
class pyarts.arts.CxxWorkspace(*args, **kwargs)

The core ARTS Workspace




Ignore a workspace variable.



Inversion by the so called optimal estimation method (OEM).



Reads split catalog data from a folder structure similar to arts-cat-data



Reads a workspace variable from an XML file.



As ReadXML(), but reads indexed file names.



Add atmospheric property the retrieval setup.



Add magnetic field component to the retrieval setup.



Add atmospheric pressure to the retrieval setup.



Add species isotopologue ratio to the retrieval setup.



Add species VMR to the retrieval setup.



Add surface property the retrieval setup.



Add atmospheric temperature to the retrieval setup.



Add species VMR to the retrieval setup.



Add species VMR to the retrieval setup.



Initialize the retrieval setup.



Integrate Disort spectral radiance.



As Ignore() but for agenda output.



Update state of the model in preparation for a forward model run



Initialize the Wigner tables



Unloads the Wigner tables from static data (see WignerInit())



Writes all the builtin partition functions to file.



Writes a workspace variable to an XML file.



As WriteXML(), but creates indexed file names.



Reads old style catalog but only for absorption_species



Gets modern line catalog from old style



Sets absorption_bands to the state of the model.



Keeps first band of ID



Saves all bands fin absorption_bands to a directory



Saves all bands fin absorption_bands to a directory



Remove first band of with a matching ID



Saves all bands fin absorption_bands to a directory



Remove all lines/bands that strictly falls outside a frequency range



Set the Zeeman splitting for lines within the frequency range



Takes CIARecord as input and appends the results in the appropriate place.



Read data from a CIA data file for all CIA molecules defined



Read data from a CIA XML file and check that all CIA tags defined



Reads a species split CIA dataset.



Sets the data for MT CKD 4.0 Water model



Initialize the predefined model data



Reads absorption_predefined_model_data catalog but only for absorption_species



Sets absorption_species [i][0] to all species in ARTS



Set up a list of absorption species tag groups.



Reads HITRAN Crosssection coefficients



Append data to the atmospheric field based all absorption data



Append base data to the atmospheric field



Append species data to the atmospheric field based on collision-induced data data



Append isotopologue data to the atmospheric field based on line data



Append NLTE data to the atmospheric field based on line data



Append species data to the atmospheric field based on line data



Append species data to the atmospheric field based on predefined model data



Append species data to the atmospheric field based on species data



Append species data to the atmospheric field based on cross-section data



Sets atmospheric_field to the state of the model.



Add the hydrostatic pressure to the atmospheric field



Use IGRF to compute the magnetic field at each point.



Initialize the atmospheric field with some altitude and isotopologue ratios



Reads absorption file from a directory



Initialize an atmospheric point with some isotopologue ratios



Space radiation into Disort is isotropic cosmic background radiation.



Perform Disort calculations for spectral flux.



Use a source function that changes linearly in optical thickness.



Turns off fractional scattering in Disort calculations.



Turns off source radiation in Disort calculations.



Turns off Legendre coefficients in Disort calculations.



Turns off single albedo scattering in Disort calculations.



Turns off boundary condition from space for Disort calculations.



Turns off solar radiation in Disort calculations.



Turns boundary condition from surface for Disort calculations.



Turns off BDRF in Disort calculations.



Get optical thickness from path.



Uses Set the FOV to the sun input for Disort calculations.



Surface radiation into Disort is isotropic from surface temperature.



Turns off BDRF in Disort calculations.



Executes disort_settings_agenda, see it for more details



Sets disort_settings_agenda



Perform Disort calculations for spectral flux.



Use Disort for clearsky calculations of spectral flux field



Use Disort for clearsky calculations of spectral flux field



Perform Disort calculations for spectral radiance.



Use Disort for clearsky calculations of spectral flux field



Use the disort settings agenda to calculate spectral radiance



Sets the O2-66 microwave band data for ECS.



Sets ECS data for air from other data if available.



Sets the CO2-626, CO2-628, and CO2-636 band data for ECS.



Sets the CO2-626, CO2-628, and CO2-636 band data for ECS.



Resets/initializes the ECS data.



Gets the value of the variable with the given name.



Sets a gravity operator from the gravitational constant and the mass of the planet



Checks if the workspace contains the variable.



Initiate the variable to the named type.



Executes inversion_iterate_agenda, see it for more details



Sets an atmospheric target



Set magnetic field derivative



Set pressure derivative



Set isotopologue ratio derivative



Set volume mixing ratio derivative



Sets a surface target



Set temperature derivative



Set wind field derivative



Finalize jacobian_targets for use in RT methods



Initialize or reset the jacobian_targets



Calculate the averaging kernel matrix.



Sets a sensor with a Gaussian channel opening on a computed frequency grid



Sets a sensor with a Gaussian channel opening on a fixed frequency grid



Sets a simple sensor



Sets measurement vector by looping over all sensor elements



Sets measurement vector by looping over all sensor elements



Sets a constant measurement vector error covariance matrix.



Calculates the covariance matrix describing the error due to uncertainties



Sets the fitted measurement vector to the current measurement vector.



Set a species model state covariance matrix element.



Initialises the model state covariance matrix to the identity matrix.



Calculates the covariance matrix describing the error due to smoothing.



Sets model_state_vector’s atmospheric part.



Sets model_state_vector’s absorption line part.



Get model_state_vector from available data



Sets model_state_vector’s surface part.



Sets model_state_vector to the size jacobian_targets demand.



Sets model_state_vector to 0.0



Get model_state_vector_apriori from available data



Sets the a priori state of the model state vector to the current state.



Calculate absorption coefficients per tag group for HITRAN CIA continua.



Calculates absorption matrix describing Faraday rotation.



Modern line-by-line calculations



Adds all of the predefined models in absorption_species to the propagation_matrix



Calculate absorption cross sections per tag group for HITRAN xsec species.



Initialize propagation_matrix, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte, and their derivatives to zeroes.



Sets the propagation_matrix_agenda automatically



Executes propagation_matrix_agenda, see it for more details



Sets propagation_matrix_agenda to a default value



Add simple air to propagation_matrix_scattering.



Initialize propagation_matrix_scattering to zeroes.



Executes propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda, see it for more details



Sets propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda to a default value



Get a geometric radiation path



Wraps ray_pathGeometric() for straight downlooking paths from the top-of-the-atmosphere altitude



Get a geometric radiation path that crosses the tangent altitude



Wraps ray_pathGeometric() for straight uplooking paths from the surface altitude at the position



Gets the atmospheric points along the path.



Gets the frequency grid along the path.



Executes ray_path_observer_agenda, see it for more details



Sets ray_path_observer_agenda



Sets ray_path_point to the expected background point of ray_path



Sets ray_path_point to the expected foreground point of ray_path



Sets ray_path_point to the lowest point of ray_path.



Adds the scattering part of the propagation matrix to the rest along the path.



Gets the propagation matrix and non-LTE source term along the path.



Gets the propagation matrix for scattering along the path.



Add suns to ray_path_spectral_radiance_source.



Adds the scattering part of the propagation matrix to the rest along the path.



Gets the source term along the path.



Wraps sun_pathFromObserverAgenda() for all paths to all suns.



Gets the transmission matrix in layers along the path.



Sets ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative by forward iteration of ray_path_transmission_matrix



Sets A path of Zeeman effec magnetic field properties.



Set the variable to the new value.



Get the sorting of the bands by first quantum identifier then some criteria



Applies a unit to spectral_radiance, returning a new field



Apply unit changes to spectral radiance and its Jacobian



Computes clearsky transmission of spectral radiances



Computes clearsky emission of spectral radiances



Computes clearsky emission of spectral radiances



Computes clearsky transmission of spectral radiances



Gets the spectral radiance from the path emission.



Gets the spectral radiance from the path transmission.



Sets default spectral_radiance and spectral_radiance_jacobian for transmission.



Integrate Disort spectral radiance.



Gets the spectral radiance from the path.



Get the spectral radiance of a sun or of the cosmic background if the sun is not hit.



Get the spectral radiance of a sun or of the cosmic background if no sun is hit.



Set surface spectral radiance from Planck function of the surface temperature



Background spectral radiance is from a uniform cosmic background temperature.



Computes the background radiation.



Computes the spectral radiance field using ray_path_observer_agenda.



Computes the spectral radiance field assuming planar geometric paths



Adds the propagation variables to spectral_radiance_jacobian



Applies a unit to spectral_radiance, returning a new field



Set the cosmic background radiation derivative to empty.



Sets spectral_radiance_jacobian from the background values



Executes spectral_radiance_observer_agenda, see it for more details



Sets spectral_radiance_space_agenda



Set up a 1D spectral radiance operator



Executes spectral_radiance_space_agenda, see it for more details



Sets spectral_radiance_space_agenda



Executes spectral_radiance_surface_agenda, see it for more details



Sets spectral_radiance_surface_agenda



Set sun to blackbody.



Extracts a sun spectrum from a field of such data.



Find a path that hits the sun if possible



Add sun to suns, only exist for composability.



Earth reference ellipsoids.



Europa reference ellipsoids.



Sets surface_field to the state of the model.



Ganymede reference ellipsoids.



Manual setting of the reference ellipsoid.



Io reference ellipsoids.



Jupiter reference ellipsoids.



Mars reference ellipsoids.



Moon reference ellipsoids.



Sets the planet base surface field



Venus reference ellipsoids.



Swap the workspace for andother.



Sets transmission_matrix_background to back of ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative



Sets transmission_matrix_background to front of ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative



Calculate equivalent water pressure according to Murphy and Koop, 2005



ArrayOfAbsorptionBand Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations.



ArrayOfCIARecord HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data.



PredefinedModelData This contains predefined model data.



ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag Tag groups for gas absorption.



ArrayOfXsecRecord Fitting model coefficients for cross section species.



AtmField An atmospheric field in ARTS.



AtmPoint An atmospheric point in ARTS.



JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap A helper map for setting the covariance matrix.



Index The number of Fourier modes for Disort.



Index The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort.



Vector The quadrature angles for Disort.



Index The quadrature size for Disort.



Vector The quadrature weights for Disort.



DisortSettings Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations.



Agenda An agenda for setting up Disort.



Tensor3 The spectral flux field from Disort.



Tensor4 The spectral radiance field from Disort.



LinemixingEcsData Error corrected sudden data



AscendingGrid The discrete frequency grid.



NumericTernaryOperator The gravity operator.



Agenda Work in progress …



Index A counter for the inversion iterate agenda.



Index A boolean for if Jacobian calculations should be done.



JacobianTargets A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations.



Matrix Averaging kernel matrix.



Matrix Contribution function (or gain) matrix.



Matrix The partial derivatives of the measurement_vector.



ArrayOfSensorObsel A list of sensor elements.



Vector The measurment vector for, e.g., a sensor.



CovarianceMatrix Covariance matrix for observation uncertainties.



Vector As measurement_vector, but fitted to the model.



CovarianceMatrix Covariance matrix of a priori distribution.



Vector A state vector of the model.



Vector An apriori state vector of the model.



PropmatVector This contains the propagation matrix for the current path point.



Agenda Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives






PropmatVector This contains the propagation matrix for scattering for the current path point.



Agenda Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives



SpeciesEnum A select species tag group from absorption_species



StokvecVector The part of the source vector that is due to non-LTE.



StokvecMatrix Partial derivative of the propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte with regards to jacobian_targets.



ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint A list path points making up a propagation path.



ArrayOfAtmPoint Atmospheric points along the propagation path.



ArrayOfAscendingGrid Atmospheric frequency grids along the propagation path.



Agenda Get the propagation path as it is obeserved.



PropagationPathPoint A single path point.



ArrayOfPropmatVector Propagation matrices along the propagation path



ArrayOfPropmatMatrix Propagation derivative matrices along the propagation path



ArrayOfPropmatVector Propagation matrices along the propagation path for scattering



ArrayOfStokvecVector Additional non-LTE along the propagation path



ArrayOfStokvecMatrix Additional non-LTE derivative along the propagation path



ArrayOfStokvecMatrix Spectral radiance derivative along the propagation path



ArrayOfStokvecVector Spectral radiance scattered into the propagation path



ArrayOfStokvecVector Source vectors along the propagation path



ArrayOfStokvecMatrix Source derivative vectors along the propagation path



ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint A list of paths to the suns from the ray path.



ArrayOfMuelmatVector Transmission matrices along the propagation path.



ArrayOfMuelmatVector Cumulative transmission matrices along the propagation path



ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 Transmission derivative matrices along the propagation path.



StokvecVector A spectral radiance vector.



StokvecVector Spectral radiance from the background



StokvecMatrix Spectral radiance derivative from the background



StokvecMatrix Jacobian of spectral_radiance with respect to jacobian_targets.



Agenda Spectral radiance as seen from the input position and environment



Vector2 The position of the observer of spectral radiance.



Vector3 The position of an observer of spectral radiance.



SpectralRadianceOperator The spectral radiance operator.



Agenda Spectral radiance as seen of space.



Agenda Spectral radiance as seen of the surface.



String The spectral radiance unit after conversion.



Sun A sun.



ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint A path to a sun if it is visible.



ArrayOfSun A list of Sun.



SurfaceField The surface field describes the surface properties.



MuelmatVector Transmittance from the background



Return self==value.



Return self>=value.



Return self>value.



Return hash(self).



Allows iter(self)



Return self<=value.



Return self<value.



Return self!=value.


__init__(self, with_defaults: bool = True) None


Ignore(self, input: object | None = None) None

Ignore a workspace variable.

This method is handy for use in agendas in order to suppress warnings about unused input workspace variables. What it does is: Nothing! In other words, it just ignores the variable it is called on.

This method can ignore any workspace variable you want.

Author(s): Stefan Buehler


input (Any) – Variable to be ignored. [IN]

OEM(self, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_vector_fitted: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_jacobian: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, measurement_gain_matrix: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, oem_diagnostics: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, lm_ga_history: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, errors: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfString | None = None, model_state_vector_apriori: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, model_state_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None, measurement_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None, inversion_iterate_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, method: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, max_start_cost: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, model_state_covariance_matrix_normalization: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, max_iter: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, stop_dx: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, lm_ga_settings: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, clear_matrices: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, display_progress: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Inversion by the so called optimal estimation method (OEM).

Work in progress …

The cost function to minimise, including a normalisation with length of measurement_vector, is:

cost = cost_y + cost_x


cost_y = 1/m * [y-yf]’ * covmat_se_inv * [y-yf] cost_x = 1/m * [x-xa]’ * covmat_sx_inv * [x-xa]

The current implementation provides 3 methods for the minimization of the cost functional: Linear, Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt. The Gauss-Newton minimizer attempts to find a minimum solution by fitting a quadratic function to the cost functional. The linear minimizer is a special case of the Gauss-Newton method, since for a linear forward model the exact solution of the minimization problem is obtained after the first step. The Levenberg-Marquardt method adaptively constrains the search region for the next iteration step by means of the so-called gamma-factor. This makes the method more suitable for strongly non-linear problems. If the gamma-factor is 0, Levenberg-Marquardt and Gauss-Newton method are identical. Each minimization method (li,gn,lm) has an indirect variant (li_cg,gn_cg,lm_cg), which uses the conjugate gradient solver for the linear system that has to be solved in each minimzation step. This of advantage for very large problems, that would otherwise require the computation of expensive matrix products.

Description of the special input arguments:

  • method:

    • "li": A linear problem is assumed and a single iteration is performed.

    • "li_cg": A linear problem is assumed and solved using the CG solver.

    • "gn": Non-linear, with Gauss-Newton iteration scheme.

    • "gn_cg": Non-linear, with Gauss-Newton and conjugate gradient solver.

    • "lm": Non-linear, with Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) iteration scheme.

    • "lm_cg": Non-linear, with Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) iteration scheme and conjugate gradient solver.

  • max_start_cost:

    No inversion is done if the cost matching the a priori state is above this value. If set to a negative value, all values are accepted. This argument also controls if the start cost is calculated. If set to <= 0, the start cost in oem_diagnostics is set to NaN when using “li” and “gn”.

  • x_norm:

    A normalisation vector for model_state_vector. A normalisation of model_state_vector can be needed due to limited numerical precision. If this vector is set to be empty no normalisation is done (defualt case). Otherwise, this must be a vector with same length as model_state_vector, just having values above zero. Elementwise division between model_state_vector and x_norm (x./x_norm) shall give a vector where all values are in the order of unity. Maybe the best way to set x_norm is x_norm = sqrt( diag( Sx ) ).

  • max_iter:

    Maximum number of iterations to perform. No effect for “li”.

  • stop_dx:n”

    Iteration stop criterion. The criterion used is the same as given in Rodgers' “Inverse Methods for Atmospheric Sounding”

  • lm_ga_settings:

    Settings controlling the gamma factor, part of the “LM” method. This is a vector of length 6, having the elements (0-based index):

    1. Start value.

    2. Fractional decrease after succesfull iteration.

    3. Fractional increase after unsuccessful iteration.

    4. Maximum allowed value. If the value is passed, the inversion is halted.

    5. Lower treshold. If the threshold is passed, gamma is set to zero. If gamma must be increased from zero, gamma is set to this value.

    6. Gamma limit. This is an additional stop criterion. Convergence is not considered until there has been one succesful iteration having a gamma <= this value.

    The default setting triggers an error if “lm” is selected.

  • clear matrices:

    With this flag set to 1, measurement_jacobian and measurement_gain_matrix are returned as empty matrices.

