Source code for pyarts.plots.ppath

""" Functions to plot :class:`pyarts.arts.Ppath` in different ways """

import pyarts
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = [

[docs] def polar_ppath_helper(rad, tht, planetary_radius, rscale, ax=None): """Just the polar plots required by :func:`polar_ppath`. Parameters ---------- rad : np.array List of radiuses [in meters]. tht : np.array List of angles [in radian]. planetary_radius : float A planetary radius in same unit as rad. rscale : float This will rescale values. As rad is in meters, rscale=1000 means that the scale is now in kilometers. See :func:`polar_ppath_rad_unit` for good options ax : Axes, optional The axis to draw at. The default is None, which generates a default polar coordinate. Returns ------- ax : As input As input. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) st = '-' if len(rad) > 1 else 'x' ax.plot(tht, rad / rscale + planetary_radius / rscale, st) ax.set_rmin(planetary_radius / rscale) ax.set_theta_zero_location("E") ax.set_thetalim(-np.pi, np.pi) ax.set_thetagrids(np.arange(-180, 179, 30)) return ax
[docs] def polar_ppath_rad_unit(rscale): """Returns the radial unit Parameters ---------- rscale : float 1.0 for "m", 1000 for "km", 1e6 for "Mm. Otherwise returns "???" Returns ------- str The unit or "???". """ if rscale == 1.0: return "m" elif rscale == 1000.0: return "km" elif rscale == 1e6: return "Mm" else: return "???"
[docs] def polar_ppath_lat(rad, lat, planetary_radius, rscale, ax=None): """Basic plot for ppath latitudes Parameters ---------- rad : np.array List of radiuses [in meters] lat : np.array List of latitudes [in radian]. planetary_radius : float A planetary radius in same unit as rad. rscale : A rescaler for the radius This will rescale values. If rad is in meters, rscale=1000 means that the scale is now in kilometers ax : Axes, optional The axis to draw at. The default is None, which generates a default polar coordinate. Returns ------- ax : As input. As input """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) ax = polar_ppath_helper(rad, lat, planetary_radius, rscale, ax) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_title( "Latitude vs " f"{'Altitude' if planetary_radius==0 else 'Radius'}" ) ax.set_thetalim(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2) ax.set_thetagrids(np.arange(-90, 91, 45)) return ax
[docs] def polar_ppath_lon(rad, lon, planetary_radius, rscale, ax=None): """Basic plot for ppath longitudes Parameters ---------- rad : np.array List of radiuses [in meters] lon : np.array List of longitudes [in radian]. planetary_radius : float A planetary radius in same unit as rad. rscale : A rescaler for the radius This will rescale values. If rad is in meters, rscale=1000 means that the scale is now in kilometers ax : Axes, optional The axis to draw at. The default is None, which generates a default polar coordinate. Returns ------- ax : As input. As input """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) ax = polar_ppath_helper(rad, lon, planetary_radius, rscale, ax) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_title( "Longitude vs " f"{'Altitude' if planetary_radius==0 else 'Radius'}" ) ax.set_theta_zero_location("S") ax.set_thetagrids(np.arange(-180, 179, 45)) ax.set_yticklabels([]) # Disable r-ticks by bad name return ax
