ARTS built-in documentation server

Agenda iy_space_agenda

Downwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere.

Possible terms to include in this agenda include cosmic background
radiation and solar radiation.

A function calling this agenda shall set rte_pos and rte_los to
the position and line-of-sight for which the entering radiation 
shall be determined. The position and line-of-sight must be known, 
for example, when radiation from the sun is considered.

Group: Agenda


OUTiy(Matrix) Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum.
INrte_pos(Vector) A geographical position for radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_los(Vector) A line-of-sight for radiative transfer calculations.

Specific methods that can generate iy_space_agenda

Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate iy_space_agenda

Specific methods that require iy_space_agenda

Generic and supergeneric methods that can use iy_space_agenda

Agendas that can generate iy_space_agenda

Agendas that require iy_space_agenda