  • display_progress:

    Controls if there is any screen output. The overall report level is ignored by this WSM.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [INOUT]

  • measurement_vector_fitted (Vector, optional) – As measurement_vector, but fitted to the model. See measurement_vector_fitted, defaults to self.measurement_vector_fitted [INOUT]

  • measurement_jacobian (Matrix, optional) – The partial derivatives of the measurement_vector. See measurement_jacobian, defaults to self.measurement_jacobian [INOUT]

  • measurement_gain_matrix (Matrix, optional) – Contribution function (or gain) matrix. See measurement_gain_matrix, defaults to self.measurement_gain_matrix [OUT]

  • oem_diagnostics (Vector) – Basic diagnostics of an OEM type inversion. Defaults to create and/or use self.oem_diagnostics : Vector. [OUT]

  • lm_ga_history (Vector) – The series of gamma values for a Marquardt-levenberg inversion. Defaults to create and/or use self.lm_ga_history : Vector. [OUT]

  • errors (ArrayOfString) – Errors encountered during OEM execution. Defaults to create and/or use self.errors : ArrayOfString. [OUT]

  • model_state_vector_apriori (Vector, optional) – An apriori state vector of the model. See model_state_vector_apriori, defaults to self.model_state_vector_apriori [IN]

  • model_state_covariance_matrix (CovarianceMatrix, optional) – Covariance matrix of a priori distribution. See model_state_covariance_matrix, defaults to self.model_state_covariance_matrix [IN]

  • measurement_vector (Vector, optional) – The measurment vector for, e.g., a sensor. See measurement_vector, defaults to self.measurement_vector [IN]

  • measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix (CovarianceMatrix, optional) – Covariance matrix for observation uncertainties. See measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix, defaults to self.measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix [IN]

  • inversion_iterate_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Work in progress … See inversion_iterate_agenda, defaults to self.inversion_iterate_agenda [IN]

  • method (String) – Iteration method. For this and all options below, see further above. [IN]

  • max_start_cost (Numeric, optional) – Maximum allowed value of cost function at start. Defaults to inf [IN]

  • model_state_covariance_matrix_normalization (Vector, optional) – Normalisation of Sx. Defaults to [] [IN]

  • max_iter (Index, optional) – Maximum number of iterations. Defaults to 10 [IN]

  • stop_dx (Numeric, optional) – Stop criterion for iterative inversions. Defaults to 0.01 [IN]

  • lm_ga_settings (Vector, optional) – Settings associated with the ga factor of the LM method. Defaults to [] [IN]

  • clear_matrices (Index, optional) – An option to save memory. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • display_progress (Index, optional) – Flag to control if inversion diagnostics shall be printed on the screen. Defaults to 0 [IN]

ReadCatalogData(self, absorption_predefined_model_data: pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | None = None, absorption_xsec_fit_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfXsecRecord | None = None, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Reads split catalog data from a folder structure similar to arts-cat-data


Author(s): Richard Larsson

ReadXML(self, output: object | None = None, filename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Reads a workspace variable from an XML file.

This method can read variables of any group.

If the filename is omitted, the variable is read from <basename>.<variable_name>.xml. If the given filename does not exist, this method will also look for files with an added .xml, .xml.gz and .gz extension

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

  • output (Any) – Variable to be read. Defaults to create and/or use self.output : Any. [OUT]

  • filename (String, optional) – Name of the XML file. Defaults to "" [IN]

ReadXMLIndexed(self, output: object | None = None, file_index: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, filename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, digits: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

As ReadXML(), but reads indexed file names.

The variable is read from a file with name:


where <file_index> is the value of file_index.

This means that filename shall here not include the .xml extension. Omitting filename works as for ReadXML().

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

  • output (Any) – Workspace variable to be read. Defaults to create and/or use self.output : Any. [OUT]

  • file_index (Index) – Index of the file to read. [IN]

  • filename (String, optional) – File name. See above. Defaults to "" [IN]

  • digits (Index, optional) – Equalize the widths of all numbers by padding with zeros as necessary. 0 means no padding (default). Defaults to 0 [IN]

RetrievalAddAtmosphere(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.AtmKey | pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | pyarts.arts.QuantumIdentifier | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add atmospheric property the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

RetrievalAddMagneticField(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, component: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add magnetic field component to the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks (JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap, optional) – A helper map for setting the covariance matrix. See covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks, defaults to self.covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks [INOUT]

  • component (String) – The magnetic field component added to the retrieval system. [IN]

  • matrix (BlockMatrix) – The covariance diagonal block matrix. [IN]

  • inverse (BlockMatrix, optional) – The inverse covariance diagonal block matrix. Defaults to pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix() [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The delta of the value incase manual perturbation is needed. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

RetrievalAddPressure(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add atmospheric pressure to the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks (JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap, optional) – A helper map for setting the covariance matrix. See covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks, defaults to self.covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks [INOUT]

  • matrix (BlockMatrix) – The covariance diagonal block matrix. [IN]

  • inverse (BlockMatrix, optional) – The inverse covariance diagonal block matrix. Defaults to pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix() [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The delta of the value incase manual perturbation is needed. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

RetrievalAddSpeciesIsotopologueRatio(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add species isotopologue ratio to the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks (JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap, optional) – A helper map for setting the covariance matrix. See covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks, defaults to self.covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks [INOUT]

  • species (SpeciesIsotope) – The isotopologue ratio added to the retrieval system. [IN]

  • matrix (BlockMatrix) – The covariance diagonal block matrix. [IN]

  • inverse (BlockMatrix, optional) – The inverse covariance diagonal block matrix. Defaults to pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix() [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The delta of the value incase manual perturbation is needed. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

RetrievalAddSpeciesVMR(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add species VMR to the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks (JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap, optional) – A helper map for setting the covariance matrix. See covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks, defaults to self.covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks [INOUT]

  • species (SpeciesEnum) – The species added to the retrieval system. [IN]

  • matrix (BlockMatrix) – The covariance diagonal block matrix. [IN]

  • inverse (BlockMatrix, optional) – The inverse covariance diagonal block matrix. Defaults to pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix() [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The delta of the value incase manual perturbation is needed. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

RetrievalAddSurface(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SurfaceKey | pyarts.arts.SurfaceTypeTag | pyarts.arts.SurfacePropertyTag | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add surface property the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

RetrievalAddTemperature(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add atmospheric temperature to the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks (JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap, optional) – A helper map for setting the covariance matrix. See covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks, defaults to self.covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks [INOUT]

  • matrix (BlockMatrix) – The covariance diagonal block matrix. [IN]

  • inverse (BlockMatrix, optional) – The inverse covariance diagonal block matrix. Defaults to pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix() [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The delta of the value incase manual perturbation is needed. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

RetrievalAddWindField(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, component: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Add species VMR to the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks (JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap, optional) – A helper map for setting the covariance matrix. See covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks, defaults to self.covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks [INOUT]

  • component (String) – The magnetic field component added to the retrieval system. [IN]

  • matrix (BlockMatrix) – The covariance diagonal block matrix. [IN]

  • inverse (BlockMatrix, optional) – The inverse covariance diagonal block matrix. Defaults to pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix() [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The delta of the value incase manual perturbation is needed. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

RetrievalFinalizeDiagonal(self, model_state_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None) None

Add species VMR to the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

RetrievalInit(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, model_state_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None, covariance_matrix_diagonal_blocks: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | None = None) None

Initialize the retrieval setup.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

SpectralFluxDisort(self, spectral_flux_field_up: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, spectral_flux_field_down: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, disort_spectral_flux_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor3 | None = None) None

Integrate Disort spectral radiance.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_flux_field_up (Matrix) – Upward spectral flux field. Defaults to create and/or use self.spectral_flux_field_up : Matrix. [OUT]

  • spectral_flux_field_down (Matrix) – Downward spectral flux field. Defaults to create and/or use self.spectral_flux_field_down : Matrix. [OUT]

  • disort_spectral_flux_field (Tensor3, optional) – The spectral flux field from Disort. See disort_spectral_flux_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_flux_field [IN]

Touch(self, input: object | None = None) None

As Ignore() but for agenda output.

This method is handy for use in agendas in order to suppress warnings about not-produced output workspace variables.

What it does, in case the variable is initialized already, is: Nothing! In case the variable is not yet initialized, it is set to NaN.

Author(s): Oliver Lemke


input (Any) – Variable to do nothing with. Defaults to create and/or use self.input : Any. [OUT]

UpdateModelStates(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Update state of the model in preparation for a forward model run

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.absorption_bandsFromModelState()
6 ws.surface_fieldFromModelState()
7 ws.atmospheric_fieldFromModelState()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [INOUT]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [INOUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [IN]

WignerInit(self, fast_wigner_stored_symbols: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, largest_wigner_symbol_parameter: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, symbol_type: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Initialize the Wigner tables

The default values take about 1 Gb memory.

The static data is kept in an external library and is therefore only available inside ARTS. Nevertheless, this must be set by the application because any default value might be too small or too large for the needs of any one application.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • fast_wigner_stored_symbols (Index, optional) – Number of stored symbols possible before replacements. Defaults to 20000000 [IN]

  • largest_wigner_symbol_parameter (Index, optional) – Largest symbol used for initializing factorials (e.g., largest J or L). Defaults to 250 [IN]

  • symbol_type (Index, optional) – Type of symbol (3 or 6). Defaults to 6 [IN]

WignerUnload(self) None

Unloads the Wigner tables from static data (see WignerInit())

Author(s): Richard Larsson

WriteBuiltinPartitionFunctionsXML(self, output_file_format: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, dir: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, Tlow: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, Tupp: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, N: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Writes all the builtin partition functions to file.

All available partition functions are written to files in the select format in the select directory

The temperature will be linearly spaced between [Tlow, Tupp] with N values

See FileType for valid output_file_format.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • output_file_format (String, optional) – The format of the output. Defaults to "ascii" [IN]

  • dir (String) – The directory to write the data towards. [IN]

  • Tlow (Numeric) – The lowest temperature. [IN]

  • Tupp (Numeric) – The highest temperature. [IN]

  • N (Index) – The number of temperature points. [IN]

WriteXML(self, output_file_format: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, input: object | None = None, filename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, no_clobber: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Writes a workspace variable to an XML file.

This method can write variables of any group.

If the filename is omitted, the variable is written to <basename>.<variable_name>.xml. If no_clobber is set to 1, an increasing number will be appended to the filename if the file already exists.

See FileType for valid output_file_format.

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

  • output_file_format (String, optional) – The format of the output. Defaults to "ascii" [IN]

  • input (Any) – Variable to be saved. [IN]

  • filename (String, optional) – Name of the XML file. Defaults to "" [IN]

  • no_clobber (Index, optional) – 0: Overwrite existing files, 1: Use unique filenames. Defaults to 0 [IN]

WriteXMLIndexed(self, output_file_format: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, file_index: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, input: object | None = None, filename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, digits: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

As WriteXML(), but creates indexed file names.

The variable is written to a file with name:


where <file_index> is the value of file_index.

This means that filename shall here not include the .xml extension. Omitting filename works as for WriteXML().

See FileType for valid output_file_format.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson, Oliver Lemke

  • output_file_format (String, optional) – The format of the output. Defaults to "ascii" [IN]

  • file_index (Index) – Index number for files. [IN]

  • input (Any) – Workspace variable to be saved. [IN]

  • filename (String, optional) – File name. See above. Defaults to "" [IN]

  • digits (Index, optional) – Equalize the widths of all numbers by padding with zeros as necessary. 0 means no padding (default). Defaults to 0 [IN]

abs_lines_per_speciesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, abs_lines_per_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, robust: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Reads old style catalog but only for absorption_species

Author(s): Richard Larsson

absorption_bandsFromAbsorbtionLines(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, abs_lines_per_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines | None = None) None

Gets modern line catalog from old style

Author(s): Richard Larsson

absorption_bandsFromModelState(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets absorption_bands to the state of the model.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [INOUT]

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

absorption_bandsKeepID(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, id: pyarts.arts.QuantumIdentifier | None = None, line: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Keeps first band of ID

If line is positive, also keep only the line of this index

Author(s): Richard Larsson

absorption_bandsReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Saves all bands fin absorption_bands to a directory

This will create the directory if it does not exist. It will also create subdirectories that are the short-form of the isotopologue names. The bands will be stored as 0.xml, 1.xml, 2.xml, and so on

The dir path has to be absolute or relative to the working path, the environment variables are not considered

Author(s): Richard Larsson

absorption_bandsReadSplit(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, dir: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Saves all bands fin absorption_bands to a directory

This will create the directory if it does not exist. It will also create subdirectories that are the short-form of the isotopologue names. The bands will be stored as 0.xml, 1.xml, 2.xml, and so on

The dir path has to be absolute or relative to the working path, the environment variables are not considered

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [OUT]

  • dir (String) – Absolute or relative path to the directory. [IN]

absorption_bandsRemoveID(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, id: pyarts.arts.QuantumIdentifier | None = None) None

Remove first band of with a matching ID

Author(s): Richard Larsson

absorption_bandsSaveSplit(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, dir: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Saves all bands fin absorption_bands to a directory

This will create the directory if it does not exist. It will also create subdirectories that are the short-form of the isotopologue names. The bands will be stored as 0.xml, 1.xml, 2.xml, and so on

The dir path has to be absolute or relative to the working path, the environment variables are not considered

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • dir (String) – Absolute or relative path to the directory. [IN]

absorption_bandsSelectFrequency(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, fmin: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, fmax: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, by_line: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Remove all lines/bands that strictly falls outside a frequency range

The line’s of each band must be sorted by frequency

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [INOUT]

  • fmin (Numeric, optional) – Minimum frequency to keep. Defaults to -inf [IN]

  • fmax (Numeric, optional) – Maximum frequency to keep. Defaults to inf [IN]

  • by_line (Index, optional) – Selection is done line-by-line (if true) or band-by-band (if false). Defaults to 0 [IN]

absorption_bandsSetZeeman(self, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | None = None, fmin: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, fmax: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, on: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Set the Zeeman splitting for lines within the frequency range

See SpeciesIsotope for valid species

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [INOUT]

  • species (SpeciesIsotope) – Isotopologue of the species. [IN]

  • fmin (Numeric) – Minimum line frequency to set Zeeman splitting for. [IN]

  • fmax (Numeric) – Maximum line frequency to set Zeeman splitting for. [IN]

  • on (Index, optional) – On or off. Defaults to 1 [IN]

absorption_cia_dataAddCIARecord(self, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, cia_record: pyarts.arts.CIARecord | None = None, clobber: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Takes CIARecord as input and appends the results in the appropriate place.

If CIARecord has same species as species in absorption_cia_data, then the array position is used to append all of the CIARecord into the array. If clobber evaluates as true, cia_record overwrites the appropriate absorption_cia_data. If species in cia_record are not in absorption_cia_data, the CIARecord is pushed back.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_cia_data (ArrayOfCIARecord, optional) – HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data. See absorption_cia_data, defaults to self.absorption_cia_data [INOUT]

  • cia_record (CIARecord) – CIA record to append to absorption_cia_data. [IN]

  • clobber (Index, optional) – If true, the new input clobbers the old cia data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

absorption_cia_dataReadFromCIA(self, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, catalogpath: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Read data from a CIA data file for all CIA molecules defined in absorption_species.

The units in the HITRAN file are:
  • Frequency: cm^(-1)

  • Binary absorption cross-section: cm^5 molec^(-2)

Upon reading we convert this to the ARTS internal SI units of Hz and m^5 molec^(-2).

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

absorption_cia_dataReadFromXML(self, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, filename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Read data from a CIA XML file and check that all CIA tags defined in absorption_species are present in the file.

The units of the data are described in absorption_cia_dataReadFromCIA().

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

absorption_cia_dataReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, robust: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Reads a species split CIA dataset.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_cia_data (ArrayOfCIARecord, optional) – HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data. See absorption_cia_data, defaults to self.absorption_cia_data [OUT]

  • absorption_species (ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag, optional) – Tag groups for gas absorption. See absorption_species, defaults to self.absorption_species [IN]

  • basename (String) – The path to the split catalog files. [IN]

  • robust (Index, optional) – Flag to continue in case nothing is found [0 throws, 1 continues]. Defaults to 0 [IN]

absorption_predefined_model_dataAddWaterMTCKD400(self, absorption_predefined_model_data: pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | None = None, ref_temp: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, ref_press: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, ref_h2o_vmr: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, self_absco_ref: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, for_absco_ref: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, wavenumbers: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, self_texp: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Sets the data for MT CKD 4.0 Water model

Note that the vectors must have the same length, and that wavenumbers must be growing at a constant rate. The minimum length is 4.

Note also that as this is predefined model data, the units of the values of the vectors must be as described by each vector.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • absorption_predefined_model_data (PredefinedModelData, optional) – This contains predefined model data. See absorption_predefined_model_data, defaults to self.absorption_predefined_model_data [INOUT]

  • ref_temp (Numeric) – Reference temperature. [IN]

  • ref_press (Numeric) – Reference pressure. [IN]

  • ref_h2o_vmr (Numeric) – Reference volume mixing ratio of water. [IN]

  • self_absco_ref (Vector) – Self absorption [1/(cm-1 molecules/cm^2]. [IN]

  • for_absco_ref (Vector) – Foreign absorption [1/(cm-1 molecules/cm^2)]. [IN]

  • wavenumbers (Vector) – Wavenumbers [cm-1]. [IN]

  • self_texp (Vector) – Self temperature exponent [-]. [IN]

absorption_predefined_model_dataInit(self, absorption_predefined_model_data: pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | None = None) None

Initialize the predefined model data

Author(s): Richard Larsson


absorption_predefined_model_data (PredefinedModelData, optional) – This contains predefined model data. See absorption_predefined_model_data, defaults to self.absorption_predefined_model_data [OUT]

absorption_predefined_model_dataReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, absorption_predefined_model_data: pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, name_missing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Reads absorption_predefined_model_data catalog but only for absorption_species

If name_missing is true, missing models are set to named model, which is the most common form of a predefined model.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

absorption_speciesDefineAll(self, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None) None

Sets absorption_species [i][0] to all species in ARTS

Author(s): Richard Larsson


absorption_species (ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag, optional) – Tag groups for gas absorption. See absorption_species, defaults to self.absorption_species [OUT]

absorption_speciesSet(self, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfString | None = None) None

Set up a list of absorption species tag groups.

Workspace variables like absorption_species contain several tag groups. Each tag group contains one or more tags. This method converts descriptions of tag groups given in the keyword to the ARTS internal representation (an ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag). A tag group selects spectral features which belong to the same species.

