how data are stored in y and x, respectively.

Units: See the different retrieval quantities.

Dimension: [ y, number of retrieval quantities and grids ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3892 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::avkCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::inversion_iterate_agenda(), inversion_iterate_agendaExecute(), oem::AgendaWrapperMPI::Jacobian(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::jacobian_agenda(), jacobian_agendaExecute(), jacobianAdjustAndTransform(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAdjustAndTransform(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcDoNothing(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), jacobianFromTwoY(), ARTS::Method::jacobianFromTwoY(), jacobianFromYbatch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianFromYbatch(), OEM_checks(), yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplyUnit(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ybatch_calc_agenda(), ybatch_calc_agendaExecute(), ybatchCalc(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ jacobian_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::jacobian_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Pure numerical Jacobian calculation agenda.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3899 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_speciesAdd2(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::jacobian_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::jacobian_agenda(), jacobianAddAbsSpecies(), jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameter(), jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameters(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameters(), jacobianAddFreqShift(), jacobianAddFreqStretch(), jacobianAddMagField(), jacobianAddNLTE(), jacobianAddNLTEs(), jacobianAddPointingZa(), jacobianAddPolyfit(), jacobianAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddScatSpecies(), jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameters(), jacobianAddSinefit(), jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), jacobianAddTemperature(), jacobianAddWind(), ARTS::Method::jacobianClose(), jacobianClose(), jacobianInit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianInit(), jacobianOff(), ARTS::Method::jacobianOff(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddFreqShift(), retrievalAddFreqStretch(), retrievalAddMagField(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddSinefit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), ARTS::Method::retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefInit(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ jacobian_do()

Index ARTS::Var::jacobian_do ( Workspace ws)

Flag to activate (clear-sky) Jacobian calculations.

If this variable is set to 0, no Jacobian calculations will be done, even if such calculations have been set-up (through the jacobianAddXxx methods).

Needs to be 0 if cloudy-sky (Doit) Jacobians shall be calculated.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3912 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by adapt_stepwise_partial_derivatives(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), get_stepwise_clearsky_propmat(), get_stepwise_effective_source(), get_stepwise_scattersky_propmat(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::inversion_iterate_agenda(), inversion_iterate_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), iyReplaceFromAux(), ARTS::Method::iyReplaceFromAux(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::jacobianClose(), jacobianClose(), jacobianOff(), ARTS::Method::jacobianOff(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), ARTS::Method::retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefClose(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), stepwise_source(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ jacobian_quantities()

ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity ARTS::Var::jacobian_quantities ( Workspace ws)

The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix.

An array of retrieval quantities for which the Jacobians are calculated.

Usage: Quantities are added by the jacobianAdd WSMs.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3924 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), adapt_stepwise_partial_derivatives(), add_scalar_variance(), calc_lookup_error(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), field_of_propagation(), get_iy_of_background(), get_pointers_for_analytical_jacobians(), get_stepwise_clearsky_propmat(), get_stepwise_effective_source(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameters(), jacobianAddFreqShift(), jacobianAddFreqStretch(), jacobianAddPointingZa(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameters(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), jacobianAdjustAndTransform(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAdjustAndTransform(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), jacobianCalcSinefit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianClose(), jacobianClose(), jacobianInit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianInit(), jacobianOff(), ARTS::Method::jacobianOff(), ARTS::Method::jacobianSetAffineTransformation(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), OEM_checks(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddFreqShift(), retrievalAddFreqStretch(), retrievalAddMagField(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddSinefit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), ARTS::Method::retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefInit(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), rtmethods_jacobian_init(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), stepwise_source(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), x2artsSensor(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), xClip(), xsec_species(), yActive(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ lat()

Numeric ARTS::Var::lat ( Workspace ws)

A latitude.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3933 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by TelsemAtlas::calc_cellnum(), TelsemAtlas::calc_cellnum_nearest_neighbor(), cart2pol(), cart2poslos(), cart2sph(), chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(), cycle_lat_lon(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::g0_agenda(), g0_agendaExecute(), g0Earth(), ARTS::Method::g0Earth(), geompath_from_r1_to_r2(), geompath_r_at_lat(), geompath_tanpos_3d(), TelsemAtlas::get_coordinates(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid(), InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), EnergyLevelMap::InterpToGridPos(), plevel_crossing_2d(), plevel_slope_3d(), pol2cart(), pos2true_latlon(), poslos2cart(), r_crossing_2d(), r_crossing_3d(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), rsurf_at_lat(), rsurf_at_latlon(), ARTS::AgendaMethod::rte_posSet(), rte_posSet(), ARTS::Method::rte_posSet(), sph2cart(), surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), surfaceTelsem(), ARTS::AgendaMethod::telsemAtlasLookup(), telsemAtlasLookup(), ARTS::Method::telsemAtlasLookup(), telsemStandalone(), telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), test_telsem_interpolate(), test_telsem_read(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ lat_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::lat_grid ( Workspace ws)

The latitude grid.

The latitudes for which the atmospheric fields are defined. The atmosphere is undefined outside the range covered by the grid. The grid must be sorted in increasing order, with no repetitions.

Geocentric latitudes are used.

For 1D calculations this vector shall be set to be empty.

For 2D cases the latitudes shall be interpreted as the angular distance inside the orbit plane from the equator (values outside +-90 deg are allowed).

For 3D, the valid latitude range is [-90,90].

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3962 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetupBatch(), abs_speciesAdd2(), atm_gridsFromZRaw(), AtmFieldPerturb(), AtmFieldPerturbAtmGrids(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExtract1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), AtmosphereSet1D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet1D(), check_retrieval_grids(), chk_atm_field(), chk_atm_grids(), chk_atm_surface(), chk_atm_vecfield_lat90(), chk_latlon_true(), chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(), chk_scat_species_field(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudboxSetAutomatically(), cloudboxSetFullAtm(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetFullAtm(), cloudboxSetManually(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManually(), cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), FieldFromGriddedField(), ARTS::Method::FieldFromGriddedField(), FieldFromGriddedFieldCheckLatLonHelper(), get_gp_atmgrids_to_rq(), get_gp_atmsurf_to_rq(), get_gp_rq_to_atmgrids(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), GriddedFieldZToPRegrid(), IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), ARTS::Method::IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), jacobianAddAbsSpecies(), jacobianAddMagField(), jacobianAddNLTE(), jacobianAddNLTEs(), jacobianAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddScatSpecies(), jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), jacobianAddTemperature(), jacobianAddWind(), lat_gridFromRawField(), ARTS::Method::lat_gridFromRawField(), lat_gridFromZRaw(), ARTS::Method::lat_gridFromZRaw(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), plevel_slope_2d(), plevel_slope_3d(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), pos2refell_r(), pos2true_latlon(), ppath_calc(), ppath_end_2d(), ppath_end_3d(), ppath_start_2d(), ppath_start_3d(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_step_geom_2d(), ppath_step_geom_3d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refell2d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), retrievalAddMagField(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), rte_pos2gridpos(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), specular_losCalc(), surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), ARTS::Method::surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), surface_props_check(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceTelsem(), SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), ARTS::Method::telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), vmr_fieldPerturb(), vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), z_at_lat_2d(), z_at_latlon(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), z_fieldFromHSE(), z_surfaceConstantAltitude(), and z_surfaceFromFileAndGrid().

◆ lat_true()

Vector ARTS::Var::lat_true ( Workspace ws)

Latitudinal geolocation for 1D and 2D data.

The variables lat_grid and lon_grid contain true positions only for 3D. For 1D and 2D, the geographical position is given by lat_true* and lon_true. Can be left empty when not used. Otherwise:

1D: lat_true shall have length 1

2D: Both lat_true and lon_true shall have a length matching lat_grid*. That is, lat_true and lon_true shall not be seen as grids, they are vectors giving the actual lat or lon for each point corresponding to lat_grid.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3985 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), AtmosphereSet3D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet3D(), chk_latlon_true(), GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid(), GriddedFieldLatLonRegridHelper(), InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), pos2true_latlon(), surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), ARTS::Method::surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), surfaceTelsem(), telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), ARTS::Method::telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), and z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ lbl_checked()

Index ARTS::Var::lbl_checked ( Workspace ws)

Flag to check if the line-by-line calculations will work

Usage: Set manually on own risk, or use lbl_checkedCalc.

Unit: Boolean

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 3996 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), lbl_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::lbl_checkedCalc(), and propmat_clearskyAddZeeman().

◆ line_irradiance()

Matrix ARTS::Var::line_irradiance ( Workspace ws)

Irradiance as seen by a single absorption line.

Used internally for, e.g., NLTE effects

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4005 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines().

◆ line_transmission()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::line_transmission ( Workspace ws)

Transmission as seen by a single absorption line.

Used internally for, e.g., NLTE effects

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4014 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines().

◆ lm_ga_history()

Vector ARTS::Var::lm_ga_history ( Workspace ws)

The series of gamma values for a Marquardt-levenberg inversion.

The values are stored following iteration order, i.e. the first is the gamma factor for the first iteration etc.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4024 of file autoarts.h.

◆ lo()

Numeric ARTS::Var::lo ( Workspace ws)

The local oscillator frequency.

A local oscillator frequency is used in a heterodyne system when the mixer folds the spectra from from radio frequencies (RF) to intermediate frequencies (IF).

Unit: Hz

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4039 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by chk_met_mm_backend(), defocusing_general(), f_gridFromSensorAMSU(), f_gridMetMM(), mixer_matrix(), Rand< Index >::Rand(), sensor_responseIF2RF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseIF2RF(), sensor_responseMixer(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer().

◆ lo_multi()

Vector ARTS::Var::lo_multi ( Workspace ws)

Local oscillator frequencies.

As lo but describes an instrument with multiple mixers. A vector element for each LO. The size of this variable and sideband_response_multi* shall match, and probably also sideband_mode_multi*.

Unit: Hz

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4055 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), and sensor_responseSimpleAMSU().

◆ lon()

◆ lon_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::lon_grid ( Workspace ws)

The longitude grid.

The longitudes for which the atmospheric fields are defined. The atmosphere is undefined outside the range covered by the grid. The grid must be sorted in increasing order, with no repetitions.

For 1D and 2D, this WSV shall be set to be empty.

Allowed values for longitudes is the range [-360,360]. The difference between last and first value can not exceed 360 degrees. A difference of exactly 360 deg. means that the complete globe is covered and no propagation paths will reach a longitude edge.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4090 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetupBatch(), abs_speciesAdd2(), atm_gridsFromZRaw(), AtmFieldPerturb(), AtmFieldPerturbAtmGrids(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExtract1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), AtmosphereSet1D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet1D(), AtmosphereSet2D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet2D(), check_retrieval_grids(), chk_atm_field(), chk_atm_grids(), chk_atm_surface(), chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(), chk_scat_species_field(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudboxSetAutomatically(), cloudboxSetFullAtm(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetFullAtm(), cloudboxSetManually(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManually(), cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), FieldFromGriddedField(), ARTS::Method::FieldFromGriddedField(), FieldFromGriddedFieldCheckLatLonHelper(), get_gp_atmgrids_to_rq(), get_gp_atmsurf_to_rq(), get_gp_rq_to_atmgrids(), get_refr_index_3d(), GriddedFieldZToPRegrid(), IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), ARTS::Method::IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), jacobianAddAbsSpecies(), jacobianAddMagField(), jacobianAddNLTE(), jacobianAddNLTEs(), jacobianAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddScatSpecies(), jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), jacobianAddTemperature(), jacobianAddWind(), lon_gridFromRawField(), ARTS::Method::lon_gridFromRawField(), lon_gridFromZRaw(), ARTS::Method::lon_gridFromZRaw(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), plevel_slope_3d(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), pos2refell_r(), ppath_calc(), ppath_end_3d(), ppath_start_3d(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_step_geom_3d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_3d(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), retrievalAddMagField(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), rte_pos2gridpos(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), specular_losCalc(), surface_props_check(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), vmr_fieldPerturb(), vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), z_at_latlon(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), z_surfaceConstantAltitude(), and z_surfaceFromFileAndGrid().

◆ lon_true()

Vector ARTS::Var::lon_true ( Workspace ws)

Longitudinal geolocation for 1D and 2D data.

The variables lat_grid and lon_grid contain true positions only for 3D. For 1D and 2D, the geographical position is given by lat_true* and lon_true. Can be left empty when not used. Otherwise:

1D: lon_true shall have length 1

2D: Both lat_true and lon_true shall have a length matching lat_grid*. That is, lat_true and lon_true shall not be seen as grids, they are vectors giving the actual lat or lon for each point corresponding to lat_grid.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4113 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), AtmosphereSet3D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet3D(), chk_latlon_true(), GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid(), GriddedFieldLatLonRegridHelper(), InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), pos2true_latlon(), surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), ARTS::Method::surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), surfaceTelsem(), telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), ARTS::Method::telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), and z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ mag_u_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::mag_u_field ( Workspace ws)

Zonal component of the magnetic field.

The East-West magnetic field component. Positive values, when pointing eastward.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero field strength everywhere.

Unit: T

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0 0 0 ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4130 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmfields_checkedCalc(), get_ppath_atmvars(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ mag_u_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::mag_u_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw zonal component of the magnetic field.

The East-West magnetic field component. Positive values, when pointing eastward.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero field strength everywhere.

Unit: T

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4147 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), MagRawRead(), and ARTS::Method::MagRawRead().

◆ mag_v_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::mag_v_field ( Workspace ws)

Meridional component of the magnetic field.

The North-South magnetic field component. Positive values, when pointing northward.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero field strength everywhere.

Unit: T

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0 0 0 ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4164 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmfields_checkedCalc(), get_ppath_atmvars(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ mag_v_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::mag_v_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw meridional component of the magnetic field.

The North-South magnetic field component. Positive values, when pointing northward.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero field strength everywhere.

Unit: T

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4181 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), MagRawRead(), and ARTS::Method::MagRawRead().

◆ mag_w_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::mag_w_field ( Workspace ws)

Vertical component of the magnetic field.

Positive values, when pointing upward.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero field strength everywhere.

Unit: T

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0 0 0 ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4197 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmfields_checkedCalc(), get_ppath_atmvars(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ mag_w_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::mag_w_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw vertical component of the magnetic field.

Positive values, when pointing upward.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero field strength everywhere.

Unit: T

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4213 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), MagRawRead(), and ARTS::Method::MagRawRead().

◆ main_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::main_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda corresponding to the entire controlfile.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4220 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::main_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::main_agenda(), and Verbosity::set_main_agenda().

◆ MatrixCreate()

Matrix ARTS::Var::MatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Matrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Matrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Matrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9001 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ mblock_dlos_grid()

Matrix ARTS::Var::mblock_dlos_grid ( Workspace ws)

The set of angular pencil beam directions for each measurement block.

The relative angles in this variable are angular off-sets with respect to the angles in sensor_los.

The first column holds the relative zenith angle. This column is mandatory for all atmospheric dimensionalities. For 3D, there can also be a second column, giving relative azimuth angles. If this column is not present (for 3D) zero azimuth off-sets are assumed.

This rule applies to all WSVs of dlos-type, while for WSVs holding absolute angles (los-type, such as sensor_los), the second column is mandatory for 3D.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user or output of antenna WSMs.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4247 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AntennaConstantGaussian1D(), AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), AntennaOff(), ARTS::Method::AntennaOff(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), mblock_dlos_gridUniformRectangular(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ mblock_index()

◆ mc_antenna()

MCAntenna ARTS::Var::mc_antenna ( Workspace ws)

Antenna pattern description for dedicated MC calculaions.

Usage: Input to MCGeneral. Set by mc_antennaSetGaussian and similar methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4268 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC(), mc_antennaSetGaussian(), ARTS::Method::mc_antennaSetGaussian(), mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM(), ARTS::Method::mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM(), mc_antennaSetPencilBeam(), ARTS::Method::mc_antennaSetPencilBeam(), MCGeneral(), and MCRadar().

◆ mc_error()

Vector ARTS::Var::mc_error ( Workspace ws)

Error in simulated y when using a Monte Carlo approach.

Usage: Output from Monte Carlo functions.

Units: Depends on iy_unit.

Size: [ stokes_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4281 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC(), MCGeneral(), and MCRadar().

◆ mc_iteration_count()

Index ARTS::Var::mc_iteration_count ( Workspace ws)

Counts the number of iterations (or photons) used in the MC scattering algorithm.

Usage: Set by MCGeneral and other MC methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4291 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC(), and MCGeneral().

◆ mc_max_iter()

Index ARTS::Var::mc_max_iter ( Workspace ws)

The maximum number of iterations allowed for Monte Carlo calculations.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4301 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC(), and MCRadar().

◆ mc_max_scatorder()

Index ARTS::Var::mc_max_scatorder ( Workspace ws)

The maximum scattering order allowed for Monte Carlo radar calculations.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4311 of file autoarts.h.

◆ mc_max_time()

Index ARTS::Var::mc_max_time ( Workspace ws)

The maximum time allowed for Monte Carlo calculations.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: s

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4322 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC().

◆ mc_min_iter()

Index ARTS::Var::mc_min_iter ( Workspace ws)

The minimum number of iterations allowed for Monte Carlo calculations.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4332 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC().

◆ mc_points()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::mc_points ( Workspace ws)

Source to emission, position.

Counts the number of MC endpoints in each grid cell.

Usage: Set by MCGeneral and other MC methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4343 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC(), and MCGeneral().

◆ mc_scat_order()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::mc_scat_order ( Workspace ws)

Number of atmospheric scattering events between emission point and sensor.

The first element gives the number of cases with zero scattering events, the second the number of single scattering cases etc.

Scattering orders above what the variable can hold are not stored at all. The number of such cases can be determined by comparing mc_iteration_count* with the sum of the elements in this array.

Usage: Set by MCGeneral and other MC methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4359 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC(), and MCGeneral().

◆ mc_seed()

Index ARTS::Var::mc_seed ( Workspace ws)

The integer seed for the random number generator used by Monte Carlo methods.

Usage: Set by MCSetSeed.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4369 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), iyMC(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), MCSetSeedFromTime(), ARTS::Method::MCSetSeedFromTime(), and psd_cloudice_MH97().

◆ mc_source_domain()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::mc_source_domain ( Workspace ws)

Rough classification of source to emission.

This is an array of length 4, where the elements in order represent space, the surface, atmospheric gas and atmospheric particle. The distinction between the two last elements is if the emission is associated with vmr_field or pnd_field.

The values of the array give the number of cases where the emission source was found to be inside each "domain".

Usage: Set by MCGeneral and other MC methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4386 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC(), and MCGeneral().

◆ mc_std_err()

Numeric ARTS::Var::mc_std_err ( Workspace ws)

Target precision (1 std. dev.) for Monte Carlo calculations.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4395 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC().

◆ mc_taustep_limit()

Numeric ARTS::Var::mc_taustep_limit ( Workspace ws)

Defines an upper step length in terms of optical thickness for Monte Carlo calculations.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4404 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyMC().

◆ mc_y_tx()

Vector ARTS::Var::mc_y_tx ( Workspace ws)

Normalized Stokes vector for transmission (e.g., radar).

The first element (intensity) should have a value of 1. Usage: Set by user.

Units: Unitless.

Size: [ stokes_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4418 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by MCRadar().

◆ MCAntennaCreate()

MCAntenna ARTS::Var::MCAntennaCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::MCAntenna inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an MCAntenna

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]MCAntennainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 8982 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ met_amsu_data()

Matrix ARTS::Var::met_amsu_data ( Workspace ws)

The AMSU data set.

This is intended as input for the method ybatchMetProfiles. It holds the latitude, longitude, satellite zenith angle and amsu-b corrected and uncorrected brightness temperatures. It also has information about the particular pixel corresponds to a land or sea point. This will be read in the method ybatchMetProfiles and the profiles corresponding to each latitude and longitude will be read in.

See documentation of WSM ybatchMetProfiles for more information.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4434 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), and ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ met_mm_antenna()

Vector ARTS::Var::met_mm_antenna ( Workspace ws)

The antenna beam width for meteorological millimeter instruments.