[docs] def polar_ppath_map(lat, lon, ax=None): """Basic plot for ppath longitudes Parameters ---------- lat : np.array List of latitudes [in degrees] lon : np.array List of longitudes [in degrees]. ax : Axes, optional The axis to draw at. The default is None, which generates a default polar coordinate. Returns ------- ax : As input. As input """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=False) st = '-' if len(lat) > 1 else 'x' plot_data = None for [londeg, latdeg] in unwrap_lon(lon, lat): if plot_data is None: (plot_data,) = ax.plot(londeg, latdeg, st) else: (plot_data,) = ax.plot(londeg, latdeg, st, color=plot_data.get_color()) ax.set_ylim(-90, 90) ax.set_xlim(-180, 180) ax.set_title("Latitude vs Longitude") ax.set_ylabel("Latitude [deg]") ax.set_xlabel("Longitude [deg]") ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(-180, 180, 7)) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(-90, 90, 7)) return ax
[docs] def polar_ppath_za(za, ax=None): """Basic plot for ppath zeniths Parameters ---------- za : np.array List of Zenith angles [in radians] ax : Axes, optional The axis to draw at. The default is None, which generates a default polar coordinate. Returns ------- ax : As input. As input """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) ax = polar_ppath_helper(np.ones_like(za), za, 0.0, 1.0, ax) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_title("Zenith Angle") ax.set_thetalim(0, np.pi) ax.set_thetagrids(np.arange(0, 181, 45)) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") ax.set_theta_direction(-1) return ax
[docs] def polar_ppath_aa(aa, ax=None): """Basic plot for ppath azimuths Parameters ---------- aa : np.array List of Azimuth angles [in radians] ax : Axes, optional The axis to draw at. The default is None, which generates a default polar coordinate. Returns ------- ax : As input. As input """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) ax = polar_ppath_helper(np.ones_like(aa), aa, 0.0, 1.0, ax) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_title("Azimuth Angle") ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_thetagrids(np.arange(-180, 179, 45)) ax.set_yticklabels([]) # Disable r-ticks by bad name return ax
[docs] def unwrap_lon(lon, lat): """Unwraps the lat and lon for plotting purposes. This is a helper func Parameters ---------- lon : np.array A list of latitudes. lat : np.array A list of longitudes. Returns ------- list one or more pairs of [lon, lat] that when plotted does not allow wrapping. """ jumps = np.nonzero(np.abs(np.diff(lon)) > 180)[0] if len(jumps) == 0: return [[lon, lat]] out = [] i = 0 for ind in jumps: ind = ind + 1 out.append([lon[i:ind], lat[i:ind]]) i = ind out.append([lon[i:-1], lat[i:-1]]) return out
[docs] def polar_ppath_default_figure(figure_kwargs): """Get the default figure by standard inputs Parameters ---------- figure_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments to put into plt.figure(). Returns ------- A matplotlib figure, optional A figure """ return plt.figure(**figure_kwargs)
[docs] def polar_ppath_default_axes(fig, draw_lat_lon, draw_map, draw_za_aa): """Get the default axes Parameters ---------- fig : Figure A figure draw_lat_lon : bool, optional Whether or not latitude and longitude vs radius angles are drawn. Def: True draw_map : bool, optional Whether or not latitude and longitude map is drawn. Def: True draw_za_aa : bool, optional Whether or not Zenith and Azimuth angles are drawn. Def: False Returns ------- A list of five Axes A tuple of five axis. The order is [lat, lon, map, za, aa] """ R = draw_map + (draw_za_aa or draw_lat_lon) Z = 2 * draw_lat_lon C = 2 * draw_za_aa + Z ax_lat = fig.add_subplot(R, C, 1, polar=True) if draw_lat_lon else None ax_lon = fig.add_subplot(R, C, 2, polar=True) if draw_lat_lon else None ax_za = fig.add_subplot(R, C, 1 + Z, polar=True) if draw_za_aa else None ax_aa = fig.add_subplot(R, C, 2 + Z, polar=True) if draw_za_aa else None ax_map = ( fig.add_subplot(R, 1, R, polar=False, aspect=0.5) if draw_map else None ) if draw_za_aa and draw_lat_lon: ax_lat.set_position([0.0, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2]) ax_lon.set_position([0.3, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2]) ax_za.set_position([0.6, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2]) ax_aa.set_position([0.9, 1.0, 0.2, 0.2]) if draw_map: ax_map.set_position([0.1, 0.4, 1.0, 0.5]) return [ax_lat, ax_lon, ax_map, ax_za, ax_aa]