A tag is defined in terms of the name of the species, isotopologue, and a range of frequencies. Species are named after the standard chemical names, e.g., "O3". Isotopologues are given by the last digit of the atomic weight, i.g., "O3-668" for the asymmetric ozone molecule including an oxygen 18 atom. Groups of transitions are specified by giving a lower and upper limit of a frequency range, e.g., "O3-666-500e9-501e9".

The symbol "*" acts as a wild card. Furthermore, frequency range or frequency range and isotopologue may be omitted.


>>> species = [ "O3-666-500e9-501e9, O3-686", "O3", "H2O-PWR98" ]

The first tag group selects all O3-666 lines between 500 and 501 GHz plus all O3-686 lines.

The second tag group selects all remaining O3 transitions.

The third tag group selects H2O, with one of the complete absorption models (Rosenkranz 98). No spectrocopic line catalogue data will be used for that third tag group. For more available full absorption models see propagation_matrixAddPredefined()

Note that order of tag groups in the species list matters. In our example, changing the order of the first two tag group will give different results: as "O3" already selects all O3 transitions, no lines will remain to be selected by the "O3-666-500e9-501e9, O3-686" tag.

For CIA species the tag consists of the two involved species and a dataset index. CIA species can be defined for multiple regions The dataset index determines which region to use from the corresponding CIARecord in absorption_cia_data.


>>> species = [ "N2-CIA-N2-0, N2-CIA-N2-1" ]

For Hitran cross section species the tag consists of the species and the tagtype XFIT, e.g. CFC11-XFIT. The data for the species must be available in the absorption_xsec_fit_data variable.

Author(s): Stefan Buehler

  • absorption_species (ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag, optional) – Tag groups for gas absorption. See absorption_species, defaults to self.absorption_species [OUT]

  • species (ArrayOfString) – Specify one String for each tag group that you want to create. Inside the String, separate the tags by commas (plus optional blanks). [IN]

absorption_xsec_fit_dataReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, absorption_xsec_fit_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfXsecRecord | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Reads HITRAN Crosssection coefficients

Reads coefficient files for HITRAN Xsec species defined in absorption_species.

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

atmospheric_fieldAppendAbsorptionData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, load_isot: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, load_nlte: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append data to the atmospheric field based all absorption data

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.


Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • load_isot (Index, optional) – Whether or not to load isotopologue data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • load_nlte (Index, optional) – Whether or not to load NLTE data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendBaseData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, deal_with_field_component: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, allow_missing_pressure: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, allow_missing_temperature: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append base data to the atmospheric field

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the form

  • “…t.xml”

  • “…p.xml”

  • “…wind_u.xml”

  • “…wind_v.xml”

  • “…wind_w.xml”

  • “…mag_u.xml”

  • “…mag_v.xml”

  • “…mag_w.xml”

If any of these files are found, they are appended to the atmospheric field.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

See MissingFieldComponentError for valid deal_with_field_component.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

The allow_missing_pressure and allow_missing_temperature are used to determine if the method should throw if the pressure or temperature is missing.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • deal_with_field_component (String, optional) – How to deal with the field component. Defaults to "Throw" [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • allow_missing_pressure (Index, optional) – Whether or not to allow missing pressure data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • allow_missing_temperature (Index, optional) – Whether or not to allow missing temperature data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendCIASpeciesData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append species data to the atmospheric field based on collision-induced data data

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the short-name form: “species.xml” (e.g., “H2O.xml”). See SpeciesEnum for valid short names.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

The missing_is_zero sets missing data to zero.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • absorption_cia_data (ArrayOfCIARecord, optional) – HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data. See absorption_cia_data, defaults to self.absorption_cia_data [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendLineIsotopologueData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append isotopologue data to the atmospheric field based on line data

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the form: “species-n.xml” (e.g., “H2O-161.xml”). See SpeciesIsotopeRecord for valid isotopologue names.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

The missing_is_zero sets missing data to zero.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendLineLevelData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append NLTE data to the atmospheric field based on line data

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the form: “species-n QN1 N1 N1 QN2 N2 N2.xml” (e.g., “O2-66 J 1 1 N 0 0.xml”). See SpeciesIsotopeRecord for valid isotopologue names and QuantumNumberValue for valid quantum numbers.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

The missing_is_zero sets missing data to zero.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendLineSpeciesData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append species data to the atmospheric field based on line data

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the short-name form: “species.xml” (e.g., “H2O.xml”). See SpeciesEnum for valid short names.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

The missing_is_zero sets missing data to zero.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendPredefSpeciesData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, absorption_predefined_model_data: pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append species data to the atmospheric field based on predefined model data

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the short-name form: “species.xml” (e.g., “H2O.xml”). See SpeciesEnum for valid short names.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

The missing_is_zero sets missing data to zero.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • absorption_predefined_model_data (PredefinedModelData, optional) – This contains predefined model data. See absorption_predefined_model_data, defaults to self.absorption_predefined_model_data [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendTagsSpeciesData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append species data to the atmospheric field based on species data

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the short-name form: “species.xml” (e.g., “H2O.xml”). See SpeciesEnum for valid short names.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

The missing_is_zero sets missing data to zero.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • absorption_species (ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag, optional) – Tag groups for gas absorption. See absorption_species, defaults to self.absorption_species [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldAppendXsecSpeciesData(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, absorption_xsec_fit_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfXsecRecord | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, replace_existing: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Append species data to the atmospheric field based on cross-section data

This will look at the valid basename for files matching base data. The base data file names are of the short-name form: “species.xml” (e.g., “H2O.xml”). See SpeciesEnum for valid short names.

See InterpolationExtrapolation for valid extrapolation.

The missing_is_zero sets missing data to zero.

The replace_existing is used to determine if the data should be replaced if it already exists in the atmospheric field.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • absorption_xsec_fit_data (ArrayOfXsecRecord, optional) – Fitting model coefficients for cross section species. See absorption_xsec_fit_data, defaults to self.absorption_xsec_fit_data [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • replace_existing (Index, optional) – Whether or not to replace existing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldFromModelState(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets atmospheric_field to the state of the model.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

atmospheric_fieldHydrostaticPressure(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, gravity_operator: pyarts.arts.NumericTernaryOperator | None = None, p0: pyarts.arts.GriddedField2 | None = None, alts: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, fixed_specific_gas_constant: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, fixed_atmospheric_temperature: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hydrostatic_option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Add the hydrostatic pressure to the atmospheric field

The field must already be able to compute temperature as a function of altitude, latitude, and longitude.

If it also contains species data, the species are used to compute the average mass of the atmospheric molecules to get the specific gas constant. Note that this can also be overwritte with a positive value for the equivalent GIN.

The alts vector contains the altitude grid values that limits the extrapolation distance in altitude. The first altitude in this list should corresond to the altitude of the p0 grid. The extrapolation outside of this range simply uses the hydrostatic equation $P_1 = P_0 - g * h * rho$ by means of the specific gas constant omputed as desribed above and the pressure of the lower or first altitude level.

See HydrostaticPressureOption for valid hydrostatic_option.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • gravity_operator (NumericTernaryOperator, optional) – The gravity operator. See gravity_operator, defaults to self.gravity_operator [IN]

  • p0 (GriddedField2) – Lowest altitude pressure field. [IN]

  • alts (Vector) – Altitude vector. [IN]

  • fixed_specific_gas_constant (Numeric, optional) – Specific gas constant if larger than 0. Defaults to -1 [IN]

  • fixed_atmospheric_temperature (Numeric, optional) – Constant atmospheric temprature if larger than 0. Defaults to -1 [IN]

  • hydrostatic_option (String, optional) – Computational option for levels, [HydrostaticEquation, HypsometricEquation]. Defaults to "HydrostaticEquation" [IN]

atmospheric_fieldIGRF(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, time: pyarts.arts.Time | None = None) None

Use IGRF to compute the magnetic field at each point.

The IGRF model is a model of the Earth’s magnetic field. It is based on spherical harmonics and is only valid for a limited time period.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [INOUT]

  • time (Time, optional) – Time of data to use. Defaults to 2024-09-27 06:50:40.702323487 [IN]

atmospheric_fieldInit(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, toa: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, default_isotopologue: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Initialize the atmospheric field with some altitude and isotopologue ratios

See IsoRatioOption for valid default_isotopologue.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [OUT]

  • toa (Numeric) – Top of atmosphere altitude [m]. [IN]

  • default_isotopologue (String, optional) – Default option for the isotopologue ratios. Defaults to "Builtin" [IN]

atmospheric_fieldRead(self, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, toa: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, missing_is_zero: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, load_nlte: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, load_isot: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, extrapolation: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, default_isotopologue: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, deal_with_field_component: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, basename: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, allow_missing_temperature: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, allow_missing_pressure: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Reads absorption file from a directory

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.atmospheric_fieldInit()
6 ws.atmospheric_fieldAppendBaseData()
7 ws.atmospheric_fieldAppendAbsorptionData()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [OUT]

  • toa (Numeric) – Top of atmosphere altitude [m]. [IN]

  • missing_is_zero (Index, optional) – Whether or not to zero-out missing data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • load_nlte (Index, optional) – Whether or not to load NLTE data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • load_isot (Index, optional) – Whether or not to load isotopologue data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • extrapolation (String, optional) – The extrapolation to use. Defaults to "Linear" [IN]

  • default_isotopologue (String, optional) – Default option for the isotopologue ratios. Defaults to "Builtin" [IN]

  • deal_with_field_component (String, optional) – How to deal with the field component. Defaults to "Throw" [IN]

  • basename (String) – The base name of the files. [IN]

  • allow_missing_temperature (Index, optional) – Whether or not to allow missing temperature data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • allow_missing_pressure (Index, optional) – Whether or not to allow missing pressure data. Defaults to 0 [IN]

atmospheric_pointInit(self, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, default_isotopologue: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Initialize an atmospheric point with some isotopologue ratios

See IsoRatioOption for valid default_isotopologue.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • atmospheric_point (AtmPoint, optional) – An atmospheric point in ARTS. See atmospheric_point, defaults to self.atmospheric_point [OUT]

  • default_isotopologue (String, optional) – Default option for the isotopologue ratios. Defaults to "Builtin" [IN]

disort_settingsCosmicMicrowaveBackgroundRadiation(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Space radiation into Disort is isotropic cosmic background radiation.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

disort_settingsInit(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, disort_quadrature_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_fourier_mode_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Perform Disort calculations for spectral flux.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_dimension (Index, optional) – The quadrature size for Disort. See disort_quadrature_dimension, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_dimension [IN]

  • disort_fourier_mode_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of Fourier modes for Disort. See disort_fourier_mode_dimension, defaults to self.disort_fourier_mode_dimension [IN]

  • disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort. See disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension, defaults to self.disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension [IN]

disort_settingsLayerThermalEmissionLinearInTau(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Use a source function that changes linearly in optical thickness.

Note that you must have set the optical thickness before calling this.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

  • ray_path_atmospheric_point (ArrayOfAtmPoint, optional) – Atmospheric points along the propagation path. See ray_path_atmospheric_point, defaults to self.ray_path_atmospheric_point [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

disort_settingsNoFractionalScattering(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns off fractional scattering in Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsNoLayerThermalEmission(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns off source radiation in Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsNoLegendre(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns off Legendre coefficients in Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsNoSingleScatteringAlbedo(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns off single albedo scattering in Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsNoSpaceEmission(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns off boundary condition from space for Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsNoSun(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns off solar radiation in Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsNoSurfaceEmission(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns boundary condition from surface for Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsNoSurfaceScattering(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Turns off BDRF in Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

disort_settingsOpticalThicknessFromPath(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None) None

Get optical thickness from path.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

disort_settingsSetSun(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, sun: pyarts.arts.Sun | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Uses Set the FOV to the sun input for Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • sun (Sun, optional) – A sun. See sun, defaults to self.sun [IN]

  • ray_path_point (PropagationPathPoint, optional) – A single path point. See ray_path_point, defaults to self.ray_path_point [IN]

disort_settingsSurfaceEmissionByTemperature(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None) None

Surface radiation into Disort is isotropic from surface temperature.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • ray_path_point (PropagationPathPoint, optional) – A single path point. See ray_path_point, defaults to self.ray_path_point [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

disort_settingsSurfaceLambertian(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, value: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Turns off BDRF in Disort calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [INOUT]

  • value (Numeric) – The value of the BDRF in all directions. [IN]

disort_settings_agendaExecute(self, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, disort_quadrature_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_fourier_mode_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_settings_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes disort_settings_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_dimension (Index, optional) – The quadrature size for Disort. See disort_quadrature_dimension, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_dimension [IN]

  • disort_fourier_mode_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of Fourier modes for Disort. See disort_fourier_mode_dimension, defaults to self.disort_fourier_mode_dimension [IN]

  • disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort. See disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension, defaults to self.disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension [IN]

  • disort_settings_agenda (Agenda, optional) – An agenda for setting up Disort. See disort_settings_agenda, defaults to self.disort_settings_agenda [IN]

disort_settings_agendaSet(self, disort_settings_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets disort_settings_agenda

See disort_settings_agendaPredefined for valid option

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_settings_agenda (Agenda, optional) – An agenda for setting up Disort. See disort_settings_agenda, defaults to self.disort_settings_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String) – Default agenda option (see description). [IN]

disort_spectral_flux_fieldCalc(self, disort_spectral_flux_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor3 | None = None, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None) None

Perform Disort calculations for spectral flux.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_spectral_flux_field (Tensor3, optional) – The spectral flux field from Disort. See disort_spectral_flux_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_flux_field [OUT]

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [IN]

disort_spectral_flux_fieldClearsky(self, disort_spectral_flux_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor3 | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, disort_fourier_mode_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_quadrature_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, max_step: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Use Disort for clearsky calculations of spectral flux field

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.ray_pathGeometricUplooking()
6 ws.disort_settings_agendaSet()
7 ws.disort_spectral_flux_fieldFromAgenda()

Author(s): Richard Larsson, Automatically Generated

  • disort_spectral_flux_field (Tensor3, optional) – The spectral flux field from Disort. See disort_spectral_flux_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_flux_field [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • disort_fourier_mode_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of Fourier modes for Disort. See disort_fourier_mode_dimension, defaults to self.disort_fourier_mode_dimension [IN]

  • disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort. See disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension, defaults to self.disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_dimension (Index, optional) – The quadrature size for Disort. See disort_quadrature_dimension, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_dimension [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • max_step (Numeric, optional) – The maximum step length. Defaults to 1000 [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric) – The Longitude. [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric) – The Latitude. [IN]

disort_spectral_flux_fieldFromAgenda(self, disort_spectral_flux_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor3 | None = None, disort_fourier_mode_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_quadrature_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_settings_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Use Disort for clearsky calculations of spectral flux field

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.disort_settings_agendaExecute()
6 ws.disort_spectral_flux_fieldCalc()

Author(s): Richard Larsson, Automatically Generated

  • disort_spectral_flux_field (Tensor3, optional) – The spectral flux field from Disort. See disort_spectral_flux_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_flux_field [OUT]

  • disort_fourier_mode_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of Fourier modes for Disort. See disort_fourier_mode_dimension, defaults to self.disort_fourier_mode_dimension [IN]

  • disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort. See disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension, defaults to self.disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_dimension (Index, optional) – The quadrature size for Disort. See disort_quadrature_dimension, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_dimension [IN]

  • disort_settings_agenda (Agenda, optional) – An agenda for setting up Disort. See disort_settings_agenda, defaults to self.disort_settings_agenda [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

disort_spectral_radiance_fieldCalc(self, disort_spectral_radiance_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor4 | None = None, disort_quadrature_angles: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, disort_quadrature_weights: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, disort_settings: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | None = None, phis: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Perform Disort calculations for spectral radiance.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • disort_spectral_radiance_field (Tensor4, optional) – The spectral radiance field from Disort. See disort_spectral_radiance_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_radiance_field [OUT]

  • disort_quadrature_angles (Vector, optional) – The quadrature angles for Disort. See disort_quadrature_angles, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_angles [OUT]

  • disort_quadrature_weights (Vector, optional) – The quadrature weights for Disort. See disort_quadrature_weights, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_weights [OUT]

  • disort_settings (DisortSettings, optional) – Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations. See disort_settings, defaults to self.disort_settings [IN]

  • phis (Vector, optional) – The azimuthal angles. Defaults to 0 [IN]

disort_spectral_radiance_fieldClearsky(self, disort_spectral_radiance_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor4 | None = None, disort_quadrature_angles: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, disort_quadrature_weights: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, disort_fourier_mode_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_quadrature_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, phis: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, max_step: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Use Disort for clearsky calculations of spectral flux field

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.ray_pathGeometricDownlooking()
6 ws.disort_settings_agendaSet()
7 ws.disort_spectral_radiance_fieldFromAgenda()

Author(s): Richard Larsson, Automatically Generated

  • disort_spectral_radiance_field (Tensor4, optional) – The spectral radiance field from Disort. See disort_spectral_radiance_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_radiance_field [OUT]

  • disort_quadrature_angles (Vector, optional) – The quadrature angles for Disort. See disort_quadrature_angles, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_angles [OUT]

  • disort_quadrature_weights (Vector, optional) – The quadrature weights for Disort. See disort_quadrature_weights, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_weights [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • disort_fourier_mode_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of Fourier modes for Disort. See disort_fourier_mode_dimension, defaults to self.disort_fourier_mode_dimension [IN]

  • disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort. See disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension, defaults to self.disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_dimension (Index, optional) – The quadrature size for Disort. See disort_quadrature_dimension, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_dimension [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • phis (Vector, optional) – The azimuthal angles. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • max_step (Numeric, optional) – The maximum step length. Defaults to 1000 [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric) – The Longitude. [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric) – The Latitude. [IN]

disort_spectral_radiance_fieldFromAgenda(self, disort_spectral_radiance_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor4 | None = None, disort_quadrature_angles: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, disort_quadrature_weights: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, disort_fourier_mode_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_quadrature_dimension: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, disort_settings_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, phis: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Use the disort settings agenda to calculate spectral radiance

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.disort_settings_agendaExecute()
6 ws.disort_spectral_radiance_fieldCalc()

Author(s): Richard Larsson, Automatically Generated

  • disort_spectral_radiance_field (Tensor4, optional) – The spectral radiance field from Disort. See disort_spectral_radiance_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_radiance_field [OUT]

  • disort_quadrature_angles (Vector, optional) – The quadrature angles for Disort. See disort_quadrature_angles, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_angles [OUT]

  • disort_quadrature_weights (Vector, optional) – The quadrature weights for Disort. See disort_quadrature_weights, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_weights [OUT]

  • disort_fourier_mode_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of Fourier modes for Disort. See disort_fourier_mode_dimension, defaults to self.disort_fourier_mode_dimension [IN]

  • disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension (Index, optional) – The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort. See disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension, defaults to self.disort_legendre_polynomial_dimension [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_dimension (Index, optional) – The quadrature size for Disort. See disort_quadrature_dimension, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_dimension [IN]

  • disort_settings_agenda (Agenda, optional) – An agenda for setting up Disort. See disort_settings_agenda, defaults to self.disort_settings_agenda [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • phis (Vector, optional) – The azimuthal angles. Defaults to 0 [IN]

ecs_dataAddMakarov2020(self, ecs_data: pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | None = None) None

Sets the O2-66 microwave band data for ECS.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


ecs_data (LinemixingEcsData, optional) – Error corrected sudden data. See ecs_data, defaults to self.ecs_data [INOUT]

ecs_dataAddMeanAir(self, ecs_data: pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | None = None, vmrs: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpeciesEnum | None = None) None

Sets ECS data for air from other data if available.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ecs_dataAddRodrigues1997(self, ecs_data: pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | None = None) None

Sets the CO2-626, CO2-628, and CO2-636 band data for ECS.

