
This module provides functions related to plotting ARTS data.

Main Functions

plot_arts_lookup(lookup[, opacity, z, g, r, ...])

Visualize an ARTS lookup table.

polar_ppath(ppath[, planetary_radius, ...])

Plots a single observation in a polar coordinate system

polar_ppath_list(ppaths[, planetary_radius, ...])

Wraps polar_ppath() for a list of ppaths

Full Modules


Functions to plot pyarts.arts.Ppath in different ways

polar_ppath_helper(rad, tht, ...[, ax])

Just the polar plots required by polar_ppath().


Returns the radial unit

polar_ppath_lat(rad, lat, planetary_radius, ...)

Basic plot for ppath latitudes

polar_ppath_lon(rad, lon, planetary_radius, ...)

Basic plot for ppath longitudes

polar_ppath_map(lat, lon[, ax])

Basic plot for ppath longitudes

polar_ppath_za(za[, ax])

Basic plot for ppath zeniths

polar_ppath_aa(aa[, ax])

Basic plot for ppath azimuths

unwrap_lon(lon, lat)

Unwraps the lat and lon for plotting purposes.


Get the default figure by standard inputs

polar_ppath_default_axes(fig, draw_lat_lon, ...)

Get the default axes

polar_ppath(ppath[, planetary_radius, ...])

Plots a single observation in a polar coordinate system

polar_ppath_list(ppaths[, planetary_radius, ...])

Wraps polar_ppath() for a list of ppaths


Visualize an absorption lookup table.


plot_lookup_xsec(lookup, ipressures[, ...])

Plot the cross section for one or more species of an ARTS lookup table.

plot_lookup_opacity(lookup, opacity[, ...])

Plot the opacity for one or more species of an ARTS lookup table.

calc_opacity_from_lookup(lookup[, z, g, r, ...])

Calculate the opacity from an ARTS lookup table.

plot_arts_lookup(lookup[, opacity, z, g, r, ...])

Visualize an ARTS lookup table.