
class pyarts.workspace.Workspace[source]

A wrapper for the C++ workspace object

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: pyarts.arts._Workspace, verbosity: int = 0, agenda_verbosity: int = 0) -> None

Default workspace

  1. __init__(self: pyarts.arts._Workspace, arg0: pyarts.arts._Workspace) -> None

Shallowly copy another workspace


AbsInputFromAtmFields(self[, abs_p, abs_t, ...])

Initialises the WSVs abs_p, abs_t and abs_vmrs from p_grid, t_field and vmr_field.

AbsorptionLinesCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new AbsorptionLines on the workspace

AbsorptionLinesSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

AgendaCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Agenda on the workspace

AgendaExecute(self, a[, verbosity])

Execute an agenda.

AgendaExecuteExclusive(self, a[, verbosity])

Execute an agenda exclusively.

AngularGridsSetFluxCalc(self[, za_grid, ...])

Sets the angular grids for the calculation of radiation fluxes.

AntennaMultiBeamsToPencilBeams(self[, ...])

Maps a multi-beam case to a matching pencil beam case.

AntennaOff(self[, antenna_dim, mblock_dlos, ...])

Sets some antenna related variables

Append(self, output, input[, dimension, ...])

Append one workspace variable to another.

ArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfAbsorptionLines on the workspace

ArrayOfAbsorptionLinesSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfAgendaCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfAgenda on the workspace

ArrayOfAgendaExecute(self, ...)

Execute an agenda from an ArrayOfAgenda.

ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLinesCreate(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLinesSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1Create(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1 on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1Set(self, output, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2Create(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2 on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField2Set(self, output, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3Create(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3 on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField3Set(self, output, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfIndexCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfIndex on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfIndexSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfMatrixCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfMatrix on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfMatrixSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrix on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfPropagationMatrixSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVector on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfRadiationVectorSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate(self, ...)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaData on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfScatteringMetaDataSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.


Create new ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringDataSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTagCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTagSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVectorCreate(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVector on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfStokesVectorSet(self, output, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfStringCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfString on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfStringSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3Create(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3 on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfTensor3Set(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6Create(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6 on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfTensor6Set(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfTimeCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfTime on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfTimeSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate(self, ...)

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrix on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfTransmissionMatrixSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfArrayOfVectorCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfArrayOfVector on the workspace

ArrayOfArrayOfVectorSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfCIARecordCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfCIARecord on the workspace

ArrayOfCIARecordSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfGriddedField1Create(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfGriddedField1 on the workspace

ArrayOfGriddedField1Set(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfGriddedField2Create(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfGriddedField2 on the workspace

ArrayOfGriddedField2Set(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfGriddedField3Create(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfGriddedField3 on the workspace

ArrayOfGriddedField3Set(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfGriddedField4Create(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfGriddedField4 on the workspace

ArrayOfGriddedField4Set(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfGriddedFieldGetNames(self, names, ...)

Get the names of all GriddedFields stored in an Array.

ArrayOfIndexCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfIndex on the workspace

ArrayOfIndexLinSpace(self, output, start, ...)

Initializes an ArrayOfIndex with linear spacing.

ArrayOfIndexSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfIndexSetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates an ArrayOfIndex of length nelem, with all values identical.

ArrayOfJacobianTargetCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfJacobianTarget on the workspace

ArrayOfJacobianTargetSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfMatrixCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfMatrix on the workspace

ArrayOfMatrixSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfPpathCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfPpath on the workspace

ArrayOfPpathSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfPropagationMatrixCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfPropagationMatrix on the workspace

ArrayOfPropagationMatrixSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier on the workspace

ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierFromLines(self, ...)

Sets an ArrayOfQuantumIdentifier to all levels in abs_lines_per_species with defined quantum numbers

ArrayOfQuantumIdentifierSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfRadiationVectorCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfRadiationVector on the workspace

ArrayOfRadiationVectorSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfRetrievalQuantityCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfRetrievalQuantity on the workspace

ArrayOfRetrievalQuantitySet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfScatteringMetaData on the workspace

ArrayOfScatteringMetaDataSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfSingleScatteringData on the workspace

ArrayOfSingleScatteringDataSet(self, output, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfSparseCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfSparse on the workspace

ArrayOfSparseSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfSpeciesTagCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new ArrayOfSpeciesTag on the workspace

ArrayOfSpeciesTagSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfStokesVectorCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new ArrayOfStokesVector on the workspace

ArrayOfStokesVectorSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfStringCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfString on the workspace

ArrayOfStringSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfSunCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfSun on the workspace

ArrayOfSunSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTelsemAtlasCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new ArrayOfTelsemAtlas on the workspace

ArrayOfTelsemAtlasSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTensor3Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfTensor3 on the workspace

ArrayOfTensor3Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTensor4Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfTensor4 on the workspace

ArrayOfTensor4Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTensor5Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfTensor5 on the workspace

ArrayOfTensor5Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTensor6Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfTensor6 on the workspace

ArrayOfTensor6Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTensor7Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfTensor7 on the workspace

ArrayOfTensor7Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTimeCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfTime on the workspace

ArrayOfTimeNLinSpace(self, output, ...)

Creates a time array with length nelem, equally spaced between the given end values.

ArrayOfTimeSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfTimeSetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates an ArrayOfTime and sets all elements to the specified value.

ArrayOfTransmissionMatrixCreate(self, name)

Create new ArrayOfTransmissionMatrix on the workspace

ArrayOfTransmissionMatrixSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfVectorCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new ArrayOfVector on the workspace

ArrayOfVectorSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

ArrayOfXsecRecordCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new ArrayOfXsecRecord on the workspace

ArrayOfXsecRecordSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

AtmFieldPRegrid(self, output, input, ...[, ...])

Interpolates the input field along the pressure dimension from p_grid_old to to p_grid_new.

AtmFieldPerturb(self, perturbed_field, ...)

Adds a perturbation to an atmospheric field.

AtmFieldPerturbAtmGrids(self, ...)

As AtmFieldPerturb(), but perturbation follows the atmospheric grids.


Extract pressure grid and atmospheric fields from atm_fields_compact.

AtmFieldsCalc(self[, t_field, z_field, ...])

Interpolation of raw atmospheric T, z, VMR, and NLTE T/r fields to calculation grids.

AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D(self[, t_field, ...])

Interpolation of 1D raw atmospheric fields to create 2D or 3D homogeneous atmospheric fields.

AtmFieldsExpand1D(self[, t_field, z_field, ...])

Maps a 1D case to 2D or 3D homogeneous atmospheric fields.

AtmFieldsExtract1D(self[, atmosphere_dim, ...])

Converts 2D or 3D homogeneous atmospheric fields to a 1D case.

AtmFieldsRefinePgrid(self, p_grid, ...)

Refines the pressure grid and regrids the clearsky atmospheric fields accordingly.

AtmRawRead(self, t_field_raw, ...)

Reads atmospheric data from a scenario.

AtmWithNLTERawRead(self, t_field_raw, ...)

Reads atmospheric data from a scenario.

AtmosphereSet1D(self[, atmosphere_dim, ...])