Sets N2 and O2 speces

Author(s): Richard Larsson


ecs_data (LinemixingEcsData, optional) – Error corrected sudden data. See ecs_data, defaults to self.ecs_data [INOUT]

ecs_dataAddTran2011(self, ecs_data: pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | None = None) None

Sets the CO2-626, CO2-628, and CO2-636 band data for ECS.

Sets CO2 species

Author(s): Richard Larsson


ecs_data (LinemixingEcsData, optional) – Error corrected sudden data. See ecs_data, defaults to self.ecs_data [INOUT]

ecs_dataInit(self, ecs_data: pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | None = None) None

Resets/initializes the ECS data.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


ecs_data (LinemixingEcsData, optional) – Error corrected sudden data. See ecs_data, defaults to self.ecs_data [OUT]

get(self, name: str) pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | pyarts.arts.SensorPosLosVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpeciesIsotope | pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector3 | pyarts.arts.Vector2 | pyarts.arts.Vector3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetType | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | pyarts.arts.NumericTernaryOperator | pyarts.arts.NumericBinaryOperator | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfStokvecMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfMuelmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfPropmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfStokvecVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfScatteringSpecies | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor4 | pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAscendingGrid | pyarts.arts.Tensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTelsemAtlas | pyarts.arts.XsecRecord | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor7 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTime | pyarts.arts.MatrixOfDisortBDRF | pyarts.arts.Sun | pyarts.arts.Index | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSun | pyarts.arts.LineByLineVariable | pyarts.arts.LineShapeModelVariable | pyarts.arts.SurfacePropertyTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData | pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | pyarts.arts.SurfaceTypeTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfPropmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpeciesTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfTime | pyarts.arts.Tensor3 | pyarts.arts.GriddedField1Named | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfString | pyarts.arts.CallbackOperator | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier | pyarts.arts.Tensor5 | pyarts.arts.SpectralRadianceOperator | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfMuelmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpeciesEnum | pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfXsecRecord | pyarts.arts.AbsorptionBand | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfString | pyarts.arts.Numeric | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor5 | pyarts.arts.NumericUnaryOperator | pyarts.arts.MCAntenna | pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | pyarts.arts.SensorPosLos | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfScatteringMetaData | pyarts.arts.AtmField | pyarts.arts.StokvecGriddedField6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField4 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 | pyarts.arts.NamedGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionLines | pyarts.arts.MuelmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField1Named | pyarts.arts.SurfaceKey | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.GasAbsLookup | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAgenda | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfIndex | pyarts.arts.DisortBDRF | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfNamedGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.Stokvec | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | pyarts.arts.Any | pyarts.arts.Agenda | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.AbsorptionLines | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSparse | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSingleScatteringData | pyarts.arts.Tensor7 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField1 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | pyarts.arts.ScatteringMetaData | pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | pyarts.arts.CIARecord | pyarts.arts.Propmat | pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | pyarts.arts.GriddedField1 | pyarts.arts.GriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.ComplexGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | pyarts.arts.GriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.SpeciesTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfIndex | pyarts.arts.QuantumIdentifier | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | pyarts.arts.NamedGriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMatrix | pyarts.arts.GriddedField4 | pyarts.arts.SurfacePoint | pyarts.arts.GriddedField5 | pyarts.arts.GriddedField6 | pyarts.arts.Matrix | pyarts.arts.Rational | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor5 | pyarts.arts.SingleScatteringData | pyarts.arts.Sparse | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.String | pyarts.arts.TelsemAtlas | pyarts.arts.SensorObsel | pyarts.arts.Tensor4 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector2 | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor3 | pyarts.arts.Time | pyarts.arts.MuelmatTensor3 | pyarts.arts.Vector | pyarts.arts.VibrationalEnergyLevels | pyarts.arts.Muelmat | pyarts.arts.AtmKey | pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | pyarts.arts.MuelmatVector | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor4 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 | pyarts.arts.TessemNN | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecTensor3

Gets the value of the variable with the given name.

gravity_operatorCentralMass(self, gravity_operator: pyarts.arts.NumericTernaryOperator | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, mass: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Sets a gravity operator from the gravitational constant and the mass of the planet

Gets the ellispoid from surface_field

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • gravity_operator (NumericTernaryOperator, optional) – The gravity operator. See gravity_operator, defaults to self.gravity_operator [OUT]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • mass (Numeric) – Gravitation constant so that the gravity at radius r is GM / r^2. [IN]

has(self, name: str) bool

Checks if the workspace contains the variable.

init(self, arg: str, /) None
init(self, name: str, typename: str) None

Initiate the variable to the named type.

inversion_iterate_agendaExecute(self, measurement_vector_fitted: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_jacobian: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, inversion_iterate_agenda_do_jacobian: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, inversion_iterate_agenda_counter: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, inversion_iterate_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes inversion_iterate_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

jacobian_targetsAddAtmosphere(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, target: pyarts.arts.AtmKey | pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | pyarts.arts.QuantumIdentifier | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Sets an atmospheric target

Author(s): Richard Larsson

jacobian_targetsAddMagneticField(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, component: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Set magnetic field derivative

See FieldComponent for valid component

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • component (String) – The component to use [u, v, w]. [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The perturbation used in methods that cannot compute derivatives analytically. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

jacobian_targetsAddPressure(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Set pressure derivative

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The perturbation used in methods that cannot compute derivatives analytically. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

jacobian_targetsAddSpeciesIsotopologueRatio(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Set isotopologue ratio derivative

See SpeciesIsotope for valid species

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • species (SpeciesIsotope) – The species isotopologue of interest. [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The perturbation used in methods that cannot compute derivatives analytically. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

jacobian_targetsAddSpeciesVMR(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Set volume mixing ratio derivative

See SpeciesEnum for valid species

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • species (SpeciesEnum) – The species of interest. [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The perturbation used in methods that cannot compute derivatives analytically. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

jacobian_targetsAddSurface(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, target: pyarts.arts.SurfaceKey | pyarts.arts.SurfaceTypeTag | pyarts.arts.SurfacePropertyTag | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Sets a surface target

Author(s): Richard Larsson

jacobian_targetsAddTemperature(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Set temperature derivative

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The perturbation used in methods that cannot compute derivatives analytically. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

jacobian_targetsAddWindField(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, component: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, d: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Set wind field derivative

Note that the derivatives from methods that takes the freqeuncy will return their derivatives as if these were frequency derivatives.

See FieldComponent for valid component

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • component (String) – The component to use [u, v, w]. [IN]

  • d (Numeric, optional) – The perturbation used in methods that cannot compute derivatives analytically. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

jacobian_targetsFinalize(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None) None

Finalize jacobian_targets for use in RT methods

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [INOUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

jacobian_targetsInit(self, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Initialize or reset the jacobian_targets

Author(s): Richard Larsson


jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [OUT]

measurement_averaging_kernelCalc(self, measurement_averaging_kernel: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, measurement_gain_matrix: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, measurement_jacobian: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None) None

Calculate the averaging kernel matrix.

This is done by describing the sensitivity of the OEM retrieval with respect to the true state of the system. A prerequisite for the calculation of the averaging kernel matrix is a successful OEM calculation in which the measurement_jacobian and the gain matrix measurement_gain_matrix have been calculated.

Author(s): Simon Pfreundschuh

measurement_sensorGaussian(self, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, f0_fwhm_df: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector3 | None = None, weight_cutoff: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, pos: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, los: pyarts.arts.Vector2 | None = None, pol: pyarts.arts.Stokvec | None = None) None

Sets a sensor with a Gaussian channel opening on a computed frequency grid

Each element has a frequency grid, a single polarization and a single pair of positions and line-of-sight.

The Gaussian distribution by each element is defined by the f0_fwmh_df list of Vector3 values. In each Vector3, the first value is the frequency center (\(f_0\)), the second value is the full width at half maximum (\(\sigma\)), and the last value is the frequency stepping between points (\('Delta f\)). All values must be positive.

The number of points per channel is \(1 + 2n\) for the first \(n\) that ensures that \(\exp\left(-0.5 \left[\frac{n\Delta f}{\sigma}\right]^2\right)\) is less than weight_cutoff. This keeps (\(f_0\)) in the resulting frequency grid.

The resulting vector of sensor elements cannot be considered exhaustive in future calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • measurement_sensor (ArrayOfSensorObsel, optional) – A list of sensor elements. See measurement_sensor, defaults to self.measurement_sensor [OUT]

  • f0_fwhm_df (ArrayOfVector3) – List of [f0, fwhm, df]. [IN]

  • weight_cutoff (Numeric, optional) – The weight cutoff. Defaults to 0.001 [IN]

  • pos (Vector3) – A position [alt, lat, lon]. [IN]

  • los (Vector2) – A line of sight [zenith, azimuth]. [IN]

  • pol (Stokvec, optional) – The polarization whos dot-product with the spectral radiance becomes the measurement. Defaults to 1 0 0 0 [IN]

measurement_sensorGaussianFrequencyGrid(self, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, f0_fwhm: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector2 | None = None, weight_cutoff: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, pos: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, los: pyarts.arts.Vector2 | None = None, pol: pyarts.arts.Stokvec | None = None) None

Sets a sensor with a Gaussian channel opening on a fixed frequency grid

Each element has a frequency grid, a single polarization and a single pair of positions and line-of-sight. The frequency grid may only consist of elements that are in the input frequency grid.

The Gaussian distribution by each element is defined by the f0_fwhm list of Vector2 values. In each Vector2, the first value is the frequency center (\(f_0\)) and the second value is the full width at half maximum (\(\sigma\)). The frequency center must be positive. The half maximum width must be non-negative, where a zero value means that the channel is just the dirac delta function at the frequency center, which then must be in frequency_grid.

The freqeuncy grid of each channel is cut when \(\exp\left(-0.5 \left[\frac{f - f_0}{\sigma}\right]^2\right)\) is less than the value of weight_cutoff. Note that this means channels might end of with zero frequency points.

The resulting vector of sensor elements can be considered exhaustive by future calculations if an only if the weight cutoff is non-positive and all half width half maximums are positive. Otherwise the vector is not exhaustive.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • measurement_sensor (ArrayOfSensorObsel, optional) – A list of sensor elements. See measurement_sensor, defaults to self.measurement_sensor [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • f0_fwhm (ArrayOfVector2) – List of [f0, fwhm]. [IN]

  • weight_cutoff (Numeric, optional) – The weight cutoff. Defaults to 0.001 [IN]

  • pos (Vector3) – A position [alt, lat, lon]. [IN]

  • los (Vector2) – A line of sight [zenith, azimuth]. [IN]

  • pol (Stokvec, optional) – The polarization whos dot-product with the spectral radiance becomes the measurement. Defaults to 1 0 0 0 [IN]

measurement_sensorSimple(self, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, pos: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, los: pyarts.arts.Vector2 | None = None, pol: pyarts.arts.Stokvec | None = None) None

Sets a simple sensor

Sets one measurement vector sensor element entry per frequency in frequency_grid, a single polarization and a single pair of positions plus line-of-sight.

The resulting vector of sensor elements is not to be considered exhaustive by future calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • measurement_sensor (ArrayOfSensorObsel, optional) – A list of sensor elements. See measurement_sensor, defaults to self.measurement_sensor [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • pos (Vector3) – A position [alt, lat, lon]. [IN]

  • los (Vector2) – A line of sight [zenith, azimuth]. [IN]

  • pol (Stokvec, optional) – The polarization whos dot-product with the spectral radiance becomes the measurement. Defaults to 1 0 0 0 [IN]

measurement_vectorFromOperatorPath(self, measurement_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, spectral_radiance_operator: pyarts.arts.SpectralRadianceOperator | None = None, ray_path_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, exhaustive: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Sets measurement vector by looping over all sensor elements

The core calculations happens inside the spectral_radiance_operator.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • measurement_vector (Vector, optional) – The measurment vector for, e.g., a sensor. See measurement_vector, defaults to self.measurement_vector [OUT]

  • measurement_sensor (ArrayOfSensorObsel, optional) – A list of sensor elements. See measurement_sensor, defaults to self.measurement_sensor [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_operator (SpectralRadianceOperator, optional) – The spectral radiance operator. See spectral_radiance_operator, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_operator [IN]

  • ray_path_observer_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Get the propagation path as it is obeserved. See ray_path_observer_agenda, defaults to self.ray_path_observer_agenda [IN]

  • exhaustive (Index, optional) – Boolean flag for whether or not the sensor elements are treated as exhaustive, i.e., all elements are understood to have the same frequency and pos-los grids. Defaults to 0 [IN]

measurement_vectorFromSensor(self, measurement_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_jacobian: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, spectral_radiance_unit: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, spectral_radiance_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, exhaustive: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Sets measurement vector by looping over all sensor elements

The core calculations happens inside the spectral_radiance_observer_agenda.

User choices of spectral_radiance_unit does not adversely affect this method.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • measurement_vector (Vector, optional) – The measurment vector for, e.g., a sensor. See measurement_vector, defaults to self.measurement_vector [OUT]

  • measurement_jacobian (Matrix, optional) – The partial derivatives of the measurement_vector. See measurement_jacobian, defaults to self.measurement_jacobian [OUT]

  • measurement_sensor (ArrayOfSensorObsel, optional) – A list of sensor elements. See measurement_sensor, defaults to self.measurement_sensor [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_unit (String, optional) – The spectral radiance unit after conversion. See spectral_radiance_unit, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_unit [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_observer_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen from the input position and environment. See spectral_radiance_observer_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_observer_agenda [IN]

  • exhaustive (Index, optional) – Boolean flag for whether or not the sensor elements are treated as exhaustive, i.e., all elements are understood to have the same frequency and pos-los grids. Defaults to 0 [IN]

measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrixConstant(self, measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, value: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Sets a constant measurement vector error covariance matrix.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix_observation_systemCalc(self, measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix_observation_system: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, measurement_gain_matrix: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None) None

Calculates the covariance matrix describing the error due to uncertainties in the observation system.

The uncertainties of the observation system are described by measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix, which must be set by the user to include the relevant contributions from the measurement and the forward model.

Prerequisite for the calculation of measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix_observation_system is a successful OEM computation where also the gain matrix has been computed.

Author(s): Simon Pfreundschuh

  • measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix_observation_system (Matrix) – Covariance matrix describing the retrieval error due to uncertainties of the observation system. Defaults to create and/or use self.measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix_observation_system : Matrix. [OUT]

  • measurement_gain_matrix (Matrix, optional) – Contribution function (or gain) matrix. See measurement_gain_matrix, defaults to self.measurement_gain_matrix [IN]

  • measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix (CovarianceMatrix, optional) – Covariance matrix for observation uncertainties. See measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix, defaults to self.measurement_vector_error_covariance_matrix [IN]

measurement_vector_fittedFromMeasurement(self, measurement_vector_fitted: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, measurement_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Sets the fitted measurement vector to the current measurement vector.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

model_state_covariance_matrixAddSpeciesVMR(self, model_state_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, matrix: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None, inverse: pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | None = None) None

Set a species model state covariance matrix element.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_covariance_matrix (CovarianceMatrix, optional) – Covariance matrix of a priori distribution. See model_state_covariance_matrix, defaults to self.model_state_covariance_matrix [INOUT]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • species (SpeciesEnum) – The species to set the covariance matrix for. [IN]

  • matrix (BlockMatrix) – The covariance diagoinal block matrix. [IN]

  • inverse (BlockMatrix, optional) – The inverse covariance diagoinal block matrix. Defaults to pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix() [IN]

model_state_covariance_matrixInit(self, model_state_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None) None

Initialises the model state covariance matrix to the identity matrix.

Author(s): Richard Larsson


model_state_covariance_matrix (CovarianceMatrix, optional) – Covariance matrix of a priori distribution. See model_state_covariance_matrix, defaults to self.model_state_covariance_matrix [OUT]

model_state_covariance_matrix_smoothing_errorCalc(self, model_state_covariance_matrix_smoothing_error: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, measurement_averaging_kernel: pyarts.arts.Matrix | None = None, model_state_covariance_matrix: pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | None = None) None

Calculates the covariance matrix describing the error due to smoothing.

The calculation of model_state_covariance_matrix_smoothing_error also requires the averaging kernel matrix measurement_averaging_kernel to be computed after a successful OEM calculation.