[docs] def polar_ppath( ppath, planetary_radius=0.0, rscale=1000, figure_kwargs={"dpi": 300}, draw_lat_lon=True, draw_map=True, draw_za_aa=False, select="all", fig=None, axes=None, ): """Plots a single observation in a polar coordinate system Use the draw_* variables to select which plots are done The polar plots' central point is at the surface of the planet, i.e., at planetary_radius/rscale. The radius of these plots are the scaled down radiuses of the input ppath.pos[0, :] / rscale + planetary_radius/rscale. The default radius value is thus just the altitude in kilometers. If you put, e.g., 6371e3 as the planetary_radius, the radius values will be the radius from the surface to the highest altitude Note also that longitudes are unwrapped, e.g. a step longer than 180 degrees between Ppath points will wrap around, or rather, create separate entries of the lat-lons. Parameters ---------- ppath : pyarts.arts.Ppath A single propagation path object planetary_radius : float, optional See :func:`polar_ppath_helper` rscale : float, optional See :func:`polar_ppath_helper` figure_kwargs : dict, optional Arguments to put into plt.figure(). The default is {"dpi": 300}. draw_lat_lon : bool, optional Whether or not latitude and longitude vs radius angles are drawn. Def: True draw_map : bool, optional Whether or not latitude and longitude map is drawn. Def: True draw_za_aa : bool, optional Whether or not Zenith and Azimuth angles are drawn. Def: False select : str, optional Choose to use "all", "start", or "end" data from Ppath fig : Figure, optional A figure. The default is None, which generates a new figure. axes : A list of five Axes, optional A tuple of five axis. The default is None, which generates new axes. The order is [lat, lon, map, za, aa] Returns ------- fig : As input As input. axes : As input As input. """ if fig is None: fig = polar_ppath_default_figure(figure_kwargs) if axes is None: axes = polar_ppath_default_axes( fig, draw_lat_lon, draw_map, draw_za_aa ) # Set radius and convert degrees e = np.array([]) if "all" == select: rad = ppath.pos[:, 0] if ppath.pos.shape[1] > 0 else e latdeg = ppath.pos[:, 1] if ppath.pos.shape[1] > 1 else e londeg = ppath.pos[:, 2] if ppath.pos.shape[1] > 2 else e za = np.deg2rad(ppath.los[:, 0]) if ppath.los.shape[1] > 0 else e aa = np.deg2rad(ppath.los[:, 1]) if ppath.los.shape[1] > 1 else e elif "end" == select: ps = ppath.end_pos.shape[0] ls = ppath.end_los.shape[0] rad = np.array([ppath.end_pos[0]]) if ps > 0 else e latdeg = np.array([ppath.end_pos[1]]) if ps > 1 else e londeg = np.array([ppath.end_pos[2]]) if ps > 2 else e za = np.deg2rad([ppath.end_los[0]]) if ls > 0 else e aa = np.deg2rad([ppath.end_los[1]]) if ls > 1 else e elif "start" == select: ps = ppath.start_pos.shape[0] ls = ppath.start_los.shape[0] rad = np.array([ppath.start_pos[0]]) if ps > 0 else e latdeg = np.array([ppath.start_pos[1]]) if ps > 1 else e londeg = np.array([ppath.start_pos[2]]) if ps > 2 else e za = np.deg2rad([ppath.start_los[0]]) if ls > 0 else e aa = np.deg2rad([ppath.start_los[1]]) if ls > 1 else e elif "low" == select: p = ppath.r[:].min() == ppath.r[:] rad = ppath.pos[p, 0] if ppath.pos.shape[1] > 0 else e latdeg = ppath.pos[p, 1] if ppath.pos.shape[1] > 1 else e londeg = ppath.pos[p, 2] if ppath.pos.shape[1] > 2 else e za = np.deg2rad(ppath.los[p, 0]) if