
property Workspace.spectral_radiance_field

Spectral radiance field.

This variable holds a calculation of the radiance field through the atmosphere, for the directions matching za_grid and aa_grid.

Don’t confuse this variable with cloudbox_field. That varinale also holds a field of spectral radiances, but is restricted to the cloud box.

Units: W / (m^2 Hz sr)

Size: [f_grid, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, za_grid, aa_grid, stokes_dim ]


For 1D, the size of the latitude, longitude and azimuth dimension (N_aa) are all 1.

Workspace methods that can generate spectral_radiance_field

Workspace methods that require spectral_radiance_field

Workspace agendas that can generate spectral_radiance_field

Generic workspace methods that can generate or use spectral_radiance_field

See Tensor7 and/or Any


WorkspaceVariable - holds type Tensor7