ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable iy_id
Identification number of iy. This variable is intended to be an identification number for individual calculations of iy. This id-number can e.g. be used as input to WriteXMLIndexed, to link filenames to the different calculations. Some methods sets and updates iy_id. The general numbering scheme is: xxxyyycba where xxx identifies the row in sensorPos/los (i.e. the mblock_index), yyy identifies pencil beam direction inside measurement block (should in general match a row in mblock_dlos_grid), and cba identies later legs of total propagation paths, where a, b and c identifies secondary, tertiary and quaternary part, respectively. 1-based numbering is used. That is, the primary path of the first pencil beam of the first measurement block has iy_id = 001001000. Accordingly, the primary propagation path has cba = 000. If the primary path intersects with the surface, and the downwelling radiation is calculated for three directions, these secondary paths get cba = 001, 002 and 003. If tertiary paths appear, they have numbers such as 011. As the numbering scheme has nine positions, it is suitable to store files as: WriteXMLIndexed(output_file_format,iy_id,in,filename,9) Setting of iy_id is not yet supported together with scattering calculations. The value of iy_id then differs, it is either set to 0 or keeps its value set by yCalc.
Group: Index
Specific methods that can generate iy_id
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate iy_id
- IndexCreate
- Copy
- Extract
- FlagOff
- FlagOn
- GetEnvironmentVariable
- GetNumberOfThreads
- IndexAdd
- IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints
- IndexSet
- IndexStepDown
- IndexStepUp
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Touch
Specific methods that require iy_id
- iyCalc
- iyEmissionStandard
- iyEmissionStandardSequential
- iyHybrid
- iyHybrid2
- iyIndependentBeamApproximation
- iySurfaceCallAgendaX
- iySurfaceFastem
- iySurfaceRtpropAgenda
- iySurfaceRtpropCalc
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use iy_id
- abs_cia_dataAddCIARecord
- abs_linesKeepBands
- abs_linesAppendWithLines
- abs_linesDeleteBadF0
- abs_linesDeleteLinesWithQuantumNumberAbove
- abs_linesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog
- abs_lines_per_speciesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog
- abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel
- abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevels
- abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel
- abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevels
- abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLines
- abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLines
- abs_lines_per_speciesChangeBaseParameterForSpecies
- abs_linesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLines
- abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForMatchingLines
- abs_lines_per_speciesSetBaseParameterForSpecies
- abs_linesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines
- abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForMatchingLines
- abs_lines_per_speciesChangeLineShapeModelParameterForSpecies
- abs_lookupSetupBatch
- abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA
- abs_xsec_per_speciesAddHitranXsec
- AngularGridsSetFluxCalc
- AntennaConstantGaussian1D
- antenna_responseGaussian
- antenna_responseVaryingGaussian
- Append
- ArrayOfIndexLinSpace
- ArrayOfIndexSetConstant
- AtmFieldPerturb
- AtmFieldPerturbAtmGrids
- AtmFieldPRegrid
- AtmFieldsCalc
- AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D
- AtmFieldsExpand1D
- AtmFieldsExtract1D
- AtmFieldsRefinePgrid
- AtmFieldsAndParticleBulkPropFieldFromCompact
- atmfields_checkedCalc
- AtmWithNLTERawRead
- atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- atm_fields_compactAddSpecies
- batch_atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- batch_atm_fields_compactAddSpecies
- cloudbox_checkedCalc
- cloudbox_field_monoIterate
- cloudbox_fieldCrop
- cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky
- cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- Copy
- covmat_seAddBlock
- covmat_seAddInverseBlock
- covmat_sxAddBlock
- covmat_sxAddInverseBlock
- Delete
- DisortCalc
- DisortCalcWithARTSSurface
- DisortCalcClearsky
- DOBatchCalc
- DOAngularGridsSet
- DoitGetIncoming
- doit_conv_flagAbs
- doit_conv_flagAbsBT
- doit_conv_flagLsq
- OptimizeDoitPressureGrid
- Extract
- ExtractFromMetaSingleScatSpecies
- FastemStandAlone
- ForLoop
- f_gridFromAbsorptionLines
- GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid
- GriddedFieldPRegrid
- GriddedFieldZToPRegrid
- Ignore
- IndexAdd
- IndexSet
- IndexStepDown
- IndexStepUp
- iyActiveSingleScat
- iyActiveSingleScat2
- iyHybrid
- iyHybrid2
- iyIndependentBeamApproximation
- iyInterpCloudboxField
- iyMC
- iySurfaceFastem
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddPointingZa
- jacobianAddPolyfit
- jacobianAddSinefit
- jacobianCalcPolyfit
- jacobianCalcSinefit
- MagFieldsCalc
- MagFieldsCalcExpand1D
- MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc
- MatrixExtractFromTensor3
- MatrixIdentity
- mblock_dlos_gridUniformCircular
- mblock_dlos_gridUniformRectangular
- MCGeneral
- MCRadar
- nlte_fieldForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLines
- ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierFromLines
- particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb
- particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids
- pndFromPsd
- pndFromPsdBasic
- pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw
- pnd_fieldExpand1D
- ppath_fieldFromDownUpLimbGeoms
- ppathWriteXMLPartial
- PrintWorkspace
- propmat_clearskyAddParticles
- propmat_clearskyAddZeeman
- psdAbelBoutle12
- psdDelanoeEtAl14
- psdFieldEtAl07
- psdFieldEtAl19
- psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97
- psdMilbrandtYau05
- psdModifiedGamma
- psdModifiedGammaMass
- psdModifiedGammaMassNtot
- psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass
- psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment
- psdModifiedGammaMassXmean
- psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian
- psdMonoDispersive
- psdMonoMass
- psdSeifertBeheng06
- psdWangEtAl16
- p_gridDensify
- p_gridFromZRaw
- atm_gridsFromZRaw
- line_irradianceCalcForSingleSpeciesNonOverlappingLinesPseudo2D
- RationalSet
- ReadSplitARTSCAT
- ReadXMLIndexed
- refr_index_airFreeElectrons
- retrievalAddAbsSpecies
- retrievalDefInit
- retrievalAddPointingZa
- retrievalAddPolyfit
- retrievalAddSinefit
- RT4Calc
- RT4CalcWithRT4Surface
- scat_data_singleTmatrix
- scat_dataCalc
- scat_dataReduceT
- ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo
- sensor_responseFillFgrid
- sensor_responseMetMM
- SetNumberOfThreads
- SparseMatrixIdentity
- spectral_radiance_fieldClearskyPlaneParallel
- spectral_radiance_fieldExpandCloudboxField
- specular_losCalc
- z_surfaceFromFileAndGrid
- surfaceFastem
- surfaceLambertianSimple
- SurfaceFastem
- TangentPointPrint
- telsem_atlasReadAscii
- Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4
- TestArrayOfAgenda
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- verbositySet
- verbositySetAgenda
- verbositySetFile
- verbositySetScreen
- vmr_fieldPerturb
- vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids
- Wigner6Init
- Wigner3Init
- WindFieldsCalc
- WindFieldsCalcExpand1D
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
- xClip
- ybatchCalc
- yColdAtmHot
- ybatchMetProfiles
- ybatchMetProfilesClear
- ybatchTimeAveraging
- yCalcAppend
Agendas that can generate iy_id
- none