This Vector must match the number and order of channels in met_mm_backend*.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ Hz ]

Size: [ number of channels ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4450 of file autoarts.h.

◆ met_mm_backend()

Matrix ARTS::Var::met_mm_backend ( Workspace ws)

Backend description for meteorological millimeter sensors with passbands.

This is a compact description of a passband-type sensor, e.g. AMSU-A. The matrix contains one row for each instrument channel. Each row contains four elements:

LO position [Hz] first offset from the LO [Hz] second offset from the LO+offset1 [Hz] channel width [Hz]

         offset1     |    offset1
     |                               |
     |                               |

offset2 | offset2 offset2 | offset2 ------—+------— ------—+------— | | | | | | | |

width width width width

For a sensor with 1 passband, offset1 and offset2 are zero. For a sensor with 2 passbands, only offset2 is zero.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: All entries in Hz.

Size: [number of channels, 4]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4487 of file autoarts.h.

◆ met_mm_polarisation()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::met_mm_polarisation ( Workspace ws)

The polarisation for meteorological millimeter instruments.

This array must match the number and order of channels in met_mm_backend*.

Possible values: V: Vertical polarisation H: Horizontal polarisation LHC: Left-hand circular polarisation RHC: Right-hand circular polarisation AMSU-V: Vertical polarisation dependening on AMSU zenith angle AMSU-H: Horizontal polarisation dependening on AMSU zenith angle ISMAR-V: Vertical polarisation dependening on ISMAR zenith angle ISMAR-H: Horizontal polarisation dependening on AMSU zenith angle

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ String ]

Size: [ number of channels ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4513 of file autoarts.h.

◆ met_profile_calc_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::met_profile_calc_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda for metoffice profile calculations.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4520 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::met_profile_calc_agenda(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), and ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ molarmass_dry_air()

Numeric ARTS::Var::molarmass_dry_air ( Workspace ws)

The average molar mass of dry air.

This could also be referred to as the average molecular weight for dry air. The definition of "dry air" can differ between planets and methods using the WSV. For Earth, this should be a value around 28.97.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4532 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ nbooks()

Index ARTS::Var::nbooks ( Workspace ws)

◆ ncols()

◆ nelem()

Index ARTS::Var::nelem ( Workspace ws)

Number of elements of a Vector or Array.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4553 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::ArrayOfIndexSetConstant(), ARTS::Method::IndexSetToLast(), main(), ARTS::Method::nelemGet(), ARTS::Method::VectorNLinSpace(), ARTS::Method::VectorNLogSpace(), and ARTS::Method::VectorSetConstant().

◆ nlibraries()

Index ARTS::Var::nlibraries ( Workspace ws)

Number of elements in 7th lowest dimension of a Tensor.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4560 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by Compare(), ARTS::Method::nlibrariesGet(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), Tensor7SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor7SetConstant(), and xml_read_from_stream().

◆ nlte_do()

◆ nlte_dsource_dx()

ArrayOfStokesVector ARTS::Var::nlte_dsource_dx ( Workspace ws)

NLTE partial derivatives output is two parts: S*dB/dx+dS/dx*B. This should contain the first term for one point in the atmosphere (one set of pressure, temperature, zn magnetic field, and VMR values) with respect to one of of the input parameters.

Dimensions: [ quantities ] [nza, naa, nf, stokes_dim] or [0]

Unit: 1/m/jacobian_quantity

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4581 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calc_lookup_error(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ nlte_field()

EnergyLevelMap ARTS::Var::nlte_field ( Workspace ws)

The field of NLTE temperatures and/or ratios.

This variable gives the NLTE temperature/ratio at each crossing of the pressure, latitude and longitude grids. The size of the array is the number of NLTE levels in all molecules.

The temperature/ratio for a point between the grid crossings is obtained by (multi-)linear interpolation of the nlte_field.

There are two types of NLTE computations available in ARTS. One from giving excitiation temperatures that makes the absorption/emission diverge from LTE. The other is to use the absolute ratios of upper-to-lower states at the levels of interest.

Units: [ K or % ]]

Dimensions: [ NLTE levels, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4604 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), emission_from_propmat_field(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), get_ppath_atmvars(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), nlte_fieldFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldFromRaw(), nlte_fieldRescalePopulationLevels(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldRescalePopulationLevels(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), nlte_positions_in_statistical_equilibrium_matrix(), nlteOff(), ARTS::Method::nlteOff(), nlteSetByQuantumIdentifiers(), ARTS::Method::nlteSetByQuantumIdentifiers(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), yActive(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ nlte_field_raw()

ArrayOfGriddedField3 ARTS::Var::nlte_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw data for NLTE temperatures and/or ratios.

This variable gives the NLTE temperature/ratio as stored in the database for the atmospheric scenarios.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user by choosing a climatology.

Unit: K

Size ArrayOfGriddedField3 array: [NLTE levels] or [ 0 ] fields: [N_p] [N_lat] [N_lon] [N_p, N_lat, N_lon]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4631 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmRawRead(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), and AtmWithNLTERawRead().

◆ nlte_level_identifiers()

ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier ARTS::Var::nlte_level_identifiers ( Workspace ws)

An array of non-lte quantum identifiers for levels matching nlte_field_raw* and on request nlte_vibrational_energies.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4639 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_nlteFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::abs_nlteFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), nlte_fieldFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), nlteOff(), ARTS::Method::nlteOff(), rtp_nlteFromRaw(), and ARTS::Method::rtp_nlteFromRaw().

◆ nlte_source()

ArrayOfStokesVector ARTS::Var::nlte_source ( Workspace ws)

Variable to contain the additional source function due to NLTE effects.

Dimensions: [ nspecies ] [nza, naa, nf, stokes_dim] or [0]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4648 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calc_lookup_error(), get_stepwise_clearsky_propmat(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ nlte_source_field()

Tensor6 ARTS::Var::nlte_source_field ( Workspace ws)

Analog to propmat_clearsky_field for propmat_clearsky, but for. the nlte_source variable.

Unit: 1/m

Dimensions: [species, f_grid, stokes_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4660 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc().

◆ nlte_vibrational_energies()

Vector ARTS::Var::nlte_vibrational_energies ( Workspace ws)

An list of vibrational energies matching nlte_level_identifiers* and nlte_field_raw or being 0.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4668 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_nlteFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::abs_nlteFromRaw(), AtmRawRead(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), AtmWithNLTERawRead(), nlte_fieldFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldFromRaw(), rtp_nlteFromRaw(), and ARTS::Method::rtp_nlteFromRaw().

◆ npages()

◆ nrows()

◆ nshelves()

Index ARTS::Var::nshelves ( Workspace ws)

Number of elements in 5th lowest dimension of a Tensor.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4689 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by Compare(), nca_read_from_file(), ARTS::Method::nshelvesGet(), pha_mat_ScatSpecBulk(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), Tensor5SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor5SetConstant(), Tensor6SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor6SetConstant(), Tensor7SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor7SetConstant(), and xml_read_from_stream().

◆ NumericCreate()

Numeric ARTS::Var::NumericCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Numeric inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Numeric

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Numericinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9020 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ nvitrines()

Index ARTS::Var::nvitrines ( Workspace ws)

Number of elements in 6th lowest dimension of a Tensor.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4696 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by Compare(), ARTS::Method::nvitrinesGet(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), Tensor6SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor6SetConstant(), Tensor7SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor7SetConstant(), and xml_read_from_stream().

◆ oem_diagnostics()

Vector ARTS::Var::oem_diagnostics ( Workspace ws)

Basic diagnostics of an OEM type inversion.

This is a vector of length 5, having the elements (0-based index): 0: Convergence status, with coding 0 = converged 1 = max iterations reached 2 = max gamma of LM reached 9 = some error when calling inversion_iterate_agenda 99 = too high start cost. 1: Start value of cost function. 2: End value of cost function. 3: End value of y-part of cost function. 4: Number of iterations used.

See WSM OEM for a definition of "cost". Values not calculated are set to NaN.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4718 of file autoarts.h.

◆ oem_errors()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::oem_errors ( Workspace ws)

Errors encountered during OEM execution.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4725 of file autoarts.h.

◆ output_file_format()

String ARTS::Var::output_file_format ( Workspace ws)

Output file format.

This variable sets the format for output files. It could be set to "ascii" for plain xml files, "zascii" for zipped xml files, or "binary".

To change the value of this variable use the workspace methods output_file_formatSetAscii*, output_file_formatSetZippedAscii, and output_file_formatSetBinary*

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4740 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesWriteSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::output_file_formatSetAscii(), ARTS::Method::output_file_formatSetBinary(), and ARTS::Method::output_file_formatSetZippedAscii().

◆ p_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::p_grid ( Workspace ws)

The pressure grid.

The pressure levels on which the atmospheric fields are defined. This variable must always be defined. The grid must be sorted in decreasing order, with no repetitions.

No gap between the lowermost pressure level and the surface is allowed. The uppermost pressure level defines the practical upper limit of the atmosphere as vacuum is assumed above.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Pa

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4763 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), abs_speciesAdd2(), AbsInputFromAtmFields(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromAtmFields(), atm_gridsFromZRaw(), AtmFieldPerturb(), AtmFieldPerturbAtmGrids(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExpand1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), check_retrieval_grids(), chk_atm_field(), chk_atm_grids(), chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(), chk_scat_species_field(), clear_rt_vars_at_gp(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudboxSetAutomatically(), cloudboxSetFullAtm(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetFullAtm(), cloudboxSetManually(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManually(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), FieldFromGriddedField(), ARTS::Method::FieldFromGriddedField(), get_gasoptprop(), get_gp_atmgrids_to_rq(), get_gp_rq_to_atmgrids(), get_paroptprop(), get_ppath_atmvars(), get_ppath_transmat(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), GriddedFieldPRegrid(), GriddedFieldPRegridHelper(), GriddedFieldZToPRegrid(), heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), ARTS::Method::heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), ARTS::Method::IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), itw2p(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), jacobianAddAbsSpecies(), jacobianAddMagField(), jacobianAddNLTE(), jacobianAddNLTEs(), jacobianAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddScatSpecies(), jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), jacobianAddTemperature(), jacobianAddWind(), line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), main(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), OptimizeDoitPressureGrid(), p_gridDensify(), p_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), ARTS::Method::p_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), p_gridFromZRaw(), p_gridRefine(), ARTS::Method::p_gridRefine(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), ARTS::AgendaMethod::PFromZSimple(), PFromZSimple(), ARTS::Method::PFromZSimple(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), ppath_calc(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), retrievalAddMagField(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), rte_pos2gridpos(), run_cdisort(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), vmr_fieldPerturb(), vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), z_at_lat_2d(), z_at_latlon(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), z_fieldFromHSE(), ARTS::AgendaMethod::ZFromPSimple(), ZFromPSimple(), and ARTS::Method::ZFromPSimple().

◆ p_grid_orig()

Vector ARTS::Var::p_grid_orig ( Workspace ws)

The original pressure grid before optimization.

This variable is used to interpolate cloudbox_field back to its original size after the calculation with OptimizeDoitPressureGrid. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Pa

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4779 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), and OptimizeDoitPressureGrid().

◆ p_hse()

Numeric ARTS::Var::p_hse ( Workspace ws)

Reference pressure calculation of hydrostatic equilibrium.

The altitude specified by this pressure is used as the reference when calculating hydrostatic equilibrium. That is, the geometrical altitude at this pressure is not changed.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: Pa

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4794 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), and z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ particle_bulkprop_field()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::particle_bulkprop_field ( Workspace ws)

Container for various data that describes scattering bulk properties.

The number and order of bulk properties is free, as long as the data are consistent with the content of particle_bulkprop_names.

The data shall be given on the standard atmospheric grids. When actually used, this variable must have zeros at all positions outside and at the border of the cloudbox.

Dimensions: [ particle_bulkprop_names, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4810 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetupBatch(), particle_bulkprop_fieldClip(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ particle_bulkprop_names()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::particle_bulkprop_names ( Workspace ws)

Identification of the data in particle_bulkprop_field.

This variable assigns a name to each field in particle_bulkprop_field. The naming is totally free. If two fields are given the same name, the first one will be selected.

Dimensions: length should match book-dimension of particle_bulkprop_field

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4823 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetupBatch(), particle_bulkprop_fieldClip(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ particle_masses()

Matrix ARTS::Var::particle_masses ( Workspace ws)

The mass of individual particles (or bulks).

Each row corresponds to a scattering element (i.e. an element in scat_data*). The user is free to define different mass categories and assign a mass for each category. Each column of particle_masses corresponds to such a mass category. A scattering element can have a non-zero mass for more than one category.

For example, if you work with clouds, your mass categories could be ice and liquid, corresponding to IWC and LWC, respectively. The mass of particles inside the melting layer, having a mixed phase, could be divided between the two columns of the matrix.

Shall either be empty, or have a row size consistent with the scattering variables (scat_data, pnd_field).

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: kg

Dimensions: [number of scattering elements, number of mass categories]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4850 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), particle_massesFromMetaData(), ARTS::Method::particle_massesFromMetaData(), particle_massesFromMetaDataSingleCategory(), and ARTS::Method::particle_massesFromMetaDataSingleCategory().

◆ partition_functions()

SpeciesAuxData ARTS::Var::partition_functions ( Workspace ws)

◆ pha_mat()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::pha_mat ( Workspace ws)

Ensemble averaged phase matrix.

This workspace variable represents the actual physical phase matrix (averaged over all scattering elements) for given propagation directions. It is calculated in the method pha_matCalc.

See ARTS user guide (AUG) for further information. Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Output of the method pha_matCalc

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [za_grid, aa_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4881 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by FouComp_1ScatElem(), pha_mat_1ScatElem(), pha_mat_Bulk(), pha_mat_NScatElems(), pha_mat_ScatSpecBulk(), pha_matCalc(), and ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc().

◆ pha_mat_doit()

Tensor7 ARTS::Var::pha_mat_doit ( Workspace ws)

Ensemble averaged phase matrix for DOIT calculation.

This workspace variable represents the actual physical phase matrix (averaged over all scattering elements) for given incident and propagation directions. It is calculated in the method DoitScatteringDataPrepare.

See ARTS user guide (AUG) for further information. Usage: Output of the method pha_matCalc

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [T,za_grid, aa_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4900 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), and DoitScatteringDataPrepare().

◆ pha_mat_spt()

Tensor5 ARTS::Var::pha_mat_spt ( Workspace ws)

Phase matrix for all individual scattering elements.

This variable contains the elements of phase matrix for all individual scattering elements for given propagation directions. It is the calculated in the agenda pha_mat_spt_agenda. The elements of the phase matrix are calculated from the single scattering data.

See ARTS user guide (AUG) for further information.

Usage: Input and Output of the pha_mat_sptFrom* methods

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [number of scattering elements, za_grid, aa_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4921 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), pha_mat_spt_agendaExecute(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matCalc(), and ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc().

◆ pha_mat_spt_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::pha_mat_spt_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda calculates the phase matrix for individual scattering elements.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4950 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), and ARTS::AgendaDefine::pha_mat_spt_agenda().

◆ pha_mat_sptDOITOpt()

ArrayOfTensor7 ARTS::Var::pha_mat_sptDOITOpt ( Workspace ws)

Interpolated phase matrix.

This variable contains the data of the phase matrix in the scattering frame interpolated on the actual frequency (the variable is used inside doit_mono_agenda) and also interpolated on all possible scattering angles following from all combinations of za_grid* and aa_grid.

Usage: Input of the method pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt

Unit: m^2

Dimensions: [number of scattering elements] [T, za_grid, aa_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4943 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), and ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt().

◆ planet_rotation_period()

Numeric ARTS::Var::planet_rotation_period ( Workspace ws)

The sidereal rotation period of the planet.

This is time that it takes for the planet to complete one revolution around its axis of rotation relative to the stars. For Earth, this is a value roughly 4 min less than 24 h.

A negative value signifies a retrograde rotation, i.e. opposite to the rotation of Earth. Unit: s

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4965 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), and ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation().

◆ pnd_agenda_array()

ArrayOfAgenda ARTS::Var::pnd_agenda_array ( Workspace ws)

Mapping of particle bulk properties to number density data.

The length of this agenda array shall match the size of scat_species. That is there is a "pnd-agenda" associated with each scattering species.

In short, each agenda takes some bulk property data as input, and returns particle number densities for all scattering elements of the species. See further pnd_agenda_input and associated variables.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4979 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), and pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps().

◆ pnd_agenda_array_input_names()

ArrayOfArrayOfString ARTS::Var::pnd_agenda_array_input_names ( Workspace ws)

Naming of all input expected by pnd_agenda_array.

This variable contains pnd_agenda_input_names for each agenda element in pnd_agenda_array.

Dimension: [ n_scattering_species ][ n_input_variables ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 4991 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), and pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps().

◆ pnd_agenda_input()

Matrix ARTS::Var::pnd_agenda_input ( Workspace ws)

The variable input to one element of pnd_agenda_array.

The column dimension corresponds to the input to the underlying particle size distribution method. For example, the first column can hold ice water content values, and the second one temperature data.

Temperatures are handled by pnd_agenda_input_t and shall not be included in this variable.

Each row corresponds to a position. That is, the methods in the pnd-agendas are expected to process multiple points in one call.

Dimensions: [ n_points, n_input_variables ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5011 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), psd_mgd_mass_and_something(), psd_mgd_smm_common(), psd_mono_common(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl07(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97(), psdMilbrandtYau05(), psdModifiedGamma(), psdModifiedGammaMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), psdSeifertBeheng06(), and psdWangEtAl16().

◆ pnd_agenda_input_names()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::pnd_agenda_input_names ( Workspace ws)

Naming of (existing or expected) data in pnd_agenda_input.

The strings of this variable refer to the corresponding column in pnd_agenda_input*.

Dimension: [ n_input_variables ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5023 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMilbrandtYau05(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), psdSeifertBeheng06(), and psdWangEtAl16().

◆ pnd_agenda_input_t()

Vector ARTS::Var::pnd_agenda_input_t ( Workspace ws)

Temperature input to one element of pnd_agenda_array.

This WSV works as pnd_agenda_input but holds a specific quantity, temperature.

Each element corresponds to a position. That is, the methods in the pnd-agendas are expected to process multiple points in one call.

Dimensions: [ n_points ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5038 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), psd_mgd_mass_and_something(), psd_mgd_smm_common(), psd_mono_common(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl07(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97(), psdMilbrandtYau05(), psdModifiedGamma(), psdModifiedGammaMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), psdSeifertBeheng06(), and psdWangEtAl16().

◆ pnd_data()

Matrix ARTS::Var::pnd_data ( Workspace ws)

Particle number density values for a set of points.

The variable contains particle number density data for one scattering species. The row dimension corresponds to different positions, in the same way as pnd_agenda_input is defined.

Dimensions: [ n_points, n_scattering_elements ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5051 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::pnd_agenda_array(), pnd_agenda_arrayExecute(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pndFromPsd(), and pndFromPsdBasic().

◆ pnd_field()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::pnd_field ( Workspace ws)

Particle number density field.

This variable holds the particle number density fields for all scattering elements being read in the WSMs ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd* or ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd and interpolated to the calculation grids p_grid, lat_grid, and lon_grid* inside the cloudbox. An alternative method to create pnd_field* is pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps.

Total number and order of scattering elements in pnd_field and (the flattened) scat_data has to be identical.

Note: To ensure that no particles exist outside the cloudbox, pnd_field* is required to be 0 at its outer limits (corresponding to the cloudbox_limits).

Usage: Set by user or output of pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps

Unit: m^-3

Size: [number of scattering elements, (cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5081 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_atm_vars_by_gp(), cloud_fieldsCalc(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), get_ppath_cloudvars(), get_ppath_transmat(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), OptimizeDoitPressureGrid(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), pnd_fieldExpand1D(), pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), and ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge().

◆ pnd_field_raw()

ArrayOfGriddedField3 ARTS::Var::pnd_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

The particle number density field raw data.

This variable contains the particle number density data for all considered scattering elements. pnd_field_raw is an Array of GriddedField3. It includes one GriddedField3 for each scattering element, which contains both the data and the corresponding grids.