Sets the atmospheric dimension to 1D.

AtmosphereSet2D(self[, atmosphere_dim, ...])

Sets the atmospheric dimension to be 2D.

AtmosphereSet3D(self[, atmosphere_dim, ...])

Sets the atmospheric dimension to 3D.

CIAInfo(self, catalogpath, cia_tags[, verbosity])

Display information about the given CIA tags.

CIARecordCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new CIARecord on the workspace

CIARecordReadFromFile(self, cia_record, ...)

Reads CIARecord from Hitran-style file.

CIARecordSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

CallbackFunctionCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new CallbackFunction on the workspace

CallbackFunctionExecute(self, function[, ...])

Execute any code in Arts

CallbackFunctionSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

CheckUnique(self[, abs_lines, verbosity])

Checks that abs_lines contains only unique absorption lines

Compare(self, var1, ...)

Checks the consistency between two variables.

CompareRelative(self, var1, var2, maxabsreldiff)

Checks the consistency between two variables by their relative values.

Copy(self, output, input[, verbosity])

Copy a workspace variable.

CovarianceMatrixCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new CovarianceMatrix on the workspace

CovarianceMatrixSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

DOAngularGridsSet(self, doit_za_grid_size, ...)

Sets the angular grids for Discrete Ordinate type scattering calculations.

DOBatchCalc(self[, dobatch_cloudbox_field, ...])

Performs batch calculations for radiation fields.

Delete(self, v[, verbosity])

Deletes a workspace variable.

DiagonalMatrix(self, output, v[, verbosity])

Create a diagonal matrix from a vector.

DoitCalc(self[, cloudbox_field, ...])

Main DOIT method.

DoitGetIncoming(self[, cloudbox_field, ...])

Calculates incoming radiation field of the cloudbox by repeated radiative transfer calculations.

DoitGetIncoming1DAtm(self[, cloudbox_field, ...])

As DoitGetIncoming() but assumes clear sky part to be 1D.

DoitInit(self[, doit_scat_field, ...])

Initialises variables for DOIT scattering calculations.

DoitScatteringDataPrepare(self[, ...])

Prepares single scattering data for a DOIT scattering calculation.

DoitWriteIterationFields(self, ...)

Writes DOIT iteration fields.

Duration(self, duration, start, end[, verbosity])

Sets the seconds between two times.

EnergyLevelMapCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new EnergyLevelMap on the workspace

EnergyLevelMapSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Error(self, msg[, verbosity])

Issues an error and exits ARTS.

Exit(self[, verbosity])

Stops the execution and exits ARTS.

Extract(self, needle, haystack, index[, ...])

Extracts an element from an array.

ExtractFromMetaSingleScatSpecies(self, ...)

Extract (numeric) parameters from scat_meta of a single scattering species.

FastemStandAlone(self, emissivity, ...)

Stand-alone usage of FASTEM.

FieldFromGriddedField(self, output, ...)

Extract the data from a GriddedField.

FlagOff(self, flag[, verbosity])

Sets an index variable that acts as an on/off flag to 0.

FlagOn(self, flag[, verbosity])

Sets an index variable that acts as an on/off flag to 1.

Flatten(self, output, input[, verbosity])

Flattens an ArrayOfArray<T> to Array<T> or an Array of matpack-types to a larger dimension matpack (if dimensions agree)

ForLoop(self, forloop_agenda, ...)

A simple for-loop.

FrequencyFromCGSAngularWavenumber(self, ...)

Convert from angular wavenumber [cm^-1] to frequency [Hz].

FrequencyFromCGSKayserWavenumber(self, ...)

Convert from Kayser wavenumber [cm^-1] to frequency [Hz].

FrequencyFromWavelength(self, frequency, ...)

Convert from wavelength [m] to frequency [Hz].

GasAbsLookupCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GasAbsLookup on the workspace

GasAbsLookupSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GetEnvironmentVariable(self, output, input)

Copy the contents of an environment variable to an ARTS String or Index.

GetNumberOfThreads(self, nthreads[, verbosity])

Returns the number of threads used by ARTS.

GridPosCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GridPos on the workspace

GridPosSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GriddedField1Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GriddedField1 on the workspace

GriddedField1Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GriddedField2Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GriddedField2 on the workspace

GriddedField2Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GriddedField3Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GriddedField3 on the workspace

GriddedField3Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GriddedField4Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GriddedField4 on the workspace

GriddedField4Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GriddedField5Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GriddedField5 on the workspace

GriddedField5Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GriddedField6Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new GriddedField6 on the workspace

GriddedField6Set(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

GriddedFieldGetName(self, name, griddedfield)

Get the name of a GriddedField.

GriddedFieldLatLonExpand(self, output, input)

Expands the latitude and longitude grid of the GriddedField to [-90, 90] and [0,360], respectively.

GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid(self, output, ...)

Interpolates the input field along the latitude and longitude dimensions to lat_true and lon_true.

GriddedFieldPRegrid(self, output, ...)

Interpolates the input field along the pressure dimension to p_grid.

GriddedFieldZToPRegrid(self, output, ...)

Interpolates the input field along the vertical dimension to p_grid.

HitranRelaxationMatrixDataCreate(self, name)

Create new HitranRelaxationMatrixData on the workspace

HitranRelaxationMatrixDataSet(self, output, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

HydrotableCalc(self, hydrotable, ...)

Creates a look-up table of scattering properties.

INCLUDE(self[, verbosity])

Includes the contents of another controlfile.

Ignore(self, input[, verbosity])

Ignore a workspace variable.

IndexAdd(self, output, input, value[, verbosity])

Adds a Index and a value (output = input + value).

IndexCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Index on the workspace

IndexDivide(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Integer division of a Index and a value (output = input / value).

IndexMultiply(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Multiplies a Index and a value (output = input * value).

IndexNumberOfAtmosphericPoints(self, n[, ...])

Counts number of points in the atmosphere.

IndexSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

IndexSetToLast(self, nelem, ...)

Set an Index to point towards last position of array-type variables.

IndexStepDown(self, output, input[, verbosity])

Performas: output = input - 1

IndexStepUp(self, output, input[, verbosity])

Performas: output = input + 1

IndexSubtract(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Subtracts a Index value (output = input - value).

InterpAtmFieldToPosition(self, output, ...)

Point interpolation of atmospheric fields.

InterpGriddedField2ToPosition(self, output, ...)

Latitude and longitude interpolation of a GriddedField2.

InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition(self, output, ...)

Point interpolation of surface fields.

InterpSurfaceTypeMask(self, surface_type[, ...])

Interpolation of surface type mask.

IntersectionGeometricalWithAltitude(self, ...)

Calculates the geometrical intersection with an altitude.

JacobianTargetCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new JacobianTarget on the workspace

JacobianTargetSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

LocalTimeOffset(self, dt[, verbosity])

Sets the seconds between localtime and gmtime representation of now().

MCAntennaCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new MCAntenna on the workspace

MCAntennaSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

MCGeneral(self[, y, mc_iteration_count, ...])

A generalised 3D reversed Monte Carlo radiative algorithm, that allows for 2D antenna patterns, surface reflection and arbitrary sensor positions.

