ARTS built-in documentation server
Agenda iy_surface_agenda_array
Upwelling radiation from the surface, divided into surface types. Each agenda element shall treat the radiative properties of a surface type. The task of these agendas match directly iy_surface_agenda. This with one exception, these agendas have one additional input: surface_type_aux. See surface_type_mask for comments on the surface type coding scheme. Note the parallel agenda array: surface_rtprop_agenda_array.
Group: ArrayOfAgenda
OUT | iy | (Matrix) | Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum. |
OUT | diy_dx | (ArrayOfTensor3) | Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities. |
IN | agenda_array_index | (Index) | Index of the current agenda in ArrayOfAgenda. |
IN | diy_dx | (ArrayOfTensor3) | Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities. |
IN | iy_unit | (String) | Selection of output unit for some radiative transfer methods. |
IN | iy_transmission | (Tensor3) | Transmission to be included in iy. |
IN | iy_id | (Index) | Identification number of iy. |
IN | cloudbox_on | (Index) | Flag to activate the cloud box. |
IN | jacobian_do | (Index) | Flag to activate (clear-sky) Jacobian calculations. |
IN | iy_main_agenda | (Agenda) | Agenda calculating the single monochromatic pencil beam spectrum. |
IN | f_grid | (Vector) | The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations. |
IN | rtp_pos | (Vector) | Position of a radiative transfer point. |
IN | rtp_los | (Vector) | Line-of-sight at a radiative transfer point. |
IN | rte_pos2 | (Vector) | A second geographical position to define the geometry for radiative transfer calculations. |
IN | surface_type_aux | (Numeric) | Auxiliary variable to surface_type. |
Specific methods that can generate iy_surface_agenda_array
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate iy_surface_agenda_array
Specific methods that require iy_surface_agenda_array
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use iy_surface_agenda_array
- ArrayOfAgendaExecute
- Append
- Copy
- Delete
- Ignore
- IndexSetToLast
- nelemGet
- Select
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
Agendas that can generate iy_surface_agenda_array
- none
Agendas that require iy_surface_agenda_array
- none