Source code for pyarts.hitran

from urllib.request import urlopen

# Map Hitran to ARTS species names
    "HC3N-1224": "HC3N-12224",

[docs] def gen_latest_molparam_map(molparam_txt_file=None): """ Generates a version of latest_molparam_map used in The variable is simply printed to stream with print() as the intent is to use this output in ARTS directly. ARTS does not use AFGL notation internally, but species names that are different from Hitran are mapped to ARTS names in the output. """ def pos2char(ind): """ Convert an isotoplogue index to a HITRAN char for that index """ if ind < 10: return "'{}'".format(ind) elif ind == 10: return "'0'" elif ind == 11: return "'A'" elif ind == 12: return "'B'" if molparam_txt_file: molparam_txt = open(molparam_txt_file, 'r').read().split('\n') else: molparam_txt = urlopen("").read( ).decode("utf-8").split('\n') molparam_txt.pop(0) # erase header out = {} for i in range(len(molparam_txt)): line = molparam_txt[i] vec = line.split() if len(vec) == 0: continue elif len(vec) == 2: spec = vec[0] specnum = int(eval(vec[1])) pos = 1 out [spec] = [] else: out[spec].append([specnum, pos, vec[0], vec[1]]) pos += 1 print ('const HitranMap molparam_map{') for spec in out: print ('{',out[spec][0][0], ', { // ', spec, sep='') for isot in out[spec]: isoname = f"{spec}-{isot[2]}" if isoname in _HITRAN_TO_ARTS_NAMES: isoname = _HITRAN_TO_ARTS_NAMES[isoname] s,i = isoname.split('-') print ('{', pos2char(isot[1]), ', {Species::find_species_index("', s, '", "', i, '"), ', isot[3], '}},', sep='') print ('}},') print ('};')
[docs] def gen_hitran_isotopologues(molparam_txt_file=None): """ Generates a version of latest_molparam_map used in The variable is simply printed to stream with print() as the intent is to use this output in ARTS directly. ARTS does not use AFGL notation internally, but species names that are different from Hitran are mapped to ARTS names in the output. """ if molparam_txt_file: molparam_txt = open(molparam_txt_file, 'r').read().split('\n') else: molparam_txt = urlopen("").read( ).decode("utf-8").split('\n') molparam_txt.pop(0) # erase header out = {} for i in range(len(molparam_txt)): line = molparam_txt[i] vec = line.split() if len(vec) == 0: continue elif len(vec) == 2: spec = vec[0] specnum = int(eval(vec[1])) pos = 1 out [spec] = [] else: out[spec].append([specnum, vec[0], vec[3], vec[4]]) pos += 1 print("/** AUTO-GENERATED FROM HITRAN **/") for spec in out: for isot in out[spec]: isoname = f"{spec}-{isot[1]}" if isoname in _HITRAN_TO_ARTS_NAMES: isoname = _HITRAN_TO_ARTS_NAMES[isoname] spec, isotnum = isoname.split('-') print(f'IsotopeRecord(fromShortName("{spec}"), "{isotnum}", {isot[3]}, {isot[2]}),') print("/** AUTO-GENERATED FROM HITRAN **/")