MCRadar(self[, y, mc_error, mc_antenna, ...])

A radar 3D foward Monte Carlo radiative algorithm, that allows for 2D antenna patterns and arbitrary sensor positions.

MCSetSeedFromTime(self[, mc_seed, verbosity])

Sets the value of mc_seed from system time

MagFieldsCalc(self[, mag_u_field, ...])

Interpolation of raw magnetic fields to calculation grids.

MagFieldsCalcExpand1D(self[, mag_u_field, ...])

Interpolation of 1D raw atmospheric fields to create 2D or 3D homogeneous magnetic fields.

MagFieldsCalcIGRF(self[, mag_u_field, ...])

Computes the magnetic field from part of the IGRF13 magnetic field model

MagFieldsFromAltitudeRawCalc(self[, ...])

Regrids the rawfield by lat-lon and interpolates to z_field.

MagRawRead(self, mag_u_field_raw, ...)

Reads magnetic field data from a scenario.

MapOfErrorCorrectedSuddenDataCreate(self, name)

Create new MapOfErrorCorrectedSuddenData on the workspace

MapOfErrorCorrectedSuddenDataSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Matrix1ColFromVector(self, output, v[, ...])

Forms a matrix containing one column from a vector.

Matrix1RowFromVector(self, output, v[, ...])

Forms a matrix containing one row from a vector.

Matrix2ColFromVectors(self, output, v1, v2)

Forms a matrix containing two columns from two vectors.

Matrix2RowFromVectors(self, output, v1, v2)

Forms a matrix containing two rows from two vectors.

Matrix3ColFromVectors(self, output, v1, v2, v3)

Forms a matrix containing three columns from three vectors.

Matrix3RowFromVectors(self, output, v1, v2, v3)

Forms a matrix containing three rows from three vectors.

MatrixAdd(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Adds a scalar to all elements of a matrix.

MatrixCBR(self, output, pyarts.arts.Matrix], ...)

Sets a matrix to hold cosmic background radiation (CBR).

MatrixCopySparse(self, output, input[, ...])

Creates a matrix by copying a variable of type Sparse.

MatrixCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Matrix on the workspace

MatrixDivide(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Divides all elements of a matrix with the specified value.

MatrixExtractFromTensor3(self, output, ...)

Extracts a Matrix from a Tensor3.

MatrixFromCovarianceMatrix(self, output, input)

Turns a covariance matrix into a Matrix.

MatrixGaussian(self, Y, pyarts.arts.Matrix], ...)

Fills a matrix with a Gaussian function.

MatrixIdentity(self, output, n[, value, ...])

Returns the identity matrix.

MatrixMatrixMultiply(self, Y, M, X[, verbosity])

Multiply a Matrix with another Matrix and store the result in the result Matrix.

MatrixMultiply(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Multiplies all elements of a matrix with the specified value.

MatrixPlanck(self, output, ...)

Sets a matrix to hold blackbody radiation.

MatrixReshapeTensor3(self, output, input[, ...])

Creates a matrix as reshaped version of a tenor3.

MatrixSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

MatrixSetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates a matrix and sets all elements to the specified value.

MatrixSubtract(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Subtracts a scalar from all elements of a matrix.

MatrixUnitIntensity(self, output, ...)

Sets a matrix to hold unpolarised radiation with unit intensity.

NumericAdd(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Adds a Numeric and a value (output = input + value).

NumericClip(self, output, ...)

Clipping of a Numeric.

NumericCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Numeric on the workspace

NumericDivide(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Divides a Numeric with a value (output = input / value).

NumericFromVector(self, output, input, op[, ...])

Derivs a Numeric from a vector, following selected operation.

NumericMultiply(self, output, input, value)

Multiplies a Numeric with a value (output = input * value).

NumericSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

NumericSubtract(self, output, input, value)

Subtracts a Numeric value (output = input - value).

OEM(self, x, pyarts.arts.Vector]] = self.x, ...)

Inversion by the so called optimal estimation method (OEM).

OptimizeDoitPressureGrid(self[, p_grid, ...])

Optimization of the pressure grid for RT calculation.

PFromZSimple(self, p_grid, z_grid[, verbosity])

Simple conversion from altitude to pressure.

PlanetSet(self, g0_agenda, ...)

Sets g0_agenda, refellipsoid, molarmass_dry_air, and planet_rotation_period to default values

PpathCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Ppath on the workspace

PpathSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

PredefinedModelDataCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new PredefinedModelData on the workspace

PredefinedModelDataSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Print(self, input[, level, verbosity])

Prints a variable on the screen.

PrintPhysicalConstants(self[, verbosity])

Prints (most) physical constants used in ARTS.

PrintWorkspace(self[, only_allocated, ...])

Prints a list of the workspace variables.

PropagationMatrixCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new PropagationMatrix on the workspace

PropagationMatrixSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

QuantumIdentifierCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new QuantumIdentifier on the workspace

QuantumIdentifierSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

RT4Calc(self[, cloudbox_field, za_grid, ...])

Interface to the PolRadTran RT4 scattering solver (by F.

RT4CalcWithRT4Surface(self[, ...])

As RT4Calc except for using RT4's proprietary surface type handling.

RT4Test(self, out_rad[, datapath, verbosity])

RT4 validation test.

RadarOnionPeelingTableCalc(self, invtable, ...)

Creates a radar inversion table.

RadiationFieldSpectralIntegrate(self, ...)

Integrates fields like spectral_irradiance_field or spectral_radiance_field over frequency.

RadiationVectorCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new RadiationVector on the workspace

RadiationVectorSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

RationalAdd(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Adds a Rational and a value (output = input + value).

RationalCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Rational on the workspace

RationalDivide(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Divides a Rational with a value (output = input / value).

RationalMultiply(self, output, input, value)

Multiplies a Rational with a value (output = input * value).

RationalSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

RationalSubtract(self, output, input, value)

Subtracts a Rational value (output = input - value).

ReadARTSCAT(self, abs_lines, ...)

Reads an old ArrayOfLineRecord ARTSCAT file

ReadArrayOfARTSCAT(self, abs_lines, ...)

Reads an old Array<ArrayOfLineRecord> ARTSCAT file.

ReadHITRAN(self, abs_lines, ...)

Reads a HITRAN .par file.

ReadJPL(self, abs_lines, ...)

Reads a JPL file.

ReadLBLRTM(self, abs_lines, ...)

Reads a LBLRTM file.

ReadNetCDF(self, output, filename[, verbosity])

Reads a workspace variable from a NetCDF file.

ReadSplitARTSCAT(self, abs_lines, ...)

Reads several old ArrayOfLineRecord ARTSCAT file

ReadXML(self, output[, filename, verbosity])

Reads a workspace variable from an XML file.

ReadXMLIndexed(self, output[, file_index, ...])

As ReadXML(), but reads indexed file names.

ReadXsecData(self, xsec_fit_data, ...)

Reads HITRAN Crosssection coefficients

Reduce(self, o, i[, verbosity])

Reduces a larger class to a smaller class of same size.

ScatElementsPndAndScatAdd(self, ...)

Adds single scattering data and particle number density for individual scattering elements.