Author(s): Simon Pfreundschuh

  • model_state_covariance_matrix_smoothing_error (Matrix) – Covariance matrix describing the retrieval error due to smoothing. Defaults to create and/or use self.model_state_covariance_matrix_smoothing_error : Matrix. [OUT]

  • measurement_averaging_kernel (Matrix, optional) – Averaging kernel matrix. See measurement_averaging_kernel, defaults to self.measurement_averaging_kernel [IN]

  • model_state_covariance_matrix (CovarianceMatrix, optional) – Covariance matrix of a priori distribution. See model_state_covariance_matrix, defaults to self.model_state_covariance_matrix [IN]

model_state_vectorFromAtmosphere(self, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets model_state_vector’s atmospheric part.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [INOUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

model_state_vectorFromBands(self, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets model_state_vector’s absorption line part.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [INOUT]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

model_state_vectorFromData(self, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None) None

Get model_state_vector from available data

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.model_state_vectorSize()
6 ws.model_state_vectorZero()
7 ws.model_state_vectorFromAtmosphere()
8 ws.model_state_vectorFromSurface()
9 ws.model_state_vectorFromBands()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [OUT]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

model_state_vectorFromSurface(self, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets model_state_vector’s surface part.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [INOUT]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

model_state_vectorSize(self, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets model_state_vector to the size jacobian_targets demand.


Does not zero out existing data. Use model_state_vectorZero() if that is desired.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [OUT]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

model_state_vectorZero(self, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Sets model_state_vector to 0.0

Author(s): Richard Larsson


model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [INOUT]

model_state_vector_aprioriFromData(self, model_state_vector_apriori: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None) None

Get model_state_vector_apriori from available data

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.model_state_vectorFromData()
6 ws.model_state_vector_aprioriFromState()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_vector_apriori (Vector, optional) – An apriori state vector of the model. See model_state_vector_apriori, defaults to self.model_state_vector_apriori [OUT]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

model_state_vector_aprioriFromState(self, model_state_vector_apriori: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Sets the a priori state of the model state vector to the current state.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • model_state_vector_apriori (Vector, optional) – An apriori state vector of the model. See model_state_vector_apriori, defaults to self.model_state_vector_apriori [OUT]

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [IN]

propagation_matrixAddCIA(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_select_species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, absorption_cia_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | None = None, T_extrapolfac: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, ignore_errors: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Calculate absorption coefficients per tag group for HITRAN CIA continua.

This interpolates the cross sections from absorption_cia_data.

The robust option is intended only for testing. Do not use for normal runs, since subsequent functions will not be able to deal with NAN values.

Author(s): Stefan Buehler, Oliver Lemke

  • propagation_matrix (PropmatVector, optional) – This contains the propagation matrix for the current path point. See propagation_matrix, defaults to self.propagation_matrix [INOUT]

  • propagation_matrix_jacobian (PropmatMatrix, optional) – . See propagation_matrix_jacobian, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_jacobian [INOUT]

  • propagation_matrix_select_species (SpeciesEnum, optional) – A select species tag group from absorption_species. See propagation_matrix_select_species, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_select_species [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • atmospheric_point (AtmPoint, optional) – An atmospheric point in ARTS. See atmospheric_point, defaults to self.atmospheric_point [IN]

  • absorption_cia_data (ArrayOfCIARecord, optional) – HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data. See absorption_cia_data, defaults to self.absorption_cia_data [IN]

  • T_extrapolfac (Numeric, optional) – Temperature extrapolation factor (relative to grid spacing). Defaults to 0.5 [IN]

  • ignore_errors (Index, optional) – Set to 1 to suppress runtime errors (and return NAN values instead). Defaults to 0 [IN]

propagation_matrixAddFaraday(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, propagation_matrix_select_species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Calculates absorption matrix describing Faraday rotation.

Faraday rotation is a change of polarization state of an electromagnetic wave propagating through charged matter by interaction with a magnetic field. Hence, this method requires absorption_species to contain ‘free_electrons’ and electron content field (as part of vmr_field) as well as magnetic field (mag_u_field, mag_v_field, mag_w_field) to be specified.

Faraday rotation affects Stokes parameters 2 and 3 (but not intensity!). Therefore, this method requires stokes_dim>2.

Like all ‘propagation_matrixAdd*’ methods, the method is additive, i.e., does not overwrite the propagation matrix propagation_matrix, but adds further contributions.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

propagation_matrixAddLines(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, propagation_matrix_select_species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, ecs_data: pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, no_negative_absorption: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Modern line-by-line calculations

Author(s): Richard Larsson

propagation_matrixAddPredefined(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, absorption_predefined_model_data: pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | None = None, propagation_matrix_select_species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None) None

Adds all of the predefined models in absorption_species to the propagation_matrix

Only supports temperature and wind speed derivatives

Available models:

  • O2-MPM2020: 60 GHz and 118 GHz lines only (no continua, no higher Hz line centers)

    Dmitriy S. Makarov, Mikhail Yu. Tretyakov, Philip W. Rosenkranz, JQSRT 243, 2020, Revision of the 60-GHz atmospheric oxygen absorption band models for practical use,

  • H2O-ForeignContCKDMT350: Foreign continua. Expects H2O line center cutoff at 25 cm-1

    CKD_MTv3.50 H2O foreign continuum from the FORTRAN77 code written by Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER), Radiation and Climate Group 131 Hartwell Avenue Lexington, MA 02421, USA

  • H2O-SelfContCKDMT350: Self continua. Expects H2O line center cutoff at 25 cm-1

    CKD_MTv3.50 H2O self continuum from the FORTRAN77 code written by Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER), Radiation and Climate Group 131 Hartwell Avenue Lexington, MA 02421, USA

  • H2O-ForeignContCKDMT320: Foreign continua. Expects H2O line center cutoff at 25 cm-1

    CKD_MTv3.20 H2O foreign continuum from the FORTRAN77 code written by Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER), Radiation and Climate Group 131 Hartwell Avenue Lexington, MA 02421, USA

  • H2O-SelfContCKDMT320: Self continua. Expects H2O line center cutoff at 25 cm-1

    CKD_MTv3.20 H2O self continuum from the FORTRAN77 code written by Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER), Radiation and Climate Group 131 Hartwell Avenue Lexington, MA 02421, USA

  • H2O-SelfContCKDMT400: Self continuum for water. General reference: Mlawer et al. (2012), doi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0295

    Our code is reimplemented based on original Fortran90 code that is/was/will-be-made available via

    Note that this model comes with the copyright statement [1].

    Note also that this model requires absorption_predefined_model_data to contain relevant data set either using absorption_predefined_model_dataAddWaterMTCKD400() or via some file reading routine.

  • H2O-ForeignContCKDMT400: Foreign continuum for water. General reference: Mlawer et al. (2012), doi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0295

    Our code is reimplemented based on original Fortran90 code that is/was/will-be-made available via

    Note that this model comes with the copyright statement [1].

    Note also that this model requires absorption_predefined_model_data to contain relevant data set either using absorption_predefined_model_dataAddWaterMTCKD400() or via some file reading routine.

  • H2O-ForeignContStandardType: Water microwave continua

    P. W. Rosenkranz., Radio Science, 33(4), 919, 1998 and Radio Science, Vol. 34(4), 1025, 1999.

  • H2O-SelfContStandardType: Water microwave continua

    P. W. Rosenkranz., Radio Science, 33(4), 919, 1998 and Radio Science, Vol. 34(4), 1025, 1999.

  • H2O-MPM89: Microwave water absorption model

      1. Liebe, Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 10(6), 1989, 631.

  • H2O-PWR98: Microwave water absorption model

    P. W. Rosenkranz., Radio Science, 33(4), 919, 1998 and Radio Science, Vol. 34(4), 1025, 1999.

  • H2O-PWR2021: Microwave water absorption model developed by P.W. Rosenkranz.

    Our code is reimplemented based on the Fortran code available at

  • H2O-PWR2022: Microwave water absorption model developed by P.W. Rosenkranz.

    Our code is reimplemented based on the Fortran code available at

  • CO2-CKDMT252: MT CKD absorption for CO2

    This absorption model is taken from the FORTRAN77 code of CKD_MT version 2.50 written by<br> Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER),<br> Radiation and Climate Group<br> 131 Hartwell Avenue<br> Lexington, MA 02421, USA<br>

  • O2-CIAfunCKDMT100: CIA for oxygen from MT CKD

    F. Thibault, V. Menoux, R. Le Doucen, L. Rosenman, J.-M. Hartmann, Ch. Boulet,<br> Infrared collision-induced absorption by O2 near 6.4 microns for atmospheric applications: measurements and emprirical modeling,<br> Appl. Optics, 35, 5911-5917, (1996).

    This absorption model is taken from the FORTRAN77 code of CKD_MT version 1.00 written by<br> Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER),<br> Radiation and Climate Group<br> 131 Hartwell Avenue<br> Lexington, MA 02421, USA<br>

  • O2-MPM89: Oxygen microwave absorption model

    Reference: H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,<br> <i>Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz</i>,<br> AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel,<br> Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21

  • O2-PWR98: Oxygen microwave absorption model

    P.W. Rosenkranz, CHAP. 2 and appendix, in ATMOSPHERIC REMOTE SENSING BY MICROWAVE RADIOMETRY (M.A. Janssen, ed., 1993). H.J. Liebe et al, JQSRT V.48, PP.629-643 (1992). M.J. Schwartz, Ph.D. thesis, M.I.T. (1997). SUBMILLIMETER LINE INTENSITIES FROM HITRAN96.

  • O2-PWR2021: Oxygen microwave absorption model developed by P.W. Rosenkranz.

    Our code is reimplemented based on the Fortran code available at

  • O2-PWR2022: Oxygen microwave absorption model developed by P.W. Rosenkranz.

    Our code is reimplemented based on the Fortran code available at

  • O2-SelfContStandardType: Microwave continua term

    Reference: P. W. Rosenkranz, Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, <br> <I>Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry</i>,<br> John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993.<br> <br> Reference: H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,<br> <i>Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz</i>,<br> AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel,<br> Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21

  • O2-TRE05: Oxygen microwave absorption model

    References: H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,<br> <i>Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz</i>,<br> AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel,<br> Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21

    M.Yu. Tretyakov, M.A. Koshelev, V.V. Dorovskikh, D.S. Makarov, P.W. Rosenkranz; 60-GHz oxygen band: precise broadening and central frequencies of fine-structure lines, absolute absorption profile at atmospheric pressure, and revision of mixing coefficients doi:10.1016/j.jms.2004.11.011

  • O2-v0v0CKDMT100: MT CKD

    CKD_MT 1.00 implementation of oxygen collision induced fundamental model of O2 continuum formulated by Mate et al. over the spectral region 7550-8486 cm-1: B. Mate, C. Lugez, G.T. Fraser, W.J. Lafferty, “Absolute Intensities for the O2 1.27 micron continuum absorption”, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 30,585-30,590, 1999.

    Also, refer to the paper “Observed Atmospheric Collision Induced Absorption in Near Infrared Oxygen Bands”, Mlawer, Clough, Brown, Stephen, Landry, Goldman, & Murcray, Journal of Geophysical Research (1997).

    This absorption model is taken from the FORTRAN77 code of CKD_MT version 1.00 written by<br> Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER),<br> Radiation and Climate Group<br> 131 Hartwell Avenue<br> Lexington, MA 02421, USA<br><br> <br>

  • O2-v1v0CKDMT100: MT CKD

    Mlawer, Clough, Brown, Stephen, Landry, Goldman, Murcray,<br> Observed Atmospheric Collision Induced Absorption in Near Infrared Oxygen Bands,<br> J. Geophys. Res., 103, D4, 3859-3863, 1998.

    This absorption model is taken from the FORTRAN77 code of CKD_MT version 1.00 written by<br> Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER),<br> Radiation and Climate Group<br> 131 Hartwell Avenue<br> Lexington, MA 02421, USA<br><br>

  • O2-visCKDMT252: MT CKD

    O2 continuum formulated by Greenblatt et al. over the spectral region 8797-29870 cm-1: “Absorption Coefficients of Oxygen Between 330 and 1140 nm, G.D. Green blatt, J.J. Orlando, J.B. Burkholder, and A.R. Ravishabkara, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 18577-18582, 1990.

    This absorption model is taken from the FORTRAN77 code of CKD_MT version 2.50 written by<br> Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER),<br> Radiation and Climate Group<br> 131 Hartwell Avenue<br> Lexington, MA 02421, USA<br><br>

  • N2-CIAfunCKDMT252: MT CKD

    Lafferty, W.J., A.M. Solodov,A. Weber, W.B. Olson and J._M. Hartmann,<br> Infrared collision-induced absorption by N2 near 4.3 microns for atmospheric applications: Measurements and emprirical modeling, <br> Appl. Optics, 35, 5911-5917, (1996)

    This absorption model is taken from the FORTRAN77 code of CKD_MT version 1.00 written by<br> Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER),<br> Radiation and Climate Group<br> 131 Hartwell Avenue<br> Lexington, MA 02421, USA<br>

  • N2-CIArotCKDMT252: MT CKD

    Borysow, A, and L. Frommhold,<br> Collision-induced rototranslational absorption spectra of N2-N2 pairs for temperatures from 50 to 300 K,<br> The Astrophysical Journal, 311, 1043-1057, 1986.

    This absorption model is taken from the FORTRAN77 code of CKD_MT version 1.00 written by<br> Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc. (AER),<br> Radiation and Climate Group<br> 131 Hartwell Avenue<br> Lexington, MA 02421, USA<br>

  • N2-SelfContStandardType: Microwave nitrogen absorption continua

    Reference: P. W. Rosenkranz, Chapter 2, in M. A. Janssen, <br> <I>Atmospheric Remote Sensing by Microwave Radiometry</i>,<br> John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993.

  • N2-SelfContMPM93: Microwave nitrogen absorption continua from MPM93 model

    Reference: H. J. Liebe and G. A. Hufford and M. G. Cotton,<br> <i>Propagation modeling of moist air and suspended water/ice particles at frequencies below 1000 GHz</i>,<br> AGARD 52nd Specialists Meeting of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel,<br> Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 1993, May 17-21

  • N2-SelfContPWR2021: Microwave nitrogen absorption continua developed by P.W. Rosenkranz.

    Note that this also includes O2-N2 and O2-O2 collision-induced absorption and is only applicable to Earth

    Our code is reimplemented based on the Fortran code available at

  • liquidcloud-ELL07: Water droplet absorption

    W. J. Ellison, <br> <i>Permittivity of Pure Water, at Standard Atmospheric Pressure, over the Frequency Range 0-25 THz and Temperature Range 0-100C</i>,<br> J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2007

Author(s): Richard Larsson

propagation_matrixAddXsecFit(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_select_species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, absorption_xsec_fit_data: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfXsecRecord | None = None, force_p: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, force_t: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Calculate absorption cross sections per tag group for HITRAN xsec species.

This broadens the cross section data from absorption_xsec_fit_data and interpolates it onto the current frequency_grid.

Model data needs to be read in with absorption_xsec_fit_dataReadSpeciesSplitCatalog() before calling this method.

Author(s): Oliver Lemke

  • propagation_matrix (PropmatVector, optional) – This contains the propagation matrix for the current path point. See propagation_matrix, defaults to self.propagation_matrix [INOUT]

  • propagation_matrix_jacobian (PropmatMatrix, optional) – . See propagation_matrix_jacobian, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_jacobian [INOUT]

  • propagation_matrix_select_species (SpeciesEnum, optional) – A select species tag group from absorption_species. See propagation_matrix_select_species, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_select_species [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • atmospheric_point (AtmPoint, optional) – An atmospheric point in ARTS. See atmospheric_point, defaults to self.atmospheric_point [IN]

  • absorption_xsec_fit_data (ArrayOfXsecRecord, optional) – Fitting model coefficients for cross section species. See absorption_xsec_fit_data, defaults to self.absorption_xsec_fit_data [IN]

  • force_p (Numeric, optional) – Positive value forces constant pressure [Pa]. Defaults to -1 [IN]

  • force_t (Numeric, optional) – Positive value forces constant temperature [K]. Defaults to -1 [IN]

propagation_matrixInit(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Initialize propagation_matrix, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte, and their derivatives to zeroes.

This method must be used inside propagation_matrix_agenda and then be called first.

Author(s): Oliver Lemke, Richard Larsson

propagation_matrix_agendaAuto(self, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, T_extrapolfac: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, force_p: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, force_t: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, ignore_errors: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Sets the propagation_matrix_agenda automatically

This method introspects the input and uses it for generating the propagation_matrix_agenda automatically. If use_absorption_lookup_table_data, all methods that can be used to generate the absorption lookup table are ignored and instead the calculations from the absorption lookup are used.

The following methods are considered for addition:

  1. propagation_matrixInit()

  2. propagation_matrixAddCIA()

  3. propagation_matrixAddLines()

  4. propagation_matrixAddFaraday()

5) propagation_matrixAddXsecFit() 7) propagation_matrixAddPredefined()

To perform absorption lookupo table calculation, call:

  1. propagation_matrix_agendaAuto()

  2. absorption_lookup_table_dataCalc FIXME: HOW TO COMPUTE IT

  3. propagation_matrix_agendaAuto() (use_absorption_lookup_table_data=1)

  4. Perform other calculations

Author(s): Richard Larsson

propagation_matrix_agendaExecute(self, propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, propagation_matrix_select_species: pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes propagation_matrix_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

propagation_matrix_agendaSet(self, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets propagation_matrix_agenda to a default value

Please consider using propagation_matrix_agendaAuto() instead of one of these options as it will ensure you have the best coverage of use cases. The options below are available for feature testing

See propagation_matrix_agendaPredefined for valid option

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • propagation_matrix_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String) – Default agenda option (see description). [IN]

propagation_matrix_scatteringAirSimple(self, propagation_matrix_scattering: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None) None

Add simple air to propagation_matrix_scattering.

