ARTS  2.4.0(git:4fb77825)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAbsorptionNamespace to contain things required for absorption calculations
 NLinefunctionsLine functions related to line shapes and line strength
 NLineShapeComputations of line shape derived parameters
 NZeemanImplements Zeeman modeling
 CAgendaThe Agenda class
 CAgRecordLookup information for one agenda
 CAnyA placeholder for any type
 CArrayThis can be used to make arrays out of anything
 CArtsXMLTagThe ARTS XML tag class
 CbifstreamBinary output file stream class
 CbofstreamBinary output file stream class
 CCallbackExternal callbacks
 CCIARecordCIA data for a single pair of molecules
 CCmpArrayOfNumericHelper comparison class to sort an array or vector based on an ArrayOfNumeric
 CComplexIterator1DThe iterator class for sub vectors
 CComplexIterator2DThe row iterator class for sub matrices
 CComplexMatrixThe ComplexMatrix class
 CComplexMatrixViewThe ComplexMatrixView class
 CComplexVectorThe ComplexVector class
 CComplexVectorViewThe ComplexVectorView class
 CConstComplexIterator1DThe constant iterator class for sub vectors
 CConstComplexIterator2DThe const row iterator class for sub matrices
 CConstComplexMatrixViewA constant view of a ComplexMatrix
 CConstComplexVectorViewA constant view of a ComplexVector
 CConstIterator1DThe constant iterator class for sub vectors
 CConstIterator2DThe const row iterator class for sub matrices
 CConstIterator3DConst version of Iterator3D
 CConstIterator4DConst version of Iterator4D
 CConstIterator5DConst version of Iterator5D
 CConstIterator6DConst version of Iterator6D
 CConstIterator7DConst version of Iterator7D
 CConstMatrixViewA constant view of a Matrix
 CConstTensor3ViewA constant view of a Tensor3
 CConstTensor4ViewA constant view of a Tensor4
 CConstTensor5ViewA constant view of a Tensor5
 CConstTensor6ViewA constant view of a Tensor6
 CConstTensor7ViewA constant view of a Tensor7
 CConstVectorViewA constant view of a Vector
 CCovarianceMatrixBlockStructCovariance matrix block
 Cdouble_imanipInput manipulator class for doubles to enable nan and inf parsing
 Cdouble_istreamInput stream class for doubles that correctly handles nan and inf
 CField3DCreates a 3D field of a base unit
 CGasAbsLookupAn absorption lookup table
 CGridPosStructure to store a grid position
 CGridPosPolyStructure to store a grid position for higher order interpolation
 CInteractiveWorkspaceInteractive ARTS workspace
 CIsotopologueRecordContains the lookup data for one isotopologue
 CIterator1DThe iterator class for sub vectors
 CIterator2DThe row iterator class for sub matrices
 CIterator3DImplementation of Tensors of Rank 3
 CIterator4DImplementation of Tensors of Rank 4
 CIterator5DImplementation of Tensors of Rank 5
 CIterator6DThe outermost iterator class for rank 6 tensors
 CIterator7DImplementation of Tensors of Rank 7
 CjacobianVMRcheckDeals with whether or not we should do a VMR derivative
 CJokerThe Joker class
 CLazyScaleClass to help with hidden temporary variables for operations of type Numeric times Class
 CLinearModelLinear Forward model
 CMatrixThe Matrix class
 CMatrixViewThe MatrixView class
 CMCAntennaAn Antenna object used by MCGeneral
 CMdRecordAll information for one workspace method
 CMethodStructRepresentation of workspace methods
 CMRecordMethod runtime data
 Cmy_basic_stringThe implementation for String, the ARTS string class
 CParametersStructure to hold all command line Parameters
 CPpathThe structure to describe a propagation path and releated quantities
 CQuadraticModelQuadratic Forward Model
 CQuantumFieldDescriptionClass mapping quantum numbers to parsing functions
 CQuantumIdentifierClass to identify and match lines by their quantum numbers
 CQuantumNumbersContainer class for Quantum Numbers
 CQuantumParserHITRAN2004Parser for quantum number strings from HITRAN 2004 and later
 CRadiationVectorRadiation Vector for Stokes dimension 1-4
 CRandRandom number class
 CRand< Index >
 CRangeThe range class
 CRationalImplements rational numbers to work with other ARTS types
 CRetrievalQuantityDeals with internal derivatives, Jacobian definition, and OEM calculations
 Cruntime_error_not_foundSubclasses of runtime_error
 Cruntime_error_not_uniqueSubclasses of runtime_error
 CSLIData2A 2D sequential linear interpolation (SLI) lookup table This class holds the gridded for 2D SLI as well as the interpolate member function for retrieving interpolated values
 CSourceTextA smart class to hold the text for parsing
 CSparseThe Sparse class
 CSpeciesAuxDataAuxiliary data for isotopologues
 CSpeciesRecordContains the lookup data for one species
 CSpeciesTagA tag group can consist of the sum of several of these
 CStokesVectorStokes vector is as Propagation matrix but only has 4 possible values
 CTelsemAtlasA telsem atlas
 CTensor3The Tensor3 class
 CTensor3ViewThe Tensor3View class
 CTensor4The Tensor4 class
 CTensor4ViewThe Tensor4View class
 CTensor5The Tensor5 class
 CTensor5ViewThe Tensor5View class
 CTensor6The Tensor6 class
 CTensor6ViewThe Tensor6View class
 CTensor7The Tensor7 class
 CTensor7ViewThe Tensor7View class
 CTimeClass to handle time in ARTS
 CTimingsTimings Class
 CTokValThis stores arbitrary token values and remembers the type
 CTransmissionMatrixClass to keep track of Transmission Matrices for Stokes Dim 1-4
 CVariableStructRepresentation of ARTS WSVs
 CVariableValueStructRepresentation of ARTS values
 CVectorThe Vector class
 CVectorViewThe VectorView class
 CVersionStructARTS version
 CWorkspaceWorkspace class
 CWorkspaceMemoryHandlerHandling of workspace memory
 CWsvRecordThis class contains all static information for one workspace variable
 CXMLAttributeXML attribute class