Usage: Set by the user. Input to methods ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd and ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd*

Unit: m^-3

Size: Array[number of scattering elementst] GriddedField3 [number of pressure levels] [number of latitudes] [number of longitudes] [number of pressure levels, number of latitudes, number of longitudes]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5105 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by chk_pnd_data(), chk_pnd_field_raw_only_in_cloudbox(), chk_pnd_raw_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ScatSpeciesInit(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesInit(), ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ pnd_size_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::pnd_size_grid ( Workspace ws)

The particle sizes associated with pnd_data.

This variable holds the size of each scattering element considered. Size can be defined differently, depending on particle size distribution used. Most common choices should by equivalent diameter, maximum diameter and mass.

Dimension: [ n_sizes ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5119 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by pndFromPsd(), and pndFromPsdBasic().

◆ ppath()

Ppath ARTS::Var::ppath ( Workspace ws)

The propagation path for one line-of-sight.

This variable describes the total (pencil beam) propagation path for a given combination of starting point and line-of-sight. The path is described by a data structure of type Ppath. This structure contains also additional fields to faciliate the calculation of spectra and interpolation of the atmospheric fields.

The data struture is too extensive to be described here, but it is described carefully in the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where the data structure, Ppath, for propagation paths is discussed. It is listed as a subentry to "data structures".

Usage: Output from ppath_agenda.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5139 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by defocusing_general(), defocusing_sat2sat(), diy_from_path_to_rgrids(), DoitGetIncoming(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), emission_from_propmat_field(), error_if_limb_ppath(), find_tanpoint(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::geo_pos_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::geo_pos_agenda_empty(), geo_pos_agendaExecute(), geo_posEndOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::geo_posEndOfPpath(), geo_posLowestAltitudeOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::geo_posLowestAltitudeOfPpath(), geo_posWherePpathPassesZref(), ARTS::Method::geo_posWherePpathPassesZref(), get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), get_ppath_atmvars(), get_ppath_cloudvars(), get_ppath_f(), get_ppath_transmat(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iySurfaceFastem(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ppath_append(), ppath_calc(), ppath_end_1d(), ppath_end_2d(), ppath_end_3d(), ppath_init_structure(), ppath_set_background(), ppath_start_1d(), ppath_start_2d(), ppath_start_3d(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_step_geom_1d(), ppath_step_geom_2d(), ppath_step_geom_3d(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ppath_what_background(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), ppathWriteXMLPartial(), rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), rtmethods_unit_conversion(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), TangentPointExtract(), ARTS::Method::TangentPointExtract(), TangentPointPrint(), xml_read_from_stream(), xml_write_to_stream(), and yActive().

◆ ppath_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::ppath_agenda ( Workspace ws)

◆ ppath_field()

ArrayOfPpath ARTS::Var::ppath_field ( Workspace ws)

An array meant to build up the necessary geometries for radiative field calculations.

Can be ordered or not

Size: user-defined

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5158 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), and sorted_index_of_ppath_field().

◆ ppath_inside_cloudbox_do()

Index ARTS::Var::ppath_inside_cloudbox_do ( Workspace ws)

Flag to perform ray tracing inside the cloudbox.

Standard propagation path calculations stop at the boundary of the cloudbox, or stop directly if started inside the cloudbox. This WSV allows scattering methods to obtain propagation paths inside the cloudbox. Hence, this variable is for internal usage primarily.

Usage: For communication between modules of arts.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5172 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ppath_calc(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_start_stepping(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppath_lmax()

Numeric ARTS::Var::ppath_lmax ( Workspace ws)

Maximum length between points describing propagation paths.

See ppath_stepGeometric for a description of this variable.

Usage: Ppath methods such as ppath_stepGeometric.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5183 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyMC(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ppath_calc(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldFromDownUpLimbGeoms(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_step_agenda(), ppath_step_agendaExecute(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppath_lraytrace()

◆ ppath_step()

Ppath ARTS::Var::ppath_step ( Workspace ws)

A propagation path step.

The main intention of this variable is communication with the agenda ppath_step_agenda*.

See ppath_step_agenda for more information on this variable and the calculation of propagation paths. Or read the chapter on propagation paths in the ARTS user guide.

Usage: In/output to/from ppath_step_agenda.

Members: See AUG.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5213 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloud_RT_no_background(), cloud_RT_surface(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), is_inside_cloudbox(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), ppath_calc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_step_agenda(), ppath_step_agendaExecute(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), and ppath_stepRefractionBasic().

◆ ppath_step_agenda()

◆ PpathCreate()

Ppath ARTS::Var::PpathCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Ppath inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Ppath

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Ppathinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9039 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ ppvar_f()

Matrix ARTS::Var::ppvar_f ( Workspace ws)

Doppler adjusted frequencies along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ number of frequencies, ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5233 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_iy()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::ppvar_iy ( Workspace ws)

iy-values along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ number of frequencies, stokes_dim, ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5246 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), rtmethods_unit_conversion(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_mag()

Matrix ARTS::Var::ppvar_mag ( Workspace ws)

Magnetic field along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ 3, ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5259 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_nlte()

EnergyLevelMap ARTS::Var::ppvar_nlte ( Workspace ws)

Non-LTE temperatures/ratios along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ number of non-lte temperatures, 1, 1, ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5272 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_optical_depth()

Matrix ARTS::Var::ppvar_optical_depth ( Workspace ws)

The optical depth between the sensor and each point of the propagation path.

Returned as the one-way optical depth even in the case of radar simulations. Just a scalar value, i.e. no polarisation information is provided.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [, f_grid]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5289 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ppvar_optical_depthFromPpvar_trans_cumulat(), and ARTS::Method::ppvar_optical_depthFromPpvar_trans_cumulat().

◆ ppvar_p()

Vector ARTS::Var::ppvar_p ( Workspace ws)

Pressure along the propagation path.

ppvar stands for propagation path variable. The variables named in is way describe the atmosphere and its properties at each point of the propagation path

Dimension: [ ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5304 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_pnd()

Matrix ARTS::Var::ppvar_pnd ( Workspace ws)

PND values along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ number of scattering elements, ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5317 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), and iyTransmissionStandard().

◆ ppvar_t()

Vector ARTS::Var::ppvar_t ( Workspace ws)

Temperature along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5330 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_trans_cumulat()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::ppvar_trans_cumulat ( Workspace ws)

The transmission between the sensor and each point of the propagation path.

Returned as the one-way transmission even in the case of radar simulations.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [, f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5346 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), ppvar_optical_depthFromPpvar_trans_cumulat(), ARTS::Method::ppvar_optical_depthFromPpvar_trans_cumulat(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_trans_partial()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::ppvar_trans_partial ( Workspace ws)

The transmission between each point along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [, f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5359 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_vmr()

Matrix ARTS::Var::ppvar_vmr ( Workspace ws)

VMR values along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ number of abs. species, ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5372 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), rtmethods_jacobian_finalisation(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ ppvar_wind()

Matrix ARTS::Var::ppvar_wind ( Workspace ws)

Winds along the propagation path.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ 3, ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5385 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ PropagationMatrixCreate()

PropagationMatrix ARTS::Var::PropagationMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::PropagationMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an PropagationMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]PropagationMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9058 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ propmat_clearsky()

◆ propmat_clearsky_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::propmat_clearsky_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda calculating the absorption coefficient matrices.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5405 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by clear_rt_vars_at_gp(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), field_of_propagation(), get_gasoptprop(), get_ppath_transmat(), get_stepwise_clearsky_propmat(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc(), propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Agenda::propmat_clearsky_agenda_on_the_fly(), ARTS::Agenda::propmat_clearsky_agenda_on_the_fly_zeeman(), run_cdisort(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked()

Index ARTS::Var::propmat_clearsky_agenda_checked ( Workspace ws)

◆ propmat_clearsky_field()

Tensor7 ARTS::Var::propmat_clearsky_field ( Workspace ws)

Gas absorption field.

Contains the (polarized) gas absorption coefficients for all species as a function of f_grid, p_grid, lat_grid, and lon_grid.

This is mainly for testing and plotting gas absorption. For RT calculations, gas absorption is calculated or extracted locally, therefore there is no need to store a global field. But this variable is handy for easy plotting of absorption vs. pressure, for example.

Unit: 1/m

Dimensions: [species, f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5433 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), WriteMolTau(), and ARTS::Method::WriteMolTau().

◆ psd_data()

Matrix ARTS::Var::psd_data ( Workspace ws)

Particle size distribution values for a set of points.

The variable contains particle size distribution data for one scattering species. The row dimension corresponds to different positions, in the same way as pnd_agenda_input is defined.

Dimensions: [ n_points, n_scattering_elements ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5446 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by pndFromPsd(), pndFromPsdBasic(), psd_mgd_mass_and_something(), psd_mono_common(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97(), psdMilbrandtYau05(), psdModifiedGamma(), psdModifiedGammaMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), psdSeifertBeheng06(), and psdWangEtAl16().

◆ psd_size_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::psd_size_grid ( Workspace ws)

The particle sizes associated with psd_data.

This variable holds the size of each scattering element considered. Size can be defined differently, depending on particle size distribution used. Most common choices should by equivalent diameter, maximum diameter and mass.

Dimension: [ n_sizes ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5460 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by pndFromPsd(), pndFromPsdBasic(), psd_mgd_mass_and_something(), psd_mono_common(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97(), psdMilbrandtYau05(), psdModifiedGamma(), psdModifiedGammaMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdSeifertBeheng06(), and psdWangEtAl16().

◆ QuantumIdentifierCreate()

QuantumIdentifier ARTS::Var::QuantumIdentifierCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::QuantumIdentifier inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an QuantumIdentifier

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]QuantumIdentifierinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9077 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ radiance_field()

Tensor5 ARTS::Var::radiance_field ( Workspace ws)

Radiant flux per unit solid angle per unit projected area seperately for each hemisphere.

The last dimension denotes the hemispheres. The first component is the downward radiance and the second component is the upward radianceUnits: W / (m^2 sr)

Size: [(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1, N_za, N_aa

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5476 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::dobatch_calc_agenda(), dobatch_calc_agendaExecute(), DOBatchCalc(), irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(), and ARTS::Method::irradiance_fieldFromRadiance().

◆ RadiationVectorCreate()

RadiationVector ARTS::Var::RadiationVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::RadiationVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an RadiationVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]RadiationVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9096 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ range_bins()

Vector ARTS::Var::range_bins ( Workspace ws)

The range bins of an active instrument.

The bins are assumed to cover a range without gaps, and the bins are defined by their edges. That is, the length of this vector is the number of bins + 1.

The bins can potentially be defined in two ways, by altitude or time. See the method you are using, if this variable shall hold time or altitude (or maybe both options are treated).

Unit: m or s

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5493 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by MCRadar(), and yActive().

◆ RationalCreate()

Rational ARTS::Var::RationalCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Rational inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Rational

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Rationalinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9115 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ refellipsoid()

Vector ARTS::Var::refellipsoid ( Workspace ws)

Reference ellipsoid.

This vector specifies the shape of the reference ellipsoid. The vector must have length 2, where the two elements are: 1: Equatorial radius. 2: The eccentricity. The eccentricity is sqrt(1-b*b/a*a) where a and b are equatorial and polar radius, respectively. If the eccentricity is set to 0, an average radius should be used instead of the equatorial one.

The eccentricity must be 0 for 1D calculations, as a spherical Earth is implied by setting atmosphere_dim to 1. For 2D, the selected ellipsoid parameters should be selected according to cross-section between the real ellipsoid and the 2D plane considered. That is the applied ellipsoid shall have een converted to match the internal treatment of 2D cases. For 3D, models can be used, such as WGS84.

Usage: Set by the user.

Size: [ 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5519 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), iyMC(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), plevel_slope_2d(), plevel_slope_3d(), pos2refell_r(), ppath_calc(), ppath_end_1d(), ppath_end_2d(), ppath_end_3d(), ppath_fieldFromDownUpLimbGeoms(), ppath_start_2d(), ppath_start_3d(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_step_geom_1d(), ppath_step_geom_2d(), ppath_step_geom_3d(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refell2d(), refell2r(), refellipsoidEarth(), refellipsoidEuropa(), refellipsoidForAzimuth(), ARTS::Method::refellipsoidForAzimuth(), refellipsoidGanymede(), refellipsoidIo(), refellipsoidJupiter(), refellipsoidMars(), refellipsoidMoon(), refellipsoidOrbitPlane(), ARTS::Method::refellipsoidOrbitPlane(), refellipsoidVenus(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), specular_losCalc(), VectorZtanToZa1D(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZa1D(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear(), and ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ refr_index_air()

Numeric ARTS::Var::refr_index_air ( Workspace ws)

Real part of the refractive index of air.

The variable contains the refractive index summed over all relevant constituents, at one position in the atmosphere. This refractive is related to the phase velocity. See also refr_index_air_group.

Unit: 1

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5532 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::refr_index_air_agenda(), refr_index_air_agendaExecute(), refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(), refraction_ppc(), and VectorZtanToZaRefr1D().

◆ refr_index_air_agenda()

◆ refr_index_air_group()

Numeric ARTS::Var::refr_index_air_group ( Workspace ws)

Group index of refractivity.

This variable is defined as the ratio between group velocity and the speed of ligh in vacuum. That is, it is defined as the "standard" refractive index, but refers to the group velocity instead of the phase velocity. See also refr_index_air.

Unit: 1

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5553 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::refr_index_air_agenda(), refr_index_air_agendaExecute(), refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(), and VectorZtanToZaRefr1D().

◆ relmat_per_band()

ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::relmat_per_band ( Workspace ws)

Relaxation matrix per band per pressure level.

Dimensions: [pressures][band][n_linex, nlines] Units: Hz/Pa in HWHM

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5563 of file autoarts.h.

◆ relmat_type_per_band()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::relmat_type_per_band ( Workspace ws)

Used to set the type of line mixing relaxation matrix that will be calculated.

Supported types by index: 0: Hartmann-Tran type relaxation matrix. 1: Linear type relaxation matrix.

Dimensions: [number of bands]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5577 of file autoarts.h.

◆ retrieval_checked()

Index ARTS::Var::retrieval_checked ( Workspace ws)

Flag indicating completeness and consistency of retrieval setup.

Unit: Boolean

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5586 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::retrievalDefClose(), and retrievalDefClose().

◆ retrieval_eo()

Vector ARTS::Var::retrieval_eo ( Workspace ws)

The estimated error in the retrieval due to uncertainty in the observations.

The vector contains the square roots of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of the error due to measurement noise, S_m in Rodgers' book.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5597 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by retrievalErrorsExtract(), and ARTS::Method::retrievalErrorsExtract().

◆ retrieval_ss()

Vector ARTS::Var::retrieval_ss ( Workspace ws)

The estimated error in the retrieval due to limited resolution of the observation system.

The vector contains the square roots of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of the smoothing error, S_s in Rodgers' book.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5609 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by retrievalErrorsExtract(), and ARTS::Method::retrievalErrorsExtract().

◆ rte_alonglos_v()

Numeric ARTS::Var::rte_alonglos_v ( Workspace ws)

Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation.

This variable gives the velocity of the imaginary detector in monochromatic pencil beam calculations. The relevant velocity is the projection along the line-of-sight (ie. total velocity shall not be given). A positive value means a movement of the detector in the same direction as the line-of-sight.

This variable is required to include Doppler effects due to velocities of the observer, relative the centre of the coordinate system used that is fixed to the planets centre point.

Unit: [ m/s ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5628 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_ppath_f(), get_stepwise_frequency_grid(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ rte_los()

Vector ARTS::Var::rte_los ( Workspace ws)

A line-of-sight for (complete) radiative transfer calculations.

This variable gives the observation direction for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. Hence, it is the line-of-sight at the end point of the propagation path.

For 1D and 2D cases, rte_los is a vector of length 1 holding the zenith angle. For 3D, the length of the vector is 2, where the additional element is the azimuthal angle. These angles are defined in the ARTS user guide (AUG). Look in the index for "zenith angle" and "azimuthal angle".

Usage: See above.

Units: [ degree, degree ]

Size: [ 1 or 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5651 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calc_incang(), chk_rte_los(), cloud_RT_surface(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), get_iy(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), mcPathTraceRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ppath_calc(), ppath_start_stepping(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), rte_losSet(), ARTS::Method::rte_losSet(), rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), Sample_los(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ rte_pos()

Vector ARTS::Var::rte_pos ( Workspace ws)

A geographical position for starting radiative transfer calculations.

This variable gives the observation position for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. Hence, it is the end point of the propagation path.

This variable is a vector with a length equalling the atmospheric dimensionality. The first element is the geometrical altitude. Element 2 is the latitude and element 3 is the longitude.

Usage: See above.

Units: [ m, degree, degree ]

Size: [ atmosphere_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5672 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by chk_rte_pos(), cloud_RT_surface(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), get_iy(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), mcPathTraceRadar(), pos2refell_r(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ppath_calc(), ppath_start_stepping(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), rte_pos2gridpos(), rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), rte_posSet(), ARTS::Method::rte_posSet(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ rte_pos2()

Vector ARTS::Var::rte_pos2 ( Workspace ws)

A second geographical position to define the geometry for radiative transfer calculations.

This variable is used when the propagation path is defined by two positions, instead of a position (rte_pos) and a line-of-sight (rte_los). That is, this variable basically replaces rte_los for the cases of consideration. In practice, rte_los is determined by finding the propagation path between rte_pos and rte_pos2.

As rte_pos with the exception that a "latitude" must also be specified for 1D. This is the angular distance to rte_pos, where this distance is defined as the 2D-"latitude".

Usage: See above.

Units: [ m, degree, degree ]

Size: [ atmosphere_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5696 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_iy(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), iy_loop_freqs_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_main_agenda(), iy_main_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ppath_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::ppath_agenda_follow_sensor_los(), ARTS::Agenda::ppath_agenda_plane_parallel(), ppath_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathFromRtePos2(), rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), and yActive().

◆ rtp_los()

Vector ARTS::Var::rtp_los ( Workspace ws)

Line-of-sight at a radiative transfer point.

This variable holds a local line-of-sight. The angles of this vector are defined as for rte_los.

The WSV is used as input to methods and agendas calculating radiative properties for a given conditions.

Usage: Communication variable.

Units: [ degree, degree ]

Size: [ 1 or 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5715 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_cloudbox_agenda(), iy_cloudbox_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_space_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::iy_space_agenda_cosmic_background(), iy_space_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_transmitter_agenda(), iy_transmitter_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::propmat_clearsky_agenda_on_the_fly(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), specular_losCalc(), specular_losCalcNoTopography(), ARTS::Method::specular_losCalcNoTopography(), surf_albedoCalc(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), surface_rtprop_agenda_arrayExecute(), surface_rtprop_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), surface_rtprop_sub_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), surfaceTelsem(), SurfaceTessem(), surfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ rtp_mag()

Vector ARTS::Var::rtp_mag ( Workspace ws)

Magnetic field at a radiative transfer point.

See mag_u_field etc. for a definition of the different components. For this variable the components are put together and thus defines magnetic field vector. Hence, this is a vector of length three, even if any of the input fields is set to be empty.

The WSV is used as input to methods and agendas calculating radiative properties for a given conditions.

Usage: Communication variable.

Units: T

Size: [ u-component, v-component, w-component ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5736 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::propmat_clearsky_agenda_on_the_fly(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ rtp_nlte()

EnergyLevelMap ARTS::Var::rtp_nlte ( Workspace ws)

NLTE temperature/ratio at a radiative transfer point.

This vector variable can hold the NLTE temperature/ratio. It is intended mainly for communication with various methods and agendas, such as methods and agendas calculating absorption coefficients. The WSV is used as input to methods and agendas calculating radiative properties for a given conditions.

Usage: Communication variable.

Units: [ K/# ] Size: [ NLTE levels, 1, 1, 1 ] or [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5754 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), rtp_nlteFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::rtp_nlteFromRaw(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ rtp_pos()

Vector ARTS::Var::rtp_pos ( Workspace ws)

Position of a radiative transfer point.

This vector is defined as rte_pos, but holds a position along the propgation path, or the start point for new paths, in contrast to rte_pos that is position of the (imaginary) detector.

