
Workspace.yDoublingMeanFocus(self: pyarts.arts._Workspace, f_grid: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Vector | None = self.f_grid, y: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Vector | None = self.y, f0: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = -1, df: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = -1, verbosity: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Verbosity | None = self.verbosity) None

Focus in on y around some f_grid, then sets f_grid to same focus

The algorithm will double the frequency spacing DF steps away from F0, doubling it again DF steps away from F0+DF, and so on until the end of the range. The same happens but reversely towards F0-DF, …

Inside these ranges, the values will be averaged so that there’s one value per original input between F0-DF and F0+DF, 1 value per 2 original values between F0+DF and F0+2*DF, and so on ever doubling the number of original values per output value

F0 and DF are set inside the function to either the values given by the user, or if they are non-positive as mean(f_grid) and 10 * (f_grid[1] - f_grid[0]), respectively

Ignores NaNs and infinities in averaging calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • f_grid (Vector, optional) – The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. See f_grid, defaults to self.f_grid [INOUT]

  • y (Vector, optional) – The measurement vector. See y, defaults to self.y [INOUT]

  • f0 (Numeric, optional) – User input for F0 [see description for default]. Defaults to -1 [IN]

  • df (Numeric, optional) – User input for DF [see description for default]. Defaults to -1 [IN]

  • verbosity (Verbosity) – ARTS verbosity. See verbosity, defaults to self.verbosity [IN]