Source code for pyarts.workspace.workspace

import os
import sys
from ast import (
from inspect import getsource, getsourcelines, getfile
from pyarts.workspace.utility import unindent as unindent
from pyarts.arts.globals import workspace_methods, workspace_variables
from pyarts.arts import Agenda, Method
import pyarts.arts as cxx
from pyarts.workspace.callback import callback_operator

_group_types = [eval(f"cxx.{x}") for x in list(cxx.globals.workspace_groups())]
_wsvs = cxx.globals.workspace_variables()

[docs] class Workspace(cxx._Workspace): """ A wrapper for the C++ workspace object """ def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("__"): object.__getattribute__(self, attr) return super().__getattribute__(attr) def __getattr__(self, attr): if super().has(attr): return super().get(attr) raise AttributeError(f"'Workspace' object has no attribute '{attr}'") def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if self.has(attr): t = type(self.get(attr)) if not isinstance(value, t): value = t(value) self.set(attr, value) else: if attr in _wsvs: super().__setattr__(attr, value) elif type(value) in _group_types: self.set(attr, value) else: raise AttributeError( f"'Workspace' object has no attribute '{attr}'" ) def __delattr__(self, attr): if attr == "__class__": raise AttributeError("You cannot delete __class__") if self.has(attr): self.set(attr, type(self.get(attr))()) else: raise AttributeError( f"'Workspace' object has no attribute '{attr}'" ) def __copy__(self): x = super().__copy__() out = Workspace() out.swap(x) return out def __deepcopy__(self, *args): x = super().__deepcopy__(*args) out = Workspace() out.swap(x) return out def __getstate__(self): return {"Workspace": super().__getstate__()} def __setstate__(self, d): super().__setstate__(d["Workspace"])
def _get_attrs(expr): """ Return the name and the value of an attribute """ return, expr.attr def _eval(expr, state): """ Return a value of an expression """ return eval(compile(Expression(body=expr), "<arts_agenda>", "eval"), state) def _assign_parser(expr, ws, state): """ Creates the method that assings a value to the workspace by copy or set The current global state is used when RHS is a Name or a Call, otherwise literal evaluation is performed to return the value Currently set up to handle: 1) ws.LHS = RHS 2) ws.LHS = ws.RHS 3) ws.LHS = <literal> 4) ws.LHS = <call> where LHS is any workspace variable. Named or not. RHS has the following limitations: 1) RHS must be a value in globals(), its value is parsed and copied. The copied value must be possible to assign to LHS. So if LHS is an existing workspace variable, RHS can construct it. Otherwise, RHS must be a workspace group. 2) None, the assignment will fail upon execution of the method if the two workspace variables are of different workspace groups. 3) <literal> is the catch-all. If nothing else works, the <literal> expression is evaluated at the end to try and evaluate its value before returning the method. 4) Any function call that has a single return value. The function call lives in the globals(). The return value has the same limitation as RHS in case 1). """ output_target = expr.targets if len(output_target) != 1: return "Can only assign to a single target at a time" output_target = output_target[0] if not isinstance(output_target, Attribute): return "Can only assign to attributes" output_obj, output_target = _get_attrs(output_target) if output_obj != ws: return f"Cannot assign to object {output_obj}, did you mean {ws}?" value = expr.value if isinstance(value, Attribute): input_obj, input_target = _get_attrs(value) if input_obj == output_obj: return Method("Copy", [output_target, input_target], {}) tmp = Workspace(False) try: setattr(tmp, output_target, _eval(value, state)) except Exception as e: return f"Exception: {e}" return Method(output_target, getattr(tmp, output_target)) def _method_args(name): """ Return all arguments and their