The WSV is used as input to methods and agendas calculating radiative properties for a given conditions.

Usage: Communication variable.

Units: [ m, degree, degree ]

Size: [ atmosphere_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5774 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by diy_from_pos_to_rgrids(), get_iy_of_background(), InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_cloudbox_agenda(), iy_cloudbox_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_space_agenda(), ARTS::Agenda::iy_space_agenda_cosmic_background(), iy_space_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_transmitter_agenda(), iy_transmitter_agendaExecute(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), specular_losCalc(), specular_losCalcNoTopography(), ARTS::Method::specular_losCalcNoTopography(), surf_albedoCalc(), surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), ARTS::Method::surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), surface_rtprop_agenda_arrayExecute(), surface_rtprop_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), surface_rtprop_sub_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), surfaceTelsem(), SurfaceTessem(), surfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), and ARTS::Method::telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea().

◆ rtp_pressure()

Numeric ARTS::Var::rtp_pressure ( Workspace ws)

Pressure at a radiative transfer point.

This scalar variable holds the local pressure.

The WSV is used as input to methods and agendas calculating radiative properties for a given conditions.

Usage: Communication variable.

Units: [ Pa ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5790 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AbsInputFromRteScalars(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromRteScalars(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::refr_index_air_agenda(), refr_index_air_agendaExecute(), refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ rtp_temperature()

Numeric ARTS::Var::rtp_temperature ( Workspace ws)

Temperature at a radiative transfer point.

This scalar variable can hold the local temperature. It is intended mainly for communication with various methods and agendas, such as methods and agendas calculating absorption coefficients. The WSV is used as input to methods and agendas calculating radiative properties for a given conditions.

Usage: Communication variable.

Units: [ K ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5807 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AbsInputFromRteScalars(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromRteScalars(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), pha_mat_spt_agendaExecute(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::refr_index_air_agenda(), refr_index_air_agendaExecute(), refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(), Sample_los(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), spt_calc_agendaExecute(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ rtp_vmr()

Vector ARTS::Var::rtp_vmr ( Workspace ws)

Absorption species abundances for radiative transfer calculations.

This vector variable holds the local abundance of the constituents included in abs_species.

The WSV is used as input to methods and agendas calculating radiative properties for a given conditions.

Usage: Communication variable.

Units: [ Differ between the elements, can be VMR, kg/m3 or #/m3. ]

Size: Should match abs_species.nelem()

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5826 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AbsInputFromRteScalars(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromRteScalars(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), propmat_clearsky_agendaExecute(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::refr_index_air_agenda(), refr_index_air_agendaExecute(), refr_index_airMicrowavesEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(), and zeeman_on_the_fly().

◆ scat_data()

ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData ARTS::Var::scat_data ( Workspace ws)

Array of single scattering data.

As scat_data_raw, but with frequency grids and dimensions reduced to the RT's f_grid or a single frequency entry. Also, temperature grid or dimensions can be reduced to a single entry, meaning no temperature interpolation is done for the respective data.

Standard approach to derive scat_data is to use scat_dataCalc to derive it from scat_data_raw.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5840 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by check_disort_input(), chk_scattering_data(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), get_angs(), get_paroptprop(), get_parZ(), get_ppath_transmat(), get_stepwise_scattersky_propmat(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), is_anyptype_nonTotRan(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), opt_prop_NScatElems(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), pha_mat_NScatElems(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), pndFromPsd(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), run_cdisort(), Sample_los(), scat_data_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoCalc(), scat_data_monoExtract(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoExtract(), scat_dataCalc(), scat_dataCheck(), scat_dataReduceT(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles().

◆ scat_data_checked()

◆ scat_data_mono()

ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData ARTS::Var::scat_data_mono ( Workspace ws)

Monochromatic single scattering data.

This variable holds the single scattering properties for all scattering species and scattering elements for a specified frequency. It can be calculated from scat_data using scat_data_monoCalc, which interpolates scat_data to the required frequency.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5862 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), get_stepwise_scattersky_propmat(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), OptimizeDoitPressureGrid(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoCalc(), scat_data_monoExtract(), and ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoExtract().

◆ scat_data_raw()

ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData ARTS::Var::scat_data_raw ( Workspace ws)

Array of raw single scattering data.

This variable holds the single scattering properties for all scattering elements, organized according to their assignment to a scattering species. scat_data_raw entries can be derived from precalculated data files using the methods ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd, ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd*, or ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead or can be calculated using scat_data_singleTmatrix.

This may be used in combination with scat_meta

Usage: Method ouput.

Members: SingleScatteringData: Enum[ptype attribute] String[description] Vector[f_grid] Vector[T_grid] Vector[za_grid] Vector[aa_grid] Tensor7[pha_mat_data] [f_grid, T_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, matrix_element] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ scattered incoming Tensor5[ext_mat_data] [f_grid, T_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, matrix_element] Tensor5[abs_vec_data] [f_grid, T_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, matrix_element]

Dimensions: [number of scattering species][number of scattering elements]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5898 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), scat_dataCalc(), ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ScatElementsSelect(), ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ScatSpeciesExtendTemperature(), ScatSpeciesInit(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesInit(), ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), and ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead().

◆ scat_data_single()

SingleScatteringData ARTS::Var::scat_data_single ( Workspace ws)

Structure for the single scattering data.

Comprises the single scattering data of a single scattering element. See ARTS user guide for further information.

Usage: Set by the user.

Dimensions: SingleScatteringData Enum[ptype attribute] String[description] Vector[f_grid] Vector[T_grid] Vector[za_grid] Vector[aa_grid] Tensor7[pha_mat_data] [f_grid, T_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, matrix_element] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ scattered incoming Tensor5[ext_mat_data] [f_grid, T_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, matrix_element] Tensor5[abs_vec_data] [f_grid, T_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, matrix_element]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5926 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by chk_scat_data(), scat_data_singleTmatrix(), ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), and ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd().

◆ scat_lat_index()

Index ARTS::Var::scat_lat_index ( Workspace ws)

Latitude index for scattering calculations.

This variable is used in methods used for computing scattering properties of scattering elements like opt_prop_sptFromData and pha_matCalc*. It holds the information about the position for which the scattering calculations are done.

Usage: Input to the methods spt_calc_agenda, pha_mat_spt_agenda*

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5941 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), pha_mat_spt_agendaExecute(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), and spt_calc_agendaExecute().

◆ scat_lon_index()

Index ARTS::Var::scat_lon_index ( Workspace ws)

Longitude index for scattering calculations.

This variable is used in methods used for computing scattering properties of scattering elements like opt_prop_sptFromData and pha_matCalc*. It holds the information about the position for which the scattering calculations are done.

Usage: Input to the methods spt_calc_agenda, pha_mat_spt_agenda*

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5956 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), pha_mat_spt_agendaExecute(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), and spt_calc_agendaExecute().

◆ scat_meta()

ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData ARTS::Var::scat_meta ( Workspace ws)

An Array of scattering meta data (scat_meta_single).

The array holds the meta data for all scattering elements. For a description of the meta data contents refer to the documentation of scat_data_single.

Corresponding to scat_data, it is organized in terms of scattering species (i.e., one sub-array per scattering species holding one scat_meta_single* instance per scattering element assigned to this scattering species). It is primarily used for particle size and shape distribution calculations using pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps. It is also applied for deducing microphysical characterizations of scattering species, e.g., by particle_massesFromMetaData.

Note: This array must contain as many elements as scat_data (on both array levels).

Usage: Set by the user.

Dimensions: [scattering species][scattering elements] For more details, see also scat_meta_single.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 5983 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by chk_scattering_data(), ExtractFromMetaSingleScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::ExtractFromMetaSingleScatSpecies(), particle_massesFromMetaData(), ARTS::Method::particle_massesFromMetaData(), particle_massesFromMetaDataSingleCategory(), ARTS::Method::particle_massesFromMetaDataSingleCategory(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), psd_mono_common(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), ScatElementsSelect(), ScatSpeciesInit(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesInit(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead(), and ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo().

◆ scat_meta_single()

ScatteringMetaData ARTS::Var::scat_meta_single ( Workspace ws)

Structure for the scattering meta data.

This variable holds the scattering meta data for a single scattering element (see AUG for definition). Scattering meta data comprises the microphysical description of the scattering element as necessary to relate single scattering properties with mass density or flux fields. That is, e.g., in order to handle the scattering element in particle size (and shape) distribution calculations.

For a definition of the structure members see below.

Members of Numeric type can be flagged as unknown by setting them to NAN. This will cause a runtime error in case the parameter is needed in the calculation, but will be ignored otherwise.

Usage: Set by the user.

Members: description [String] Description: Free-form description of the scattering element, holding information deemed of interest by the user but not covered by other structure members (and not used within ARTS). source [String] Description: Free-form description of the source of the data, e.g., Mie, T-Matrix, or DDA calculation or a database or a literature source. refr_index [String] Description: Free-form description of the underlying complex refractive index data, e.g., a literature source. mass [Numeric] Unit: [kg] Description: The mass of the scattering element. diameter_max [Numeric] Unit: [m] Description: The maximum diameter (or dimension) of the scattering element, defined by the circumferential sphere diameter of the element. Note that this parameter is only used by some size distributions; it does not have a proper meaning if the scattering element represents an ensemble of differently sized particles. diameter_volume_equ [Numeric] Unit: [m] Description: The volume equivalent sphere diameter of the scattering element, i.e., the diameter of a sphere with the same volume. For nonspherical particles, volume refers to the volume of the particle-forming substance, not that of the circumferential sphere (which can be derived from diameter_max). If the particle consists of a mixture of materials, the substance encompasses the complete mixture. E.g., the substance of 'soft' ice particles includes both the ice and the air. diameter_area_equ_aerodynamical [Numeric] Unit: [m] Description: The area equivalent sphere diameter of the scattering element, i.e., the diameter of a sphere with the same cross-sectional area. Here, area refers to the aerodynamically relevant area, i.e., the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the direction of fall. Similarly to volume in the definition of diameter_volume_equ, for non-spherical and mixed-material particles, area refers to the area covered by the substance mixture of the particle.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6048 of file autoarts.h.

◆ scat_p_index()

Index ARTS::Var::scat_p_index ( Workspace ws)

Pressure index for scattering calculations.

This variable is used in methods used for computing scattering properties of scattering elements like opt_prop_sptFromData and pha_matCalc*. It holds the information about the location for which the scattering calculations are done.

Usage: Input to the methods spt_calc_agenda, pha_mat_spt_agenda*

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6063 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by opt_prop_bulkCalc(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), pha_mat_spt_agendaExecute(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), and spt_calc_agendaExecute().

◆ scat_species()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::scat_species ( Workspace ws)

Array of Strings defining the scattering species to consider.

Each String contains the information to connect scattering species (e.g., hydrometeor) atmospheric fields with the microphysical information like size and shape distributions. The strings follow the following structure with individual elements separated by dashes:

  • scattering species name [String] the name of the scattering species' atmospheric field. Free form, but is matched to atm_fields_compact fields by their names. Common are, e.g., IWC (ice water content), LWC (liquid water content), RR (rain rate), and SR (snow rate).
  • particle size distribution [String]: the size distribution function/parametrization to apply. For currently possible PSDs see pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps.

Example: [''IWC-MH97'', ''LWC-H98_STCO'', ...]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6086 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloudbox_checkedCalc(), cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), get_pointers_for_analytical_jacobians(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), rtmethods_jacobian_init(), ScatElementsSelect(), ScatSpeciesExtendTemperature(), ScatSpeciesInit(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesInit(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), and ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge().

◆ scat_species_a()

Numeric ARTS::Var::scat_species_a ( Workspace ws)

Mass-size relationship parameter, for one scattering species.

Some methods require a relationship between mass and particle size, valid for the complete scattering species. A common model for this relationship is: mass(x) = a * x^b, where x is size (that could be Dveq, Dmax or mass) and a/b are parameters.

This WSV is a in the expression above. The WSV matching b is scat_species_b. The WSV matching x is scat_species_x.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6103 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by psd_mgd_mass_and_something(), psd_mgd_smm_common(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl07(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97(), psdModifiedGammaMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdWangEtAl16(), and ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo().

◆ scat_species_b()

Numeric ARTS::Var::scat_species_b ( Workspace ws)

Mass-size relationship parameter, for one scattering species.

See scat_species_a for details.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6112 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by psd_mgd_mass_and_something(), psd_mgd_smm_common(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl07(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97(), psdModifiedGammaMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdWangEtAl16(), and ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo().

◆ scat_species_x()

Vector ARTS::Var::scat_species_x ( Workspace ws)

The size grid of one scattering species.

The variable holds the sizes associated with one scattering species. The typical application of these data are as the size grid when calculating particle size distributions.

The user must set this WSV as several quantities can be used as size, such as mass and maximum diamater.

See also scat_species_a, for example usage of this WSV.

Dimension: [number of scattering elements]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6130 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo().

◆ ScatteringMetaDataCreate()

ScatteringMetaData ARTS::Var::ScatteringMetaDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::ScatteringMetaData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an ScatteringMetaData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]ScatteringMetaDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9134 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ sensor_checked()

Index ARTS::Var::sensor_checked ( Workspace ws)

OK-flag for sensor related variables.

This variable flags that sensor variables are defined in a formally and practically correct way. For example, it checks for correct dimensions of sensor_pos and sensor_los.

Shall be set by sensor_checkedCalc. See that WSM for treated WSVs. Only the value 1 is taken as OK.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6144 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), x2artsSensor(), yActive(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ sensor_description_amsu()

Matrix ARTS::Var::sensor_description_amsu ( Workspace ws)

Sensor description for simple AMSU setup.

This is a compact description of an AMSU-type sensor. The matrix contains one row for each instrument channel. Each row contains three elements: LO position [Hz], offset of the channel center from the LO [Hz], and channel width [Hz].

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: All entries in Hz.

Size: [number of channels, 3]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6162 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), and sensor_responseSimpleAMSU().

◆ sensor_los()

Matrix ARTS::Var::sensor_los ( Workspace ws)

The sensor line-of-sight (LOS) for each measurement block.

Line-of-sights are specified by giving the zenith and azimuth angles. Column 1 holds the zenith angle. This angle is simply the angle between the zenith and LOS directions. For 1D and 3D the valid range is [0 180], while for 2D angles down to -180 degrees are allowed. Negative angles signifies for 2D observations towards lower latitudes, while positive angles means observations towards higher latitudes. Nadir corresponds throughout to 180 degrees.

The azimuth angle is given with respect to the meridian plane. That is, the plane going through the north and south poles. The valid range is [-180,180] where angles are counted clockwise; 0 means that the viewing or propagation direction is north-wise and +90 means that the direction of concern goes eastward.

No azimuth angle shall be specified for 1D and 2D. This angle is in general of no concern for these atmospheric dimensionalities, but matter in some cases, such as with respect to the Doppler shift due to winds. For 1D the azimuth angle is then assumed to be 0 deg, i.e. the sensor is treated to be directed towards North. For 2D, the implied azimuth is 0 or 180, depending of the zenith angle is positive or negative.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ degrees, degrees ]

Size: [ number of measurement blocks, 1 or 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6201 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), x2artsSensor(), yActive(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ sensor_norm()

Index ARTS::Var::sensor_norm ( Workspace ws)

Flag if sensor response should be normalised or not (0 or 1).

If the flag is set to 1 each sensor response is normalised (where applicable). If set to 0 the sensor responses are left as provided.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a sub-entry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6217 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensorOff(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_pol()

Matrix ARTS::Var::sensor_pol ( Workspace ws)

A set of polarisation response angles.

The standard choice to consider the polarisation response of the reciever is by instrument_pol, and this response becomes then part of sensor_response. However, that choice is not possible when the polartisation response changes between measurement blocks, and this variable combined with the yApplySensorPol offers an alternative for such situations. This WSV also allows defintion of an arbitrary polarisation angle.

When applying the polarisation response by yApplySensorPol, this variable complements sensor_pos and sensor_los. This WSV matrix is also a matrix, that shall have the same number of rows as the other two matrices.

The columns of sensor_pol corresponds to the channels/frequencies of the receiver. Each element gives the polarisation angle. A pure vertical response has the angle 0 deg, and pure horisontal 90 deg. If all U values (Stokes element 3) are zero, the sign of the angle does, not matter, and 0 and 180 degrees give the same result. With non-zero U, the result of e.g. -45 and +45 degrees differ.

Note that a receiver with a linear response is assumed. Circular polarisation is not affected by any rotation.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ degrees ]

Size: [ number of measurement blocks, number of channels/frequencies ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6253 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yApplySensorPol(), and ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol().

◆ sensor_pos()

Matrix ARTS::Var::sensor_pos ( Workspace ws)

The sensor position for each measurement block.

The sensor positions are specified as a matrix, where the number of columns shall be equal to atmosphere_dim. Column 1 shall contain the altitude of the sensor platform, column 2 the latitude and the last column the longitude. The number of rows corresponds to the number of measurement blocks.

Valid range for latitudes in 3D is [-90,90], while for 2D any value is accepted. Accepted range for longitudes are [-360,360].

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ m, degrees, degrees ]

Size: [ number of measurement blocks, atmosphere_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6279 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), jacobianAddPointingZa(), jacobianAddPolyfit(), jacobianAddSinefit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), retrievalAddSinefit(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), VectorZtanToZa1D(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZa1D(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ sensor_response()

Sparse ARTS::Var::sensor_response ( Workspace ws)

The matrix modelling the total sensor response.

This matrix describes the sensor respons for one measurement block The response is assumed to be identical for each such block.

The matrix is the product of all the individual sensor response matrices. Therefore its dimensions are depending on the total sensor configuration. The sensor_response has to initialised by the sensor_responseInit* method.

Usage: Output/input to the sensor_response... methods.

Units: -

Dimension: See the individual sensor_response... method.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6300 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by get_rowindex_for_mblock(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseFillFgrid(), sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseStokesRotation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseStokesRotation(), sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_response_aa()

Vector ARTS::Var::sensor_response_aa ( Workspace ws)

The relative azimuth angles associated with the output of sensor_response*.

The variable shall not be set manually, it will be set together with sensor_response* by sensor response WSMs.

Usage: Set by sensor response methods.

Unit: [ degrees ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6315 of file autoarts.h.

◆ sensor_response_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::sensor_response_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda providing the sensor response data for a measurement block.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6322 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::sensor_response_agenda(), and ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor().

◆ sensor_response_dlos()

Matrix ARTS::Var::sensor_response_dlos ( Workspace ws)

The relative zenith and azimuth angles associated with the output of sensor_response*.

Definition of angles match mblock_dlos_grid. Works otherwise as sensor_response_f*.

The variable shall not be set manually, it will be set together with sensor_response* by sensor response WSMs.

Usage: Set by sensor response methods.

Unit: [ degrees ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6340 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_aux_vectors(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_response_dlos_grid()

Matrix ARTS::Var::sensor_response_dlos_grid ( Workspace ws)

The zenith and azimuth angles associated with sensor_response.

A variable for communication between sensor response WSMs. Matches initially mblock_dlos_grid, but is later adjusted according to the sensor specifications. Only defined when a common grid exists. Values are here not repeated as in sensor_response_dlos

Usage: Set by sensor response methods.

Unit: [ degrees ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6356 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calcBaselineFit(), jacobianAddPolyfit(), jacobianAddSinefit(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), jacobianCalcSinefit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), retrievalAddSinefit(), sensor_aux_vectors(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseFillFgrid(), sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseStokesRotation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseStokesRotation(), sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_response_f()

Vector ARTS::Var::sensor_response_f ( Workspace ws)

The frequencies associated with the output of sensor_response.

This vector gives the frequency for each element of the measurement vector produced inside one measurement block. The frequencies of the total measurement vector, y, are obtained by repeating these frequencies n times, where n is the number of measurement blocks (e.g. the number of rows in sensor_pos).

The variable shall not be set manually, it will be set together with sensor_response* by sensor response WSMs.

Usage: Set by sensor response methods.

Unit: [ Hz ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6376 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_aux_vectors(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseFillFgrid(), sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseIF2RF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseIF2RF(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_response_f_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::sensor_response_f_grid ( Workspace ws)

The frequency grid associated with sensor_response.

