
Workspace.covmatDiagonal(self: pyarts.arts._Workspace, output: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Matrix | pyarts.arts.Sparse, out_inverse: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Matrix | pyarts.arts.Sparse, vars: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Vector, verbosity: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Verbosity | None = self.verbosity) None

Sets the matrix in covmat_block to a diagonal matrix with the variances provided in vars as diagonal elements. Also sets covmat_block_inv to the inverse of the block so that the computation of the inverse is avoided.

Author(s): Simon Pfreundschuh

  • output (Matrix or Sparse) – The matrix in which to store the covariance matrix. [OUT]

  • out_inverse (Matrix or Sparse) – The matrix in which to store the inverse of the covariance matrix. [OUT]

  • vars (Vector) – Variances to be used as diagonal elements of covmat_block. [IN]

  • verbosity (Verbosity) – ARTS verbosity. See verbosity, defaults to self.verbosity [IN]