ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable rte_pos
A geographical position for radiative transfer calculations. The main purpose of this WSV and rte_los is communication with different agendas involved in the RTE calculations. These variables can also be used to enable calling of ppathCalc (and maybe other methods) from the workspace. This variable is a vector with a length equalling the atmospheric dimensionality. The first element is the radius (from the coordinate system centre) of the position. Element 2 is the latitude and element 3 is the longitude. Please note that the vertical position is given as the radius, not the altitude above the geoid. Usage: See above. Units: [ m, degree, degree ] Size: [ atmosphere_dim ]
Group: Vector
Specific methods that can generate rte_pos
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate rte_pos
- VectorCreate
- Append
- Copy
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- ReadNetCDF
- ReadXML
- Select
- Touch
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- VectorFlip
- VectorInsertGridPoints
- VectorLinSpace
- VectorLogSpace
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- VectorNLinSpace
- VectorNLogSpace
- VectorScale
- VectorSetConstant
- VectorSet
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- VectorZtanToZa1D
Specific methods that require rte_pos
- InterpSurfaceEmissivityFieldIncLatLon
- iyBeerLambertStandardClearsky
- iyBeerLambertStandardCloudbox
- iyEmissionStandardClearsky
- iyEmissionStandardClearskyBasic
- iyMC
- ppathCalc
- rte_posAddRgeoid
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use rte_pos
- abs_cont_descriptionAppend
- abs_lineshape_per_tgDefine
- abs_lines_per_speciesReadFromCatalogues
- abs_lookupSetupBatch
- abs_fieldCalc
- abs_speciesAdd2
- Append
- batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix
- batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrixChevalAll
- Copy
- Delete
- doit_conv_flagAbs
- doit_conv_flagLsq
- doit_conv_flagAbsBT
- doit_i_fieldSetConst
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- Ignore
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddTemperature
- MatrixCBR
- MatrixPlanck
- MatrixUnitIntensity
- Matrix1ColFromVector
- Matrix2ColFromVectors
- Matrix3ColFromVectors
- Matrix1RowFromVector
- Matrix2RowFromVectors
- Matrix3RowFromVectors
- nelemGet
- Select
- surfaceFlatVaryingEmissivity
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorFlip
- VectorInsertGridPoints
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- VectorScale
- VectorSet
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- VectorZtanToZa1D
- WriteNetCDF
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate rte_pos
- none