Author(s): Jon Petersen, Richard Larsson

  • propagation_matrix_scattering (PropmatVector, optional) – This contains the propagation matrix for scattering for the current path point. See propagation_matrix_scattering, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_scattering [INOUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • atmospheric_point (AtmPoint, optional) – An atmospheric point in ARTS. See atmospheric_point, defaults to self.atmospheric_point [IN]

propagation_matrix_scatteringInit(self, propagation_matrix_scattering: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Initialize propagation_matrix_scattering to zeroes.

This method must be used inside propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda and then be called first.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • propagation_matrix_scattering (PropmatVector, optional) – This contains the propagation matrix for scattering for the current path point. See propagation_matrix_scattering, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_scattering [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

propagation_matrix_scattering_agendaExecute(self, propagation_matrix_scattering: pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | None = None, propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

  • propagation_matrix_scattering (PropmatVector, optional) – This contains the propagation matrix for scattering for the current path point. See propagation_matrix_scattering, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_scattering [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • atmospheric_point (AtmPoint, optional) – An atmospheric point in ARTS. See atmospheric_point, defaults to self.atmospheric_point [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda [IN]

propagation_matrix_scattering_agendaSet(self, propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda to a default value

See propagation_matrix_scattering_agendaPredefined for valid option

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String) – Default agenda option (see description). [IN]

ray_pathGeometric(self, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, pos: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, los: pyarts.arts.Vector2 | None = None, max_step: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, surface_search_accuracy: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, as_observer: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, add_limb: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, remove_non_atm: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, fix_updown_azimuth: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, surface_safe_search: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Get a geometric radiation path

The path is defined by the origo and the line of sight.

The pos is either at the end or at the beginning of the path depending on the as_observer flag. A value that evaluates to true means that it is at the end of the path. If as_observer is true, the los is therefore looking backwards along the path. Basically, as_observer true means that pos and los behaves as sensor pos and los.

The max_step is the maximum step length in meters. The path is first created between the two extremes of either space and/or surface. Afterwards, there are additional points added every max_step meters between these points until no more fits (the last step is shorter or exactly max_step).

Upon closing the method, the following options are available to modify the output:

If add_limb is true, the limb point is added to the path at the end. It is computed using bisections to ensure that the zenith angle of the tangent point is as close to 90 degrees as it can numerically be.

If remove_non_atm is true, all points that are not in the atmosphere are removed. It is recommended to remove these points as multiple methods will either perform poorly or not at all with these points present.

If fix_updown_azimuth is true, the azimuthal angle of the path is fixed to the initial azimuthal angle of the path. Because calculations of the azimuth angle makes use of IEEE atan2, some paths may produce bad angles if this is turned off.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • pos (Vector3) – The origo of the radiation path. [IN]

  • los (Vector2) – The line of sight of the radiation path. [IN]

  • max_step (Numeric, optional) – The maximum step length. Defaults to 1000 [IN]

  • surface_search_accuracy (Numeric, optional) – The accuracy within which the surface intersection is counted as a hit. Defaults to 0.1 [IN]

  • as_observer (Index, optional) – Whether or not the path is as seen by the sensor or by the radiation (see text). Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • add_limb (Index, optional) – Wheter or not to add the limb point. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • remove_non_atm (Index, optional) – Wheter or not to keep only atmospheric points. Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • fix_updown_azimuth (Index, optional) – Whether or not to attempt fix a potential issue with the path azimuthal angle. Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • surface_safe_search (Index, optional) – Whether or not to search for the surface intersection in a safer but slower manner. Defaults to 1 [IN]

ray_pathGeometricDownlooking(self, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, max_step: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Wraps ray_pathGeometric() for straight downlooking paths from the top-of-the-atmosphere altitude

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric) – The Latitude. [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric) – The Longitude. [IN]

  • max_step (Numeric, optional) – The maximum step length. Defaults to 1000 [IN]

ray_pathGeometricTangentAltitude(self, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, pos: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, tangent_altitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, azimuth: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, max_step: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, as_observer: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, add_limb: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, remove_non_atm: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, fix_updown_azimuth: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Get a geometric radiation path that crosses the tangent altitude

The path is defined by an azimuth, a position, and a tangent altitude. If the path ends up crossing the surface altitude, an error is thrown.

The pos is either at the end or at the beginning of the path depending on the as_observer flag. A value that evaluates to true means that it is at the end of the path. If as_observer is true, the azimuth is therefore looking backwards along the path. Basically, as_observer true means that pos and azimuth behaves as sensor pos and azimuth.

The max_step is the maximum step length in meters. The path is first created between the two extremes of space and space. Afterwards, there are additional points added every max_step meters between these points until no more fits (the last step is shorter or exactly max_step).

Upon closing the method, the following options are available to modify the output:

If add_limb is true, the limb point is added to the path at the end. It is computed using bisections to ensure that the zenith angle of the tangent point is as close to 90 degrees as it can numerically be.

If remove_non_atm is true, all points that are not in the atmosphere are removed. It is recommended to remove these points as multiple methods will either perform poorly or not at all with these points present.

If fix_updown_azimuth is true, the azimuthal angle of the path is fixed to the initial azimuthal angle of the path. Because calculations of the azimuth angle makes use of IEEE atan2, some paths may produce bad angles if this is turned off.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • pos (Vector3) – The origo of the radiation path. [IN]

  • tangent_altitude (Numeric) – The tangent altitude of the radiation path. [IN]

  • azimuth (Numeric) – The azimuth from the origo of the radiation path towards the tangent altitude. [IN]

  • max_step (Numeric, optional) – The maximum step length. Defaults to 1000 [IN]

  • as_observer (Index, optional) – Whether or not the path is as seen by the sensor or by the radiation (see text). Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • add_limb (Index, optional) – Wheter or not to add the limb point. Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • remove_non_atm (Index, optional) – Wheter or not to keep only atmospheric points. Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • fix_updown_azimuth (Index, optional) – Whether or not to attempt fix a potential issue with the path azimuthal angle. Defaults to 1 [IN]

ray_pathGeometricUplooking(self, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, max_step: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Wraps ray_pathGeometric() for straight uplooking paths from the surface altitude at the position

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric) – The Latitude. [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric) – The Longitude. [IN]

  • max_step (Numeric, optional) – The maximum step length. Defaults to 1000 [IN]

ray_path_atmospheric_pointFromPath(self, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None) None

Gets the atmospheric points along the path.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_frequency_gridFromPath(self, ray_path_frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAscendingGrid | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None, rte_alonglos_v: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Gets the frequency grid along the path.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path_frequency_grid (ArrayOfAscendingGrid, optional) – Atmospheric frequency grids along the propagation path. See ray_path_frequency_grid, defaults to self.ray_path_frequency_grid [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • ray_path_atmospheric_point (ArrayOfAtmPoint, optional) – Atmospheric points along the propagation path. See ray_path_atmospheric_point, defaults to self.ray_path_atmospheric_point [IN]

  • rte_alonglos_v (Numeric, optional) – Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

ray_path_observer_agendaExecute(self, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_observer_position: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, spectral_radiance_observer_line_of_sight: pyarts.arts.Vector2 | None = None, ray_path_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes ray_path_observer_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

ray_path_observer_agendaSet(self, ray_path_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets ray_path_observer_agenda

See ray_path_observer_agendaPredefined for valid option

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path_observer_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Get the propagation path as it is obeserved. See ray_path_observer_agenda, defaults to self.ray_path_observer_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String) – Default agenda option (see description). [IN]

ray_path_pointBackground(self, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Sets ray_path_point to the expected background point of ray_path

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_pointForeground(self, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Sets ray_path_point to the expected foreground point of ray_path

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_pointLowestFromPath(self, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Sets ray_path_point to the lowest point of ray_path.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_propagation_matrixAddScattering(self, ray_path_propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_scattering: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None) None

Adds the scattering part of the propagation matrix to the rest along the path.

The calculations are in parallel if the program is not in parallel already.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_propagation_matrixFromPath(self, ray_path_propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatMatrix | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, ray_path_frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None) None

Gets the propagation matrix and non-LTE source term along the path.

The calculations are in parallel if the program is not in parallel already.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_propagation_matrix_scatteringFromPath(self, ray_path_propagation_matrix_scattering: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None, propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, ray_path_frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None) None

Gets the propagation matrix for scattering along the path.

The calculations are in parallel if the program is not in parallel already.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_spectral_radiance_scatteringSunsFirstOrderRayleigh(self, ray_path_spectral_radiance_scattering: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_scattering: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path_suns_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, suns: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSun | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, rte_alonglos_v: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, depolarization_factor: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hse_derivative: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Add suns to ray_path_spectral_radiance_source.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path_spectral_radiance_scattering (ArrayOfStokvecVector, optional) – Spectral radiance scattered into the propagation path. See ray_path_spectral_radiance_scattering, defaults to self.ray_path_spectral_radiance_scattering [OUT]

  • ray_path_propagation_matrix_scattering (ArrayOfPropmatVector, optional) – Propagation matrices along the propagation path for scattering. See ray_path_propagation_matrix_scattering, defaults to self.ray_path_propagation_matrix_scattering [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • ray_path_suns_path (ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list of paths to the suns from the ray path. See ray_path_suns_path, defaults to self.ray_path_suns_path [IN]

  • suns (ArrayOfSun, optional) – A list of Sun. See suns, defaults to self.suns [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_agenda [IN]

  • rte_alonglos_v (Numeric, optional) – Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • depolarization_factor (Numeric, optional) – The depolarization factor to use. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • hse_derivative (Index, optional) – Flag to compute the hypsometric distance derivatives. Defaults to 0 [IN]

ray_path_spectral_radiance_sourceAddScattering(self, ray_path_spectral_radiance_source: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_scattering: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None) None

Adds the scattering part of the propagation matrix to the rest along the path.

The calculations are in parallel if the program is not in parallel already.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_spectral_radiance_sourceFromPropmat(self, ray_path_spectral_radiance_source: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_source_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatMatrix | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, ray_path_frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Gets the source term along the path.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_suns_pathFromPathObserver(self, ray_path_suns_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, ray_path_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, suns: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSun | None = None, angle_cut: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, refinement: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, just_hit: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Wraps sun_pathFromObserverAgenda() for all paths to all suns.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • ray_path_suns_path (ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list of paths to the suns from the ray path. See ray_path_suns_path, defaults to self.ray_path_suns_path [OUT]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • ray_path_observer_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Get the propagation path as it is obeserved. See ray_path_observer_agenda, defaults to self.ray_path_observer_agenda [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • suns (ArrayOfSun, optional) – A list of Sun. See suns, defaults to self.suns [IN]

  • angle_cut (Numeric, optional) – The angle delta-cutoff in the iterative solver [0.0, …]. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • refinement (Index, optional) – The refinement of the search algorithm (twice the power of this is the resultion). Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • just_hit (Index, optional) – Whether or not it is enough to just hit the sun or if better accuracy is needed. Defaults to 0 [IN]

ray_path_transmission_matrixFromPath(self, ray_path_transmission_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | None = None, ray_path_propagation_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatMatrix | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, hse_derivative: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Gets the transmission matrix in layers along the path.

The assumption is that each path variable forms a layer from the ray path. So there is a reduction in size by one. A demand therefore is that there are at least 2 points in the path.

The derivatives first dimensions are also 2, the first for the derivative wrt the level before and one for the level after.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulativeFromPath(self, ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None) None

Sets ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative by forward iteration of ray_path_transmission_matrix

Author(s): Richard Larsson

ray_path_zeeman_magnetic_fieldFromPath(self, ray_path_zeeman_magnetic_field: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector3 | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path_atmospheric_point: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | None = None) None

Sets A path of Zeeman effec magnetic field properties.

This will return a list of magnetic field properties along the path. The magnetic properties in Zeeman coordinates are the absolute strength [H], the angle between the magnetic field and the line of sight [theta], and the the rotation of the magnetic field in the plane perpendicular to the line of sight [eta].

Author(s): Richard Larsson

set(self, name: str, value: pyarts.arts.DisortSettings | pyarts.arts.SensorPosLosVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpeciesIsotope | pyarts.arts.SpeciesIsotope | pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector3 | pyarts.arts.Vector2 | pyarts.arts.Vector3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap | pyarts.arts.JacobianTargetType | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | pyarts.arts.NumericTernaryOperator | pyarts.arts.NumericBinaryOperator | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfStokvecMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfMuelmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfPropmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfStokvecVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfScatteringSpecies | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor4 | pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAscendingGrid | pyarts.arts.Tensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | pyarts.arts.LinemixingEcsData | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTelsemAtlas | pyarts.arts.XsecRecord | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor7 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTime | pyarts.arts.MatrixOfDisortBDRF | pyarts.arts.Sun | pyarts.arts.Index | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSun | pyarts.arts.LineByLineVariable | pyarts.arts.LineShapeModelVariable | pyarts.arts.SurfacePropertyTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData | pyarts.arts.BlockMatrix | pyarts.arts.SurfaceTypeTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfPropmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpeciesTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfTime | pyarts.arts.Tensor3 | pyarts.arts.GriddedField1Named | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfString | pyarts.arts.CallbackOperator | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier | pyarts.arts.Tensor5 | pyarts.arts.SpectralRadianceOperator | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfMuelmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSpeciesEnum | pyarts.arts.PredefinedModelData | pyarts.arts.PropmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfXsecRecord | pyarts.arts.AbsorptionBand | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfString | pyarts.arts.Numeric | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfTensor5 | pyarts.arts.NumericUnaryOperator | pyarts.arts.MCAntenna | pyarts.arts.SpeciesEnum | pyarts.arts.SensorPosLos | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfScatteringMetaData | pyarts.arts.AtmField | pyarts.arts.StokvecGriddedField6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField4 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 | pyarts.arts.NamedGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionLines | pyarts.arts.MuelmatMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField1Named | pyarts.arts.SurfaceKey | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.GasAbsLookup | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAgenda | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor6 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfIndex | pyarts.arts.DisortBDRF | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfNamedGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.Stokvec | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAtmPoint | pyarts.arts.Any | pyarts.arts.Agenda | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.AbsorptionLines | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSparse | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSingleScatteringData | pyarts.arts.Tensor7 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField1 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfCIARecord | pyarts.arts.AtmPoint | pyarts.arts.ScatteringMetaData | pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | pyarts.arts.CIARecord | pyarts.arts.Propmat | pyarts.arts.CovarianceMatrix | pyarts.arts.GriddedField1 | pyarts.arts.GriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.ComplexGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | pyarts.arts.GriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.SpeciesTag | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfIndex | pyarts.arts.QuantumIdentifier | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | pyarts.arts.NamedGriddedField3 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMatrix | pyarts.arts.GriddedField4 | pyarts.arts.SurfacePoint | pyarts.arts.GriddedField5 | pyarts.arts.GriddedField6 | pyarts.arts.Matrix | pyarts.arts.Rational | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor5 | pyarts.arts.SingleScatteringData | pyarts.arts.Sparse | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfGriddedField2 | pyarts.arts.String | pyarts.arts.TelsemAtlas | pyarts.arts.SensorObsel | pyarts.arts.Tensor4 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector2 | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor3 | pyarts.arts.Time | pyarts.arts.MuelmatTensor3 | pyarts.arts.Vector | pyarts.arts.VibrationalEnergyLevels | pyarts.arts.Muelmat | pyarts.arts.AtmKey | pyarts.arts.PropmatVector | pyarts.arts.MuelmatVector | pyarts.arts.StokvecTensor4 | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropmatVector | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 | pyarts.arts.TessemNN | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecTensor3) None

Set the variable to the new value.

sortedIndexOfBands(self, sorted: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfIndex | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, criteria: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, reverse: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, temperature: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Get the sorting of the bands by first quantum identifier then some criteria

The reverse sorting can also be achieved by setting reverse.

See AbsorptionBandSortingOption for valid criteria.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • sorted (ArrayOfIndex) – Sorted band indices (of absorption_bands). Defaults to create and/or use self.sorted : ArrayOfIndex. [OUT]

  • absorption_bands (ArrayOfAbsorptionBand, optional) – Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations. See absorption_bands, defaults to self.absorption_bands [IN]

  • criteria (String, optional) – Internal sorting criteria. Defaults to "None" [IN]

  • reverse (Index, optional) – Sort in reverse order if true. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • temperature (Numeric, optional) – Temperature to use for integrated intensity. Defaults to 296 [IN]

spectral_radianceApplyUnit(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_unit: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Applies a unit to spectral_radiance, returning a new field

See SpectralRadianceUnitType and spectral_radiance_unit for valid use cases and limitations.

Also be aware that spectral_radiance_jacobianApplyUnit() must be called before spectral_radianceApplyUnit().

