ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable sensor_response_aa_grid
The azimuth angle grid associated with sensor_response. A variable for communication between sensor response WSMs. Matches initially mblock_aa_grid, but is later adjusted according to the sensor specifications. Only defined when a common grid exists. Values are here not repeated as in sensor_response_aa The zenith and azimuth dimensions are joined into a single dimension after the antenna. The variables sensor_response_za_grid and sensor_response_aa_grid have then the same length after the antenna (if antenna_dim = 2), holding data taken from the columns of antenna_los. Usage: Set by sensor response methods. Unit: [ degrees ]
Group: Vector
Specific methods that can generate sensor_response_aa_grid
- sensorOff
- sensor_responseAntenna
- sensor_responseBeamSwitching
- sensor_responseInit
- sensor_responseSimpleAMSU
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate sensor_response_aa_grid
- VectorCreate
- Append
- Copy
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- ReadNetCDF
- ReadXML
- Select
- Touch
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- VectorFlip
- VectorInsertGridPoints
- VectorLinSpace
- VectorLogSpace
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- VectorNLinSpace
- VectorNLogSpace
- VectorScale
- VectorSetConstant
- VectorSet
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- VectorZtanToZa1D
Specific methods that require sensor_response_aa_grid
- sensor_responseAntenna
- sensor_responseBackend
- sensor_responseFillFgrid
- sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching
- sensor_responseBeamSwitching
- sensor_responseFrequencySwitching
- sensor_responseMixer
- sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend
- sensor_responsePolarisation
- sensor_responseWMRF
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use sensor_response_aa_grid
- abs_cont_descriptionAppend
- abs_lineshape_per_tgDefine
- abs_lines_per_speciesReadFromCatalogues
- abs_lookupSetupBatch
- abs_fieldCalc
- abs_speciesAdd2
- Append
- batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrix
- batch_atm_fields_compactFromArrayOfMatrixChevalAll
- Copy
- Delete
- doit_conv_flagAbs
- doit_conv_flagLsq
- doit_conv_flagAbsBT
- doit_i_fieldSetConst
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- Ignore
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddTemperature
- MatrixCBR
- MatrixPlanck
- MatrixUnitIntensity
- Matrix1ColFromVector
- Matrix2ColFromVectors
- Matrix3ColFromVectors
- Matrix1RowFromVector
- Matrix2RowFromVectors
- Matrix3RowFromVectors
- nelemGet
- Select
- surfaceFlatVaryingEmissivity
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorFlip
- VectorInsertGridPoints
- VectorMatrixMultiply
- VectorScale
- VectorSet
- VectorZtanToZaRefr1D
- VectorZtanToZa1D
- WriteNetCDF
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate sensor_response_aa_grid
- none
Agendas that require sensor_response_aa_grid
- none