A variable for communication between sensor response WSMs. Matches initially f_grid, but is later adjusted according to the sensor specifications. Only defined when a common grid exists. Values are here not repeated as in sensor_response_f

Usage: Set by sensor response methods.

Unit: [ Hz ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6392 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calcBaselineFit(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), jacobianCalcSinefit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), sensor_aux_vectors(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseFillFgrid(), sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseIF2RF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseIF2RF(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseStokesRotation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseStokesRotation(), sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_response_pol()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::sensor_response_pol ( Workspace ws)

The polarisation states associated with the output of sensor_response*.

Works basically as sensor_response_f.

See instrument_pol for coding of polarisation states.

The variable shall not be set manually, it will be set together with sensor_response* by sensor response WSMs.

Usage: Set by sensor response methods.

Unit: [ - ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6411 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_aux_vectors(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_response_pol_grid()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::sensor_response_pol_grid ( Workspace ws)

The "polarisation grid" associated with sensor_response.

A variable for communication between sensor response WSMs. It is initially 1:stokes_dim, but can later adjusted according to the sensor specifications. Only defined when a common grid exists.

See instrument_pol for coding of polarisation states.

Usage: Set by sensor response methods.

Unit: [ - ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6428 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calcBaselineFit(), jacobianAddPolyfit(), jacobianAddSinefit(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), jacobianCalcSinefit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), retrievalAddSinefit(), sensor_aux_vectors(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::sensor_response_agenda(), sensor_response_agendaExecute(), sensor_responseAntenna(), sensor_responseBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseFillFgrid(), sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseStokesRotation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseStokesRotation(), sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), and ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ sensor_time()

Vector ARTS::Var::sensor_time ( Workspace ws)

The time for each measurement block.

This WSV is used when a time must be assigned to the measurements. No specific time format has (yet) been specified.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ arbitrary ]

Size: [ number of measurement blocks ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6444 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by jacobianAddPointingZa(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), and x2artsSensor().

◆ sideband_mode()

String ARTS::Var::sideband_mode ( Workspace ws)

Description of target sideband.

A text string describing which of the two sidebands (of a heterodyne instrument) that can be seen as "main" band. Possible choices are: "lower" : Low frequency sideband shall be considered as target. "upper" : High frequency sideband shall be considered as target.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6458 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseIF2RF(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responseIF2RF().

◆ sideband_mode_multi()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::sideband_mode_multi ( Workspace ws)

Description of target sideband for a multiple LO receiver.

As sideband_mode but handles an instrument with several LO chains. See further lo_multi and sideband_response_multi. This length of this array must match the size of those WSVs.

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6471 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), and sensor_responseSimpleAMSU().

◆ sideband_response()

GriddedField1 ARTS::Var::sideband_response ( Workspace ws)

Description of (mixer) sideband response.

This variable describes the response of each sideband of a heterodyne receiver. The response is given as a GriddedField1, with frequency as the grid. The actual data describe the sideband filter function at each frequency grid point. An interpolation is applied to obtain the response for other frequencies.

The frequency grid should be given in terms of IF, with end points symmetrically placed around zero. That is, the grid must contain both negative and positive values. The sideband response (after summation with lo) is not allowed to extend outside the range for which spectral data exist (normally determined by f_grid).

Usage: Set by the user.

Dimensions: GriddedField1: Vector f_grid[N_f] Vector data[N_f]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6497 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseMixer(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer().

◆ sideband_response_multi()

ArrayOfGriddedField1 ARTS::Var::sideband_response_multi ( Workspace ws)

Description of multiple (mixer) sideband responses.

As sideband_response but describes an instrument with multiple mixers. An array element for each LO. The size of this variable and lo_multi* shall match.

Unit: Hz

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6512 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), and sensor_responseSimpleAMSU().

◆ SingleScatteringDataCreate()

SingleScatteringData ARTS::Var::SingleScatteringDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::SingleScatteringData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an SingleScatteringData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]SingleScatteringDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9153 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ SparseCreate()

Sparse ARTS::Var::SparseCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Sparse inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Sparse

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Sparseinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9172 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ SpeciesAuxDataCreate()

SpeciesAuxData ARTS::Var::SpeciesAuxDataCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::SpeciesAuxData inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an SpeciesAuxData

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]SpeciesAuxDatainval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9191 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ specific_heat_capacity()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::specific_heat_capacity ( Workspace ws)

Specific heat capacity.

It is the heat capacity per unit mass of a material. Units: K J^-1 kg^-1

Size: [(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1,

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6527 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), and ARTS::Method::heating_ratesFromIrradiance().

◆ spectral_irradiance_field()

Tensor5 ARTS::Var::spectral_irradiance_field ( Workspace ws)

Spectral irradiance field.

Spectral irradiance is the radiative power per unit area and unit frequency. The last dimension denotes the hemispheres. The first component denotes the downward direction and the second component denotes the upward direction

Units: W m^-2 Hz^-1

Size: [Nf, (cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1, 2]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6547 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::dobatch_calc_agenda(), dobatch_calc_agendaExecute(), DOBatchCalc(), and ARTS::Method::spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField().

◆ spectral_radiance_field()

Tensor7 ARTS::Var::spectral_radiance_field ( Workspace ws)

Spectral radiance field.

This variable holds a calculation of the radiance field through the atmosphere, for the directions matching za_grid and aa_grid.

Don't confuse this variable with cloudbox_field. That varinale also holds a field of spectral radiances, but is restricted to the cloud box.

Units: W / (m^2 Hz sr)

Size: [f_grid, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, stokes_dim ]

Note: For 1D, the size of the latitude, longitude and azimuth dimension (N_aa) are all 1.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6573 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DisortCalcClearsky(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::dobatch_calc_agenda(), dobatch_calc_agendaExecute(), spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), and spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField().

◆ specular_los()

Vector ARTS::Var::specular_los ( Workspace ws)

The specular direction (for reflection by a flat surface).

The specular direction as a standard line-of-sight vector, consisting of a zenith and azimuth angle (the later only for 3D).

Units: degrees

Size: [ 1 or 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6587 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by calc_incang(), iySurfaceFastem(), specular_losCalc(), specular_losCalcNoTopography(), ARTS::Method::specular_losCalcNoTopography(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceTelsem(), and surfaceTessem().

◆ spt_calc_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::spt_calc_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda calculating single scattering properties from the amplitude matrix.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6594 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_fieldsCalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::spt_calc_agenda(), and ARTS::AgendaDefine::spt_calc_agenda().

◆ src_coef()

Matrix ARTS::Var::src_coef ( Workspace ws)

The matrix of total scalar absorption coefficients for source.

Contains the gas absorption summed over all species as a function of f_grid* and abs_p, i.e., for a single atmospheric profile.

This variable is not used explicitly in a standard calculation, where absorption comes from the lookup table abs_lookup. However, it is useful for testing the methods that actually calculate line-by-line absorption, which have this variable as output. These methods are called internally by the method abs_lookupCalc, which generates the lookup table.

Dimensions: [f_grid, abs_p]

Unit: 1/m

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6615 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ src_coef_per_species()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::src_coef_per_species ( Workspace ws)

Scalar absorption coefficients individually per tag group.

The Array contains one matrix of absorption coefficients for each tag group, where the matrix format is the same as that of src_coef

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6625 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ src_xsec_per_species()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::src_xsec_per_species ( Workspace ws)

Absorption cross sections for the source function for NLTE calculations.

This variable contains absorption cross section xsec individually for each tag group. The Array contains one matrix for each tag group, the matrix format is the same as that of abs_coef.

Dimensions: [abs_species](f_grid, abs_p), or (0, 0) Unit: m^2 (alpha = xsec * n * VMR), where n is total density.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6641 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::abs_xsec_agenda(), abs_xsec_agendaExecute(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), and propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly().

◆ stokes_dim()

Index ARTS::Var::stokes_dim ( Workspace ws)

The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4).

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6650 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_vec_SSD2Stokes(), abs_vecAddGas(), abs_vecTransform(), cloud_fieldsCalc(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloud_RT_no_background(), cloud_RT_surface(), cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudy_rt_vars_at_gp(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), doit_conv_flagAbs(), doit_conv_flagAbsBT(), doit_conv_flagLsq(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), ext2trans(), ext_mat_case(), ext_mat_SSD2Stokes(), ext_matAddGas(), ext_matFromabs_vec(), ext_matTransform(), field_of_propagation(), FouComp_1ScatElem(), get_diydx(), get_iy_of_background(), get_ppath_transmat(), get_stepwise_scattersky_propmat(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), get_stepwise_transmission_matrix(), init_ifield(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), iy_transmitterSinglePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterSinglePol(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyApplyUnit(), iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), main(), MatrixCBR(), ARTS::Method::MatrixCBR(), MatrixPlanck(), ARTS::Method::MatrixPlanck(), MatrixUnitIntensity(), ARTS::Method::MatrixUnitIntensity(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), met_mm_polarisation_hmatrix(), mueller_rotation(), opt_prop_1ScatElem(), opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_NScatElems(), opt_prop_ScatSpecBulk(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), opt_prop_sum_propmat_clearsky(), pha_mat_1ScatElem(), pha_mat_labCalc(), pha_mat_NScatElems(), pha_mat_ScatSpecBulk(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matCalc(), pha_matTransform(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), propmat_clearskyAddParticles(), propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), propmat_clearskyZero(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyZero(), rotmat_stokes(), rte_step_doit_replacement(), Sample_los(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), sensor_responseInit(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), sensor_responsePolarisation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), sensor_responseStokesRotation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseStokesRotation(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), stokes2pol(), StokesVector::StokesVector(), surface_calc(), surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_specular_R_and_b(), surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), SurfaceTessem(), surfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), xml_read_from_stream(), yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), ySimpleSpectrometer(), and ARTS::Method::ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ stokes_rotation()

Vector ARTS::Var::stokes_rotation ( Workspace ws)

Rotation of the Stokes H and V directions.

This variable allows to introduce a rotation of the Stokes coordinate system. Such a rotation could be needed to handle the scanning procedure of some instruments, such as AMSU-A. The variable is applied by the sensor_responseStokesRotation WSM.

The rotation is given as an angle for each direction. In general, the number of rotations to be specified follows sensor_response_dlos_grid. In more detail, if no antenna is included or a 1D antenna is used, and the rotation is applied before the antenna is included in sensor_response*, there should be one angle for each row of mblock_dlos_grid*. After inclusion of an antenna response, the relevant number of angles is determined by the rows of antenna_dlos.

It is assumed that the rotation is common for all frequency elements.

Units: degrees

Size: [ number of directions ]

Usage: Set by the user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6678 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseStokesRotation(), and ARTS::Method::sensor_responseStokesRotation().

◆ StokesVectorCreate()

StokesVector ARTS::Var::StokesVectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::StokesVector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an StokesVector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]StokesVectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9210 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ StringCreate()

String ARTS::Var::StringCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::String inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an String

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Stringinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9229 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ surface_complex_refr_index()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::surface_complex_refr_index ( Workspace ws)

Complex refractive index of the surface, at a single point.

See complex_refr_index for the expected format and how the data are treated.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6688 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), ARTS::Method::surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), and ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex().

◆ surface_emission()

◆ surface_los()

Matrix ARTS::Var::surface_los ( Workspace ws)

◆ surface_normal()

Vector ARTS::Var::surface_normal ( Workspace ws)

The normal vector for a point at the surface.

The vector is given as a zenith and azimuth (the later only for 3D) angle, following the definition of line-of-sights. For example, this vector is always [0] for 1D, as there is no surface topography for this atmospheric dimensionality.

Units: degrees

Size: [ 1 or 2 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6730 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iySurfaceFastem(), specular_losCalc(), specular_losCalcNoTopography(), ARTS::Method::specular_losCalcNoTopography(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), surfaceTelsem(), and surfaceTessem().

◆ surface_props_data()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::surface_props_data ( Workspace ws)

Various surface properties.

A general container for passing data to surface methods. Each surface property shall be specified on the grid set by lat_grid and lon_grid.

The properties are identified by the accompanying variable surface_props_names*.

Size: [ number of props., lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6745 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by emission_from_propmat_field(), get_iy_of_background(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda(), iy_surface_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), surface_props_check(), surface_props_interp(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ surface_props_names()

ArrayOfString ARTS::Var::surface_props_names ( Workspace ws)

Name on surface properties found in surface_props_data.

Each string names a property in surface_props_data. The user is free to include data with any name, but the surface methods making use of surface_props_data* expect data to be named in a specific way. See the documentation of each method for recognised choices.

Size: [ number of props. ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6759 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by dsurface_check(), main(), surface_props_check(), surface_props_interp(), SurfaceDummy(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ surface_reflectivity()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::surface_reflectivity ( Workspace ws)

Surface reflectivity, for a given position and angle.

This variable describes the surface reflectivity at one position and one incidence angle. It works as surface_scalar_reflectivity but is also defined for vector radiative transfer.

The first dimension of the variable shall either match f_grid or be 1. The later case is interpreted as the reflectivity is the same for all frequencies.

Usage: Input to some surface properties methods.

Dimensions: [ f_grid or 1, stokes_dim, stokes_dim]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6778 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), and ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity().

◆ surface_rmatrix()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::surface_rmatrix ( Workspace ws)

The reflection coefficients for the directions given by surface_los* to the direction of interest.

The rows and columns of this tensor holds the reflection coefficient matrix for one frequency and one LOS. The reflection coefficients shall take into accound the angular weighting of the downwelling radiation.

See specific methods generating surface_rmatrix and the user guide for more information.

Usage: Input to methods for surface_rtprop_agenda.

Units: -

Dimensions: [ surface_los, f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6800 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_RT_surface(), iySurfaceFastem(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), surf_albedoCalc(), surface_calc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), surface_rtprop_agenda_arrayExecute(), surface_rtprop_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), surface_rtprop_sub_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromSurface_rmatrix(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromSurface_rmatrix(), surface_specular_R_and_b(), surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), SurfaceTessem(), surfaceTessem(), and ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem().

◆ surface_rtprop_agenda()

◆ surface_rtprop_agenda_array()

ArrayOfAgenda ARTS::Var::surface_rtprop_agenda_array ( Workspace ws)

Description of surface radiative properties, divided into surface types.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6814 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), and surface_rtpropCallAgendaX().

◆ surface_rtprop_sub_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Sub-agenda to surface_rtprop_agenda.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6821 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), and surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams().

◆ surface_rv_rh()

Matrix ARTS::Var::surface_rv_rh ( Workspace ws)

Surface reflectivity, described by rv and rh (power) reflectivities.

This variable describes the surface reflectivity at one position and one incidence angle. For this position and angle, one or multiple combinations of rv and rh are specified, where rv and rh are the reflectivity for vertical and horizontal polarisation, respectively.

This matrix shall always have two columns, where the first column holds rv values, and the second column rh. It is up to the user to make sure that data are put into the correct column, this can not be checked bu the methods using this WSV.

The number of rows shall either match f_grid or be 1. The later case is interpreted as the reflectivities are the same for all frequencies.

Usage: Input to some surface properties methods.

Dimensions: [ f_grid or 1, 2]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6845 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceTelsem(), and surfaceTessem().

◆ surface_scalar_reflectivity()

Vector ARTS::Var::surface_scalar_reflectivity ( Workspace ws)

Surface reflectivity, assuming it can be described as a scalar value.

This variable describes the surface reflectivity at one position and one incidence angle. For this position and angle, one or multiple scalar reflectivities are specified.

The length of the vector shall either match f_grid or be 1. The later case is interpreted as the reflectivity is the same for all frequencies (ie. matches a constant vector).

Usage: Input to some surface properties methods.

Dimensions: [ f_grid or 1]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6864 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), get_disortsurf_props(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), surface_scalar_reflectivityFromSurface_rmatrix(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromSurface_rmatrix(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), and surfaceLambertianSimple().

◆ surface_skin_t()

Numeric ARTS::Var::surface_skin_t ( Workspace ws)

Surface skin temperature.

This temperature shall be selected considering the radiative properties of the surface, and can differ from the "bulk" temperature.

Usage: Input to methods for surface_rtprop_agenda.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6877 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by cloud_RT_surface(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), FastemStandAlone(), get_disortsurf_props(), iySurfaceFastem(), iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), run_cdisort(), surf_albedoCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), surface_rtprop_agenda_arrayExecute(), ARTS::Agenda::surface_rtprop_agenda_blackbody_from_atmosphere(), ARTS::Agenda::surface_rtprop_agenda_blackbody_from_surface(), surface_rtprop_agendaExecute(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), surface_rtprop_sub_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_specular_R_and_b(), surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), surfaceFastem(), surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), surfaceLambertianSimple(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), surfaceTelsem(), and surfaceTessem().

◆ surface_type()

Index ARTS::Var::surface_type ( Workspace ws)

Local surface type value.

See surface_type_mask for details.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6886 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), and ARTS::Method::telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea().

◆ surface_type_aux()

Numeric ARTS::Var::surface_type_aux ( Workspace ws)

Auxiliary variable to surface_type.

See surface_type_mask for details.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6895 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_surface_agenda_array(), iy_surface_agenda_arrayExecute(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::surface_rtprop_agenda_array(), surface_rtprop_agenda_arrayExecute(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), and ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask().

◆ surface_type_mask()

GriddedField2 ARTS::Var::surface_type_mask ( Workspace ws)

Classification of the surface using a type coding.

This variable gives a description of the surface using a type class coding. A common term for such a variable is "surface mask".

The mask is a latitude and longtide field. The mask values are floating numbers, where the integer part is the type and the remainder can be used to provide auxilary information. In terms of the local variables, the mask values equal surface_type + surface_type_aux.

There is no fixed type coding, it is up to the user to set up a consistent system. The critical point is in the agendas matching each surface type, that are denoted as iy_surface_sub_agendaX where X is the surface_type index.

The surface type can be any integer (>=0) for which a corresponding agenda exists.

Dimensions: GriddedField2: Vector Latitude [N_lat] Vector Longitude [N_lon] Matrix data [N_lat][N_lon]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6924 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), and ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask().

◆ t_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::t_field ( Workspace ws)

The field of atmospheric temperatures.

This variable gives the atmospheric temperature at each crossing of the pressure, latitude and longitude grids.

The temperature for a point between the grid crossings is obtained by (multi-)linear interpolation of the t_field.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Output of AtmFieldsCalc.

Unit: K

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6947 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), AbsInputFromAtmFields(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromAtmFields(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExtract1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), clear_rt_vars_at_gp(), cloud_fieldsCalc(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), emission_from_propmat_field(), get_ppath_atmvars(), get_ppath_transmat(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), ARTS::Agenda::ppath_agenda_plane_parallel(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Agenda::surface_rtprop_agenda_blackbody_from_atmosphere(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::water_p_eq_agenda(), water_p_eq_agendaExecute(), water_p_eq_fieldMK05(), ARTS::Method::water_p_eq_fieldMK05(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), and z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ t_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::t_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw data for atmospheric temperatures.

This variable gives the atmospheric temperature as stored in the database for the atmospheric scenarios.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user by choosing a climatology.

Unit: K

Size GriddedField3 [N_p] [N_lat] [N_lon] [N_p, N_lat, N_lon]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6971 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmRawRead(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), AtmWithNLTERawRead(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ t_surface()

Matrix ARTS::Var::t_surface ( Workspace ws)

The surface temperature.

This variable holds the temperature of the surface at each latitude and longitude grid crossing. The normal case should be that this temperature field is interpolated to obtain surface_skin_t. Accordingly, for 1D cases it could be a better idea to specify surface_skin_t* directly.

These temperature shall be selected considering the radiative properties of the surface, and can differ from the "bulk" temperatures.

Usage: Set by user.

Unit: K

Dimensions: [ lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 6994 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Agenda::surface_rtprop_agenda_blackbody_from_surface().

◆ telsem_atlases()

ArrayOfTelsemAtlas ARTS::Var::telsem_atlases ( Workspace ws)

TELSEM 2 emissivity atlases.

Array should be filled with 12 atlases, one for each month. Index 0 is January, index 11 December.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7004 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by telsem_atlasesReadAscii().

