ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable sideband_mode
Description of target sideband. A text string describing which of the two sidebands (of a heterodyne instrument) that can be seen as "main" band. Possible choices are: "lower" : Low frequency sideband shall be considered as target. "upper" : High frequency sideband shall be considered as target. Usage: Set by the user.
Group: String
Specific methods that can generate sideband_mode
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate sideband_mode
Specific methods that require sideband_mode
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use sideband_mode
- abs_cont_descriptionAppend
- abs_lineshapeDefine
- abs_linesReadFromArts
- abs_linesReadFromSplitArtscat
- abs_linesReadFromHitran
- abs_linesReadFromHitran2004
- abs_linesReadFromJpl
- abs_linesReadFromMytran2
- abs_speciesAdd2
- abs_speciesDefineAllInScenario
- Append
- atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- atm_fields_compactAddSpecies
- batch_atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- batch_atm_fields_compactAddSpecies
- AtmRawRead
- Copy
- Delete
- DoitAngularGridsSet
- doit_za_interpSet
- Error
- Ignore
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddFreqShiftAndStretch
- jacobianAddPointingZa
- jacobianAddTemperature
- jacobianCalcAbsSpeciesPerturbations
- ParticleTypeAddAll
- ParticleTypeAdd
- ReadNetCDF
- ReadXML
- ScatteringParticleTypeAndMetaRead
- StringSet
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- WriteMolTau
- WriteNetCDF
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
- ybatchMetProfiles
- ybatchMetProfilesClear
Agendas that can generate sideband_mode
- none
Agendas that require sideband_mode
- none