ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable rte_alonglos_v
Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. This variable gives the velocity of the imaginary detector in monochromatic pencil beam calculations. The relevant velocity is the projection along the line-of-sight (ie. total velocity shall not be given). A positive value means a movement of the detector in the same direction as the line-of-sight. This variable is required to include Doppler effects due to velocities of the observer, relative the centre of the coordinate system used that is fixed to the planets centre point. Unit: [ m/s ]
Group: Numeric
Specific methods that can generate rte_alonglos_v
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate rte_alonglos_v
- NumericCreate
- Copy
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- InterpAtmFieldToPosition
- InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition
- NumericAdd
- NumericInvScale
- NumericScale
- NumericSet
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Reduce
- Touch
Specific methods that require rte_alonglos_v
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use rte_alonglos_v
- abs_lineshapeDefine
- abs_linesReadFromArts
- abs_linesReadFromHitran
- abs_linesReadFromHitranPre2004
- abs_linesReadFromJpl
- abs_linesReadFromMytran2
- abs_linesReadFromSplitArtscat
- abs_lines_per_speciesAddMirrorLines
- abs_lookupSetup
- abs_lookupSetupBatch
- abs_lookupSetupWide
- abs_speciesAdd2
- abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA
- AntennaConstantGaussian1D
- antenna_responseGaussian
- antenna_responseVaryingGaussian
- Append
- AtmFieldsRefinePgrid
- atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- backend_channel_responseFlat
- backend_channel_responseGaussian
- batch_atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- CloudboxGetIncoming
- cloudboxSetAutomatically
- cloudboxSetManually
- cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude
- Compare
- complex_refr_indexConstant
- Copy
- Delete
- dN_H11
- dN_Ar_H13
- dN_H98
- dN_MH97
- dN_F07TR
- dN_F07ML
- dN_MP48
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- doit_za_grid_optCalc
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- f_gridFromSensorAMSU
- f_gridFromSensorAMSUgeneric
- f_gridFromSensorHIRS
- Ignore
- iyCloudRadar
- iyInterpCloudboxField
- iyRadioLink
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddFreqShift
- jacobianAddFreqStretch
- jacobianAddPointingZa
- jacobianAddTemperature
- Massdensity_cleanup
- MatrixAddScalar
- MatrixPlanck
- MatrixScale
- MatrixSetConstant
- mc_antennaSetGaussian
- mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM
- NumericAdd
- NumericInvScale
- NumericScale
- NumericSet
- pndFromdN
- ppathFromRtePos2
- propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup
- propmat_clearskyAddZeeman
- refellipsoidForAzimuth
- refellipsoidOrbitPlane
- refellipsoidSet
- refr_index_airThayer
- rte_losSet
- rte_posSet
- scat_meta_arrayAddTmatrix
- scat_meta_arrayAddTmatrixOldVersion
- scat_data_arrayCheck
- scat_data_arrayFromMeta
- sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching
- sensor_responseBeamSwitching
- sensor_responseSimpleAMSU
- sensor_responseGenericAMSU
- surfaceLambertianSimple
- Tensor3AddScalar
- Tensor3Scale
- Tensor3SetConstant
- Tensor4AddScalar
- Tensor4Scale
- Tensor4SetConstant
- Tensor5Scale
- Tensor5SetConstant
- Tensor6Scale
- Tensor6SetConstant
- Tensor7Scale
- Tensor7SetConstant
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorCrop
- VectorLinSpace
- VectorLogSpace
- VectorNLinSpace
- VectorNLogSpace
- VectorScale
- VectorSetConstant
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
- ySimpleSpectrometer
Agendas that can generate rte_alonglos_v
- none
Agendas that require rte_alonglos_v
- none