◆ TelsemAtlasCreate()

TelsemAtlas ARTS::Var::TelsemAtlasCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::TelsemAtlas inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an TelsemAtlas

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]TelsemAtlasinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9248 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ Tensor3Create()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::Tensor3Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Tensor3 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Tensor3

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Tensor3inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9267 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ Tensor4Create()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::Tensor4Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Tensor4 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Tensor4

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Tensor4inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9286 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ Tensor5Create()

Tensor5 ARTS::Var::Tensor5Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Tensor5 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Tensor5

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Tensor5inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9305 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ Tensor6Create()

Tensor6 ARTS::Var::Tensor6Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Tensor6 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Tensor6

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Tensor6inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9324 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ Tensor7Create()

Tensor7 ARTS::Var::Tensor7Create ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Tensor7 inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Tensor7

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Tensor7inval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9343 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ tessem_neth()

TessemNN ARTS::Var::tessem_neth ( Workspace ws)

TESSEM2 neural network parameters for horizontal polarization.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7011 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem().

◆ tessem_netv()

TessemNN ARTS::Var::tessem_netv ( Workspace ws)

TESSEM2 neural network parameters for vertical polarization.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7018 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem().

◆ TessemNNCreate()

TessemNN ARTS::Var::TessemNNCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::TessemNN inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an TessemNN

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]TessemNNinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9362 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ test_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::test_agenda ( Workspace ws)

A dummy agenda for testing purposes.

Only used for testing by developers.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7027 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::test_agenda(), and ARTS::AgendaDefine::test_agenda().

◆ test_agenda_array()

ArrayOfAgenda ARTS::Var::test_agenda_array ( Workspace ws)

Array of agenda for TestArrayOfAgenda case.

Only used for testing by developers.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7036 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::test_agenda_array(), and TestArrayOfAgenda().

◆ time()

◆ time_grid()

ArrayOfTime ARTS::Var::time_grid ( Workspace ws)

A grid of times. Should be increasing

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7050 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by time_gridOffset(), ARTS::Method::time_gridOffset(), and ybatchTimeAveraging().

◆ time_stamps()

ArrayOfTime ARTS::Var::time_stamps ( Workspace ws)

A set of times. Can be in random order

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7057 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::time_stampsSort(), and TimeSortTemplate().

◆ TimeCreate()

Time ARTS::Var::TimeCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Time inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Time

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Timeinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9381 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ timer()

Timer ARTS::Var::timer ( Workspace ws)

Stores the starting time for time measurements.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7064 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::timerStart(), and ARTS::Method::timerStop().

◆ TimerCreate()

Timer ARTS::Var::TimerCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Timer inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Timer

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Timerinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9400 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ TransmissionMatrixCreate()

TransmissionMatrix ARTS::Var::TransmissionMatrixCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::TransmissionMatrix inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an TransmissionMatrix

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]TransmissionMatrixinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9419 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ transmitter_pos()

Matrix ARTS::Var::transmitter_pos ( Workspace ws)

Transmitter positions.

Used for radio link calculations and gives then the position of the transmitting device. The corresponding positions of the receiver are given by sensor_pos. The number of rows in transmitter_pos and sensor_pos* must be equal.

This WSV is also defined as sensor_pos regarding the content of the columns, accepted range for latitudes etc. With one exception, this WSV is demanded to have two columns also for 1D. The additional second value is the angular distance between the transmitter and the reciver. This angle is defined as "latitude" for 2D, with the sensor fixed at the angle of 0 degree.

Each row this matrix defines rte_pos2 for the measurement block, exactly as sensor_pos is translated to rte_pos.

If no transmitter is involved in the calculations, the variable can be set to be empty.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: [ m, degrees, degrees ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7093 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by iyb_calc(), iyb_calc_body(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ VectorCreate()

Vector ARTS::Var::VectorCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Vector inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Vector

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Vectorinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9438 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ verbosity()

Verbosity ARTS::Var::verbosity ( Workspace ws)

ARTS verbosity.

The verbosity variable is implicitly passed to all workspace methods. It can be used to dynamically control the reporting level during runtime.

Usage: Set by user.

See also: verbosityInit verbositySet* verbositySetAgenda* verbositySetScreen* verbositySetFile*

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7112 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by _cr_internal_(), ARTS::Method::abs_cia_dataReadFromCIA(), abs_cia_dataReadFromXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_coefCalcFromXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_cont_descriptionInit(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesCompact(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesCompact(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesReadSplitCatalog(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoff(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetEmpty(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimit(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeType(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetLineShapeTypeForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroring(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetMirroringForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalization(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetNormalizationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulation(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetPopulationForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetQuantumNumberForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForSpecies(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetZeemanCoefficients(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesSetZeemanCoefficients(), abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_lines_per_speciesWriteSplitXML(), abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesCleanupEmpty(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesCompact(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteLinesWithBadOrHighChangingJs(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteLinesWithQuantumNumberAbove(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteLinesWithUndefinedLocalQuanta(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesDeleteWithLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesPrintDefinedQuantumNumbers(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesRemoveBand(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesRemoveUnusedLocalQuantumNumbers(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesReplaceWithLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevel(), abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLevels(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetCutoff(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetCutoffForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetEmptyBroadeningParametersToEmpty(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLinemixingLimit(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLineShapeType(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetLineShapeTypeForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetMirroring(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetMirroringForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetNormalization(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetNormalizationForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetPopulation(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetPopulationForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetQuantumNumberForMatch(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetT0(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetT0ForMatch(), abs_linesSetZeemanCoefficients(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesSetZeemanCoefficients(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesTruncateGlobalQuantumNumbers(), abs_linesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesWriteSpeciesSplitXML(), abs_linesWriteSplitXML(), ARTS::Method::abs_linesWriteSplitXML(), abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupAdapt(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupCalc(), abs_lookupInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupInit(), abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), abs_lookupSetupWide(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), ARTS::Method::abs_lookupTestAccuracy(), ARTS::Method::abs_nlteFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesAdd(), abs_speciesAdd2(), abs_speciesDefineAll(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesDefineAll(), abs_speciesDefineAllInScenario(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesDefineAllInScenario(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::abs_speciesSet(), ARTS::Method::abs_vecAddGas(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::abs_xsec_agenda(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_agenda_checkedCalc(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddConts(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), ARTS::Method::abs_xsec_per_speciesInit(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromAtmFields(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromRteScalars(), ARTS::Method::AddZaAa(), AgendaAppend(), ARTS::Method::AgendaExecute(), AgendaExecuteExclusive(), ARTS::Method::AgendaExecuteExclusive(), AgendaSet(), antenna_responseVaryingGaussian(), AntennaConstantGaussian1D(), AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(), ARTS::Method::AntennaOff(), Append(), ArrayOfAgendaAppend(), ArrayOfAgendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfAgendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfGriddedFieldGetNames(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfIndexLinSpace(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfIndexSet(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfIndexSetConstant(), ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet(), ARTS::Method::ArrayOfStringSet(), Arts2(), atm_fields_compactAddConstant(), atm_fields_compactAddSpecies(), ARTS::Method::atm_fields_compactCleanup(), ARTS::Method::atm_fields_compactCreateFromField(), ARTS::Method::atm_fields_compactFromMatrix(), AtmFieldPRegrid(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExtract1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet1D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet2D(), ARTS::Method::AtmosphereSet3D(), AtmRawRead(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), AtmWithNLTERawRead(), ARTS::Method::avkCalc(), ARTS::Method::backend_channel_responseFlat(), batch_atm_fields_compactAddConstant(), batch_atm_fields_compactAddSpecies(), batch_atm_fields_compactCleanup(), ARTS::Method::batch_atm_fields_compactCleanup(), batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix(), ARTS::Method::batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix(), c_errmsg(), c_write_bad_var(), c_write_too_small_dim(), calc_lookup_error(), Agenda::check(), chk_pnd_raw_data(), choose_abs_nls(), choose_abs_nls_pert(), CIAInfo(), ARTS::Method::CIAInfo(), CIARecordReadFromFile(), ARTS::Method::CIARecordReadFromFile(), cloud_fieldsCalc(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConst(), cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxOff(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetFullAtm(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManually(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), collision_coefficientsFromSplitFiles(), Compare(), CompareRelative(), ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexConstant(), ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexIceMatzler06(), ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexIceWarren84(), ARTS::Method::complex_refr_indexWaterLiebe93(), Copy(), ARTS::Method::Copy(), ARTS::Method::covmat_seSet(), ARTS::Method::covmat_soCalc(), ARTS::Method::covmat_ssCalc(), ARTS::Method::covmat_sxExtractSqrtDiagonal(), ARTS::Method::covmat_sxSet(), ARTS::Method::covmatDiagonal(), create_workspace(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), ARTS::Method::Delete(), ARTS::Method::DiagonalMatrix(), ARTS::Method::diameter_maxFromDiameter_volume_equ(), ARTS::Method::diameter_volume_equFromDiameter_max(), ARTS::Method::DiffZaAa(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), DOAngularGridsSet(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::dobatch_calc_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_conv_test_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_mono_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_rte_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::doit_scat_field_agenda(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), ARTS::Method::doit_za_grid_optCalc(), ARTS::Method::DoitCalc(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), DoitWriteIterationFields(), ARTS::Method::Duration(), emission_from_propmat_field(), ARTS::Method::EnergyLevelMapSet(), ARTS::Method::Error(), Agenda::execute(), InteractiveWorkspace::execute_workspace_method(), ARTS::Method::Exit(), ARTS::Method::ext_matAddGas(), CIARecord::Extract(), ARTS::Method::Extract(), ARTS::Method::ExtractFromMetaSingleScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::f_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), f_gridFromSensorAMSU(), f_gridFromSensorAMSUgeneric(), f_gridFromSensorHIRS(), ARTS::Method::FieldFromGriddedField(), ARTS::Method::FlagOff(), ARTS::Method::FlagOn(), ARTS::Method::Flatten(), ARTS::Method::ForLoop(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::forloop_agenda(), ARTS::Method::FrequencyFromCGSAngularWavenumber(), ARTS::Method::FrequencyFromCGSKayserWavenumber(), ARTS::Method::FrequencyFromWavelength(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::g0_agenda(), ARTS::Method::g0Earth(), ARTS::Method::g0Io(), ARTS::Method::g0Jupiter(), ARTS::Method::g0Mars(), ARTS::Method::g0Venus(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::geo_pos_agenda(), ARTS::Method::geo_posEndOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::geo_posLowestAltitudeOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::geo_posWherePpathPassesZref(), ARTS::Method::GetEnvironmentVariable(), ARTS::Method::GetNumberOfThreads(), ARTS::Method::GriddedFieldGetName(), GriddedFieldLatLonExpand(), ARTS::Method::GriddedFieldLatLonExpand(), GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid(), GriddedFieldPRegrid(), GriddedFieldZToPRegrid(), ARTS::Method::heating_ratesFromIrradiance(), ARTS::Method::Ignore(), ARTS::Method::INCLUDE(), ARTS::Method::IndexAdd(), ARTS::Method::IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(), ARTS::Method::IndexSet(), ARTS::Method::IndexSetToLast(), ARTS::Method::IndexStepDown(), ARTS::Method::IndexStepUp(), ARTS::init(), InteractiveWorkspace::InteractiveWorkspace(), ARTS::Method::InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::inversion_iterate_agenda(), ARTS::Method::irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(), ARTS::Method::isotopologue_ratiosInitFromBuiltin(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_cloudbox_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_loop_freqs_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_main_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_space_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_surface_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::iy_transmitter_agenda(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterMultiplePol(), ARTS::Method::iy_transmitterSinglePol(), ARTS::Method::iyApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::iyCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), ARTS::Method::iyLoopFrequencies(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyReplaceFromAux(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceCallAgendaX(), iySurfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(), ARTS::Method::iySurfaceRtpropCalc(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::jacobian_agenda(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameter(), jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameters(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameters(), jacobianAddNLTEs(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddScatSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameters(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAdjustAndTransform(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcDoNothing(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianClose(), jacobianClose(), ARTS::Method::jacobianFromTwoY(), ARTS::Method::jacobianFromYbatch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianInit(), jacobianOff(), ARTS::Method::jacobianOff(), ARTS::Method::jacobianSetAffineTransformation(), ARTS::Method::lat_gridFromRawField(), ARTS::Method::lat_gridFromZRaw(), ARTS::Method::lbl_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::LocalTimeOffset(), ARTS::Method::lon_gridFromRawField(), ARTS::Method::lon_gridFromZRaw(), MagFieldsCalc(), MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), MagRawRead(), ARTS::Method::MagRawRead(), main(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::main_agenda(), ARTS::Method::Matrix1ColFromVector(), ARTS::Method::Matrix1RowFromVector(), ARTS::Method::Matrix2ColFromVectors(), ARTS::Method::Matrix2RowFromVectors(), ARTS::Method::Matrix3ColFromVectors(), ARTS::Method::Matrix3RowFromVectors(), ARTS::Method::MatrixAddScalar(), ARTS::Method::MatrixCBR(), ARTS::Method::MatrixCopySparse(), ARTS::Method::MatrixExtractFromTensor3(), ARTS::Method::MatrixFromCovarianceMatrix(), ARTS::Method::MatrixMatrixMultiply(), ARTS::Method::MatrixPlanck(), ARTS::Method::MatrixScale(), ARTS::Method::MatrixSet(), ARTS::Method::MatrixSetConstant(), ARTS::Method::MatrixUnitIntensity(), ARTS::Method::MatrixVectorMultiply(), ARTS::Method::mc_antennaSetGaussian(), ARTS::Method::mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM(), ARTS::Method::mc_antennaSetPencilBeam(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), ARTS::Method::MCSetSeedFromTime(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::met_profile_calc_agenda(), ARTS::Method::nbooksGet(), nca_read_from_file(), nca_write_to_file(), ARTS::Method::ncolsGet(), ARTS::Method::nelemGet(), ARTS::Method::nlibrariesGet(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldFromRaw(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldRescalePopulationLevels(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteExternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), ARTS::Method::nlte_sourceFromTemperatureAndSrcCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::nlteOff(), ARTS::Method::nlteSetByQuantumIdentifiers(), ARTS::Method::npagesGet(), ARTS::Method::nrowsGet(), ARTS::Method::nshelvesGet(), ARTS::Method::NumericAdd(), ARTS::Method::NumericFromVector(), ARTS::Method::NumericInvScale(), ARTS::Method::NumericScale(), ARTS::Method::NumericSet(), ARTS::Method::nvitrinesGet(), MdRecord::operator=(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_bulkCalc(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::output_file_formatSetAscii(), ARTS::Method::output_file_formatSetBinary(), ARTS::Method::output_file_formatSetZippedAscii(), p_gridDensify(), ARTS::Method::p_gridFromGasAbsLookup(), ARTS::Method::p_gridRefine(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(), particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), ARTS::Method::particle_fieldCleanup(), ARTS::Method::particle_massesFromMetaData(), ARTS::Method::particle_massesFromMetaDataSingleCategory(), ARTS::Method::partition_functionsInitFromBuiltin(), ARTS::Method::PFromZSimple(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::pha_mat_spt_agenda(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_matCalc(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(), pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(), ARTS::Method::pnd_fieldZero(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::ppath_agenda(), ppath_calc(), ARTS::Method::ppath_fieldCalc(), ppath_fieldCalc(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::ppath_step_agenda(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ARTS::Method::ppathCalc(), ppathCalcFromAltitude(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), ppathWriteXMLPartial(), ARTS::Method::ppvar_optical_depthFromPpvar_trans_cumulat(), Print(), ARTS::Method::PrintPhysicalConstants(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::propmat_clearsky_agenda(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddFromAbsCoefPerSpecies(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddHitranLineMixingLines(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), propmat_clearskyAddOnTheFly(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyForceNegativeToZero(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyInit(), ARTS::Method::propmat_clearskyZero(), psdAbelBoutle12(), psdFieldEtAl19(), psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(), psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(), psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(), psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(), psdMonoDispersive(), psdMonoMass(), psdWangEtAl16(), ARTS::Method::QuantumIdentifierSet(), ARTS::Method::RadiationFieldSpectralIntegrate(), ARTS::Method::RationalAdd(), ARTS::Method::RationalInvScale(), ARTS::Method::RationalScale(), ReadArrayOfARTSCAT(), ReadARTSCAT(), ReadHITRAN(), ReadJPL(), ReadLBLRTM(), ReadMytran2(), ReadNetCDF(), ARTS::Method::ReadNetCDF(), ReadSplitARTSCAT(), ReadXML(), ReadXMLIndexed(), ARTS::Method::Reduce(), ARTS::Method::refellipsoidForAzimuth(), ARTS::Method::refellipsoidOrbitPlane(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::refr_index_air_agenda(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airInfraredEarth(), ARTS::Method::refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(), retrievalAddAbsSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), retrievalAddCatalogParameter(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddCatalogParameters(), retrievalAddFreqShift(), retrievalAddFreqStretch(), retrievalAddMagField(), retrievalAddPointingZa(), retrievalAddPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddScatSpecies(), retrievalAddSinefit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(), ARTS::Method::retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(), retrievalAddTemperature(), retrievalAddWind(), ARTS::Method::retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefClose(), retrievalDefInit(), ARTS::Method::retrievalErrorsExtract(), ARTS::Method::rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(), ARTS::Method::rte_losSet(), ARTS::Method::rte_pos_losMoveToStartOfPpath(), ARTS::Method::rte_posSet(), ARTS::Method::rtp_nlteFromRaw(), run_cdisort(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoCalc(), ARTS::Method::scat_data_monoExtract(), ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(), ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesInit(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(), ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead(), Select(), ARTS::Method::Select(), ARTS::Method::sensor_checkedCalc(), sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::Method::sensor_losGeometricFromSensorPosToOtherPositions(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::sensor_response_agenda(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackend(), sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(), sensor_responseGenericAMSU(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseIF2RF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseInit(), sensor_responseMetMM(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixer(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMixerBackendPrecalcWeights(), sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responsePolarisation(), sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseStokesRotation(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::sensorOff(), ARTS::Method::SetNumberOfThreads(), ARTS::Method::Sleep(), ARTS::Method::SparseSparseMultiply(), ARTS::Method::spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::spectral_radiance_fieldCopyCloudboxField(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), specular_losCalc(), ARTS::Method::specular_losCalcNoTopography(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::spt_calc_agenda(), ARTS::Method::StringSet(), ARTS::Method::surface_complex_refr_indexFromGriddedField5(), ARTS::Method::surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::surface_rtprop_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::surface_rtprop_sub_agenda(), ARTS::Method::surface_rtpropCallAgendaX(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromGriddedField4(), ARTS::Method::surface_scalar_reflectivityFromSurface_rmatrix(), ARTS::Method::surface_typeInterpTypeMask(), ARTS::Method::surfaceBlackbody(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceDummy(), SurfaceFastem(), surfaceFastem(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatRvRh(), ARTS::Method::surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSemiSpecularBy3beams(), ARTS::Method::surfaceSplitSpecularTo3beams(), surfaceTelsem(), SurfaceTessem(), surfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::SurfaceTessem(), ARTS::Method::TangentPointExtract(), ARTS::Method::telsemAtlasLookup(), ARTS::Method::telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(), ARTS::Method::Tensor3AddScalar(), ARTS::Method::Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4(), ARTS::Method::Tensor3Scale(), ARTS::Method::Tensor3SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor4AddScalar(), ARTS::Method::Tensor4Scale(), ARTS::Method::Tensor4SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor5Scale(), ARTS::Method::Tensor5SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor6Scale(), ARTS::Method::Tensor6SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::Tensor7Scale(), ARTS::Method::Tensor7SetConstant(), ARTS::Method::TessemNNReadAscii(), ARTS::Method::Test(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::test_agenda(), ARTS::Method::TestTessem(), time_gridOffset(), ARTS::Method::time_gridOffset(), ARTS::Method::time_stampsSort(), ARTS::Method::timeNow(), ARTS::Method::timeOffset(), ARTS::Method::timerStart(), ARTS::Method::timerStop(), ARTS::Method::timeSleep(), TMatrixTest(), ARTS::Method::TMatrixTest(), ARTS::Method::Touch(), ARTS::Method::transmittanceFromIy_aux(), ARTS::Method::VectorAddScalar(), ARTS::Method::VectorExtractFromMatrix(), ARTS::Method::VectorFlip(), ARTS::Method::VectorInsertGridPoints(), ARTS::Method::VectorLinSpace(), ARTS::Method::VectorLogSpace(), ARTS::Method::VectorMatrixMultiply(), ARTS::Method::VectorNLinSpace(), ARTS::Method::VectorNLogSpace(), ARTS::Method::VectorScale(), ARTS::Method::VectorSet(), ARTS::Method::VectorSetConstant(), ARTS::Method::VectorVectorMultiply(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZa1D(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), verbosityInit(), ARTS::Method::verbosityInit(), verbositySet(), ARTS::Method::verbositySet(), verbositySetAgenda(), ARTS::Method::verbositySetAgenda(), verbositySetFile(), ARTS::Method::verbositySetFile(), verbositySetScreen(), ARTS::Method::verbositySetScreen(), vmr_fieldPerturb(), vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), vmr_fieldSetAllConstant(), ARTS::Method::vmr_fieldSetAllConstant(), ARTS::Method::vmr_fieldSetConstant(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::water_p_eq_agenda(), ARTS::Method::water_p_eq_fieldMK05(), ARTS::Method::Wigner3Unload(), ARTS::Method::Wigner6Unload(), ARTS::Method::WignerFastInfoPrint(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), WindRawRead(), ARTS::Method::WindRawRead(), WMRFSelectChannels(), ARTS::Method::WMRFSelectChannels(), ARTS::Method::WriteMolTau(), WriteNetCDF(), WriteNetCDFIndexed(), WriteXML(), WriteXMLIndexed(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSpectroscopy(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xml_find_and_open_input_file(), xml_parse_from_stream(), xml_read_footer_from_stream(), xml_read_from_file(), xml_read_from_stream(), xml_read_header_from_stream(), xml_write_footer_to_stream(), xml_write_header_to_stream(), xml_write_to_file(), xml_write_to_stream(), xsec_continuum_tag(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplyUnit(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::ybatch_calc_agenda(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianInverse(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), ySimpleSpectrometer(), ARTS::Method::ySimpleSpectrometer(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), z_surfaceFromFileAndGrid(), and ARTS::Method::ZFromPSimple().

