
Workspace.ZFromPSimple(self: pyarts.arts._Workspace, z_grid: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Vector, p_grid: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Vector, verbosity: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Verbosity | None = self.verbosity) None

Simple conversion from pressure to altitude.

This function converts a vector of pressure values to an approximate vector of corresponding heights. The formula used to convert pressure to height is:

z = 16000 * (5.0 - log10(p))

That is, a pressure is assumed to decrease by a factor of 10 every 16km.

Note that all pressure values in the vector must be greater than 0.01.

Author(s): Simon Pfreundschuh

  • z_grid (Vector) – Approximate heights of pressure grid points. [OUT]

  • p_grid (Vector) – Pressure grid. [IN]

  • verbosity (Verbosity) – ARTS verbosity. See verbosity, defaults to self.verbosity [IN]