ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable cloudbox_limits
The limits of the cloud box. This variable defines the extension of the cloud box. The cloud box is defined to be rectangular in the used coordinate system, with limits exactly at points of the involved grids. This means, for example, that the vertical limits of the cloud box are two pressure levels. For 2D, the angular extension of the cloud box is between two points of the latitude grid, and likewise for 3D but then also with a longitude extension between two grid points. The latitude and longitude limits for the cloud box cannot be placed at the end points of the corresponding grid as it must be possible to calculate the incoming intensity field. The variable cloudbox_limits is an array of index value with length twice atmosphere_dim. For each dimension there is a lower limit and an upper limit. The order of the dimensions is as usual pressure, latitude and longitude. The upper limit index must be greater then the lower limit index. For example, cloudbox_limits = [0 5 4 11 4 11] means that cloud box extends between pressure levels 0 and 5, and latitude and longitude points 4 and 11. If cloudbox_on = 0, the content of this variable is neglected, but it must be initiated to some dummy values. See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables". Usage: Set by the user, either directly or using a method checking the extension of scattering particles. Unit: Index values. Size: [ 2 * atmosphere_dim ]
Group: ArrayOfIndex
Specific methods that can generate cloudbox_limits
- cloudboxOff
- cloudboxSetAutomatically
- cloudboxSetDisort
- cloudboxSetManually
- cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate cloudbox_limits
Specific methods that require cloudbox_limits
- CloudboxGetIncoming
- CloudboxGetIncoming1DAtm
- cloudbox_checkedCalc
- DoitCloudboxFieldPut
- DoitInit
- doit_i_fieldSetClearsky
- doit_i_fieldSetConst
- doit_i_fieldUpdate1D
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq3D
- doit_scat_fieldCalc
- doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb
- iyBeerLambertStandardClearsky
- iyBeerLambertStandardCloudbox
- iyEmissionStandardClearsky
- iyEmissionStandardClearskyBasic
- iyMC
- iyInterpCloudboxField
- iyInterpPolyCloudboxField
- mc_IWP_cloud_opt_pathCalc
- MCGeneral
- ParticleTypeAddAll
- ParticleTypeAdd
- pnd_fieldCalc
- pnd_fieldExpand1D
- pnd_fieldSetup
- ppathCalc
- ScatteringDisort
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use cloudbox_limits
- Append
- ArrayOfIndexSet
- Copy
- Delete
- DoitWriteIterationFields
- Ignore
- nelemGet
- Select
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate cloudbox_limits
- none