◆ VerbosityCreate()

Verbosity ARTS::Var::VerbosityCreate ( Workspace ws,
const Group::Verbosity inval,
const Group::String name,
const Group::String desc = "nodescription" 

Creates in, and returns from, Workspace a/an Verbosity

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
[in]Verbosityinval - The default value the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringname - The name the variable will have in the workspace
[in]Stringdesc - The description the variable will have in the workspace (default: "nodescription")
A class with a pointer to this variable and its new position in the workspace

Definition at line 9457 of file autoarts.h.

References Workspace::add_wsv_inplace().

◆ vmr_field()

Tensor4 ARTS::Var::vmr_field ( Workspace ws)

VMR field.

This variable gives the volume mixing ratio of the chosen gaseous species as a function of p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Units: [ Differ between the elements, can be VMR, kg/m3 or #/m3. ]

Dimensions: [species, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7130 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetup(), abs_lookupSetupBatch(), AbsInputFromAtmFields(), ARTS::Method::AbsInputFromAtmFields(), atmfields_checkedCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExtract1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), clear_rt_vars_at_gp(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), get_ppath_atmvars(), get_ppath_transmat(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyMC(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), ARTS::Agenda::ppath_agenda_plane_parallel(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), vmr_fieldClip(), vmr_fieldPerturb(), vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(), vmr_fieldSetAllConstant(), ARTS::Method::vmr_fieldSetAllConstant(), vmr_fieldSetConstant(), ARTS::Method::vmr_fieldSetConstant(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), xaStandard(), and ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ vmr_field_raw()

ArrayOfGriddedField3 ARTS::Var::vmr_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

VMR data for the chosen gaseous species.

This variable contains the volume mixing ratios (VMR) for all chosen gaseous species. It includes the grids corresponding to the grids in the database. vmr_field_raw* is an Array of Array of Tensor3. It contains one gridded field for each species which contains the data and also the grids. For the calculation the data is interpolated on p_grid, lat_grid and lon_grid

Usage: Output of AtmRawRead Input to AtmFieldsCalc.

Unit: absolute number

Size: Array[number of absorption species] GriddedField3 [N_p] [N_lat] [N_lon] [N_p, N_lat, N_lon]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7158 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmRawRead(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), AtmWithNLTERawRead(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ARTS::Method::ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ water_p_eq_agenda()

◆ water_p_eq_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::water_p_eq_field ( Workspace ws)

The field of water saturation pressure.

This variable holds the saturation pressure of water at each crossing of the pressure, latitude and longitude grids.

Unit: Pa

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7179 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::water_p_eq_agenda(), water_p_eq_agendaExecute(), water_p_eq_fieldMK05(), and ARTS::Method::water_p_eq_fieldMK05().

◆ wigner_initialized()

Index ARTS::Var::wigner_initialized ( Workspace ws)

Indicates if the wigner tables are initialized. If they are not, computations will be aborted.

Will hold the value of provided maximum factorial value

The developer should always test this variable in functions that might require computing wigner symbols because the error handling is otherwise offloaded to third party software...

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7193 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by Wigner3Init(), Wigner3Unload(), ARTS::Method::Wigner3Unload(), Wigner6Init(), Wigner6Unload(), ARTS::Method::Wigner6Unload(), WignerFastInfoPrint(), and ARTS::Method::WignerFastInfoPrint().

◆ wind_u_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::wind_u_field ( Workspace ws)

Zonal component of the wind field.

The East-West wind component. Air moving towards higher longitudes is a positive wind. This wind causes no Doppler shift for 1D and 2D simulations.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero wind speed everywhere.

Unit: m/s

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0 0 0 ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7211 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmfields_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), get_ppath_atmvars(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ wind_u_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::wind_u_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw zonal component of the wind field.

The East-West wind component. Air moving towards higher longitudes is a positive wind. This wind causes no Doppler shift for 1D and 2D simulations.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero wind speed everywhere.

Unit: m/s

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ].

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7229 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), WindRawRead(), and ARTS::Method::WindRawRead().

◆ wind_v_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::wind_v_field ( Workspace ws)

Meridional component of the magnetic field.

The North-South wind component. Air moving towards higher latitudes is a positive wind.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero wind speed everywhere.

Unit: m/s

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0 0 0 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7246 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmfields_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), get_ppath_atmvars(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ wind_v_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::wind_v_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw meridional component of the magnetic field.

The North-South wind component. Air moving towards higher latitudes is a positive wind.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero wind speed everywhere.

Unit: m/s

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7263 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), WindRawRead(), and ARTS::Method::WindRawRead().

◆ wind_w_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::wind_w_field ( Workspace ws)

Vertical wind component field.

Upward moving air corresponds to a positive wind speed.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero wind speed everywhere.

Unit: m/s

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ] or [ 0 0 0 ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7279 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmfields_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), get_ppath_atmvars(), iyActiveSingleScat(), iyActiveSingleScat2(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandard(), iyEmissionStandard(), ARTS::Method::iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyEmissionStandardSequential(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), ARTS::Method::iyTransmissionStandard(), iyTransmissionStandard(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), and ARTS::Method::xaStandard().

◆ wind_w_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::wind_w_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw vertical wind component field.

Upward moving air corresponds to a positive wind speed.

Can be set to be empty, which is interpreted as zero wind speed everywhere.

Unit: m/s

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7295 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by WindFieldsCalc(), WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(), WindRawRead(), and ARTS::Method::WindRawRead().

◆ wmrf_channels()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::wmrf_channels ( Workspace ws)

Channel selection for WMRF fast calculation.

This variable can be used to select one or several instrument channels from the list of all possible channels. Zero-based indexing is used, so Channel 0 is the first instrument channel!

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7306 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by WMRFSelectChannels(), and ARTS::Method::WMRFSelectChannels().

◆ wmrf_weights()

Sparse ARTS::Var::wmrf_weights ( Workspace ws)

The weights for a WMRF fast calculation.

Weights are stored in a sparse matrix. This can be used as a sensor_response matrix.

The dimension of the matrix is (nchan, nfreq), where nchan is the number of instrument channels and nfreq is the number of monochromatic frequencies.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7320 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by sensor_responseWMRF(), ARTS::Method::sensor_responseWMRF(), WMRFSelectChannels(), and ARTS::Method::WMRFSelectChannels().

◆ x()

Vector ARTS::Var::x ( Workspace ws)

The state vector.

This WSV matches directly the x-vector in the formalism by C.D. Rodgers.

Inside x, the elements matching one retrieval quantity, such as atmospheric temperatures, are kept together. That is, each retrieval quantity covers a continuous range inside x. The start and index of these ranges can be deduced by jacobian_quantities (see function(s) inside for details).

The order of elements inside each retrieval quantity should be clarified by corresponding "adding" method, i.e. jacobianAddTemperature for atmospheric temperatures. The general rule is that data are sorted from left to right with respect to the order in the corresponding WSV. For example, inside x atmospheric data are stored with pressure as inner- most loop, followed by latitude and longitude as outermost loop.

Usage: Used by inversion methods.

Unit: Varies, follows unit of selected retrieval quantities.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7346 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by Absorption::SingleLine::A(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines(), abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoff(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetCutoffForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimit(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetLinemixingLimitForSpecies(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetQuantumNumberForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForMatch(), abs_lines_per_speciesSetT0ForSpecies(), abs_linesDeleteLinesWithUndefinedLocalQuanta(), abs_linesSetCutoff(), abs_linesSetCutoffForMatch(), abs_linesSetLinemixingLimit(), abs_linesSetLinemixingLimitForMatch(), abs_linesSetT0(), abs_linesSetT0ForMatch(), abs_linesTruncateGlobalQuantumNumbers(), abs_lookupInit(), abs_lookupTestAccMC(), abs_xsec_per_speciesAddPredefinedO2MPM2020(), Conversion::acosd(), add(), PropagationMatrix::AddAbsorptionVectorAtPosition(), PropagationMatrix::AddAtPosition(), RadiationVector::addMultiplied(), agendas(), Conversion::angcm2freq(), Conversion::angfreq2freq(), Conversion::angstrom2meter(), AngularGridsSetFluxCalc(), antenna_responseGaussian(), antenna_responseVaryingGaussian(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::Append(), Linefunctions::apply_linestrength_from_nlte_level_distributions(), ArrayOfIndexLinSpace(), ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet(), Conversion::arts2hitran_broadening(), Conversion::arts2hitran_energy(), Conversion::arts2hitran_linestrength(), Conversion::asind(), Conversion::atan2d(), Conversion::atand(), Conversion::atm2pa(), AtmFieldPerturb(), backend_channel_responseFlat(), backend_channel_responseGaussian(), Absorption::Lines::Bath(), bin_quadweights(), by_reference(), by_value(), calc_lookup_error(), calculate_weights_linear(), cart2pol(), cart2poslos(), cart2sph(), Conversion::celsius2kelvin(), check_collision_line_identifiers(), chk_atm_field(), chk_atm_surface(), chk_contains(), chk_if_bool(), chk_if_decreasing(), chk_if_in_range(), chk_if_in_range_exclude(), chk_if_in_range_exclude_high(), chk_if_in_range_exclude_low(), chk_if_increasing(), chk_matrix_ncols(), chk_matrix_nrows(), chk_not_empty(), chk_not_negative(), chk_vector_length(), SpeciesTag::CIADataset(), SpeciesTag::CIASecond(), ComplexVector::ComplexVector(), conti_n2__(), copy(), Conversion::cosd(), covmat1D(), Absorption::Lines::Cutoff(), Absorption::Lines::CutoffFreqValue(), dabsorption_nlte_rate_dTl(), dabsorption_nlte_rate_dTu(), dampened_statistical_equilibrium_equation(), defocusing_general_sub(), Conversion::deg2rad(), Rational::Denom(), derive_scat_species_a_and_b(), describe(), LineShape::differenceOutput(), PropagationMatrix::DivideAtPosition(), do_gridcell_2d_byltest(), do_gridcell_3d_byltest(), dxdvmrscf(), Absorption::SingleLine::E0(), ARTS::AgendaMethod::EnergyLevelMapSet(), EnergyLevelMapSet(), ARTS::Method::EnergyLevelMapSet(), Agenda::execute(), extract(), Absorption::SingleLine::F0(), fill_with_junk(), find_all(), find_first(), PropagationMatrix::FittingShape(), fixed_defaults(), FlagOff(), FlagOn(), flat(), Conversion::freq2angcm(), Conversion::freq2angfreq(), Conversion::freq2kaycm(), LineShape::from_linemixingdata(), LineShape::from_pressurebroadeningdata(), Zeeman::FromGrids(), func_2straights(), fwv_mpmf87s93__(), g0Earth(), g_legendre_poly(), g_legendre_poly_deriv(), g_legendre_poly_norm_schmidt(), g_legendre_poly_norm_schmidt_deriv(), g_legendre_poly_norm_schmidt_deriv1(), g_legendre_poly_norm_schmidt_deriv2(), g_legendre_poly_norm_schmidt_deriv3(), g_legendre_poly_norm_schmidt_deriv4(), Absorption::SingleLine::g_low(), Absorption::SingleLine::g_upp(), gaussian_response(), gaussian_response_autogrid(), geompath_tanpos_3d(), EnergyLevelMap::get_ratio_params(), EnergyLevelMap::get_vibtemp_params(), Zeeman::Model::gl(), groups(), gsl_integration_glfixed_table_alloc(), gsl_rng_uniform_pos(), Zeeman::Model::gu(), Conversion::hitran2arts_broadening(), Conversion::hitran2arts_energy(), Conversion::hitran2arts_linestrength(), Ho66_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Ho66_CO2_self_continuum(), Absorption::SingleLine::I0(), IndexSet(), IndexSetToLast(), init_mpm2020_lsm(), init_mpm2020_slsm(), integer_div(), RetrievalQuantity::Integration(), interp_atmfield_by_gp(), interp_atmfield_by_itw(), interp_atmsurface_by_gp(), interp_atmsurface_by_itw(), interp_poly(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::inversion_iterate_agenda(), inversion_iterate_agendaExecute(), is_bool(), is_decreasing(), is_increasing(), is_multiple(), is_size(), is_sorted(), is_unique(), SpeciesTag::Isotopologue(), iySurfaceFastem(), jacobianAdjustAndTransform(), ARTS::Method::jacobianAdjustAndTransform(), Conversion::kaycm2freq(), Conversion::kelvin2celsius(), LagrangeInterpol4(), last(), lbl_checkedCalc(), legendre_poly(), legendre_poly_deriv(), legendre_poly_norm_schmidt(), legendre_poly_norm_schmidt_deriv(), SpeciesTag::Lf(), Absorption::Lines::LinemixingLimit(), Absorption::Lines::LineShapeType(), linreg(), linspace(), lorentz_pdf(), lsf(), lubacksub(), main(), MapToEigen(), MaTipping_H2O_foreign_continuum(), matrix_vector_mult(), ARTS::AgendaMethod::MatrixMatrixMultiply(), ARTS::Method::MatrixMatrixMultiply(), MatrixSet(), MatrixSetConstant(), max(), mblock_dlos_gridUniformCircular(), mean(), LineShape::MetaData2ModelShape(), Conversion::meter2angstrom(), methods(), mgd(), mgd_with_derivatives(), min(), LineShape::mirroredOutput(), Absorption::Lines::Mirroring(), mod_gamma_dist(), LineShape::ModelShape2MetaData(), mult(), mult_general(), PropagationMatrix::MultiplyAtPosition(), NameMaps::NameMaps(), LineShape::negativeOutput(), Absorption::nelem(), nelemGet(), nlinspace(), nlogspace(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), nlte_fieldSetLteInternalPartitionFunction(), Rational::Nom(), Absorption::Lines::Normalization(), numeric2rational(), NumericSet(), OEM_checks(), operator*(), ComplexMatrixView::operator*=(), ComplexVectorView::operator*=(), MatrixView::operator*=(), VectorView::operator*=(), PropagationMatrix::operator*=(), Sparse::operator*=(), Tensor3View::operator*=(), Tensor4View::operator*=(), Tensor5View::operator*=(), Tensor6View::operator*=(), Tensor7View::operator*=(), ComplexMatrixView::operator+=(), ComplexVectorView::operator+=(), MatrixView::operator+=(), VectorView::operator+=(), PropagationMatrix::operator+=(), StokesVector::operator+=(), Tensor3View::operator+=(), Tensor4View::operator+=(), Tensor5View::operator+=(), Tensor6View::operator+=(), Tensor7View::operator+=(), ComplexMatrixView::operator-=(), ComplexVectorView::operator-=(), MatrixView::operator-=(), VectorView::operator-=(), PropagationMatrix::operator-=(), Tensor3View::operator-=(), Tensor4View::operator-=(), Tensor5View::operator-=(), Tensor6View::operator-=(), Tensor7View::operator-=(), ComplexMatrixView::operator/=(), ComplexVectorView::operator/=(), MatrixView::operator/=(), VectorView::operator/=(), PropagationMatrix::operator/=(), Sparse::operator/=(), Tensor3View::operator/=(), Tensor4View::operator/=(), Tensor5View::operator/=(), Tensor6View::operator/=(), Tensor7View::operator/=(), operator<<(), LineShape::operator<<(), ComplexVectorView::operator=(), ComplexMatrixView::operator=(), ComplexMatrix::operator=(), Agenda::operator=(), ComplexVector::operator=(), Vector::operator=(), MRecord::operator=(), PropagationMatrix::operator=(), StokesVector::operator=(), Tensor3::operator=(), Tensor4::operator=(), Tensor5::operator=(), Tensor6::operator=(), Tensor7::operator=(), VectorView::operator=(), MatrixView::operator=(), Matrix::operator=(), Tensor3View::operator=(), Tensor4View::operator=(), Tensor5View::operator=(), Tensor6View::operator=(), Tensor7View::operator=(), double_imanip::operator>>(), operator>>(), Conversion::pa2atm(), Conversion::pa2torr(), ArtsParser::parse_main(), ArtsParser::parse_method(), pCqSDHC_to_arts(), pCqSDHC_to_arts_D2_deriv(), pCqSDHC_to_arts_freq_deriv(), pCqSDHC_to_arts_G2_deriv(), pol2cart(), polint(), polynomial_basis_func(), Absorption::Lines::Population(), poslos2cart(), Constant::pow2(), Constant::pow3(), Constant::pow4(), ppath_start_stepping(), Print(), profile_(), PropagationMatrix::PropagationMatrix(), RetrievalQuantity::Proptype(), psd_mono_common(), QuantumIdentifier::QuantumIdentifier(), QuantumIdentifierSet(), r_crossing_3d(), Conversion::rad2deg(), ran_gaussian(), random_covariance_matrix(), RationalSet(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), LineShape::SingleSpeciesModel::read(), read_text_from_file(), ReadHITRAN(), ReadJPL(), ReadLBLRTM(), ReadMytran2(), PropagationMatrix::RemoveAtPosition(), Absorption::Lines::RemoveLocalQuantum(), reshape(), Rosenkranz_CO2_foreign_continuum(), Rosenkranz_CO2_self_continuum(), Rosenkranz_N2_self_continuum(), rte_step_doit_replacement(), run_oem_matlab(), Time::Seconds(), Time::seconds_into_day(), Absorption::Lines::Self(), set_constant_statistical_equilibrium_matrix(), Linefunctions::set_doppler(), PropagationMatrix::SetAtPosition(), StokesVector::SetAtPosition(), LineShape::Model::SetLineMixingModel(), LineShape::si2cgs(), sign(), Conversion::sind(), ArtsParser::skip_to_next_argument(), solve(), SpeciesTag::Species(), sph2cart(), Standard_H2O_foreign_continuum(), Standard_H2O_self_continuum(), linalg::std(), StokesVector::StokesVector(), swv_mpmf87s93__(), Absorption::Lines::T0(), Conversion::tand(), Tensor3SetConstant(), Tensor4Clip(), Tensor4SetConstant(), Tensor5SetConstant(), Tensor6SetConstant(), Tensor7SetConstant(), test01(), test07(), test34(), test42(), test44(), test6(), test7(), test8(), test_gsl_int(), test_r_deriv_propagationmatrix(), test_solve_linear_system(), time_stepper_selection(), Time::toGMTStruct(), Conversion::torr2pa(), Time::toStruct(), transform(), transform_jacobian(), transform_x(), transform_x_back(), transpose_mult(), MCAntenna::Type(), EnergyLevelMap::Type(), SpeciesTag::Type(), QuantumIdentifier::Type(), lm_hitran_2017::typeFull(), lm_hitran_2017::typeLP(), lm_hitran_2017::typeVP(), SpeciesTag::Uf(), unitl(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForCutoff(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForLineShapeType(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForMirroring(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForNormalization(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForPopulation(), SpeciesTag::validIndexForType(), EnergyLevelMap::validIndexForType(), QuantumIdentifier::validIndexForType(), RetrievalQuantity::validProptype(), MCAntenna::validType(), Vector::Vector(), LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::vector2modellm(), LineShape::LegacyPressureBroadeningData::vector2modelpb(), VectorInsertGridPoints(), VectorLinSpace(), VectorLogSpace(), VectorMatrixMultiply(), VectorNLinSpace(), VectorNLogSpace(), VectorSet(), VectorSetConstant(), vmrunitscf(), ARTS::Method::x2artsAtmAndSurf(), x2artsAtmAndSurf(), ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor(), x2artsSensor(), xClip(), xlgr_(), and z2g().

