Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This contains methods to replace set line mixing

import numpy as np

[docs] def init_ecs(ws, vmrs=np.array([0.21, 0.79]), specs=["O2", "N2"]): """ Initialize the error-corrected sudden molecular parameters Parameters: ws (Workspace): A pyarts workspace vmrs (ndarray): The volume mixing ration of "air" specs (str): A comma separated list of "air" species with resp. vmr Returns: None """ ws.ecs_dataInit() ws.ecs_dataAddMakarov2020() ws.ecs_dataAddRodrigues1997() ws.ecs_dataAddTran2011() ws.ecs_dataAddMeanAir(vmrs=vmrs, specs=specs)
[docs] def adapt_lines(ws, lines, t_grid=np.linspace(150, 350),pressure=1e5,order=1,robust=1,rosenkranz_adaptation=0): """ Adapt the lines to use line mixing coefficients from on-the-fly bands Parameters: ws (Workspace): A pyarts workspace lines (pyarts workspace variable): An ArrayOfAbsorptionLines (modified in-place) t_grid (ndarray): A range of increasing temperatures in Kelvin pressure (float): A pressure in pascal order (int): The order of Rosenkranz adaptations robust (int): Whether or not an error is ignored rosenkranz_adaptation (int): Wheter or not pure perturbations [0] or eigenvalues are used in the adaptation [else] Returns: lines modified """ ws.abs_linesAdaptOnTheFlyLineMixing(abs_lines=lines, t_grid=t_grid, pressure=pressure, order=order, robust=robust, rosenkranz_adaptation=rosenkranz_adaptation) return lines