ARTS  2.4.0(git:4fb77825) File Reference

Namespace and functions to deal with HITRAN linemixing. More...

#include <fstream>
#include <Faddeeva/Faddeeva.hh>
#include "linemixing_hitran.h"
#include "lin_alg.h"
#include "linefunctions.h"
#include "physics_funcs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Bands
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::LineSg
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::DipoRigid
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Energy
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::GamVT0AIR
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::GamSDVT0AIR
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::DTGAMAIR
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::GamVT0CO2
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::GamSDVT0CO2
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::DTGAMCO2
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::GamVT0H2O
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::GamSDVT0H2O
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::DTGAMH2O
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::GamT
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::SHIFT
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::SHIFT0
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::PopuT
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::PopTrf
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::DipoTcm
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Jiln
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Jfln
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Zss
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Zaa
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Wmatrix
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Wfittedp
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Wfittedq
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Wfittedr
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Bfittedp
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Bfittedq
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::Bfittedr
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::DiagnR
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::DiagnI
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::YLT
struct  lm_hitran_2017::CommonBlock::UnusedBandParams
struct  lm_hitran_2017::EqvLinesOut
struct  lm_hitran_2017::ConvTPOut




Rational lm_hitran_2017::toRationalSum (char a, char b=' ')
void lm_hitran_2017::readlines (CommonBlock &cmn, const String &basedir="data_new/")
template<size_t NT>
Numeric lm_hitran_2017::atob (const Numeric &aa, const std::array< Numeric, NT > &a, const std::array< Numeric, NT > &b)
void lm_hitran_2017::qt_co2 (const Numeric &t, const Index &iso, Numeric &gsi, Numeric &qt)
void lm_hitran_2017::calcw (CommonBlock &cmn, const Index &n, const Index &iband, const Numeric &temp)
void lm_hitran_2017::calcw (ConvTPOut &out, const HitranRelaxationMatrixData &hitran, const AbsorptionLines &band, const Numeric T)
void lm_hitran_2017::eqvlines (CommonBlock &cmn, const Index &iband, const Index &n, const Numeric &sigmoy)
EqvLinesOut lm_hitran_2017::eqvlines (const ConstComplexMatrixView W, const ConstVectorView pop, const ConstVectorView dip, const Numeric &fmean)
void lm_hitran_2017::convtp (CommonBlock &cmn, const Index &iband, const Index &isotc, const Index &nlinec, const Numeric &xh2o, const Numeric &xco2, const Numeric &temp, const Numeric &ptot, Numeric &sigmoy, Numeric &gamd_gam0_mx, const bool mixfull, const bool mixsdv)
ConvTPOut lm_hitran_2017::convtp (const ConstVectorView vmrs, const HitranRelaxationMatrixData &hitran, const AbsorptionLines &band, const Numeric T, const Numeric P, const SpeciesAuxData::AuxType &partition_type, const ArrayOfGriddedField1 &partition_data)
void lm_hitran_2017::qsdv (const Numeric &sg0, const Numeric &gamd, const Numeric &gam0, const Numeric &gam2, const Numeric &shift0, const Numeric &shift2, const Numeric &sg, Numeric &ls_qsdv_r, Numeric &ls_qsdv_i)
Complex lm_hitran_2017::qsdv_si (const Numeric F0, const Numeric gamd, const Numeric gam0, const Numeric gam2, const Numeric shift0, const Numeric shift2, const Numeric f)
void lm_hitran_2017::compabs (CommonBlock &cmn, const Numeric &temp, const Numeric &ptot, const Numeric &xco2, const Numeric &xh2o, const ConstVectorView invcm_grid, const bool mixsdv, const bool mixfull, VectorView absv, VectorView absy, VectorView absw)
Vector lm_hitran_2017::compabs (const Numeric T, const Numeric P, const HitranRelaxationMatrixData &hitran, const ArrayOfAbsorptionLines &bands, const ConstVectorView vmrs, const ConstVectorView f_grid, const SpeciesAuxData &partition_functions)
void lm_hitran_2017::detband (CommonBlock &cmn, const Numeric &sgminr, const Numeric &sgmaxr, const Numeric &stotmax, const String &basedir="data_new/")
void lm_hitran_2017::readw (CommonBlock &cmn, const String &basedir="data_new/")
Vector lm_hitran_2017::compute (const Numeric p, const Numeric t, const Numeric xco2, const Numeric xh2o, const ConstVectorView invcm_grid, const Numeric stotmax, const calctype type)
Vector lm_hitran_2017::compute (const HitranRelaxationMatrixData &hitran, const ArrayOfAbsorptionLines &bands, const Numeric P, const Numeric T, const ConstVectorView vmrs, const ConstVectorView f_grid, const SpeciesAuxData &partition_functions)
 Compute the absorptionlines. More...
void lm_hitran_2017::read (HitranRelaxationMatrixData &hitran, ArrayOfAbsorptionLines &bands, const String &basedir, const Numeric linemixinglimit, const Numeric fmin, const Numeric fmax, const Numeric stot, const ModeOfLineMixing mode)
 Read from HITRAN online line mixing file. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace and functions to deal with HITRAN linemixing.

Richard Larsson

Definition in file