◆ xa()

Vector ARTS::Var::xa ( Workspace ws)

The a priori state vector.

This WSV matches directly the x_a-vector in the formalism by C.D. Rodgers.

Usage: Used by inversion methods.

Unit: Varies, follows unit of selected retrieval quantities.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7359 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by benchmark_oem_linear(), generate_test_data(), interp_poly(), OEM_checks(), polint(), test_oem_gauss_newton(), test_oem_gauss_newton_sparse(), test_oem_levenberg_marquardt(), test_oem_linear(), ARTS::Method::xaStandard(), and xaStandard().

◆ xml_output_type()

Index ARTS::Var::xml_output_type ( Workspace ws)

Flag to determine whether XML output shall be binary or ascii.

This flag has to be set using the workspace method output_file_formatSetAscii* or output_file_formatSetBinary. One of these methods MUST be called before writing the first output file.

Usage: Set by user.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7373 of file autoarts.h.

◆ y()

Vector ARTS::Var::y ( Workspace ws)

The measurement vector.

This vector holds radiances averaged in frequency and spatially, and can contain many spectra appended. That is, this WSV matches directly the y-vector in the formalism by C.D. Rodgers.

The polarisation, frequency, position and line-of-sight associated with each element in y are given by y_pol, y_f, y_pos and y_los*. For monochromatic pencil beam radiances, data are sorted in the following way, from the innermost to the outermost loop Stokes Frequency LOS inside the measurement block Measurement block With sensor response included, the order can be differ. As output of yActive, the order will also be different.

Usage: Output from radiative transfer calculations considering sensor response.

Unit: Undefined. Possibilities include: K, W/(m^2 Hz sr) and optical thickness.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7401 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by add(), agendas(), antenna_responseGaussian(), antenna_responseVaryingGaussian(), Conversion::atan2d(), linalg::avg(), backend_channel_responseGaussian(), benchmark_oem_linear(), cart2poslos(), cart2sph(), dabsorption_nlte_rate_dTl(), dabsorption_nlte_rate_dTu(), defocusing_general_sub(), LineShape::differenceOutput(), do_gridcell_3d_byltest(), ARTS::AgendaMethod::EnergyLevelMapSet(), EnergyLevelMapSet(), ARTS::Method::EnergyLevelMapSet(), LinearModel::evaluate(), Zeeman::FromGrids(), gaussian_response(), gaussian_response_autogrid(), generate_test_data(), geompath_tanpos_3d(), groups(), oem::ArtsLog< type >::init(), integer_div(), interp_poly(), is_multiple(), iyMC(), jacobianFromTwoY(), ARTS::Method::jacobianFromTwoY(), jacobianFromYbatch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianFromYbatch(), LagrangeInterpol4(), linreg(), lsf(), main(), matrix_vector_mult(), MCGeneral(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), methods(), mult(), mult_general(), StokesVector::MultiplyAndAdd(), OEM_checks(), poslos2cart(), ppath_start_stepping(), profile_(), r_crossing_3d(), ran_gaussian(), random_covariance_matrix(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), SpeciesAuxData::setParamType(), sph2cart(), linalg::std(), test42(), test6(), test7(), test_oem_linear(), Time::toGMTStruct(), Time::toStruct(), transform(), transpose_mult(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForCutoff(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForLineShapeType(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForMirroring(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForNormalization(), Absorption::Lines::validIndexForPopulation(), SpeciesTag::validIndexForType(), EnergyLevelMap::validIndexForType(), QuantumIdentifier::validIndexForType(), MCAntenna::validType(), LineShape::LegacyLineMixingData::vector2modellm(), VectorMatrixMultiply(), VectorVectorMultiply(), yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), yApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::yApplyUnit(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ybatch_calc_agenda(), ybatch_calc_agendaExecute(), ybatchCalc(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianForward(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), yColdAtmHot(), ySimpleSpectrometer(), and ARTS::Method::ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ y_aux()

ArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::y_aux ( Workspace ws)

Data auxilary to y.

Different data beside the direct result of the radiative transfer calculations can be obtained by this variable. These auxilary data are selected by iy_aux_vars.

In contrast to iy_aux, this variable can only hold quantities such as optical depth, and other quantites that could be the result of a complete radiative transfer calculation. The data are weighted with sensor properties in the same way as for y.

See also iy_aux_vars.

Usage: Output of yCalc.

Dimensions: [quantity][ element of y ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7423 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ybatch_calc_agenda(), ybatch_calc_agendaExecute(), ybatchCalc(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ y_baseline()

Vector ARTS::Var::y_baseline ( Workspace ws)

The baseline of y.

In retrieval "lingo", the baseline is an addiative disturbance of the measured spectrum. That is, it can be seen as a shift (from zero) of measurement. Reflections inside microwave receivers is one source to a baseline off-set.

So far there is no module in ARTS that actually tries to physically model any baseline effect. y_baseline is just used as a pure fitting parameter in retrievals. One example on method to include a baseline fit is jacobianAddPolyfit*.

If the baseline is totally constant, it is allowed to set y_baseline to have length one, with this element set to the baseline value.

Usage: Output of retrievals.

Unit: Same as applied for y.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7447 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::x2artsSensor().

◆ y_f()

Vector ARTS::Var::y_f ( Workspace ws)

The frequencies associated with y.

A value is returned for each element of y. Depending on the sensor set-up and number of measurement blocks, this can be a copy of sensor_response_f*, sveral copies of this vector appended, or some other frequenices.

Don't confuse this variable with yf.

Usage: Output from radiative transfer calculations considering sensor response.

Unit: [ Hz ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7466 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), yCalcAppend(), ySimpleSpectrometer(), and ARTS::Method::ySimpleSpectrometer().

◆ y_geo()

Matrix ARTS::Var::y_geo ( Workspace ws)

The geo-positioning associated with y.

The columns of this matrix matches the elements of geo_pos.

If no geo-position is obtained (i.e. geo_pos_agenda sets geo_pos to be empty), all elements of y_geo is set to NaN.

Unit: [ m, deg, deg, deg, deg ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7480 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ y_los()

Matrix ARTS::Var::y_los ( Workspace ws)

The line-of-sights associated with y.

Definition of angles matches sensor_los (such as first column holds zenith angles), but gives actual observed LOS. That is, the values of both sensor_los and antenna_dlos are considered. Data are provided for each element of y, following y_f, and the number of rows equals the length of y.

Usage: Output from radiative transfer calculations considering sensor response.

Unit: [ degrees, degrees ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7498 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ y_pol()

ArrayOfIndex ARTS::Var::y_pol ( Workspace ws)

The polarisation states associated with y.

Data are provided for each element of y, following y_f, and the length of this variable and y is equal.

See instrument_pol for coding of polarisation components.

Usage: Output from radiative transfer calculations considering sensor response.

Unit: [ - ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7515 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplyUnit(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ y_pos()

Matrix ARTS::Var::y_pos ( Workspace ws)

The sensor positions associated with y.

Definition of positions matches sensor_pos (such as first column holds the altitude). Data are provided for each element of y, following y_f, and the number of rows equals the length of y.

Usage: Output from radiative transfer calculations considering sensor response.

Unit: [ m, deg, deg ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7531 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by yActive(), yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yApplySensorPol(), ARTS::Method::yCalc(), yCalc(), yCalc_mblock_loop_body(), and yCalcAppend().

◆ yb()

Vector ARTS::Var::yb ( Workspace ws)

The measurement vector for a single measurement block.

Exactly as y, but holds data only for a single measurement block.

Usage: Used internally.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7542 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::jacobian_agenda(), jacobian_agendaExecute(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcDoNothing(), jacobianCalcFreqShift(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqShift(), jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcFreqStretch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcPolyfit(), ARTS::Method::jacobianCalcSinefit(), and yCalc_mblock_loop_body().

◆ ybatch()

ArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::ybatch ( Workspace ws)

Batch of spectra.

Each element of ybatch corresponds to a spectrum vector y. See further ybatchCalc.

Usage: Most commonly produced by ybatchCalc.

Unit: Undefined. Possibilities include: K, W/(m^2 Hz sr) and optical thickness.

Dimensions: Number of array elements equals number of batch cases, Vectors have length(y)

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7560 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by jacobianFromYbatch(), ARTS::Method::jacobianFromYbatch(), ybatchCalc(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianForward(), ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianInverse(), and ARTS::Method::ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianInverse().

◆ ybatch_aux()

ArrayOfArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::ybatch_aux ( Workspace ws)

Data auxilary to ybatch.

Each element of ybatch_aux corresponds to a auxiliary data y_aux. See further y_aux and ybatchCalc.

Usage: Most commonly produced by ybatchCalc.

Dimensions: Number of array elements equals number of batch cases,

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7574 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ybatchCalc().

◆ ybatch_calc_agenda()

Agenda ARTS::Var::ybatch_calc_agenda ( Workspace ws)

Agenda defining the calculations to perform for each batch case.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7581 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::ybatch_calc_agenda(), ARTS::AgendaDefine::ybatch_calc_agenda(), and ybatchCalc().

◆ ybatch_corr()

ArrayOfVector ARTS::Var::ybatch_corr ( Workspace ws)

Correction terms for ybatch.

Dimensions: Number of array elements equals number of batch cases, Vectors have length depending on correction method

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7591 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianForward(), ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianInverse(), and ARTS::Method::ybatchTroposphericCorrectionNaiveMedianInverse().

◆ ybatch_index()

Index ARTS::Var::ybatch_index ( Workspace ws)

Index of batch case.

See further ybatchCalc.

Usage: Set by ybatchCalc, for communication with ybatch_calc_agenda*.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7603 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::AgendaExecute::dobatch_calc_agenda(), dobatch_calc_agendaExecute(), DOBatchCalc(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::ybatch_calc_agenda(), ybatch_calc_agendaExecute(), and ybatchCalc().

◆ ybatch_jacobians()

ArrayOfMatrix ARTS::Var::ybatch_jacobians ( Workspace ws)

All the Jacobians associated with ybatch.

The batch index here is the array dimension.

Usage: Most commonly produced by ybatch.

Unit: Depends on unit of y and on Jacobian type.

Dimensions: [number of batch cases] (length(y), number of retrieval quantities and grids)

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7620 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ybatchCalc().

◆ ybatch_n()

Index ARTS::Var::ybatch_n ( Workspace ws)

Number of batch cases for ybatchCalc.

See further ybatchCalc.

Usage: Input to ybatchCalc.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7631 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DOBatchCalc(), and ybatchCalc().

◆ ybatch_start()

Index ARTS::Var::ybatch_start ( Workspace ws)

Start index for ybatchCalc.

This is set to a default of zero in general.arts.

See further ybatchCalc.

Usage: Input to ybatchCalc.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7644 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by DOBatchCalc(), and ybatchCalc().

◆ yf()

Vector ARTS::Var::yf ( Workspace ws)

A fitted measurement vector.

This WSV is the measurement vector matching the retrieved state, i.e. the spectrum of the fit.

Don't confuse this variable with y_f.

Usage: Output from inversion methods.

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7658 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by benchmark_oem_linear(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::inversion_iterate_agenda(), inversion_iterate_agendaExecute(), and OEM_checks().

◆ z_field()

Tensor3 ARTS::Var::z_field ( Workspace ws)

The field of geometrical altitudes.

This variable gives the geometrical altitude, above the ellipsoid, of each crossing of the pressure, latitude and longitude grids. For 1D cases the altitudes give the geometrical position of the pressure levels.

For each geographical position (lat,lon), the values must be sorted in increasing order, with no repetitions. Otherwise the altitudes can be set to arbitrary values. Hydrostatic equilibrium is not applied automatically. If hydrostatic equilibrium applies, z_field must be set by a method ensuring that this criterium is fulfilled.

The radius (from the coordinate centre) for a point between the grid crossings is obtained by a (multi-)linear interpolation of the sum of the ellipsoid radius and z_field.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Output of AtmFieldsCalc

Unit: m

Dimensions: [ p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7690 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by abs_lookupSetupBatch(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExpand1D(), AtmFieldsExtract1D(), AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(), atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), ARTS::Method::cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), field_of_propagation(), get_refr_index_1d(), get_refr_index_2d(), get_refr_index_3d(), GriddedFieldZToPRegrid(), InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpAtmFieldToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyIndependentBeamApproximation(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines(), OptimizeDoitPressureGrid(), ppath_calc(), ppath_end_1d(), ppath_end_2d(), ppath_end_3d(), ppath_fieldFromDownUpLimbGeoms(), ppath_start_2d(), ppath_start_3d(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_step_geom_1d(), ppath_step_geom_2d(), ppath_step_geom_3d(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), raytrace_1d_linear_basic(), raytrace_2d_linear_basic(), raytrace_3d_linear_basic(), refr_gradients_1d(), refr_gradients_2d(), refr_gradients_3d(), rte_pos2gridpos(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), ARTS::Method::VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(), wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), ARTS::Method::wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(), WriteMolTau(), ARTS::Method::WriteMolTau(), z_at_lat_2d(), z_at_latlon(), and ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ z_field_raw()

GriddedField3 ARTS::Var::z_field_raw ( Workspace ws)

Raw data for geometrical altitudes.

This variable gives the geometrical altitudes as stored in the database for atmospheric scenarios.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by the user by choosing a climatology.

Unit: K

Size GriddedField3 [N_p] [N_lat] [N_lon] [N_p, N_lat, N_lon]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7714 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atm_gridsFromZRaw(), AtmFieldsCalc(), AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(), AtmRawRead(), ARTS::Method::AtmRawRead(), AtmWithNLTERawRead(), lat_gridFromZRaw(), ARTS::Method::lat_gridFromZRaw(), lon_gridFromZRaw(), ARTS::Method::lon_gridFromZRaw(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), p_gridFromZRaw(), ybatchMetProfiles(), and ybatchMetProfilesClear().

◆ z_hse_accuracy()

Numeric ARTS::Var::z_hse_accuracy ( Workspace ws)

Minimum accuracy for calculation of hydrostatic equilibrium.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: m

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7725 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), and z_fieldFromHSE().

◆ z_surface()

Matrix ARTS::Var::z_surface ( Workspace ws)

The surface altitude.

This variable defines the shape of the surface, by giving the geometrical altitude above the geiod for each crossing of the latitude and longitude grids. Any shape of the surface is accepted. No gap between the surface and the lowermost pressure level is allowed.

The radius (from the coordinate centre) for a point between the grid crossings is obtained by a linear (1D) or bi-linear (2D) interpolation of the sum of the ellipsoid radius and z_surface. That is, the radius for the surface is assumed to vary linear along the latitudes and longitudes in lat_grid and lon_grid.

See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables".

Usage: Set by user.

Unit: m

Dimensions: [ lat_grid, lon_grid ]

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7754 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by atmgeom_checkedCalc(), ARTS::Method::atmgeom_checkedCalc(), cloudbox_checkedCalc(), defocusing_general(), defocusing_general_sub(), defocusing_sat2sat(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), index_of_zsurface(), InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::Method::InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda(), iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaExecute(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), iyMC(), MCGeneral(), mcPathTraceRadar(), MCRadar(), ARTS::AgendaExecute::met_profile_calc_agenda(), met_profile_calc_agendaExecute(), ppath_calc(), ppath_start_2d(), ppath_start_stepping(), ppath_step_geom_1d(), ppath_step_geom_2d(), ppath_step_geom_3d(), ppath_step_refr_1d(), ppath_step_refr_2d(), ppath_step_refr_3d(), ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepGeometric(), ARTS::Method::ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppath_stepRefractionBasic(), ppathFromRtePos2(), ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathPlaneParallel(), ARTS::Method::ppathStepByStep(), ppathStepByStep(), reduced_1datm(), run_cdisort(), ScatSpeciesMerge(), ARTS::Method::ScatSpeciesMerge(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), specular_losCalc(), ybatchMetProfiles(), ybatchMetProfilesClear(), ARTS::Method::z_fieldFromHSE(), z_surfaceConstantAltitude(), and z_surfaceFromFileAndGrid().

◆ za_grid()

Vector ARTS::Var::za_grid ( Workspace ws)

Zenith angle grid.

The zenith angle grid, on which the intensity field is stored. This grid is used for RT calculations inside the cloudbox, therefore the grid has to be defined if the cloudbox is activated by the flag cloudbox_on. The grid must be sorted in increasing order, with no repetitions.

Usage: Set by the user.

Unit: degrees

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7771 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AngIntegrate_trapezoid(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_fixedstep(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_fixedstep_opt(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_fixedstep_opt2(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_opt(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_opti(), AngIntegrate_trapezoid_original(), AngularGridsSetFluxCalc(), antenna1d_matrix(), antenna2d_gridded_dlos(), check_disort_input(), cloud_ppath_update1D(), cloud_ppath_update1D_noseq(), cloud_ppath_update1D_planeparallel(), cloud_ppath_update3D(), cloud_RT_surface(), cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(), ARTS::Method::cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(), DisortCalc(), DisortCalcClearsky(), DisortCalcWithARTSSurface(), DOAngularGridsSet(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalc(), doit_scat_fieldCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(), doit_scat_fieldNormalize(), doit_za_grid_optCalc(), ARTS::Method::doit_za_grid_optCalc(), DoitGetIncoming(), ARTS::Method::DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(), DoitInit(), ARTS::Method::DoitInit(), DoitScatteringDataPrepare(), get_angs(), get_stepwise_scattersky_source(), init_xy(), interp_cloud_coeff1D(), irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(), ARTS::Method::irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(), iyHybrid(), iyHybrid2(), iyInterpCloudboxField(), opt_prop_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromData(), opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(), opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(), pha_mat_sptFromData(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromData(), pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(), pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(), pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), ARTS::Method::pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(), pha_matTransform(), pnd_fieldZero(), run_cdisort(), spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField(), ARTS::Method::spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField(), spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel(), spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField(), test_AngIntegrate_trapezoid_opti(), test_xy(), test_xy_fixedstep(), test_xy_fixedstep_opt(), test_xy_fixedstep_opt2(), and test_xy_opt().

◆ za_grid_weights()

Vector ARTS::Var::za_grid_weights ( Workspace ws)


Unit: unitless

[in,out]Workspacews - An ARTS workspace
A class with a pointer to this variable and its position in the workspace

Definition at line 7780 of file autoarts.h.

Referenced by AngularGridsSetFluxCalc(), ARTS::Method::irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(), and ARTS::Method::spectral_irradiance_fieldFromSpectralRadianceField().

◆ za_index()

Index ARTS::Var::za_index ( Workspace ws)