ScatElementsSelect(self, scat_data_raw, ...)

Allows to limit considered scattering elements according to size.

ScatElementsToabs_speciesAdd(self, ...)

Appends scattering elements to abs_species including reading single scattering data and corresponding pnd field.

ScatSpeciesExtendTemperature(self[, ...])

Extends valid temperature range of single scattering data.

ScatSpeciesInit(self[, scat_species, ...])

Initializes the scattering species related data variables.

ScatSpeciesMerge(self[, pnd_field, ...])

Merges single scattering data of all scattering elements into one element of bulk properties.

ScatSpeciesPndAndScatAdd(self, ...)

Adds single scattering data and particle number densities for one scattering species.

ScatSpeciesScatAndMetaRead(self, ...)

Reads single scattering data and scattering meta data for one scattering species.

ScatSpeciesSizeMassInfo(self, ...)

Derives size and mass information for a scattering species.

ScatteringMetaDataCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new ScatteringMetaData on the workspace

ScatteringMetaDataSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Select(self, needles, haystack, needleindexes)

Method to select some elements from one array and copy them to a new array.

SetNumberOfThreads(self, nthreads[, verbosity])

Change the number of threads used by ARTS.

SingleScatteringDataCreate(self, name[, ...])

Create new SingleScatteringData on the workspace

SingleScatteringDataSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Sleep(self, time[, verbosity])

Sleeps for a number of seconds

SparseCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Sparse on the workspace

SparseIdentity(self, output, n[, value, ...])

Returns a sparse dentity matrix.

SparseSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

SparseSparseMultiply(self, M, M1, M2[, ...])

Multiplies a Sparse with another Sparse, result stored in Sparse.

SpeciesIsotopologueRatiosCreate(self, name)

Create new SpeciesIsotopologueRatios on the workspace

SpeciesIsotopologueRatiosSet(self, output, value)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

SpectralRadianceProfileOperatorCreate(self, name)

Create new SpectralRadianceProfileOperator on the workspace

SpectralRadianceProfileOperatorSet(self, ...)

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

StokesVectorCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new StokesVector on the workspace

StokesVectorSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

StringCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new String on the workspace

StringJoin(self, output, in1, in2[, in3, ...])

Concatenate two or more strings.

StringSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

SurfaceBlackbody(self[, surface_los, ...])

Blackbody surface, with support for Jacobian calculations.

SurfaceDummy(self[, dsurface_rmatrix_dx, ...])

Dummy method for iy_surface_agenda.

SurfaceFastem(self, surface_los, ...)

FASTEM sea surface microwave emissivity parametrization.

SurfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(self, ...)

Piecewise linear scalar surface reflectivity.

SurfaceTessem(self[, surface_los, ...])

TESSEM sea surface microwave emissivity parametrization.

TMatrixTest(self[, verbosity])

T-Matrix validation test.

TangentPointExtract(self, tan_pos[, ppath, ...])

Finds the tangent point of a propagation path.

TangentPointPrint(self[, ppath, level, ...])

Prints information about the tangent point of a propagation path.

TelsemAtlasCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new TelsemAtlas on the workspace

TelsemAtlasSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Tensor3Add(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Adds a scalar value to all elements of a tensor3.

Tensor3Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Tensor3 on the workspace

Tensor3ExtractFromTensor4(self, output, ...)

Extracts a Tensor3 from a Tensor4.

Tensor3FromVector(self, output, v[, verbosity])

Forms a Tensor3 of size nx1x1 from a vector of length n.

Tensor3Multiply(self, output, input, value)

Multiplies all elements of a tensor with the specified value.

Tensor3Set(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Tensor3SetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.

Tensor4Add(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Adds a scalar value to all elements of a tensor4.

Tensor4Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Tensor4 on the workspace

Tensor4Multiply(self, output, input, value)

Multiplies all elements of a tensor with the specified value.

Tensor4Set(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Tensor4SetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.

Tensor5Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Tensor5 on the workspace

Tensor5Multiply(self, output, input, value)

Multiplies all elements of a tensor with the specified value.

Tensor5Set(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Tensor5SetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.

Tensor6Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Tensor6 on the workspace

Tensor6Multiply(self, output, input, value)

Multiplies all elements of a tensor with the specified value.

Tensor6Set(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Tensor6SetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.

Tensor7Create(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Tensor7 on the workspace

Tensor7Multiply(self, output, input, value)

Multiplies all elements of a tensor with the specified value.

Tensor7Set(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Tensor7SetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates a tensor and sets all elements to the specified value.

TessemNNCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new TessemNN on the workspace

TessemNNReadAscii(self, tessem_nn, filename)

Reads the initialization data for the TESSEM NeuralNet from an ASCII file.

TessemNNSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Test(self[, verbosity])

A dummy method that can be used for test purposes.

TestArrayOfAgenda(self[, test_agenda_array, ...])

A method that is used for the TestArrayOfAgenda test case.

TestTessem(self, outvalues, net, invalues[, ...])

Example method for TESSEM2.

TimeCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Time on the workspace

TimeSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

TimerCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Timer on the workspace

TimerSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Touch(self, input[, verbosity])

As Ignore() but for agenda output.

TransmissionMatrixCreate(self, name[, desc, ...])

Create new TransmissionMatrix on the workspace

TransmissionMatrixSet(self, output, value[, ...])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

Trapz(self, output, x, y[, verbosity])

Intregrates a vector of over its grid range

VectorAdd(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Adds a scalar to all elements of a vector.

VectorAddElementwise(self, c, a, b[, verbosity])

Element-wise addition of two vectors.

VectorClip(self, output, ...)

Clipping of a vector.

VectorCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Vector on the workspace

VectorCrop(self, output, input[, min_value, ...])

Keeps only values of a vector inside the specified range.

VectorDivide(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Divides all elements of a vector with the same value.

VectorDivideElementwise(self, c, a, b[, ...])

Element-wise division of two vectors.

VectorExtractFromMatrix(self, output, input, ...)

Extracts a Vector from a Matrix.

VectorFlip(self, output, input[, verbosity])

Flips a vector.

VectorGaussian(self, y, x[, x0, si, fwhm, ...])

Fills a vector with a Gaussian function.

VectorInsertGridPoints(self, output, input, ...)

Insert some additional points into a grid.

VectorLinSpace(self, output, start, stop, step)

Initializes a vector with linear spacing.

VectorLogSpace(self, output, start, stop, step)

Initializes a vector with logarithmic spacing.

VectorMatrixMultiply(self, y, M, x[, verbosity])

Multiply a Vector with a Matrix and store the result in another Vector.

VectorMultiply(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Multiplies all elements of a vector with the same value.

VectorMultiplyElementwise(self, c, a, b[, ...])

Element-wise multiplication of two vectors.

VectorNLinSpace(self, output, ...)

Creates a vector with length nelem, equally spaced between the given end values.

VectorNLinSpaceVector(self, output, ...)

As VectorNLinSpace() but end points taken from a vector.

VectorNLogSpace(self, output, ...)

Creates a vector with length nelem, equally logarithmically spaced between the given end values.

VectorPower(self, output, input, power[, ...])

