- pyarts.arts.igrf(z_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor3, lat_grid: pyarts.arts.Vector, lon_grid: pyarts.arts.Vector, t: pyarts.arts.Time = 2025-01-28 15:16:07.872585058, ell: pyarts.arts.Vector = 6378137 0.081819190842621) Annotated[List[pyarts.arts.Tensor3], FixedSize(3)]
Compute the magnetic field according to IGRF
The coefficients are builtin and available for the years 2000-2020. No secular variation is taken into account beyond an interpolation between the available years.
- Parameters:
z_field (Tensor3) – The altitude of the field points.
lat_grid (Vector) – The latitude grid.
lon_grid (Vector) – The longitude grid.
t (Time, optional) – The time of the magnetic field, default is the current time.
ell (Vector, optional) – The ellipsoid model. The default is [6378137, 0.081819190842621].
- Returns:
u (Tensor3) – The u component of the magnetic field.
v (Tensor3) – The v component of the magnetic field.
w (Tensor3) – The w component of the magnetic field.