ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Method iyEmissionStandard
Standard method for radiative transfer calculations with emission. Designed to be part of iy_main_agenda. That is, only valid outside the cloudbox (no scattering). Assumes local thermodynamic equilibrium for emission. The basic calculation strategy is to take the average of the absorption and the emission source function at the end points of each step of the propagation path. For details see the user guide. The internal radiance unit is determined by your definition of blackbody radiation inside the atmospheric and surface source terms. Set iy_unit to "1" if you want this to also be the unit for output radiances. If you want another output unit, you need to make sure that the internal unit is [W/m2/Hz/sr] (ie. the frequency version of the Planck function). The possible choices for iy_unit are: "1" : No conversion. "RJBT" : Conversion to Rayleigh-Jean brightness temperature. "PlanckBT" : Conversion to Planck brightness temperature. "W/(m^2 m sr)" : Conversion to [W/(m^2 m sr)] (radiance per wavelength unit). "W/(m^2 m-1 sr)": Conversion to [W/(m^2 m-1 sr)] (radiance per wavenumber unit). Please note that there is no way for ARTS to strictly check the internal unit. In principle, the unit can differ between the elements. The user must makes sure that any unit conversion is applied correctly, and in accordance with the calibration of the instrument of concern. Expressions applied and considerations for the unit conversion of radiances are discussed in Sec. 5.7 of the ARTS-2 article. The following auxiliary data can be obtained: "Pressure": The pressure along the propagation path. Size: [1,1,1,np]. "Temperature": The temperature along the propagation path. Size: [1,1,1,np]. "VMR, species X": VMR of the species with index X (zero based). For example, adding the string "VMR, species 0" extracts the VMR of the first species. Size: [1,1,1,np]. "Absorption, summed": The total absorption matrix along the path. Size: [nf,ns,ns,np]. "Absorption, species X": The absorption matrix along the path for an individual species (X works as for VMR). Size: [nf,ns,ns,np]. * "Radiative background": Index value flagging the radiative background. The following coding is used: 0=space, 1=surface and 2=cloudbox. Size: [nf,1,1,1]. "iy": The radiance at each point along the path (iy_unit is. considered). Size: [nf,ns,1,np]. "Transmission": The transmission matrix from the surface, space or cloudbox, to each propagation path point. The matrix is valid for the photon direction. Size: [nf,ns,ns,np]. * "Optical depth": The scalar optical depth between the observation point and the end of the primary propagation path (ie. the optical depth to the surface or space.). Calculated in a pure scalar manner, and not dependent on direction. Size: [nf,1,1,1]. where nf: Number of frequencies. ns: Number of Stokes elements. np: Number of propagation path points. The auxiliary data are returned in iy_aux with quantities selected by iy_aux_vars. Most variables require that the method is called directly or by iyCalc. For calculations using yCalc, the selection is restricted to the variables marked with *. In addition, these choices are accepted but no calculations are done: "PND, type X": Size: [0,0,0,0]. "Mass content, X": Size: [0,0,0,0]. See e.g. iyTransmissionStandard for a definition of these variables. To fill these elements of iy_aux (after calling this WSM), use iy_auxFillParticleVariables.
Authors: Patrick Eriksson
OUT | iy | (Matrix) | Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum. |
OUT | iy_aux | (ArrayOfTensor4) | Data auxiliary to iy. |
OUT | ppath | (Ppath) | The propagation path for one line-of-sight. |
OUT | diy_dx | (ArrayOfTensor3) | Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities. |
IN | stokes_dim | (Index) | The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4). |
IN | f_grid | (Vector) | The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. |
IN | atmosphere_dim | (Index) | The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3). |
IN | p_grid | (Vector) | The pressure grid. |
IN | z_field | (Tensor3) | The field of geometrical altitudes. |
IN | t_field | (Tensor3) | The field of atmospheric temperatures. |
IN | vmr_field | (Tensor4) | VMR field. |
IN | abs_species | (ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag) | Tag groups for scalar gas absorption. |
IN | wind_u_field | (Tensor3) | Zonal component of the wind field. |
IN | wind_v_field | (Tensor3) | Meridional component of the magnetic field. |
IN | wind_w_field | (Tensor3) | Vertical wind component field. |
IN | mag_u_field | (Tensor3) | Zonal component of the magnetic field. |
IN | mag_v_field | (Tensor3) | Meridional component of the magnetic field. |
IN | mag_w_field | (Tensor3) | Vertical component of the magnetic field. |
IN | cloudbox_on | (Index) | Flag to activate the cloud box. |
IN | iy_unit | (String) | Selection of output unit for some radiative transfer methods. |
IN | iy_aux_vars | (ArrayOfString) | Selection of quantities for iy_aux and when applicable also y_aux. |
IN | jacobian_do | (Index) | Flag to activate jacobian calculations. |
IN | jacobian_quantities | (ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity) | The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix. |
IN | jacobian_indices | (ArrayOfArrayOfIndex) | First and last column index in jacobian for each retrieval quantity. |
IN | ppath_agenda | (Agenda) | See |
IN | blackbody_radiation_agenda | (Agenda) | See |
IN | propmat_clearsky_agenda | (Agenda) | See |
IN | iy_main_agenda | (Agenda) | See |
IN | iy_space_agenda | (Agenda) | See |
IN | iy_surface_agenda | (Agenda) | See |
IN | iy_cloudbox_agenda | (Agenda) | See |
IN | iy_agenda_call1 | (Index) | Flag to handle recursive calls of iy_main_agenda The agenda iy_main_agenda can be used recursively and this flag is used to tell the methods inside the agenda which is the primary call. |
IN | iy_transmission | (Tensor3) | Transmission to be included in iy. |
IN | rte_pos | (Vector) | A geographical position for starting radiative transfer calculations. |
IN | rte_los | (Vector) | A line-of-sight for (complete) radiative transfer calculations. |
IN | rte_pos2 | (Vector) | A second geographical position to define the geometry for radiative transfer calculations. |
IN | rte_alonglos_v | (Numeric) | Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. |
IN | ppath_lraytrace | (Numeric) | Maximum length of ray tracing steps when determining propagation paths. |