Source code for pyarts.plots.arts_lookup

"""Visualize an absorption lookup table.

import re
from itertools import zip_longest

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from cycler import cycler
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import constants

__all__ = [

_molar_mass_dry_air = 28.9645e-3  # kg mol^-1
_gas_constant_dry_air = constants.gas_constant / _molar_mass_dry_air  # J K^-1 kg^-1

def _calc_lookup_species_count(lookup):
    """Calculate number of cross sections per species.

    Usually one, except for the nonlinear species.
    nlsspecies = np.array(lookup.non_linear_species)
    speciescount = np.ones(shape=(len(lookup.species)), dtype=int)
    if len(nlsspecies) != 0:
        speciescount[nlsspecies] = lookup.nls_pert.value.size
    return speciescount

def _get_lookup_species_index(lookup, species, vmrpert):
    """Get index of given species in lookup table."""
    ret = 0
    spindex = list(lookup.species).index(species)
    nlsspecies = lookup.non_linear_species.value
    speciescount = _calc_lookup_species_count(lookup)
    if nlsspecies is not None and spindex in nlsspecies:
        if vmrpert >= speciescount[spindex]:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Nonlinear species VMR perturbation index too large')
        ret = vmrpert

    return ret + (np.sum(speciescount[0:spindex]) if spindex > 0 else 0)

def _add_opacity_legend(ax=None):
    """Add legend to an opacity lookup table plot."""
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    blue_line = Line2D([], [], label='species opacity')
    black_line = Line2D([], [], color='k', linewidth=1., label='total opacity')
    dashed_line = Line2D([], [],

    handles = [blue_line, black_line, dashed_line]
    labels = [h.get_label() for h in handles]

              loc='upper left',

def _add_xsec_legend(lookup, ipressures, ax=None):
    """Add legend to a cross section lookup table plot."""
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    pgrid = lookup.p_grid.value
    colors = [ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(ipressures))]
    handles = [
        Line2D([], [], color=colors[i], label=f'{pgrid[ip]/100.:8.3f} hPa')
        for i, ip in enumerate(ipressures)

    labels = [h.get_label() for h in handles]

              loc='upper left',

def _setup_lookup_figure(lookup, cols=3, species=None):
    """Create the figure and axes objects for the lookup table plot."""
    if species is None:
        species = lookup.species
    rows = int(np.ceil(len(species) / cols))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows + 1, cols, figsize=(4 * cols, (rows + 1) * 2))