Calculates the power of each element in a vector.

VectorReshapeMatrix(self, output, input[, ...])

Converts a Matrix to a Vector.

VectorSet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

VectorSetConstant(self, output, ...)

Creates a vector and sets all elements to the specified value.

VectorSparseMultiply(self, y, M, x[, verbosity])

Multiply a Vector with a Sparse and store the result in another Vector.

VectorSubtract(self, output, input, value[, ...])

Subtracts a scalar from all elements of a vector.

VectorSubtractElementwise(self, c, a, b[, ...])

Element-wise subtraction of two vectors.

VectorZtanToZa1D(self, v_za, ...)

Converts a set of geometrical tangent altitudes to zenith angles.

VectorZtanToZaRefr1D(self, v_za, ...)

Converts a set of true tangent altitudes to zenith angles.

VerbosityCreate(self, name[, desc, value])

Create new Verbosity on the workspace

VerbositySet(self, output, value[, verbosity])

Sets a workspace variable to the given value.

WMRFSelectChannels(self[, f_grid, ...])

Select some channels for WMRF calculation.

Wigner3Init(self[, wigner_initialized, ...])

Initialize the wigner 3 tables

Wigner3Unload(self[, wigner_initialized, ...])

Unloads the wigner 3 tables

Wigner6Init(self[, wigner_initialized, ...])

Initialize the wigner 3 and 6 tables

Wigner6Unload(self[, wigner_initialized, ...])

Unloads the wigner 3 and 6 tables

WignerFastInfoPrint(self[, ...])

Prints the fast wigner table information if compiled with this option

WindFieldsCalc(self[, wind_u_field, ...])

Interpolation of raw wind fields to calculation grids.

WindFieldsCalcExpand1D(self[, wind_u_field, ...])

Interpolation of 1D raw atmospheric fields to create 2D or 3D homogeneous wind fields.

WindRawRead(self, wind_u_field_raw, ...)

Reads wind field data from a scenario.

WriteBuiltinPartitionFunctionsXML(self, ...)

Writes all the builtin partition functions to file.

WriteMolTau(self, f_grid, ...)

Writes a 'molecular_tau_file' as required for libRadtran.

WriteNetCDF(self, input[, filename, verbosity])

Writes a workspace variable to a NetCDF file.

WriteNetCDFIndexed(self, file_index, ...)

As WriteNetCDF(), but creates indexed file names.

WriteXML(self, output_file_format, ...)

Writes a workspace variable to an XML file.

WriteXMLIndexed(self, output_file_format, ...)

As WriteXML(), but creates indexed file names.

ZFromPSimple(self, z_grid, p_grid[, verbosity])

Simple conversion from pressure to altitude.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

abs_cia_dataAddCIARecord(self, abs_cia_data, ...)

Takes CIARecord as input and appends the results in the appropriate place.

abs_cia_dataReadFromCIA(self, abs_cia_data, ...)

Read data from a CIA data file for all CIA molecules defined in abs_species.

abs_cia_dataReadFromXML(self[, ...])

Read data from a CIA XML file and check that all CIA tags defined in abs_species are present in the file.

abs_cia_dataReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, ...)

Reads a species split CIA dataset.


Reads HITRAN line mixing data from a basedir

abs_linesAdaptOnTheFlyLineMixing(self, ...)

Adapts the line-catalog from using ecs_data data to.

abs_linesBaseParameterMatchingLevel(self, ...)

Set parameter of all levels in abs_lines that match with QuantumIdentifier.

abs_linesBaseParameterMatchingLevels(self, ...)

See abs_linesBaseParameterMatchingLevel()

abs_linesBaseParameterMatchingLines(self, ...)

Set parameter of all lines in abs_lines that match with QuantumIdentifier.


Change parameter of all levels in abs_lines that match with QuantumIdentifier.


See abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel()


Change parameter of all lines in abs_lines that match with QuantumIdentifier.

abs_linesCompact(self[, abs_lines, f_grid, ...])

Removes lines that are unimportant because of their cutoff frequency range

abs_linesCutoff(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets cutoff type and magnitude for all lines.

abs_linesCutoffMatch(self, abs_lines, ...)

As abs_linesCutoff() but for matching bands

abs_linesDeleteBadF0(self, abs_lines, ...)

Deletes all lines in abs_lines that have bad central frequencies

abs_linesEmptyBroadeningParameters(self[, ...])

Sets a broadening parameter to empty if it is effectively empty

abs_linesFlatten(self[, abs_lines, verbosity])

Makes abs_lines with the same ID share lines

abs_linesKeepBand(self, abs_lines, ...)

Keep only qid-match band lines in abs_lines


Sets line shape model data parameter in matching lines.

abs_linesLineShapeType(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets shape calculations type for all lines.

abs_linesLineShapeTypeMatch(self, abs_lines, ...)

As abs_linesLineShapeType() but for matching bands

abs_linesLinemixingLimit(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets line mixing limit for all lines.

abs_linesLinemixingLimitMatch(self, ...)

See abs_linesLinemixingLimit() for values

abs_linesManualMirroring(self[, abs_lines, ...])

Makes a copy of all lines at negative frequency setting themto manual mirroring mode

abs_linesMirroring(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets mirroring type for all lines.

abs_linesMirroringMatch(self, abs_lines, ...)

As abs_linesMirroring() but for matching bands

abs_linesNormalization(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets normalization type for all lines

abs_linesNormalizationMatch(self, abs_lines, ...)

As abs_linesNormalization() but for matching bands

abs_linesPopulation(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets population type for all lines.

abs_linesPopulationMatch(self, abs_lines, ...)

As abs_linesPopulation() but for matching bands

abs_linesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, ...)

Reads a catalog of absorption lines files in a directory

abs_linesRemoveBand(self, abs_lines, ...)

Removes qid band from abs_lines

abs_linesRemoveEmptyBands(self[, abs_lines, ...])

Removes emtpy bands from abs_lines

abs_linesRemoveLines(self[, abs_lines, ...])

Remove lines abs_lines outside of specifications

abs_linesRemoveLinesFromSpecies(self, ...)

As abs_linesRemoveLines() but only for bands of the given species.

abs_linesReplaceBands(self, abs_lines, ...)

Replace all bands in abs_lines that match with bands in replacing_bands.

abs_linesReplaceLines(self, abs_lines, ...)

Replace all lines in abs_lines that match with lines in replacement_lines.

abs_linesSort(self[, abs_lines, option, ...])

Sorts first the lines then the bands by smallest first

abs_linesT0(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets reference temperature for all lines.

abs_linesT0Match(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets reference temperature

abs_linesTurnOffLineMixing(self[, ...])

Sets all line mixing parameters to emtpy.

abs_linesWriteSpeciesSplitCatalog(self, ...)

Writes a split catalog, AbsorptionLines by AbsorptionLines.

abs_linesZeemanCoefficients(self, abs_lines, ...)

Sets the Zeeman coefficients of the lines by user input


Adapts the line-catalog from using abs_hitran_relmat_data to.