ppath.los.shape[1] > 0 else e aa = np.deg2rad(ppath.los[p, 1]) if ppath.los.shape[1] > 1 else e else: assert False, f"Bad selection: {select}" lat = np.deg2rad(latdeg) lon = np.deg2rad(londeg) if draw_lat_lon: axes[0] = polar_ppath_lat(rad, lat, planetary_radius, rscale, axes[0]) axes[0].set_ylabel( f"{'Altitude' if planetary_radius==0 else 'Radius'}" f" [{polar_ppath_rad_unit(rscale)}]" ) axes[1] = polar_ppath_lon(rad, lon, planetary_radius, rscale, axes[1]) if draw_map: axes[2] = polar_ppath_map(latdeg, londeg, axes[2]) if draw_za_aa: axes[3] = polar_ppath_za(za, axes[3]) axes[3].set_ylabel("Arbitrary unit [-]") axes[4] = polar_ppath_aa(aa, axes[4]) # Return incase people want to modify more return fig, axes
[docs] def polar_ppath_list( ppaths, planetary_radius=0.0, rscale=1000, figure_kwargs={"dpi": 300}, fig=None, axes=None, select="end", show="poslos", ): """Wraps :func:`polar_ppath` for a list of ppaths This function takes several ppath objects in a list and manipulates them based on the option input to form a new ppath object that only has a valid pos field. This new ppath object is the passed directly to :func:`polar_ppath` to plot the polar coordinate and mapping information about pathing For example, by default, the select argument is "end", which means that this call would plot the sensor position for each Ppath Parameters ---------- ppaths : list of pyarts.arts.Ppath A list of :class:`Ppath` (or pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPpath). planetary_radius : float, optional See :func:`polar_ppath` rscale : float, optional See :func:`polar_ppath` figure_kwargs : dict, optional See :func:`polar_ppath` fig : Figure, optional See :func:`polar_ppath` axes : Axes, optional See :func:`polar_ppath` select : str, optional The selection criteria for the positions and line of sights in the ppath list. Default is "end". Options are: - "end" - end_pos and end_los for each :class:`Ppath` - "start" - start_pos and start_los for each :class:`Ppath` - "low" - the lowest r's pos and los for each :class:`Ppath` - "all" - all pos and los for each :class:`Ppath` show : str or list, optional Selects what to show. Default is "poslos" for showing everything. Options are: - "pos" - show the position - "los" - show the line of sight - "no_map" - don't show the map The python "in" operator is used to determine what to show, and the triggers are: "pos" to show ppath pos, "los" to show ppath los, and "no_map" to not show the map. Note that for all intents and purposes, "poslos", "lospos", ["pos", "los"], and "lost purpose" will give the exact same result because they all contain "los" and "pos" in a way that "in" will find Returns ------- As :func:`polar_ppath`. """ draw_map = "no_map" not in show draw_lat_lon = "pos" in show draw_za_aa = "los" in show my_path = pyarts.arts.Ppath() if "end" == select: my_path.pos = [ppath.end_pos for ppath in ppaths] my_path.los = [ppath.end_los for ppath in ppaths] elif "start" == select: my_path.pos = [ppath.start_pos for ppath in ppaths] my_path.los = [ppath.start_los for ppath in ppaths] elif "low" == select: my_path.pos = np.concatenate( [ppath.pos[ppath.r[:].min() == ppath.r[:]] for ppath in ppaths] ) my_path.los = np.concatenate( [ppath.los[ppath.r[:].min() == ppath.r[:]] for ppath in ppaths] ) elif "all" == select: my_path.pos = np.concatenate([ppath.pos for ppath in ppaths]) my_path.los = np.concatenate([ppath.los for ppath in ppaths]) else: assert False, f"Unknown selection: '{select}'" return polar_ppath( ppath=my_path, planetary_radius=planetary_radius, rscale=rscale, figure_kwargs=figure_kwargs, draw_lat_lon=draw_lat_lon, draw_map=draw_map, draw_za_aa=draw_za_aa, select='all', fig=fig, axes=axes, )