
property Workspace.ppvar_trans_partial

The transmittance between the points along the propagation path.

To maintain consistency in size also this variable stores np transmissivities, while there are only np-1 distances between the points of the ppath. The extra values placed at index 0 and can be seen as the transmissivities between the sensor and the start of the ppath. These transmissivities are always unity. That is, the transmissivities between ppath point i and i+1 are found at index i+1 in ppvar_trans_partial.

See ppvar_p for a general description of WSVs of ppvar-type.

Dimension: [ ppath.np, f_grid, stokes_dim, stokes_dim ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

Workspace methods that can generate ppvar_trans_partial

Generic workspace methods that can generate or use ppvar_trans_partial

See Tensor4 and/or Any


WorkspaceVariable - holds type Tensor4