Calls abs_linesAdaptOnTheFlyLineMixing() for each internal array


See abs_linesBaseParameterMatchingLevel()


See abs_linesBaseParameterMatchingLevel()


See abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel()


See abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLevel()


See abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLines()


See abs_linesChangeBaseParameterForMatchingLines() but for single species

abs_lines_per_speciesCompact(self[, ...])

See abs_linesCompact()

abs_lines_per_speciesCreateFromLines(self[, ...])

Split lines up into the different species.

abs_lines_per_speciesCutoff(self, ...)

As abs_linesCutoff() but for abs_lines_per_species

abs_lines_per_speciesCutoffMatch(self, ...)

As abs_lines_per_speciesCutoff() but for matching bands

abs_lines_per_speciesCutoffSpecies(self, ...)

As abs_lines_per_speciesCutoff() but for matching abs_species

abs_lines_per_speciesFlatten(self[, ...])

Calls abs_linesFlatten() per internal set of bands


See abs_linesLineShapeModelParametersMatchingLines()

abs_lines_per_speciesLineShapeType(self, ...)

As abs_linesLineShapeType() but for abs_lines_per_species


As abs_lines_per_speciesLineShapeType() but for matching bands


As abs_lines_per_speciesLineShapeType() but for matching abs_species

abs_lines_per_speciesLinemixingLimit(self, ...)

See abs_linesLinemixingLimit()


See abs_linesLinemixingLimit() for values


See abs_linesLinemixingLimit() but for single species

abs_lines_per_speciesManualMirroring(self[, ...])

Makes a copy of all lines at negative frequency setting them.


Calls abs_linesManualMirroring() for given species in abs_species

abs_lines_per_speciesMirroring(self, ...)

As abs_linesMirroring() but for abs_lines_per_species

abs_lines_per_speciesMirroringMatch(self, ...)

As abs_lines_per_speciesMirroring() but for matching bands

abs_lines_per_speciesMirroringSpecies(self, ...)

As abs_lines_per_speciesMirroring() but for matching abs_species

abs_lines_per_speciesNormalization(self, ...)

As abs_linesNormalization() but for abs_lines_per_species


As abs_lines_per_speciesNormalization() but for matching bands


As abs_lines_per_speciesNormalization() but for matching abs_species

abs_lines_per_speciesPopulation(self, ...)

As abs_linesPopulation() but for abs_lines_per_species

abs_lines_per_speciesPopulationMatch(self, ...)

As abs_lines_per_speciesPopulation() but for matching bands


Turns on NTLE calculations.

abs_lines_per_speciesPopulationSpecies(self, ...)

As abs_lines_per_speciesPopulation() but for matching abs_species


See abs_linesReadSpeciesSplitCatalog() but only for abs_species

abs_lines_per_speciesRemoveLines(self[, ...])

Repeats abs_linesRemoveLines() for all inner arrays


Repeats abs_linesRemoveLinesFromSpecies() for all inner arrays

abs_lines_per_speciesSetEmpty(self[, ...])

Empties abs_lines_per_species at the correct size.

abs_lines_per_speciesT0(self, ...)

See abs_linesT0()

abs_lines_per_speciesT0Match(self, ...)

Sets reference temperature

abs_lines_per_speciesT0Species(self, ...)

See abs_linesT0() but for single species


Sets all line mixing parameters to emtpy.


See abs_linesWriteSpeciesSplitCatalog()


See abs_linesZeemanCoefficients()

abs_lookupAdapt(self[, abs_lookup, ...])

Adapts a gas absorption lookup table to the current calculation.

abs_lookupCalc(self[, abs_lookup, ...])

Creates a gas absorption lookup table.

abs_lookupInit(self[, abs_lookup, verbosity])

Creates an empty gas absorption lookup table.

abs_lookupSetup(self[, abs_p, abs_t, ...])

Set up input parameters for abs_lookupCalc.

abs_lookupSetupBatch(self, abs_p, ...)

Set up input parameters for abs_lookupCalc for batch calculations.

abs_lookupSetupWide(self[, abs_p, abs_t, ...])

Set up input parameters for abs_lookupCalc for a wide range of atmospheric conditions.

abs_nlteFromRaw(self, abs_nlte, ...)

Sets NLTE values manually

abs_speciesAdd(self, abs_species, ...)

Adds species tag groups to the list of absorption species.

abs_speciesAdd2(self, abs_species, ...)

Adds a species tag group to the list of absorption species and jacobian quantities.

abs_speciesDefineAll(self[, abs_species, ...])

Sets abs_species [i][0] to all species in ARTS

abs_speciesDefineAllInScenario(self, ...)

Define one tag group for each species known to ARTS and included in an atmospheric scenario.

abs_speciesInit(self[, abs_species, verbosity])

Sets abs_species to be empty.

abs_speciesSet(self, abs_species, ...)

Set up a list of absorption species tag groups.

abs_vecAddGas(self[, abs_vec, ...])

Add gas absorption to first element of absorption vector.

antenna_responseGaussian(self, ...)

Sets up a Gaussian antenna response.

antenna_responseGaussianConstant(self, ...)

Sets up a Gaussian antenna response, with no frequency variation.

antenna_responseGaussianEffectiveSize(self, ...)

Sets up Gaussian antenna responses.

atm_fields_compactAddConstant(self, ...)

Adds a constant field to atm_fields_compact.

atm_fields_compactAddSpecies(self, ...)

Adds a field to atm_fields_compact, with interpolation.

atm_fields_compactCleanup(self, ...)

Removes unrealistically small or erroneous data from atm_fields_compact (or other GriddedField4 data)

atm_fields_compactCreateFromField(self, ...)

Initiates atm_fields_compact from a field.

atm_fields_compactFromMatrix(self, ...)

Sets atm_fields_compact from 1D fields given in form of a matrix.

atm_gridsFromZRaw(self[, p_grid, lat_grid, ...])

Calls p_gridFromZRaw(), lat_gridFromZRaw() and lon_gridFromZRaw()

atmfields_checkedCalc(self[, ...])

Checks consistency of (clear sky) atmospheric fields.

atmgeom_checkedCalc(self[, atmgeom_checked, ...])

Checks consistency of geometric considerations of the atmosphere.

avkCalc(self[, avk, dxdy, jacobian, verbosity])

Calculate the averaging kernel matrix.

backend_channel_responseFlat(self, ...)

Sets up a rectangular channel response.

backend_channel_responseGaussian(self, ...)

Sets up a Gaussian backend channel response.


Sets up a single Gaussian backend channel response.

batch_atm_fields_compactAddConstant(self, ...)

Adds a constant field to batch_atm_fields_compact.

batch_atm_fields_compactAddSpecies(self, ...)

Adds a field to batch_atm_fields_compact, with interpolation.

batch_atm_fields_compactCleanup(self, ...)

Removes unrealistically small or erroneous data from each data field of batch_atm_fields_compact (or other AerrayOfGriddedField4 data)


Expand batch of 1D atmospheric state matrices to batch_atm_fields_compact.

cloudboxOff(self[, cloudbox_on, ...])

Deactivates the cloud box.

cloudboxSetAutomatically(self, cloudbox_on, ...)

