- class pyarts.arts.AbsorptionLines
Contains line-by-line absorption information for a number of related absorption lines
Workspace methods that can generate AbsorptionLines
Workspace methods that require AbsorptionLines
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: pyarts.arts.AbsorptionLines, selfbroadening: bool = False, bathbroadening: bool = False, cutoff: pyarts.arts.options.AbsorptionCutoffType = None, mirroring: pyarts.arts.options.AbsorptionMirroringType = None, population: pyarts.arts.options.AbsorptionPopulationType = LTE, normalization: pyarts.arts.options.AbsorptionNormalizationType = None, lineshapetype: pyarts.arts.options.LineShapeType = DP, T0: float = 296, cutofffreq: float = -1, linemixinglimit: float = -1, quantumidentity: pyarts.arts.QuantumIdentifier = H2O-161 , broadeningspecies: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpecies = , lines: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionSingleLine = ) -> None
From values
__init__(self: pyarts.arts.AbsorptionLines, val: pyarts.arts.AbsorptionLines) -> None
Copy instance
__init__(self: pyarts.arts.AbsorptionLines, wsv: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable) -> None
Automatic conversion from a workspace variable
(self, line, T, P, VMR)Computes the line shape paramters for the given atmospheric state
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
from filereadxml
(self, file)Read
from filesavexml
(self, file[, type, clobber])Saves
to fileAttributes
Reference temperature for all parameters of the linesbool
Does the line broadening have bath broadening?ArrayOfSpecies
A list of broadening specieAbsorptionCutoffType
Cutoff typefloat
Cutoff frequencyfloat
Linemixing limitAbsorptionSingleLine
A list of individual linesLineShapeType
Line shape typeString
Catalog meta data stringAbsorptionMirroringype
Mirroring typeAbsorptionNormalizationType
Normalization typebool
If False, the catalog cannot be used for any calculationsAbsorptionPopulationType
Line population distributionQuantumIdentifier
Catalog IDbool
Does the line broadening have self broadening?