ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable p_grid
The pressure grid. The pressure levels on which the atmospheric fields are defined. This variable must always be defined. The grid must be sorted in decreasing order, with no repetitions. No gap between the lowermost pressure level and the surface is allowed. The uppermost pressure level defines the practical upper limit of the atmosphere as vacuum is assumed above. See further the ARTS user guide (AUG). Use the index to find where this variable is discussed. The variable is listed as a subentry to "workspace variables". Usage: Set by the user. Unit: Pa
Group: Vector
Specific methods that can generate p_grid
- AtmFieldsRefinePgrid
- AtmFieldsFromCompact
- AtmFieldsFromCompactChevalAll
- p_gridFromAtmRaw
- p_gridFromGasAbsLookup
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate p_grid
- VectorCreate
- Append
- Copy
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- ReadNetCDF
- ReadXML
- Select
- Touch
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- VectorFlip
- VectorInsertGridPoints
- VectorLinSpace
- VectorLogSpace
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- VectorNLinSpace
- VectorNLogSpace
- VectorScale
- VectorSetConstant
- VectorSet
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- VectorZtanToZa1D
Specific methods that require p_grid
- AbsInputFromAtmFields
- abs_lookupSetup
- abs_fieldCalc
- abs_speciesAdd2
- AtmFieldsCalc
- AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D
- AtmFieldsExpand1D
- AtmFieldsRefinePgrid
- basics_checkedCalc
- cloudboxSetAutomatically
- cloudboxSetDisort
- cloudboxSetManually
- cloudbox_checkedCalc
- DoitCloudboxFieldPut
- doit_i_fieldSetClearsky
- doit_i_fieldSetConst
- doit_i_fieldUpdate1D
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq3D
- iyBeerLambertStandardClearsky
- iyBeerLambertStandardCloudbox
- iyEmissionStandardClearsky
- iyEmissionStandardClearskyBasic
- iyMC
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddTemperature
- jacobianCalcAbsSpeciesPerturbations
- jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc
- jacobianCalcTemperaturePerturbations
- mc_IWP_cloud_opt_pathCalc
- MCGeneral
- ParticleTypeAddAll
- ParticleTypeAdd
- pnd_fieldCalc
- pnd_fieldZero
- ppathCalc
- ppath_stepGeometric
- ppath_stepRefractionEuler
- ScatteringDisort
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- yCalc
- yCalc2
- z_fieldFromHSE
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use p_grid
- abs_cont_descriptionAppend
- abs_lineshape_per_tgDefine
- abs_lines_per_speciesReadFromCatalogues
- abs_lookupSetupBatch
- abs_fieldCalc
- abs_speciesAdd2
- Append
- batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix
- batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrixChevalAll
- Copy
- Delete
- doit_conv_flagAbs
- doit_conv_flagLsq
- doit_conv_flagAbsBT
- doit_i_fieldSetConst
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- Ignore
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddTemperature
- MatrixCBR
- MatrixPlanck
- MatrixUnitIntensity
- Matrix1ColFromVector
- Matrix2ColFromVectors
- Matrix3ColFromVectors
- Matrix1RowFromVector
- Matrix2RowFromVectors
- Matrix3RowFromVectors
- nelemGet
- Select
- surfaceFlatVaryingEmissivity
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorFlip
- VectorInsertGridPoints
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- VectorScale
- VectorSet
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- VectorZtanToZa1D
- WriteNetCDF
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate p_grid
- none