Source code for pyarts.workspace.utility

Utility functions.

Contains miscellaneous functions that do complicated things but
are note really relevant to other code.

[docs] def unindent(source): """Unindent source code. Determines indent level of the first line and unindents all lines by the found indent level. Args: source: The source code to unindent as a string as obtained for example from inspect.getsource. Raises: Exception: If the non-whitespace characters are detected in the characters that are stripped off the code lines. Returns: new_source: The unindented source code. """ if not type(source) == str: raise Exception("Argument must be a string.") lines = source.splitlines() if len(lines) < 1: return "" n_indent = len(lines[0]) - len(lines[0].lstrip()) lines_new = [] for i, l in enumerate(lines): stripped = l[:n_indent] if len(stripped.lstrip()) > 0: err = "Error when unindenting source code. Stripped characters" \ + stripped + " in line " + str(i) + " are non-whitespace " \ + " characters." raise Exception(err) lines_new += [l[n_indent:]] return "\n".join(lines_new)