ARTS built-in documentation server

Workspace Method iyRadioLink


Radiative transfer for (active) radio links.

The method assumes that ppathagenda* is set up to return the
propagation path between the transmitter and the receiver. The
position of the transmitter is given as rte_pos, and the
"sensor" is taken as the receiver.

The primary output (y) is the received signal, where the signal
transmitted is taken from iy_transmitter_agenda. That is, y
is a Stokes vector for each frequency considered. Several other
possible measurements quantities, such as the bending angle, can
be obtained as the auxiliary data (see lost below).

If it is found that no link can be obtained due to intersection of
the ground, all data are set to zero. If no link could be
determined for other reasons (due to critical refraction or
numerical problems), all data are set to NaN.

This method is just intended for approximative calculations for
cases corresponding to relatively simple ray tracing. A detailed,
and more exact, treatment of several effects require more advanced
calculation approaches. Here a simple geometrical optics approach
is followed. See the user guide for details.

Defocusing is a special consideration for radio links. Two
algorithms are at hand for estimating defocusing, simply denoted
as method 1 and 2:
 1: This algorithm is of general character. Defocusing is estimated
    by making two path calculations with slightly shifted zenith
 2: This method is restricted to satellite-to-satellite links, and
    using a standard expression for such links, based on the
    vertical gradient of the bending angle.
Both methods are described more in detail in the user guide.
The argument *defocus_shift* is used by both methods.

The following auxiliary data can be obtained:
  "Pressure": The pressure along the propagation path.
     Size: [1,1,1,np].
  "Temperature": The temperature along the propagation path.
     Size: [1,1,1,np].
  "VMR, species X": VMR of the species with index X (zero based).
     For example, adding the string "VMR, species 0" extracts the
     VMR of the first species. Size: [1,1,1,np].
  "Absorption, summed": The total absorption matrix along the
     path. Size: [nf,ns,ns,np].
  "Absorption, species X": The absorption matrix along the path
     for an individual species (X works as for VMR).
     Size: [nf,ns,ns,np].
  "Particle extinction, summed": The total particle extinction
       matrix along the path. Size: [nf,ns,ns,np].
  "PND, type X": The particle number density for particle type X
       (ie. corresponds to book X in pnd_field). Size: [1,1,1,np].
  "Mass content, X": The particle content for mass category X.
       This corresponds to column X in particle_masses (zero-
       based indexing). Size: [1,1,1,np].
* "Impact parameter": As normally defined for GNRSS radio
       occultations (this equals the propagation path constant,
       r*n*sin(theta)). Size: [1,1,1,1].
* "Free space loss": The total loss due to the inverse square
       law. Size: [1,1,1,1].
  "Free space attenuation": The local attenuation due to the
       inverse square law. Size: [1,1,1,np].
* "Atmospheric loss": Total atmospheric attenuation, reported as
       the transmission. Size: [nf,1,1,1].
* "Defocusing loss": The total loss between the transmitter and
       receiver due to defocusing. Given as a transmission.
       Size: [1,1,1,1].
* "Faraday rotation": Total rotation [deg] along the path, for
     each frequency. Size: [nf,1,1,1].
* "Faraday speed": The rotation per length unit [deg/m], at each
     path point and each frequency. Size: [nf,1,1,np].
* "Extra path delay": The time delay of the signal [s], compared
       to the case of propagation through vacuum. Size: [1,1,1,1].
* "Bending angle": As normally defined for GNRSS radio
       occultations, in [deg]. Size: [1,1,1,1].
  nf: Number of frequencies.
  ns: Number of Stokes elements.
  np: Number of propagation path points.

The auxiliary data are returned in iy_aux with quantities
selected by iy_aux_vars. Most variables require that the method
is called directly or by iyCalc. For calculations using yCalc,
the selection is restricted to the variables marked with *.

Authors: Patrick Eriksson


iyRadioLink( iy, iy_aux, ppath, diy_dx, stokes_dim, f_grid, atmosphere_dim, p_grid, lat_grid, lon_grid, z_field, t_field, vmr_field, abs_species, wind_u_field, wind_v_field, wind_w_field, mag_u_field, mag_v_field, mag_w_field, refellipsoid, z_surface, cloudbox_on, cloudbox_limits, pnd_field, use_mean_scat_data, scat_data_array, particle_masses, iy_aux_vars, jacobian_do, ppath_agenda, ppath_step_agenda, propmat_clearsky_agenda, iy_transmitter_agenda, iy_agenda_call1, iy_transmission, rte_pos, rte_los, rte_pos2, rte_alonglos_v, ppath_lraytrace, defocus_method, defocus_shift )


OUTiy(Matrix)Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum.
OUTiy_aux(ArrayOfTensor4)Data auxiliary to iy.
OUTppath(Ppath)The propagation path for one line-of-sight.
OUTdiy_dx(ArrayOfTensor3)Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities.
INstokes_dim(Index)The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4).
INf_grid(Vector)The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.
INatmosphere_dim(Index)The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).
INp_grid(Vector)The pressure grid.
INlat_grid(Vector)The latitude grid.
INlon_grid(Vector)The longitude grid.
INz_field(Tensor3)The field of geometrical altitudes.
INt_field(Tensor3)The field of atmospheric temperatures.
INvmr_field(Tensor4)VMR field.
INabs_species(ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag)Tag groups for scalar gas absorption.
INwind_u_field(Tensor3)Zonal component of the wind field.
INwind_v_field(Tensor3)Meridional component of the magnetic field.
INwind_w_field(Tensor3)Vertical wind component field.
INmag_u_field(Tensor3)Zonal component of the magnetic field.
INmag_v_field(Tensor3)Meridional component of the magnetic field.
INmag_w_field(Tensor3)Vertical component of the magnetic field.
INrefellipsoid(Vector)Reference ellipsoid.
INz_surface(Matrix)The surface altitude.
INcloudbox_on(Index)Flag to activate the cloud box.
INcloudbox_limits(ArrayOfIndex)The limits of the cloud box.
INpnd_field(Tensor4)Particle number density field.
INuse_mean_scat_data(Index)Flag to use same scattering properties for all frequencies.
INscat_data_array(ArrayOfSingleScatteringData)Raw data of single scattering data.
INparticle_masses(Matrix)The mass of individual particles (or bulks).
INiy_aux_vars(ArrayOfString)Selection of quantities for iy_aux and when applicable also y_aux.
INjacobian_do(Index)Flag to activate jacobian calculations.
INiy_agenda_call1(Index)Flag to handle recursive calls of iy_main_agenda The agenda iy_main_agenda can be used recursively and this flag is used to tell the methods inside the agenda which is the primary call.
INiy_transmission(Tensor3)Transmission to be included in iy.
INrte_pos(Vector)A geographical position for starting radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_los(Vector)A line-of-sight for (complete) radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_pos2(Vector)A second geographical position to define the geometry for radiative transfer calculations.
INrte_alonglos_v(Numeric)Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation.
INppath_lraytrace(Numeric)Maximum length of ray tracing steps when determining propagation paths.
GINdefocus_method(Index, Default: 1)Selection of defocusing calculation method. See above.
GINdefocus_shift(Numeric, Default: 3e-3)Angular shift to apply in defocusing estimates.