    return rows, cols, fig, ax

[docs] def plot_lookup_xsec(lookup, ipressures, species=None, ax=None, tpert=0, vmrpert=0): """Plot the cross section for one or more species of an ARTS lookup table. Parameters: lookup (pyarts.arts.GasAbsLookup): ARTS lookup table. ipressures (ndarray(int)): Indices of pressure levels to plot. species (pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag, optional): ARTS species tags. If none is given, plots all species in the lookup table for the given vmr perturbation. ax (AxesSubplot, optional): Axes to plot in. vmrpert (int): Index of vmr perturbation for nonlinear species to plot. tpert (int): Index of temperature perturbation to plot. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_yscale('log') if species is None: species = lookup.species.value for tag in species: ax.set_prop_cycle( cycler('color', [ for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(ipressures)) ])) for pi in ipressures: xsec = lookup.xsec.value[ tpert, _get_lookup_species_index(lookup, tag, vmrpert), :, pi] ax.plot(lookup.f_grid, xsec, label=f'{pi/100.:8.3f} hPa') if len(species) > 1: ax.legend(fontsize='xx-small', frameon=False) else: ax.set_title(',\n'.join( re.sub(r'(-\*)+$', '', str(s)) for s in species[0]), y=1. - len(species[0]) * 0.05, fontsize='xx-small') def formatter(x, pos): return rf'${x/1e9:g}$' ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(formatter) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize='xx-small') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) return ax
[docs] def plot_lookup_opacity(lookup, opacity, species=None, vmrpert=0, ax=None, oneline=False, total=False): """Plot the opacity for one or more species of an ARTS lookup table. Parameters: lookup (pyarts.arts.GasAbsLookup): ARTS lookup table. opacity (ndarray): Opacity per species in lookup table as generated by `calc_opacity_from_lookup`. species (pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag), optional): ARTS species tags. If none is given, plots all species in the lookup table for the given vmr perturbation. vmrpert (int): Index of vmr perturbation for nonlinear species to plot. ax (AxesSubplot, optional): Axes to plot in. oneline (bool, optional): Draw a line where opacity == 1. total (bool, optional): Additionally plot the sum of opacities of all species. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_yscale('log') if species is None: species = lookup.species for tag in species: ax.plot(lookup.f_grid.value, opacity[_get_lookup_species_index(lookup, tag, vmrpert), :], label=',\n'.join([str(t) for t in tag])) if oneline: ax.plot(lookup.f_grid.value, np.ones_like(lookup.f_grid.value), linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='k') if total: if lookup.non_linear_species is not None: speciescount = _calc_lookup_species_count(lookup) spindex = np.cumsum(speciescount) spindex[1:] = spindex[0:-1] spindex[0] = 0 spindex[[int(s) for s in lookup.non_linear_species]] += vmrpert o = opacity[spindex] else: o = opacity ax.plot(lookup.f_grid, np.sum(o, axis=0), linewidth=1, color='k') if len(species) > 1: ax.legend(fontsize='xx-small', frameon=False) else: ax.set_title(',\n'.join( re.sub(r'(-\*)+$', '', str(s)) for s in species[0]), y=1. - len(species[0]) * 0.05, fontsize='xx-small') def formatter(x, pos): return rf'${x/1e9:g}$' ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(formatter) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize='xx-small') ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize='xx-small') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) return ax
[docs] def calc_opacity_from_lookup(lookup, z=None, g=constants.g, r=_gas_constant_dry_air, tpert=0): """Calculate the opacity from an ARTS lookup table. Parameters: lookup (pyarts.arts.GasAbsLookup): ARTS lookup table. z (ndarray, optional): Altitude profile. If not given, the layer thicknesses are calculated based on the hypsometric formula. g (float, optional): Gravity constant. Default uses Earth's gravity. r (float, optional): Gas constant for dry air. Default uses constant for Earth. tpert (int, optional): Index of temperature perturbation to plot. Returns: ndarray: Opacity per species in lookup table. """ speciescount = _calc_lookup_species_count(lookup) vmrs = (np.repeat(np.array(lookup.vmrs.value), speciescount, axis=0) if np.array(lookup.non_linear_species) is not None else np.array(lookup.vmrs.value)) ni = (lookup.p_grid.value * vmrs / lookup.t_ref.value / constants.Boltzmann).reshape(np.sum(speciescount), 1, len(lookup.p_grid.value)) alpha = ni * lookup.xsec.value[tpert, :, :, :] if z is not None: z = interp1d(z.grids[0],[:, 0, 0])(lookup.p_grid.value) else: # Calculate z from hypsometric formula pgrid = lookup.p_grid.value z = [ r * t / g * np.log(p1 / p2) for p1, p2, t in zip(pgrid[:-1], pgrid[1:], ( lookup.t_ref.value[1:] + lookup.t_ref.value[:-1]) / 2.) ] z = np.cumsum(z) p = (pgrid[1:] + pgrid[:-1]) / 2. z = interp1d(p, z, fill_value='extrapolate')(lookup.p_grid.value) return np.vstack([np.trapz(ialpha, z, axis=1) for ialpha in alpha])
[docs] def plot_arts_lookup(lookup, opacity=True, z=None, g=constants.g, r=_gas_constant_dry_air, tpert=0, vmrpert=0, pressures=None, cols=3, species=None): """Visualize an ARTS lookup table. Plots the opacity or the absorption cross sections based on an ARTS lookup table. Parameters: lookup (pyarts.arts.GasAbsLookup): ARTS lookup table object. opacity (bool, optional): Set to False to plot the absorption cross sections. z (ndarray, optional): Altitude profile. Optional input for opacity calculation. If not given, the layer thicknesses are calculated based on the hypsometric formula. g (float, optional): Gravity constant. Uses Earth's gravity by default. r (float, optional): Gas constant for dry air. Uses constant for Earth by default. tpert (int, optional): Index of temperature perturbation to plot. vmrpert (int, optional): Index of vmr perturbation for nonlinear species to plot. pressures (ndarray(int), optional): Pressure levels to plot. If not given, up to 6 pressure levels are selected. cols (int, optional): Species to plot per row. Returns: matplotlib.figure.Figure, ndarray(AxesSubplot): Matplotlib Figure and Axes objects. Examples: .. plot:: :include-source: from os.path import join, dirname import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyarts lookup_file = join(dirname(pyarts.__file__), '../test/plots/reference', 'abs_lookup_small.xml') fig, ax = pyarts.plots.plot_arts_lookup(pyarts.xml.load(lookup_file)) fig.suptitle('Lookup table opacities') fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) .. plot:: :include-source: from os.path import join, dirname import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyarts from pyarts.arts import ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag, SpeciesTag lookup_file = join(dirname(pyarts.__file__), '../test/plots/reference', 'abs_lookup_small.xml') fig, ax = pyarts.plots.plot_arts_lookup( pyarts.xml.load(lookup_file), species=ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag([[SpeciesTag("N2O")], [SpeciesTag("O3")]]), opacity=False) fig.suptitle('Lookup table absorption cross sections [m$^2$]') fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.88) """ if species is None: species = lookup.species rows, cols, fig, ax = _setup_lookup_figure(lookup, cols, species) if opacity: lookup_opacity = calc_opacity_from_lookup(lookup, z, g, r, tpert) for cax, spec in zip_longest( ax.flatten() if len(ax.shape) == 2 else ax.reshape(ax.size, 1), species): if spec is None: cax.axis('off') continue if opacity: plot_lookup_opacity(lookup, lookup_opacity, vmrpert=vmrpert, oneline=True, total=True, species=[spec], ax=cax) else: psize = lookup.p_grid.value.size if pressures is not None: ipressures = [ np.abs(lookup.p_grid.value - p).argmin() for p in pressures ] else: ipressures = (lookup.p_grid.value.size - 1 - (range(psize) if psize <= 5 else np.linspace( 0, lookup.p_grid.value.size, num=6, endpoint=False, dtype=int))) plot_lookup_xsec(lookup, ipressures, species=[spec], ax=cax, tpert=tpert, vmrpert=vmrpert) if opacity: _add_opacity_legend(ax[-1, 0]) else: _add_xsec_legend(lookup, ipressures, ax[-1, 0]) for cax in ax[-2, :]: cax.set_xlabel('Frequency [GHz]', fontsize='xx-small') return fig, ax