Interface directly to the C++ types, functions and modules via python
Contain copies of constants of Arts internals |
Contains several unit conversion functions used in Arts |
DISORT solver internal types |
Global settings and data |
Helpers to interface with HITRAN |
Interpolation methods |
Line-by-line helper functions |
Contains select mathematics from Arts internal functions |
Contains simple physics functions in arts |
Contains predefined absorption models |
Interface to some of the core RTE functionality |
Zeeman effect calculations |
Contains all information about bands of related absorption lines |
Group name: “AbsorptionBandSortingOption” |
A map of |
Group name: “AbsorptionCutoffTypeOld” |
Data for an absorption line |
Contains line-by-line absorption information for a number of related absorption lines |
A table of lookup calculations. |
A map of tables of of lookup calculations. |
Group name: “AbsorptionMirroringTypeOld” |
Group name: “AbsorptionNormalizationTypeOld” |
Group name: “AbsorptionPopulationTypeOld” |
Single absorption line |
Describes a set of function calls and variable definitions |
Meta type for when methods can take any argument (avoid manual use) |
A list of |
List of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
List of atmospheric targets |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
List of line targets |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
Represents species of scattering paritlces in the atmosphere. |
List of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
List of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
List of surface targets |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of |
A list of cross-section records |
A sorted grid of always ascending values. |
Atmospheric data |
An atmospheric field |
Group name: “AtmKey” |
An atmospheric point |
Atmospheric target |
A single block matrix |
A block matrix for the covariance matrix |
Contains information to compute collision induced absorption for a pair of species |
Used to inject custom code into |
A 2 dimensional gridded set of complex data |
A complex matrix |
A complex tensor3 |
A complex vector |
A covariance matrix |
The core ARTS Workspace |
A sorted grid of always Descending values. |
A bidirectional reflectance function |
A BDRF operator for DISORT |
The settings required to run Disort. |
Group name: “EarthEllipsoid” |
Group name: “EuropaEllipsoid” |
Group name: “FieldComponent” |
Group name: “FileType” |
Group name: “GanymedeEllipsoid” |
An absorption lookup table |
Group name: “GridType” |
A 1 dimensional gridded set of |
A 3 dimensional gridded set of |
A 2 dimensional gridded set of |
A 3 dimensional gridded set of |
A 4 dimensional gridded set of |
A 5 dimensional gridded set of |
A 6 dimensional gridded set of |
Group name: “HitranLineStrengthOption” |
Group name: “HitranType” |
Group name: “HydrostaticPressureOption” |
A 64 bit signed integer type |
A vector of indices |
Group name: “InterpolationExtrapolation” |
Group name: “IoEllipsoid” |
Group name: “IsoRatioOption” |
A type of target for use in Jacobian Matrix calculations |
A list of targets for use in Jacobian Matrix calculations |
A map target types to matrix and inverse matrix pairs of |
Group name: “JupiterEllipsoid” |
Group name: “LineByLineCutoffType” |
Group name: “LineByLineLineshape” |
Group name: “LineByLineVariable” |
A list of absorption lines |
Multi-species line shape model |
Group name: “LineShapeModelCoefficient” |
Line shape model |
A list of line shape models |
A temperature model calculator |
Group name: “LineShapeModelType” |
Group name: “LineShapeModelVariable” |
Derived line shape parameters |
Single species line shape model |
Line shape model for a species |
Group name: “LineShapeTemperatureModelOld” |
Group name: “LineShapeTypeOld” |
Group name: “LineShapeVariableOld” |
A list of line shape models with temperature coefficients |
Line target |
A map of line mixing data |
An antenna object used by |
Group name: “MarsEllipsoid” |
A 2 dimensional array of |
A 2 dimensional array of |
The method class of ARTS |
Group name: “MissingFieldComponentError” |
Group name: “MoonEllipsoid” |
A single Mueller 4x4 matrix. |
A matrix of |
A vector of |
A 3 dimensional gridded set of |
A 4 dimensional gridded set of |
IEEE 754 binary64 floating point number |
A simple functional type. |
A simple functional type. |
A simple functional type. |
Group name: “ParticulateProperty” |
Group name: “PartitionFunctionsType” |
Group name: “PathPositionType” |
Group name: “PlanetOrMoonType” |
Group name: “PolarizationChoice” |
Contains any data required for a predefined model |
A simple path-point of a propagation path |
A single propagation matrix. |
A matrix of |
A vector of |
An ID for an absorption species state |
A local state of quantum numbers |
Group name: “QuantumNumberType” |
A single quantum number with a value |
A list of unique |
A range, used to select parts of a matpack type |
Holds a rational number as two |
Holds meta data about the scattering |
A single observation element. |
A position and line-of-sight of a sensor. |
Vector of |
Holds single scattering data |
A sparse version of |
Group name: “SpeciesEnum” |
A map of |
Contains descriptions about an isotope. |
Isotopologue ratios for a species |
A tagged absorption species |
Group name: “SpeciesTagType” |
An operator for getting the |
Group name: “SpectralRadianceUnitType” |
A single Stokes vector (of length 4). |
A 6-dimensional gridof |
A matrix of |
A vector of |
Basic string type |
A single sun. |
Surface data |
A surface field that keeps relevant surface parameters |
Group name: “SurfaceKey” |
A surface point. |
A surface property |
Surface target |
A surface type |
A telsem atlas |
Temperature model |
A 3 dimensional array of |
A 4 dimensional array of |
A 5 dimensional array of |
A 6 dimensional array of |
A 7 dimensional array of |
Data required by TESSEM to calculate surface emissivity |
Represents a time stamp |
Group name: “TimeStepType” |
A 1 dimensional array of |
A fixed-size 2D version of |
A fixed-size 3D version of |
Group name: “VenusEllipsoid” |
A map of vibrational energy levels for NLTE calculations |
A workspace variable |
A single cross-section record |
Zeeman model |
A Zeeman model |
Options for ZeemanPolarization |
A DISORT object |
Group name: “disort_settings_agendaPredefined” |
Group name: “propagation_matrix_agendaPredefined” |
Group name: “propagation_matrix_scattering_agendaPredefined” |
Group name: “ray_path_observer_agendaPredefined” |
Group name: “spectral_radiance_observer_agendaPredefined” |
Group name: “spectral_radiance_space_agendaPredefined” |
Group name: “spectral_radiance_surface_agendaPredefined” |
Get the frequency-shifted frequency grid at a point in the atmosphere. |
Compute the magnetic field according to IGRF |
Overloaded function. |