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceApplyUnitFromSpectralRadiance(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_unit: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Apply unit changes to spectral radiance and its Jacobian

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
3# ...
5 ws.ray_path_pointForeground()
6 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianApplyUnit()
7 ws.spectral_radianceApplyUnit()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceClearskyBackgroundTransmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_background: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_background_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, rte_alonglos_v: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hse_derivative: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Computes clearsky transmission of spectral radiances

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

 1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
 3# ...
 5 ws.ray_path_pointBackground()
 6 ws.ray_path_atmospheric_pointFromPath()
 7 ws.ray_path_frequency_gridFromPath()
 8 ws.ray_path_propagation_matrixFromPath()
 9 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrixFromPath()
10 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulativeFromPath()
11 ws.transmission_matrix_backgroundFromPathPropagationBack()
12 ws.spectral_radianceCumulativeTransmission()
13 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianFromBackground()
14 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianAddPathPropagation()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance (StokvecVector, optional) – A spectral radiance vector. See spectral_radiance, defaults to self.spectral_radiance [OUT]

  • spectral_radiance_jacobian (StokvecMatrix, optional) – Jacobian of spectral_radiance with respect to jacobian_targets. See spectral_radiance_jacobian, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_jacobian [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_agenda [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_background (StokvecVector, optional) – Spectral radiance from the background. See spectral_radiance_background, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_background [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_background_jacobian (StokvecMatrix, optional) – Spectral radiance derivative from the background. See spectral_radiance_background_jacobian, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_background_jacobian [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • rte_alonglos_v (Numeric, optional) – Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • hse_derivative (Index, optional) – Flag to compute the hypsometric distance derivatives. Defaults to 0 [IN]

spectral_radianceClearskyEmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_space_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, spectral_radiance_surface_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, rte_alonglos_v: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hse_derivative: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Computes clearsky emission of spectral radiances

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

 1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
 3# ...
 5 ws.ray_path_pointBackground()
 6 ws.spectral_radiance_backgroundAgendasAtEndOfPath()
 7 ws.ray_path_atmospheric_pointFromPath()
 8 ws.ray_path_frequency_gridFromPath()
 9 ws.ray_path_propagation_matrixFromPath()
10 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrixFromPath()
11 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulativeFromPath()
12 ws.ray_path_spectral_radiance_sourceFromPropmat()
13 ws.transmission_matrix_backgroundFromPathPropagationBack()
14 ws.spectral_radianceStepByStepEmission()
15 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianFromBackground()
16 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianAddPathPropagation()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance (StokvecVector, optional) – A spectral radiance vector. See spectral_radiance, defaults to self.spectral_radiance [OUT]

  • spectral_radiance_jacobian (StokvecMatrix, optional) – Jacobian of spectral_radiance with respect to jacobian_targets. See spectral_radiance_jacobian, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_jacobian [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_agenda [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_space_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of space. See spectral_radiance_space_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_space_agenda [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_surface_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of the surface. See spectral_radiance_surface_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_surface_agenda [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • rte_alonglos_v (Numeric, optional) – Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • hse_derivative (Index, optional) – Flag to compute the hypsometric distance derivatives. Defaults to 0 [IN]

spectral_radianceClearskyRayleighScattering(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, ray_path_suns_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_space_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, spectral_radiance_surface_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, suns: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSun | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, rte_alonglos_v: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hse_derivative: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, depolarization_factor: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Computes clearsky emission of spectral radiances

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

 1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
 3# ...
 5 ws.ray_path_pointBackground()
 6 ws.spectral_radiance_backgroundAgendasAtEndOfPath()
 7 ws.ray_path_atmospheric_pointFromPath()
 8 ws.ray_path_frequency_gridFromPath()
 9 ws.ray_path_propagation_matrixFromPath()
10 ws.ray_path_propagation_matrix_scatteringFromPath()
11 ws.ray_path_propagation_matrixAddScattering()
12 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrixFromPath()
13 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulativeFromPath()
14 ws.ray_path_spectral_radiance_sourceFromPropmat()
15 ws.ray_path_spectral_radiance_scatteringSunsFirstOrderRayleigh()
16 ws.ray_path_spectral_radiance_sourceAddScattering()
17 ws.transmission_matrix_backgroundFromPathPropagationBack()
18 ws.spectral_radianceStepByStepEmission()
19 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianFromBackground()
20 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianAddPathPropagation()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance (StokvecVector, optional) – A spectral radiance vector. See spectral_radiance, defaults to self.spectral_radiance [OUT]

  • spectral_radiance_jacobian (StokvecMatrix, optional) – Jacobian of spectral_radiance with respect to jacobian_targets. See spectral_radiance_jacobian, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_jacobian [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_agenda [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_scattering_agenda [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • ray_path_suns_path (ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list of paths to the suns from the ray path. See ray_path_suns_path, defaults to self.ray_path_suns_path [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_space_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of space. See spectral_radiance_space_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_space_agenda [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_surface_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of the surface. See spectral_radiance_surface_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_surface_agenda [IN]

  • suns (ArrayOfSun, optional) – A list of Sun. See suns, defaults to self.suns [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • rte_alonglos_v (Numeric, optional) – Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • hse_derivative (Index, optional) – Flag to compute the hypsometric distance derivatives. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • depolarization_factor (Numeric, optional) – The depolarization factor to use. Defaults to 0 [IN]

spectral_radianceClearskyTransmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_space_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, spectral_radiance_surface_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, rte_alonglos_v: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, hse_derivative: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Computes clearsky transmission of spectral radiances

Wrapper calling Methods (in order):

Equivalent (mostly) Python code:

 1ws = pyarts.Workspace()
 3# ...
 5 ws.ray_path_pointBackground()
 6 ws.spectral_radiance_backgroundAgendasAtEndOfPath()
 7 ws.ray_path_atmospheric_pointFromPath()
 8 ws.ray_path_frequency_gridFromPath()
 9 ws.ray_path_propagation_matrixFromPath()
10 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrixFromPath()
11 ws.ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulativeFromPath()
12 ws.transmission_matrix_backgroundFromPathPropagationBack()
13 ws.spectral_radianceCumulativeTransmission()
14 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianFromBackground()
15 ws.spectral_radiance_jacobianAddPathPropagation()

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance (StokvecVector, optional) – A spectral radiance vector. See spectral_radiance, defaults to self.spectral_radiance [OUT]

  • spectral_radiance_jacobian (StokvecMatrix, optional) – Jacobian of spectral_radiance with respect to jacobian_targets. See spectral_radiance_jacobian, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_jacobian [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

  • propagation_matrix_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives. See propagation_matrix_agenda, defaults to self.propagation_matrix_agenda [IN]

  • ray_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A list path points making up a propagation path. See ray_path, defaults to self.ray_path [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_space_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of space. See spectral_radiance_space_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_space_agenda [IN]

  • spectral_radiance_surface_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of the surface. See spectral_radiance_surface_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_surface_agenda [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • rte_alonglos_v (Numeric, optional) – Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • hse_derivative (Index, optional) – Flag to compute the hypsometric distance derivatives. Defaults to 0 [IN]

spectral_radianceCumulativeEmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_source: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_source_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, spectral_radiance_background: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None) None

Gets the spectral radiance from the path emission.

Also get the Jacobian of the spectral radiance with regards to the path parameters.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceCumulativeTransmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 | None = None, spectral_radiance_background: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None) None

Gets the spectral radiance from the path transmission.

Also get the Jacobian of the spectral radiance with regards to the path parameters.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceDefaultTransmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets default spectral_radiance and spectral_radiance_jacobian for transmission.

The Jacobian variable is all 0s, the background is [1 0 0 0] everywhere

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceIntegrateDisort(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, disort_spectral_radiance_field: pyarts.arts.Tensor4 | None = None, disort_quadrature_angles: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, disort_quadrature_weights: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None) None

Integrate Disort spectral radiance.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance (StokvecVector, optional) – A spectral radiance vector. See spectral_radiance, defaults to self.spectral_radiance [OUT]

  • disort_spectral_radiance_field (Tensor4, optional) – The spectral radiance field from Disort. See disort_spectral_radiance_field, defaults to self.disort_spectral_radiance_field [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_angles (Vector, optional) – The quadrature angles for Disort. See disort_quadrature_angles, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_angles [IN]

  • disort_quadrature_weights (Vector, optional) – The quadrature weights for Disort. See disort_quadrature_weights, defaults to self.disort_quadrature_weights [IN]

spectral_radianceStepByStepEmission(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_source: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecVector | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_source_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, spectral_radiance_background: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None) None

Gets the spectral radiance from the path.

This uses a step-by-step solver to propagate background radiation along the path.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceSunOrCosmicBackground(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, sun_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, sun: pyarts.arts.Sun | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None) None

Get the spectral radiance of a sun or of the cosmic background if the sun is not hit.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance (StokvecVector, optional) – A spectral radiance vector. See spectral_radiance, defaults to self.spectral_radiance [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • sun_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A path to a sun if it is visible. See sun_path, defaults to self.sun_path [IN]

  • sun (Sun, optional) – A sun. See sun, defaults to self.sun [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

spectral_radianceSunsOrCosmicBackground(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, suns: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSun | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None) None

Get the spectral radiance of a sun or of the cosmic background if no sun is hit.

Note that only the first sun is used if multiple suns are defined, so it is advantageous to have sorted suns by distance before running this code.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceSurfaceBlackbody(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Set surface spectral radiance from Planck function of the surface temperature

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radianceUniformCosmicBackground(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Background spectral radiance is from a uniform cosmic background temperature.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_backgroundAgendasAtEndOfPath(self, spectral_radiance_background: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_background_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, spectral_radiance_space_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, spectral_radiance_surface_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Computes the background radiation.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_fieldFromOperatorPath(self, spectral_radiance_field: pyarts.arts.StokvecGriddedField6 | None = None, spectral_radiance_operator: pyarts.arts.SpectralRadianceOperator | None = None, ray_path_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, zenith_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, azimuth_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Computes the spectral radiance field using ray_path_observer_agenda.

Each point is in computed individually, so there will be zenith x azimuth x altitude x latitude x longitude x frequency number of calculations. The positional arguments are taken from spectral_radiance_operator.

If the code is not already in parallel operation mode when this method is called, the first 5 dimensions are computed in parallel.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_fieldFromOperatorPlanarGeometric(self, spectral_radiance_field: pyarts.arts.StokvecGriddedField6 | None = None, spectral_radiance_operator: pyarts.arts.SpectralRadianceOperator | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, zenith_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, azimuth_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None) None

Computes the spectral radiance field assuming planar geometric paths

A planar geometric path is just defined by a 1D atmospheric profile. If the spectral_radiance_operator contains more than one latitude and/or longitude point, their altitude profiles are treated independently.


  • The zenith grid is not allowed to contain the value 90 degrees.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_jacobianAddPathPropagation(self, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, ray_path_spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfStokvecMatrix | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, ray_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None) None

Adds the propagation variables to spectral_radiance_jacobian

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_jacobianApplyUnit(self, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_unit: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Applies a unit to spectral_radiance, returning a new field

See SpectralRadianceUnitType and spectral_radiance_unit for valid use cases and limitations.

Also be aware that spectral_radiance_jacobianApplyUnit() must be called before spectral_radianceApplyUnit().

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_jacobianEmpty(self, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Set the cosmic background radiation derivative to empty.

Size : (jacobian_targets, frequency_grid)

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_jacobianFromBackground(self, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, spectral_radiance_background_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, transmission_matrix_background: pyarts.arts.MuelmatVector | None = None) None

Sets spectral_radiance_jacobian from the background values

Author(s): Richard Larsson

spectral_radiance_observer_agendaExecute(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, spectral_radiance_observer_position: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, spectral_radiance_observer_line_of_sight: pyarts.arts.Vector2 | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, spectral_radiance_unit: pyarts.arts.String | None = None, spectral_radiance_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes spectral_radiance_observer_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

spectral_radiance_observer_agendaSet(self, spectral_radiance_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets spectral_radiance_space_agenda

See spectral_radiance_space_agendaPredefined for valid option

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance_observer_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen from the input position and environment. See spectral_radiance_observer_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_observer_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String) – Default agenda option (see description). [IN]

spectral_radiance_operatorClearsky1D(self, spectral_radiance_operator: pyarts.arts.SpectralRadianceOperator | None = None, atmospheric_field: pyarts.arts.AtmField | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, altitude_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, cia_extrapolation: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, cia_robust: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Set up a 1D spectral radiance operator

The operator is set up to compute the spectral radiance at any point as seen from a 1D atmospheric profile.

This method will share line-by-line,cross-section, collision-induced absorption, and predefined model data with the workspace (if they exist already when this method is called).

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance_operator (SpectralRadianceOperator, optional) – The spectral radiance operator. See spectral_radiance_operator, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_operator [OUT]

  • atmospheric_field (AtmField, optional) – An atmospheric field in ARTS. See atmospheric_field, defaults to self.atmospheric_field [IN]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • altitude_grid (AscendingGrid) – The altitude grid. [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric, optional) – The latitude. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric, optional) – The longitude. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • cia_extrapolation (Numeric, optional) – The extrapolation distance for cia. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • cia_robust (Index, optional) – The robustness of the cia extrapolation. Defaults to 0 [IN]

spectral_radiance_space_agendaExecute(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, spectral_radiance_space_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes spectral_radiance_space_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

spectral_radiance_space_agendaSet(self, spectral_radiance_space_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets spectral_radiance_space_agenda

See spectral_radiance_space_agendaPredefined for valid option

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance_space_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of space. See spectral_radiance_space_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_space_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String) – Default agenda option (see description). [IN]

spectral_radiance_surface_agendaExecute(self, spectral_radiance: pyarts.arts.StokvecVector | None = None, spectral_radiance_jacobian: pyarts.arts.StokvecMatrix | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None, ray_path_point: pyarts.arts.PropagationPathPoint | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, spectral_radiance_surface_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None) None

Executes spectral_radiance_surface_agenda, see it for more details

Author(s): Automatically Generated

spectral_radiance_surface_agendaSet(self, spectral_radiance_surface_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets spectral_radiance_surface_agenda

See spectral_radiance_surface_agendaPredefined for valid option

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • spectral_radiance_surface_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Spectral radiance as seen of the surface. See spectral_radiance_surface_agenda, defaults to self.spectral_radiance_surface_agenda [OUT]

  • option (String) – Default agenda option (see description). [IN]

sunBlackbody(self, sun: pyarts.arts.Sun | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, radius: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, distance: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, temperature: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Set sun to blackbody.


For a Sol-like sun there are huge differences in the UV-range between the actual sun spectrum and the blackbody spectrum with the effective temperature of the sun. The blackbody sun strongly overestimates the UV radiation.

Author(s): Jon Petersen, Richard Larsson

  • sun (Sun, optional) – A sun. See sun, defaults to self.sun [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • radius (Numeric, optional) – The radius of the sun in meter. Default is the radius of our sun. . Defaults to 696324200 [IN]

  • distance (Numeric, optional) – The average distance between the sun and the planet in meter. Default value is set to 1 a.u. . Defaults to 149597870700 [IN]

  • temperature (Numeric, optional) – The effective temperature of the suns photosphere in Kelvin. Default is the temperature of our sun - 5772 Kelvin . Defaults to 5772 [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric, optional) – The latitude or the zenith position of the sun in the sky. . Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric, optional) – The longitude or azimuthal position of the sun in the sky. . Defaults to 0 [IN]

sunFromGrid(self, sun: pyarts.arts.Sun | None = None, frequency_grid: pyarts.arts.AscendingGrid | None = None, sun_spectrum_raw: pyarts.arts.GriddedField2 | None = None, radius: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, distance: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, temperature: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, latitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, longitude: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, description: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Extracts a sun spectrum from a field of such data.

The method allows to obtain the sun spectrum by interpolation from a field of such data. The sun spectrum is expected to be stored as the irradiance at the suns photosphere.


  • GriddedField2: [W m-2 Hz-1]

  • Vector frequency_grid [Hz]

  • Vector stokes_dim [1]

Dimensions: [frequency_grid, stokes_dim]

This method performs an interpolation onto the frequency_grid. The point of frequency_grid that are outside the data frequency grid are initialized according to planck’s law of the temperature variable. Hence, a temperature of 0 means 0s the edges of the frequency_grid.

Author(s): Jon Petersen, Richard Larsson

  • sun (Sun, optional) – A sun. See sun, defaults to self.sun [OUT]

  • frequency_grid (AscendingGrid, optional) – The discrete frequency grid. See frequency_grid, defaults to self.frequency_grid [IN]

  • sun_spectrum_raw (GriddedField2) – A raw spectrum. [IN]

  • radius (Numeric, optional) – The radius of the sun in meter. Default is the radius of our sun. . Defaults to 696324200 [IN]

  • distance (Numeric, optional) – The average distance between the sun and the planet in meter. Default value is set to 1 a.u. . Defaults to 149597870700 [IN]

  • temperature (Numeric, optional) – The effective temperature of the suns photosphere in Kelvin. Default is the temperature of our sun - 5772 Kelvin . Defaults to 5772 [IN]

  • latitude (Numeric, optional) – The latitude or the zenith position of the sun in the sky. . Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • longitude (Numeric, optional) – The longitude or azimuthal position of the sun in the sky. . Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • description (String, optional) – A description of the sun. Defaults to "A sun" [IN]

sun_pathFromObserverAgenda(self, sun_path: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint | None = None, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, ray_path_observer_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, sun: pyarts.arts.Sun | None = None, pos: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, angle_cut: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, refinement: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None, just_hit: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Find a path that hits the sun if possible

The algorithm finds the pair of angles with the least error in regards to angular zenith and azimuth offset from the sun. It uses this pair of angles to compute said path. The algorithm is iterative. It first finds the geometric pair of angles pointing at the sun. It then computes the path, using the space-facing path point’s pointing offset relative to the sun to change the angles in the four directions (up, left, right, down) until it finds a better solution. If no better solution is found, the algorithm it refines the angular search to half for every level of refinement above 1, it then stops.

Note that special care is taken to eliminate surface intersections so that part of the sun may still be hit if it is above the horizon. If the sun is entirerly below the horizon, the path will point close to the horizon.

The two control parameters are the angle_cut and just_hit. The angle_cut is the limit in degrees to which the algorithm should search for a better solution. The just_hit is a flag that just returns the first time a path hits the sun.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • sun_path (ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint, optional) – A path to a sun if it is visible. See sun_path, defaults to self.sun_path [OUT]

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [IN]

  • ray_path_observer_agenda (Agenda, optional) – Get the propagation path as it is obeserved. See ray_path_observer_agenda, defaults to self.ray_path_observer_agenda [IN]

  • sun (Sun, optional) – A sun. See sun, defaults to self.sun [IN]

  • pos (Vector3) – An observer position [alt, lat, lon]. [IN]

  • angle_cut (Numeric, optional) – The angle delta-cutoff in the iterative solver [0.0, …]. Defaults to 0 [IN]

  • refinement (Index, optional) – The refinement of the search algorithm (twice the power of this is the resultion). Defaults to 1 [IN]

  • just_hit (Index, optional) – Whether or not it is enough to just hit the sun or if better accuracy is needed. Defaults to 0 [IN]

sunsAddSun(self, suns: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSun | None = None, sun: pyarts.arts.Sun | None = None) None

Add sun to suns, only exist for composability.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • suns (ArrayOfSun, optional) – A list of Sun. See suns, defaults to self.suns [INOUT]

  • sun (Sun, optional) – A sun. See sun, defaults to self.sun [IN]

surface_fieldEarth(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Earth reference ellipsoids.

