ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method iyEmissionStandardClearsky


Standard method for radiative transfer calculations with emission.

Designed to be part of iy_clearsky_agenda. That is, only valid
outside the cloudbox (no scattering or polarised absorption).
Assumes local thermodynamic equilibrium for emission.

The overall strategy is to take the average of the absorption and
the emission source function at the end points of each step of
the propagation path. See further the user guide. iy_error
is considered to be 0. 

The WSV iy_aux is set to hold the transmission, if the radiative
background is space or the surface. That is, as long as there is no
intersection with a cloudbox, the method sets iy_aux  to the
transmission through the atmosphere either down to the surface, or
to the top of the atmosphere. The treatment of iy_aux if there
is an interesection with the cloudbox depends on the scattering
method selected.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


iyEmissionStandardClearsky( iy, iy_error, iy_error_type, iy_aux, diy_dx, iy_agenda_call1, iy_transmission, rte_pos, rte_los, jacobian_do, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, z_field, t_field, vmr_field, wind_u_field, wind_v_field, wind_w_field, r_geoid, z_surface, cloudbox_on, cloudbox_limits, stokes_dim, f_grid, abs_species, ppath_step_agenda, emission_agenda, abs_scalar_gas_agenda, iy_clearsky_agenda, iy_space_agenda, surface_prop_agenda, iy_cloudbox_agenda, jacobian_quantities, jacobian_indices )


OUTiy(Matrix)Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum.
OUTiy_error(Matrix)Estimation of calculation errors in iy.
OUTiy_error_type(Index)Characteristics of error values in iy_error.
OUTiy_aux(Matrix)Data auxilary to iy.
OUTdiy_dx(ArrayOfTensor3)Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities.
INiy_error(Matrix)Estimation of calculation errors in iy.
INiy_error_type(Index)Characteristics of error values in iy_error.
INiy_aux(Matrix)Data auxilary to iy.
INdiy_dx(ArrayOfTensor3)Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities.
INiy_agenda_call1(Index)Flag to handle recursive calls of iy_clearsky_agenda The agenda iy_clearsky_agenda can be used recursively and this flag is used to tell the methods inside the agenda which is the primary call.
INiy_transmission(Tensor3)Transmission to be included in iy.
INrte_pos(Vector)A geographical position for radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_los(Vector)A line-of-sight for radiative transfer calculations.
INjacobian_do(Index)Flag to activate jacobian calculations.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INp_grid(Vector)The pressure grid.
INlat_grid(Vector)The latitude grid.
INlon_grid(Vector)The longitude grid.
INz_field(Tensor3)The field of geometrical altitudes.
INt_field(Tensor3)The field of atmospheric temperatures.
INvmr_field(Tensor4)VMR field.
INwind_u_field(Tensor3)Meridional (second horizontal wind) component field for 3D.
INwind_v_field(Tensor3)Horizontal 1D, 2D or 3D wind components.
INwind_w_field(Tensor3)Vertical wind component field.
INr_geoid(Matrix)Geoid radius.
INz_surface(Matrix)The surface altitude.
INcloudbox_on(Index)Flag to activate the cloud box.
INcloudbox_limits(ArrayOfIndex)The limits of the cloud box.
INstokes_dim(Index)The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4).
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INabs_species(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag)Tag groups for scalar gas absorption.
INjacobian_quantities(ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity)The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix.
INjacobian_indices(ArrayOfArrayOfIndex)First and last column index in jacobian for each retrieval quantity.