Sets the cloud box to encompass the cloud given by the entries in particle_field.

cloudboxSetFullAtm(self[, cloudbox_on, ...])

Sets the cloudbox to cover the full atmosphere.

cloudboxSetManually(self, cloudbox_on, ...)

Sets the cloud box to encompass the given positions.

cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude(self, ...)

Sets the cloud box to encompass the given positions.

cloudbox_checkedCalc(self[, ...])

Checks consistency and validity of the cloudbox governing variables.

cloudbox_fieldCrop(self[, cloudbox_field, ...])

Extracts a part of an existing cloudbox_field.

cloudbox_fieldDisort(self[, cloudbox_field, ...])

Interface to the DISORT scattering solver (by Stamnes et al.).

cloudbox_fieldDisortWithARTSSurface(self[, ...])

Interface to the DISORT scattering solver (by Stamnes et al.).

cloudbox_fieldInterp2Azimuth(self, ...)

Reinterpolate a cloudbox_field with azimuthal dependency.

cloudbox_fieldSetClearsky(self[, ...])

Interpolate clearsky field on all gridpoints in cloudbox.

cloudbox_fieldSetConst(self, cloudbox_field, ...)

This method sets the initial field inside the cloudbox to a constant value.

cloudbox_fieldSetConstPerFreq(self, ...)

This method sets the initial field inside the cloudbox to a constant value per frequency slice.

cloudbox_fieldSetFromPrecalc(self, ...)

Sets the initial cloudbox intensity field cloudbox_field from a precalculated field.

cloudbox_fieldUpdate1D(self[, ...])

RT calculation in cloudbox with fixed scattering integral (1D).

cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1D(self[, ...])

RT calculation in cloudbox with fixed scattering integral.

cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq1DPP(self[, ...])

RT calculation in cloudbox with fixed scattering integral.

cloudbox_fieldUpdateSeq3D(self[, ...])

RT calculation in cloudbox with fixed scattering integral.

cloudbox_field_monoIterate(self[, ...])

Iterative solution of the VRTE (DOIT method).

cloudbox_field_monoOptimizeReverse(self[, ...])

Interpolate cloudbox_field_mono back to the original p_grid.

cloudbox_field_monoSetConst(self, ...)

This method sets the initial field inside the cloudbox to a constant value.

collision_coefficientsFromSplitFiles(self[, ...])

Reads collision_coefficients and collision_line_identifiers from files.

complex_refr_indexConstant(self, ...)

Set complex refractive index to a constant value.

complex_refr_indexIceMatzler06(self, ...)

Refractive index of ice following Matzler06 parameterization.

complex_refr_indexTemperatureConstant(self, ...)

Set frequency dependent complex refractive index.

complex_refr_indexWaterLiebe93(self, ...)

Complex refractive index of liquid water according to Liebe 1993.


Refractive index of water and steam for the optical and near infrared.

covmat1D(self, output, pyarts.arts.Matrix, ...)

Create 1D covariance matrix.

covmat1DMarkov(self, output, out_inverse, ...)

Create Markov Process Covariance Matrix.

covmatDiagonal(self, output, out_inverse, vars)

Sets the matrix in covmat_block to a diagonal matrix with the variances provided in vars as diagonal elements.

covmat_seAddBlock(self, covmat_se, ...)

Add a block to the measurement covariance matrix covmat_se

covmat_seAddInverseBlock(self, covmat_se, ...)

Add the inverse of a block to covariance matrix covmat_se

covmat_seSet(self, covmat_se, ...)

Set covmat_se to a given matrix.

covmat_soCalc(self[, covmat_so, dxdy, ...])

Calculates the covariance matrix describing the error due to uncertainties in the observation system.

covmat_ssCalc(self[, covmat_ss, avk, ...])

Calculates the covariance matrix describing the error due to smoothing.

covmat_sxAddBlock(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Add a block to the a priori covariance matrix covmat_sx

covmat_sxAddInverseBlock(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Add the inverse of a block in covariance matrix covmat_sx

covmat_sxExtractSqrtDiagonal(self, x_norm[, ...])

Extract the square root of the diagonal of the state space covariance matrix.

covmat_sxSet(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Set covmat_sx to a given matrix.

create_variable(self, group, name[, desc])

Creates a workspace variable

diameter_maxFromDiameter_volume_equ(self, ...)

Calculates maximum and area equivalent diameters from volume equivalent diameter.

diameter_volume_equFromDiameter_max(self, ...)

Converts from maximum to volume equivalent diameter.

dlosDiffOfLos(self, dlos, ref_los, other_los)

Derives the difference betwenn zenith and azimuth angles.

dlosGauss(self, dlos, ...)

Gives a dlos suitable for a circular Gaussian response.

dlosUniform(self, dlos, ...)

Gives dlos a rectangular coverage, with uniform spacing.

dobatch_calc_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets dobatch_calc_agenda to a default value

doit_conv_flagAbs(self, doit_conv_flag, ...)

DOIT convergence test (maximum absolute difference).

doit_conv_flagAbsBT(self, doit_conv_flag, ...)

DOIT convergence test (maximum absolute difference in Rayleigh Jeans BT)

doit_conv_flagLsq(self, doit_conv_flag, ...)

DOIT convergence test (least squares).

doit_conv_test_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets doit_conv_test_agenda to a default value

doit_mono_agendaSet(self, doit_mono_agenda, ...)

Sets doit_mono_agenda to a default value

doit_rte_agendaSet(self, doit_rte_agenda, ...)

Sets doit_rte_agenda to a default value

doit_scat_fieldCalc(self[, doit_scat_field, ...])

Calculates the scattering integral field in the DOIT module.

doit_scat_fieldCalcLimb(self[, ...])

Calculates the scattering integral field in the DOIT module (limb).

doit_scat_field_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets doit_scat_field_agenda to a default value

doit_za_grid_optCalc(self, doit_za_grid_opt, ...)

Zenith angle grid optimization for scattering calculation.

doit_za_interpSet(self[, doit_za_interp, ...])

Define interpolation method for zenith angle dimension.

ecs_dataAddMakarov2020(self[, ecs_data, ...])

Sets the O2-66 microwave band data for ECS.

ecs_dataAddMeanAir(self, ecs_data, ...)

Sets ECS data for air from other data if available.

ecs_dataAddRodrigues1997(self[, ecs_data, ...])

Sets the CO2-626, CO2-636, and CO2-628 IR band data for ECS.

ecs_dataAddSpeciesData(self, ecs_data, ...)

Sets ECS data for one set of species and quantum identifiers.

ecs_dataAddTran2006(self[, ecs_data, ...])

Sets the O2-66 visible band data for ECS.

ecs_dataAddTran2011(self[, ecs_data, ...])

Sets the CO2-626, CO2-636, and CO2-628 IR band data for ECS.

ecs_dataInit(self[, ecs_data, verbosity])

Resets/initializes the ECS data.

execute_controlfile(self, file)

Execute a .arts file

ext_matAddGas(self[, ext_mat, ...])

Add gas absorption to all diagonal elements of extinction matrix.

f_gridFromAbsorptionLines(self, f_grid, ...)

