Source code for pyarts.arts_ext.GriddedFieldExtras

import copy
import pyarts.arts as cxx

import xarray
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

[docs] def extract_slice(g, s=slice(None), axis=0): """ Return a new gridded field containing a slice of the current one. Parameters ---------- s : slice Slice. axis : int Axis to slice along. Returns ------- gf : GriddedField1 or GriddedField2 or GriddedField3 or GriddedField4 or GriddedField5 or GriddedField6 Gridded field containing sliced grids and data. """ g.checksize_strict() gf = copy.deepcopy(g) axis_grid = gf.get_grid(axis) if isinstance(axis_grid, cxx.Vector): gf.set_grid(axis, axis_grid[s]) else: gf.set_grid(axis, type(axis_grid)(list(axis_grid)[s])) slices = [slice(None)] * gf.dim slices[axis] = s =[tuple(slices)] return gf
# NOTE: We cannot safely pass kwargs to C++ and then to python again, so we pass them as dict
[docs] def refine_grid(gin, new_grid, axis=0, type="linear", hidden_kwargs={}): """ Interpolate GriddedField axis to a new grid. This function replaces a grid of a GriddField and interpolates all data to match the new coordinates. :func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` is used for interpolation. Parameters ---------- new_grid : numpy.ndarray The coordinates of the interpolated values. axis : int Specifies the axis of data along which to interpolate. Interpolation defaults to the first axis of the gridded field. type : str or function Rescaling type for function if str or rescaling function Returns ------ gf : GriddedField1 or GriddedField2 or GriddedField3 or GriddedField4 or GriddedField5 or GriddedField6 gridded field """ if type == "linear": fun = np.array elif type == "log10": fun = np.log10 elif type == "log": fun = np.log else: fun = type g = copy.deepcopy(gin) if len(g.get_grid(axis)) > 1: f = interpolate.interp1d( fun(g.get_grid(axis)),, axis=axis, **hidden_kwargs) g.set_grid(axis, new_grid) = f(fun(new_grid)) else: # if the intention is to create a useful TensorX =, axis=axis) = f(fun(new_grid)) g.checksize_strict() return g
[docs] def to_xarray(g): """Convert gridded field to :class:`xarray.DataArray` object. Convert a gridded field object into a :class:`xarray.DataArray` object. The dataname is used as the :class:`~xarray.DataArray` name. Returns ------- da : xarray.DataArray Object corresponding to gridded field """ da = xarray.DataArray( da = da.rename(dict((k, v) for (k, v) in zip(da.dims, [str(g.get_grid_name(i)) for i in range(g.dim)]) if v!="")) da = da.assign_coords( **{name: coor for (name, coor) in zip(da.dims, [np.array(g.get_grid(i)) for i in range(g.dim)]) if len(coor)>0}) if da.attrs['data_name'] = str( return da
[docs] def from_xarray(cls, da): """Create gridded field from a :class:`xarray.DataArray` object. The data and its dimensions are returned as a gridded field object. The :class:`~xarray.DataArray` name is used as name for the gridded field. If the attribute `data_name` is present, it is used as `dataname` on the gridded field. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray :class:`xarray.DataArray` containing the dimensions and data. Returns ------- gf : GriddedField1 or GriddedField2 or GriddedField3 or GriddedField4 or GriddedField5 or GriddedField6 Gridded field object. """ obj = cls() for i in range(obj.dim): obj.set_grid(i, da[da.dims[i]].values) obj.set_grid_name(i, da.dims[i]) if da.values.ndim != obj.dim: raise RuntimeError(f"Dimension mismatch: Expected {obj.dim} got {da.values.ndim}") = da.values = str(da.attrs.get('data_name', 'Data')) obj.checksize_strict() return obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert gridded field to :class:`dict`. Converts a gridded field object into a classic Python dictionary. The gridname is used as dictionary key. If the grid is unnamed the key is generated automatically ('grid1', 'grid2', ...). The data can be accessed through the 'data' key. Returns ------- pydict : dict Dictionary containing the grids and data. """ grids, gridnames = self.grids, self.gridnames if gridnames is None: gridnames = ['grid%d' % n for n in range(1, self.dimension + 1)] for n, name in enumerate(gridnames): if name == '': gridnames[n] = 'grid%d' % (n + 1) d = {name: grid for name, grid in zip(gridnames, grids)} d['data'] = return d
getattr(cxx, "_detailsGriddedField").extract_slice = extract_slice getattr(cxx, "_detailsGriddedField").refine_grid = refine_grid getattr(cxx, "_detailsGriddedField").from_xarray = from_xarray getattr(cxx, "_detailsGriddedField").to_xarray = to_xarray getattr(cxx, "_detailsGriddedField").to_dict = to_dict