types of a method in order of appearance """ m = workspace_methods().get(name) if m is None: return f"Unknown method '{name}'" out = {} for i in m.output: out[i] = workspace_variables()[i].type for i, t in zip(m.gout, m.gout_type): out[i] = t for i in m.input: if i not in out: out[i] = workspace_variables()[i].type for i, t in zip(m.gin, m.gin_type): out[i] = t return out class _NamedArg: """ Internal type used to name arguments that live on the workspace """ def __init__(self, s): self.arg = s def _call_arg_value(arg, ws, state): """ Get the value of an argument or its name """ if isinstance(arg, Attribute): inws, intarget = _get_attrs(arg) if inws == ws: return _NamedArg(intarget) return _eval(arg, state) def _call_args_parser(call, margs, ws, state): """ Parse all positional arguments of a user-defined method and fill out the dict required by the method constructor """ if len(margs) < len(call.args): return "Too many inputs" out = {} for i in range(len(call.args)): arg = call.args[i] out[margs[i]] = _call_arg_value(arg, ws, state) return out def _call_keywords_parser(kwargs, mdict, call, ws, state): """ Parse and append all named arguments of a user-defined method """ try: for keyword in call.keywords: arg = keyword.arg if arg in kwargs: return f'Duplicate argument for "{arg}"' if arg not in mdict: return f'Unknown argument "{arg}"' kwargs[arg] = _call_arg_value(keyword.value, ws, state) return kwargs except Exception as e: return f"Error parsing keyword: {e}" def _expr_call_parser(call, ws, state): """ Evaluate the call as an ARTS method. If this is not an ARTS method, the CallbackOperator should be copied onto the workspace and the CallbackOperatorExecute method should be executed (WIP) """ if hasattr(call.func, "value") and hasattr(call.func, "attr"): myws, func = _get_attrs(call.func) if myws != ws: return f"Bad workspace {myws}, expected {ws}" mdict = _method_args(func) if isinstance(mdict, str): return mdict args = _call_args_parser(call, list(mdict.keys()), ws, state) if isinstance(args, str): return args kwargs = _call_keywords_parser(args, mdict, call, ws, state) if isinstance(kwargs, str): return kwargs methods = [] call_kwargs = {} for k in kwargs: kw = kwargs[k] t = eval(f"cxx.{mdict[k]}") try: if isinstance(kw, _NamedArg): call_kwargs[k] = f"{kw.arg}" else: methods.append(Method(f"@{k}", t(kw))) call_kwargs[k] = f"@{k}" except Exception as e: return ( f"\n{e}\n\n" f"Failed to parse {'positional' if k in args else 'named'}" f' argument "{k}"' f" (arg nr.: {1 + list(kwargs.keys()).index(k)})" ) methods.append(Method(func, [], call_kwargs)) return methods else: try: assert ( len(call.args) == 0 and len(call.keywords) == 0 ), "Cannot pass arguments to callback operators" return Method( unparse(call.func), callback_operator(eval(unparse(call.func), state)), ) except Exception as e: return f"{e}" def _expr_parser(expr, ws, state): """ An expression is bad unless it is a call, in which case it is forwarded """ if isinstance(expr, Call): return _expr_call_parser(expr, ws, state) if isinstance(expr, Name): return f"Meaningless name. Did you mean {ws}.{} = ...?" return "Unknown expression value" def _method_parser(expr, ws, state): """ Parse the agenda method list. We can only have assignments and expressions """ if isinstance(expr, Expr): return _expr_parser(expr.value, ws, state) if isinstance(expr, Assign): return _assign_parser(expr, ws, state) if isinstance(expr, Return): return "Cannot return from an Agenda" return "Unknown expression encountered parsing method" def _return_workspace_methods(code_body, ws, state): """ Core workspace method interpreter returning a list of Method and str If any str is there, the parsing failed and a future test will produce the appropriate error message """ out = [] for expr in code_body: out.append(_method_parser(expr, ws, state)) return out def _return_workspace_argname(ast_code): """ Returns the name of the workspace """ args = ast_code.args if len(args.args) == 1: arg = args.args[0] return arg.arg return None def _agenda_or(methods, func, src, fn, lineno): """ Returns an agenda or deal with the error """ agenda = Agenda( for i in range(len(methods)): if isinstance(methods[i], Method): agenda.add(methods[i]) elif isinstance(methods[i], list): for m in methods[i]: agenda.add(m) elif isinstance(methods[i], str): raise SyntaxError( f"In agenda decorator parsing:\n{src}\n\n" f'Bad expression "{unparse(func.body[i])}"\n{methods[i]}', (fn, lineno + func.body[i].lineno - 1, 0, 0), ) else: raise SyntaxError( f"In agenda decorator parsing:\n{src}\n\n" "Error: Cannot understand code", (fn, lineno + func.body[i].lineno - 1, 0, 0), ) return agenda def _arts_agenda(f, ws, fix): """Internal source code parser""" srccod = getsource(f) srccod = unindent(srccod) srcast = parse(srccod) assert len(srcast.body) == 1, "Not parsable" func = srcast.body[0] assert isinstance(func, FunctionDef), "Not a function definition" workspace = _return_workspace_argname(func) assert workspace is not None, "Must have a workspace variable" state = f.__globals__ methods = _return_workspace_methods(func.body, workspace, state) fn = getfile(f) ln = getsourcelines(f)[-1] agenda = _agenda_or(methods, func, srccod, fn, ln) if ws: agenda.finalize(fix) setattr(ws,, agenda) return agenda
[docs] def arts_agenda(func=None, *, ws=None, fix=False): """ Creates an agenda by parsing the supported expressions into Workspace Method calls. Examples -------- These all produce the same Agenda, with minor modifications on how it is stored. .. code-block:: python :caption: Creating a basic Agenda from pyarts.workspace import Workspace, arts_agenda, callback_operator @arts_agenda def propmat_clearsky_agenda(ws): ws.propmat_clearskyInit() ws.propmat_clearskyAddLines() ws.Ignore(ws.rtp_los) ws = Workspace() ws.propmat_clearsky_agenda = propmat_clearsky_agenda .. code-block:: python :caption: Setting an agenda to a workspace directly from pyarts.workspace import Workspace, arts_agenda, callback_operator ws = Workspace() @arts_agenda(ws=ws) def propmat_clearsky_agenda(ws): ws.propmat_clearskyInit() ws.propmat_clearskyAddLines() ws.Ignore(ws.rtp_los) .. code-block:: python :caption: Setting an Agenda while skipping some housekeeping from pyarts.workspace import Workspace, arts_agenda, callback_operator ws = Workspace() @arts_agenda(ws=ws, fix=True) def propmat_clearsky_agenda(ws): ws.propmat_clearskyInit() ws.propmat_clearskyAddLines() .. code-block:: python :caption: Using custom values from pyarts.workspace import Workspace, arts_agenda, callback_operator ws = Workspace() @arts_agenda(ws=ws, fix=True) def propmat_clearsky_agenda(ws): ws.propmat_clearskyInit() ws.propmat_clearskyAddLines(ws.propmat_clearsky, # By pos lines_sparse_df=0) # By name Additional options ------------------ We support some additional functionality of python beyond just calling workspace methods. .. code-block:: python :caption: Assigning or copying a variable using python syntax from pyarts.workspace import Workspace, arts_agenda, callback_operator ws = Workspace() @arts_agenda(ws=ws, fix=True) def propmat_clearsky_agenda(ws): ws.propmat_clearsky = [] ws.x = ws.f_grid .. code-block:: python :caption: Using callback operators to execute code in python from pyarts.workspace import Workspace, arts_agenda, callback_operator def fun(f_grid): x = f_grid return x ws = Workspace() @arts_agenda(ws=ws, fix=True) def propmat_clearsky_agenda(ws): fun() # This will set x to f_grid Parameters ---------- func : function The function to be turned into an Agenda ws : ~pyarts.workspace.Workspace, optional The workspace to put this onto after finalization, defaults to None fix : bool, optional Whether to fix missing input/output in finalization, defaults to False """ def parser(fn): return _arts_agenda(fn, ws, fix) if func is None: return parser else: return _arts_agenda(func, ws, fix)