
Workspace.TangentPointExtract(self: pyarts.arts._Workspace, tan_pos: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Vector, ppath: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Ppath | None = self.ppath, verbosity: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Verbosity | None = self.verbosity) None

Finds the tangent point of a propagation path.

The tangent point is here defined as the point with the lowest altitude (which differes from the definition used in the code where it is the point with the lowest radius, or equally the point with a zenith angle of 90 deg.)

The tangent point is returned as a vector, with columns matching e.g. rte_pos. If the propagation path has no tangent point, the vector is set to NaN.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • tan_pos (Vector) – The position vector of the tangent point. [OUT]

  • ppath (Ppath, optional) – The propagation path for one line-of-sight. See ppath, defaults to self.ppath [IN]

  • verbosity (Verbosity) – ARTS verbosity. See verbosity, defaults to self.verbosity [IN]