The reference ellipsoid is set to model the Earth.

See EarthEllipsoid for valid model

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

surface_fieldEuropa(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Europa reference ellipsoids.

The reference ellipsoid is set to model the Europa.

See EuropaEllipsoid for valid model.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

surface_fieldFromModelState(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model_state_vector: pyarts.arts.Vector | None = None, jacobian_targets: pyarts.arts.JacobianTargets | None = None) None

Sets surface_field to the state of the model.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [INOUT]

  • model_state_vector (Vector, optional) – A state vector of the model. See model_state_vector, defaults to self.model_state_vector [IN]

  • jacobian_targets (JacobianTargets, optional) – A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations. See jacobian_targets, defaults to self.jacobian_targets [IN]

surface_fieldGanymede(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Ganymede reference ellipsoids.

See GanymedeEllipsoid for valid model.

Author(s): Takayoshi Yamada

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

surface_fieldInit(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, a: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, b: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None) None

Manual setting of the reference ellipsoid.

The two values of the reference ellipsoid are set manually. The two arguments correspond directly to first and second element of reference ellipsoid.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • a (Numeric) – Average or equatorial radius. [IN]

  • b (Numeric) – Average or polar radius. [IN]

surface_fieldIo(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Io reference ellipsoids.

The reference ellipsoid is set to model the Io.

See IoEllipsoid for valid model.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

surface_fieldJupiter(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Jupiter reference ellipsoids.

The reference ellipsoid is set to model the Jupiter.

See JupiterEllipsoid for valid model.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

surface_fieldMars(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Mars reference ellipsoids.

The reference ellipsoid is set to model the Mars.

See MarsEllipsoid for valid model.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

surface_fieldMoon(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Moon reference ellipsoids.

The reference ellipsoid is set to model the Moon.

See MoonEllipsoid for valid model.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

surface_fieldSetPlanetEllipsoid(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, option: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Sets the planet base surface field

See PlanetOrMoonType for valid option.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • option (String) – Choice of planet or moon. [IN]

surface_fieldVenus(self, surface_field: pyarts.arts.SurfaceField | None = None, model: pyarts.arts.String | None = None) None

Venus reference ellipsoids.

The reference ellipsoid is set to model the Venus.

See VenusEllipsoid for valid model.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson

  • surface_field (SurfaceField, optional) – The surface field describes the surface properties. See surface_field, defaults to self.surface_field [OUT]

  • model (String, optional) – Model ellipsoid to use. Options listed above. Defaults to "Sphere" [IN]

swap(self, other: pyarts.arts.CxxWorkspace) None

Swap the workspace for andother.

transmission_matrix_backgroundFromPathPropagationBack(self, transmission_matrix_background: pyarts.arts.MuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None) None

Sets transmission_matrix_background to back of ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative

Author(s): Richard Larsson

transmission_matrix_backgroundFromPathPropagationFront(self, transmission_matrix_background: pyarts.arts.MuelmatVector | None = None, ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfMuelmatVector | None = None) None

Sets transmission_matrix_background to front of ray_path_transmission_matrix_cumulative

Author(s): Richard Larsson

water_equivalent_pressure_operatorMK05(self, water_equivalent_pressure_operator: pyarts.arts.NumericUnaryOperator | None = None, only_liquid: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Calculate equivalent water pressure according to Murphy and Koop, 2005

Default is setting the saturation pressure to the one with respect to water at temperatures >= 0C, and to the one with respect to ice for <0C. The GIN only_liquid allows you to apply the liquid value at all temperatures.

The saturation pressure with respect to liquid and ice water is calculated according to Eq. 10 and 7, respectively, of: Murphy, D. M., & Koop, T. (2005). Review of the vapour pressures of ice and supercooled water for atmospheric applications. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 131(608), 1539-1565.

Author(s): Patrick Eriksson, Richard Larsson

  • water_equivalent_pressure_operator (NumericUnaryOperator) – The water equivalent pressure operator. Defaults to create and/or use self.water_equivalent_pressure_operator : NumericUnaryOperator. [OUT]

  • only_liquid (Index, optional) – Set to 1 to use liquid saturation pressure at all temperatures. Defaults to 0 [IN]



ArrayOfAbsorptionBand Bands of absorption lines for LBL calculations.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfCIARecord HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data.

This variable holds HITRAN CIA data (binary absorption cross-sections). The data itself is described in: Richard, C. et al. (2012), New section of the HITRAN database: Collision-induced absorption (CIA), J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 113, 1276-1285, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.11.004.

The binary absorption cross-sections have to be multiplied with the densities of both molecules to get absorption coefficients.


The outer array dimension in the ArrayOfArrayOfCIARecord is the same as that of absorption_species. There will be CIA data only for those species that contain a CIA tag, for all other species it will be empty. The inner array dimension corresponds to the number of CIA tags for this species (there could be for example both N2-N2 and N2-H2) in the same species.

The CIA absorption_species tags are described in absorption_speciesSet().

Each individual CIARecord holds the complete information from one HITRAN CIA file. For the given pair of molecules A HITRAN CIA data file can hold several datasets (data for different temperatures but fixed frequency range).


  • Frequencies: Hz

  • Binary absorption cross-sections: m^5*molecule^-2

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


PredefinedModelData This contains predefined model data.

Can currently only contain data for new MT CKD models of water.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag Tag groups for gas absorption.

This is an array of arrays of SpeciesTag tag definitions. It defines the available tag groups for the calculation of scalar gas absorption coefficients. See online documentation of method absorption_speciesSet() for more detailed information how tag groups work and some examples.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfXsecRecord Fitting model coefficients for cross section species.

Dimensions: [ n_species ]


  • species: Name of species

  • version: Fit model version

  • fitcoeffs:

    • GriddedField2: [ n_band_frequencies, n_coeffs ]

    • The fit model:

    • z = p00 + p10*x + p01*y + p20*x^2

    • z = Xsec [m^2]

    • x = T / T0

    • y = P / P0

    • T0 = 1 [K]

    • P0 = 1 [Pa]

    • fitcoeffs(:, 0) p00 [m^2]

    • fitcoeffs(:, 1) p10 [m^2]

    • fitcoeffs(:, 2) p01 [m^2]

    • fitcoeffs(:, 3) p20 [m^2]

  • fitminpressures:

    • Minimum pressure available in source xsec data to generate the fit coefficients.

    • Dimensions: [ n_bands ]

  • fitmaxpressures:

    • Maximum pressure available in source xsec data to generate the fit coefficients.

    • Dimensions: [ n_bands ]

  • fitmintemperatures:

    • Minimum temperature available in source xsec data to generate the fit coefficients.

    • Dimensions: [ n_bands ]

  • fitmintemperatures:

    • Maximum temperature available in source xsec data to generate the fit coefficients.

    • Dimensions: [ n_bands ]

fitminpressures, fitmaxpressures, fitmintemperatures and fitmaxtemperatures are not used to apply the model and solely serve for informational purposes.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


AtmField An atmospheric field in ARTS.

The atmospheric field defines the altitude of the top-of-the-atmosphere, as well as the variables that are required for the radiative transfer calculations along a path through the atmosphere. The field can be accessed at any altitude, latitude, longitude path that is within the atmosphere to access the relevant atmospheric point data (atmospheric_point).

Note that constraints on the various field parameters may be imposed by extrapolation limitations on the field parameter itself, causing some or large swaths of the atmosphere to be inaccessible.

The atmospheric field may, but does not have to, consist of the following:

  • Temperature - Kelvin

  • Pressure - Pascal

  • Wind - Meters per second

  • Magnetic Field - Tesla

  • Species content - See user guide for relevant species

  • Isotopologue ratios - Unitless

  • Non-local thermodynamics ratios - Unitless [pure-style] OR Kelvin [vibrational-style]

  • Scattering species content - See user guide for relevant species

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods


AtmPoint An atmospheric point in ARTS.

The atmospheric point consists of all the relevant atmospheric field data at a discrete point in the atmosphere. It is often extracted from an AtmField at a single altitude-latitude-longitude but may of course be generated manually.

See atmospheric_field for the data that may be available in the atmospheric point.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


JacobianTargetsDiagonalCovarianceMatrixMap A helper map for setting the covariance matrix.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods


Index The number of Fourier modes for Disort.

Related workspace variables


Index The number of input Legendre polynimials for Disort.

Related workspace variables


Vector The quadrature angles for Disort.

Unit is in degrees.

Size is disort_quadrature_dimension.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Index The quadrature size for Disort.

Related workspace variables


Vector The quadrature weights for Disort.

These weights are symmetric for uplooking and downlooking.

In essence, the matching disort_quadrature_angles for the weights can be found as [disort_quadrature_weights, disort_quadrature_weights].

Size is disort_quadrature_dimension / 2

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


DisortSettings Contains the full settings of spectral Disort calculations.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


Agenda An agenda for setting up Disort.

The only intent of this Agenda is to simplify the setup of Disort for different scenarios. The output of this Agenda is just that setting.


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Tensor3 The spectral flux field from Disort.

Size is frequency_grid times 3 times ray_path - 1.

The inner “3” is in order: upwelling, diffuse downwelling, and direct downwelling.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Tensor4 The spectral radiance field from Disort.

Size is frequency_grid times ray_path - 1 times azimuthal angles times disort_quadrature_dimension.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


LinemixingEcsData Error corrected sudden data

Dimensions: [num Isotopologues] [num Species]

Used in line-by-line calculations requiring ECS data.

Default value


Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods


AscendingGrid The discrete frequency grid.

Unit: Hz

Related workspace variables


NumericTernaryOperator The gravity operator.

Usage: gravity = gravity_operator(altitude, latitude, longitude).

  • altitude (Numeric) – Altitude in meters.

  • latitude (Numeric) – Latitude in degrees.

  • longitude (Numeric) – Longitude in degrees.


gravity – The gravity in m/s \(^2\).

Return type:


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods


Agenda Work in progress …

The WSV measurement_jacobian is both in- and output. As input variable, measurement_jacobian is assumed to be valid for the previous iteration. For the first iteration the input measurement_jacobian shall be set to have size zero, to flag that there is not yet any calculated Jacobian.


Related workspace variables


Index A counter for the inversion iterate agenda.

Default value



Index A boolean for if Jacobian calculations should be done.

Default value


Related workspace variables


JacobianTargets A list of targets for the Jacobian Matrix calculations.

Default value

"atm": "surf": "line":

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Matrix Averaging kernel matrix.

This matrix is the partial derivative of the retrieved state vector with respect to the measurement_vector.

Usage: Used and set by inversion methods.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Matrix Contribution function (or gain) matrix.

This matrix is the partial derivative of the retrieved state vector with respect to the measurement_vector).

Usage: Used and set by inversion methods.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Matrix The partial derivatives of the measurement_vector.

The size of this variable should be the size measurement_vector times the size of model_state_vector.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfSensorObsel A list of sensor elements.

Size is number of elements of the sensor.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Vector The measurment vector for, e.g., a sensor.

In classical F(x) = y-notation, this is the y.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


CovarianceMatrix Covariance matrix for observation uncertainties.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Vector As measurement_vector, but fitted to the model.

Default value


Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


CovarianceMatrix Covariance matrix of a priori distribution.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Vector A state vector of the model.

In classical F(x) = y-notation, this is the x.

Default value


Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Vector An apriori state vector of the model.

In classical F(x) = y-notation, this is the x.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


PropmatVector This contains the propagation matrix for the current path point.

The propagation matrix can be used to computed the transmission through a layer as:

\[\mathbf{T} = \exp\left(-\mathbf{K} r\right),\]

where \(\mathbf{K}\) is the propagation matrix, and \(r\) is some distance over which it is considered constant.

The unit is [1 / m].

Dimension: frequency_grid.

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


Agenda Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


PropmatMatrix Partial derivative of the propagation_matrix with regards to jacobian_targets.

The units depend on what is set in jacobian_targets [1 / m / jacobian target’s unit].

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


PropmatVector This contains the propagation matrix for scattering for the current path point.

This needs to be used when scattering into the line of sight is considered. And it needs then to also be added to the propagation_matrix, which you should see for more information.

The unit is [1 / m].

Dimension: frequency_grid.

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


Agenda Compute the propagation matrix, the non-LTE source vector, and their derivatives


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


SpeciesEnum A select species tag group from absorption_species

If set to empty, this selection is void. It must otherwise match perfectly a tag inside absorption_species for that to be the selection.

Default value


Related workspace variables


StokvecVector The part of the source vector that is due to non-LTE.

This is closely related to propagation_matrix.

Gven the level source term:

\[\vec{J} = \mathbf{K}^{-1} \left(\vec{\alpha}B + \vec{J}_n + \cdots\right),\]

this variable holds \(\vec{J}_n\). Here, \(\vec{\alpha}\) is the first column of \(\mathbf{K}\), which is from the propagation_matrix variable. \(B\) is the Planck function. The ellipsis denotes other terms that can come from more sources, such as scattering and/or transmitting equipment.

The unit is in spectral_radiance per meter.

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


StokvecMatrix Partial derivative of the propagation_matrix_source_vector_nonlte with regards to jacobian_targets.

The units are spectral_radiance_jacobian per meter.

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint A list path points making up a propagation path.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Input to workspace agendas

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfAtmPoint Atmospheric points along the propagation path.

See atmospheric_point for information about atmospheric points

Dimension: [ ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfAscendingGrid Atmospheric frequency grids along the propagation path.

See frequency_grid for information about the frequency grid

Dimension: [ ]

Usage: Output of radiative transfer methods.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Agenda Get the propagation path as it is obeserved.

The intent of this agenda is to provide a propagation path as seen from the observer position and line of sight.


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


PropagationPathPoint A single path point.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfPropmatVector Propagation matrices along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfPropmatMatrix Propagation derivative matrices along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfPropmatVector Propagation matrices along the propagation path for scattering

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfStokvecVector Additional non-LTE along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfStokvecMatrix Additional non-LTE derivative along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfStokvecMatrix Spectral radiance derivative along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfStokvecVector Spectral radiance scattered into the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfStokvecVector Source vectors along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfStokvecMatrix Source derivative vectors along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfArrayOfArrayOfPropagationPathPoint A list of paths to the suns from the ray path.

Dimensions: ray_path x suns x sun_path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfMuelmatVector Transmission matrices along the propagation path.

The outer dimension is the number of layers.

The inner dimension is the number of frequency points.

The order of the elements is such that index zero is closest to the obeserver.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfMuelmatVector Cumulative transmission matrices along the propagation path

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfMuelmatTensor3 Transmission derivative matrices along the propagation path.

The outer dimension is the number of layers.

The inner dimensions are the number of level derivatives, the number of jacbian targets, and the number of frequency points. The required number of level derivatives is determined by the appropriate method (a common value is 2, for the 2 levels surrounding a layer).

The order of the elements is such that index zero is closest to the obeserver.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


StokvecVector A spectral radiance vector.

This is the representation of the spectral radiances at discrete frequencies for a discrete viewing direction.

The unit of spectral radiance is [W / m \(^2\) sr Hz].

Note that there are conversion routines that changes this unit, e.g., spectral_radianceApplyUnit(). After conversion, the use of spectral_radiance in any method no marked as safe for different units, will lead to undefined behavior with possibly bad values being computed.

The size of this variable should be the size of the local frequency_grid.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


StokvecVector Spectral radiance from the background

Shape: NFREQ

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


StokvecMatrix Spectral radiance derivative from the background


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


StokvecMatrix Jacobian of spectral_radiance with respect to jacobian_targets.

The size of this variable should be the local jacobian_targets as rows times the size of the local spectral_radiance as columns.

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Output from workspace agendas

Related workspace variables


Agenda Spectral radiance as seen from the input position and environment

The intent of this agenda is to provide a spectral radiance as seen from the observer position and line of sight.

The output must be sized as:


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Vector2 The position of the observer of spectral radiance.

Most likely only makes sense in combination with spectral_radiance_observer_position.

Related workspace variables


Vector3 The position of an observer of spectral radiance.

Most likely only makes sense in combination with spectral_radiance_observer_line_of_sight.

Related workspace variables


SpectralRadianceOperator The spectral radiance operator.

This is a class that can compute the spectral radiance along a path for a single viewing direction and frequency.

It provides several methods to get the path of the spectral radiance.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Agenda Spectral radiance as seen of space.

This agenda calculates the spectral radiance as seen of space. One common use-case us to provide a background spectral radiance.

The input path point should be as if it is looking at space.

The output must be sized as:


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


Agenda Spectral radiance as seen of the surface.

This agenda calculates the spectral radiance as seen of the surface. One common use-case us to provide a background spectral radiance.

The input path point should be as if it is looking at the surface.

The output must be sized as:


Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


String The spectral radiance unit after conversion.

If a unit conversion is desired, the user has to set this variable to one of the valid options in SpectralRadianceUnitType.

Internally, it is always assumed that this is set to “1” and that no unit conversion are taking place.

Please be aware of limitations of follow-up method calls when using this variable manually. Unless a method or variable explicitly mention that a unit conversion is supported before it is called, the use of spectral_radiance_unit with a different unit than “1” may lead to undesired results.

Default value


Related workspace variables


Sun A sun.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods

Related workspace variables


ArrayOfPropagationPathPoint A path to a sun if it is visible.

A related variable is ray_path

Size is number of path points for the sun.

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods


ArrayOfSun A list of Sun.

Size is number of suns.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Related workspace variables


SurfaceField The surface field describes the surface properties.

This describes the global surface values, such as elevation and temperature but also entirerly abstract properties and types.

Input to workspace methods

Modified by workspace methods

Output from workspace methods


MuelmatVector Transmittance from the background

Input to workspace methods

Output from workspace methods


__eq__(value, /)

Return self==value.

__ge__(value, /)

Return self>=value.

__gt__(value, /)

Return self>value.


Return hash(self).

__iter__(self)[tuple[str, pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable]]

Allows iter(self)

__le__(value, /)

Return self<=value.

__lt__(value, /)

Return self<value.

__ne__(value, /)

Return self!=value.