Gridded data

A gridded data object is a multidimensional array of data, where each of the dimensions have a grid associated with them. The grid is a one-dimensional array of values that represent the coordinates of the data in that dimension.

It is defined in the matpack namespace as a template class called gridded_data_t. The template parameters are the data type and the type of each grid.

For instance, a 3D gridded field of numeric data with unsorted grids is defined as: matpack::gridded_data_t<Numeric, Vector, Vector, Vector>. This is in fact the type pyarts.arts.GriddedField3. It holds the name of of the data as a string, the data itself as a pyarts.arts.Tensor3, the name of the grids as strings, and the grids themselves as pyarts.arts.Vector.

The internal workings of the gridded data class is that it holds a Multidimensional data object whose rank is the same as the number of grids passed in.

The effective layout of the class is:

template <typename T, typename... Grids>
struct gridded_data_t {
  String                               name;
  data_t<T, sizeof...(Grids)>          data;
  std::array<String, sizeof...(Grids)> grid_names;
  std::tuple<Grids...>                 grids;

Member methods

The available member methods are a subset of those available for the data_t as well as helper methods to deal with interpolation. The methods are:

  • grid<I> - get the grid at index I. Example: gridded_data.grid<0>() gives the first grid.

  • gridname<I> - get the name of the grid at index I. Example: gridded_data.gridname<0>() gives the name of the first grid.

  • shape - the shape of the grids. Example: gridded_data.shape() == {4, 5, 6}.

  • ok - check if the data is valid. Example: gridded_data.ok(). Must be called in user-facing code to ensure that the data is valid.

  • operator[] - the access operator. Forwards to the data_t::operator[]. Example: gridded_data[3, 4, 5].

  • resize - resize the data. Forwards to the data_t::resize. Example: gridded_data.resize({4, 5, 6}). Note that the object is no longer ok after this call. The grids must be manually fixed.

  • lag<...> - template Lagrange operator. The template argument is of the interpolation Lagrange type. The input is either a grid and the allowed extrapolation, or a new grid point. The former returns a list of the Lagrange coefficients and the latter returns a single interpolation point. The output can be used with a manual call to my_interp::reinterp or my_interp::interp, potentially with my_interp::interpweights. See the interpolation section below for more information.

  • reinterp<...> - template reinterpolation, wraps calling lag and then my_interp::reinterp. The input is the new grids of the data. The output is a data object of the same rank as this->data. Example: gridded_data.reinterp<...>(new_grid1, new_grid2, new_grid3). See the interpolation section below for more information.

  • interp<...> - Wraps calling lag and then ::interp. The input is the values on the grid to interpolate to. Example: gridded_data.interp<...>(my_alt, my_lat, my_lon). See the interpolation section below for more information.


To understand how to use the interpolation methods of the gridded data class, you should first read and understand how non-linear interpolation works in ARTS. This is available at Interpolation in ARTS. The section of interest is the one on higher order interpolation.

Rather than go through the exact details, here are a couple of code examples to show how to use the interpolation methods.

For 1D data

const GriddedField1 f{.data_name  = "TestData-1D",
                      .data       = Vector{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
                      .grid_names = {"x"},
                      .grids      = Vector{2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}};
std::print(std::cout, "Matpack data:\n{:B,Ns}\n", f);

           "Matpack data:\n{:B,Ns}\n",
           f.reinterp<LagrangeInterpolation>({2, 3}, 1));
           "Matpack data:\n{:B,Ns}\n",
           f.reinterp<FixedLagrangeInterpolation<1>>({2, 3, 4, 1}));
    std::cout, "Numeric: {}\n", f.interp<LagrangeInterpolation>(20, 1));
    std::cout, "Numeric: {}\n", f.interp<FixedLagrangeInterpolation<1>>(-1));
Matpack data:
x: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12],
TestData-1D: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Matpack data:
[1, 1.5]
Matpack data:
[1, 1.5, 2, 0.5]
Numeric: 10
Numeric: -0.5

For 2D data

const GriddedField2 g{.data_name  = "TestData-2D",
                      .data       = Vector{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.reshape(2, 3),
                      .grid_names = {"x", "y"},
                      .grids      = {Vector{1, 2}, Vector{1, 2, 3}}};
std::print(std::cout, "Matpack data:\n{:B,Ns}\n", g);

           "Matpack data:\n{:B,Ns}\n",
           g.reinterp<LagrangeInterpolation, LagrangeInterpolation>(
               {1.5}, {1.5}, 1, 20));
    "Matpack data:\n{:B,Ns}\n",
    g.reinterp<FixedLagrangeInterpolation<1>, FixedLagrangeInterpolation<1>>(
        {2, 3, 4, 1}, {-5, 3}, 20));
           "Numeric: {}\n",
           g.interp<LagrangeInterpolation, LagrangeInterpolation>(0, 0, 1));
    "Numeric: {}\n",
    g.interp<FixedLagrangeInterpolation<1>, FixedLagrangeInterpolation<1>>(
        -1, -2));
Matpack data:
x: [1, 2],
y: [1, 2, 3],
TestData-2D: [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6]
Matpack data:
Matpack data:
[-2, 6],
[1, 9],
[4, 12],
[-5, 3]
Numeric: -3
Numeric: -8

Relevant files

The relevant files for the data holding core matpack types are:

  • matpack/matpack_mdspan_helpers_gridded_data_t.h - the gridded_data_t class.