Sets f_grid to a grid relative to abs_lines_per_species

f_gridFromGasAbsLookup(self[, f_grid, ...])

Sets f_grid to the frequency grid of abs_lookup.

f_gridFromSensorAMSU(self[, f_grid, ...])

Automatically calculate f_grid to match the sensor.

f_gridFromSensorAMSUgeneric(self, f_grid, ...)

Automatcially calculate f_grid to match the sensor.

f_gridFromSensorHIRS(self[, f_grid, ...])

Automatically calculate f_grid to match the sensor.

f_gridMetMM(self, f_grid, ...)

Sets f_grid and associated variables match MetMM settings.

forloop_agendaSet(self, forloop_agenda, ...)

Sets forloop_agenda to a default value

g0Earth(self[, g0, lat, verbosity])

Gravity at zero altitude on Earth.

g0Io(self[, g0, verbosity])

Gravity at zero altitude on Io.

g0Jupiter(self[, g0, verbosity])

Gravity at zero altitude on Jupiter.

g0Mars(self[, g0, verbosity])

Gravity at zero altitude on Mars.

g0Venus(self[, g0, verbosity])

Gravity at zero altitude on Venus.

g0_agendaSet(self, g0_agenda, ...)

Sets g0_agenda to a default value

gas_scatteringOff(self[, gas_scattering_do, ...])

Deactivates the gas_scattering within radiative transfer calculations.

gas_scattering_agendaSet(self[, ...])

Sets gas_scattering_agenda to a default value

gas_scattering_coefAirSimple(self[, ...])

Calculates of scattering coefficient matrix for air.

gas_scattering_coefXsecConst(self[, ...])

Calculates the spectrum of scattering coefficient matrices.

gas_scattering_matIsotropic(self[, ...])

Calculates the spectrum of normalized scattering matrices.

gas_scattering_matRayleigh(self[, ...])

Calculates the normalized Rayleigh scattering matrix.

geo_posEndOfPpath(self[, geo_pos, ppath, ...])

Sets geo-position based on ppath.

geo_posLowestAltitudeOfPpath(self[, ...])

Sets geo-position based on ppath.

geo_posWherePpathPassesZref(self, geo_pos, ...)

Sets geo-position based on ppath.

heating_ratesFromIrradiance(self[, ...])

Calculates heating rates from the irradiance_field.

heating_ratesFromIrradianceSimple(self, ...)

Calculates heating rates from the irradiance_field.

inversion_iterate_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets inversion_iterate_agenda to a default value

irradiance_fieldFromRadiance(self[, ...])

Calculates the irradiance from the radiance_field.

isotopologue_ratiosInitFromBuiltin(self[, ...])

Initialize isotopologue ratios with default values from built-in species data.

isotopologue_ratiosInitFromHitran(self[, ...])

Initialize isotopologue ratios with default values from built-in Hitran species data.

iyApplyUnit(self[, iy, iy_aux, stokes_dim, ...])

Conversion of iy to other spectral units (for passive observations).

iyCalc(self[, iy, iy_aux, ppath, geo_pos, ...])

A single monochromatic pencil beam calculation.

iyClearsky(self[, iy, iy_aux, diy_dx, ...])

Standard method for radiative transfer calculations with emission and a direct (solar) source .

iyEmissionHybrid(self[, iy, iy_aux, diy_dx, ...])

Radiative transfer with emission and precalculated radiation field.

iyEmissionStandard(self[, iy, iy_aux, ...])

Standard method for radiative transfer calculations with emission.

iyIndependentBeamApproximation(self[, iy, ...])

Samples atmosphere along ppath and make 1D-type RT calculation.

iyInterpCloudboxField(self[, iy, ...])

Interpolates the intensity field of the cloud box.

iyLoopFrequencies(self[, iy, iy_aux, ppath, ...])

Radiative transfer calculations one frequency at the time.

iyMC(self[, iy, iy_aux, diy_dx, ...])

Interface to Monte Carlo part for iy_main_agenda.

iyRadarSingleScat(self[, iy, iy_aux, ...])

Simulation of radar, restricted to single scattering.

iyReplaceFromAux(self, iy, ...)

Change of main output variable.

iySurfaceFastem(self, iy, ...)

Usage of FASTEM for emissivity and reflectivity of water surfaces.

iySurfaceFlatReflectivity(self[, iy, ...])

This method calculates upwelling radiation for a specular flat surface.

iySurfaceFlatReflectivityDirect(self[, iy, ...])

This method calculates the specular reflection at a flat surface of the direct radiation with a predefined reflectivity matrix.

iySurfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(self[, iy, ...])

This method calculates upwelling radiation for a specular flat surface.

iySurfaceFlatRefractiveIndexDirect(self[, ...])

This method calculates the specular reflection at a flat surface of the direct radiation.

iySurfaceInit(self[, iy, f_grid, ...])

This method initialize iy.

iySurfaceLambertian(self[, iy, diy_dx, ...])

This method calculates upwelling radiation for a lambertian surface.

iySurfaceLambertianDirect(self[, iy, ...])

This method calculates the scattering of the direct radiation for a Lambertian surface.

iySurfaceRtpropAgenda(self[, iy, diy_dx, ...])

Interface to surface_rtprop_agenda for iy_surface_agenda.

iySurfaceRtpropCalc(self[, iy, diy_dx, ...])

Applies surface_los, surface_rmatrix and surface_emission.

iyTransmissionStandard(self[, iy, iy_aux, ...])

Standard method for handling transmission measurements.

iy_cloudbox_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets iy_cloudbox_agenda to a default value

iy_independent_beam_approx_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets iy_independent_beam_approx_agenda to a default value

iy_loop_freqs_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets iy_loop_freqs_agenda to a default value

iy_main_agendaSet(self, iy_main_agenda, ...)

Sets iy_main_agenda to a default value

iy_radar_agendaSet(self, iy_radar_agenda, ...)

Sets iy_radar_agenda to a default value

iy_space_agendaSet(self[, iy_space_agenda, ...])

Sets iy_space_agenda to a default value

iy_surface_agendaSet(self[, ...])

Sets iy_space_agenda to a default value

iy_transmitterMultiplePol(self[, ...])

Transmitted signal having multiple polarisations.

iy_transmitterSinglePol(self[, ...])

Transmitted signal having a single polarisations.

jacobianAddAbsSpecies(self, ...)

Includes an absorption species in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameter(self, ...)

Includes a basic catalog parameter in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameters(self, ...)

See jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameter().

jacobianAddFreqShift(self[, ...])

Includes a frequency fit of shift type in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddFreqStretch(self[, ...])

Includes a frequency fit of stretch type in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddMagField(self, ...)

Includes one magnetic field component in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddNLTE(self, jacobian_quantities, ...)

Experimental NLTE Jacobian.

jacobianAddNLTEs(self, jacobian_quantities, ...)

Experimental NLTE Jacobian.

jacobianAddPointingZa(self[, ...])

Adds sensor pointing zenith angle off-set jacobian.

jacobianAddPolyfit(self, ...)

Includes polynomial baseline fit in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddScatSpecies(self, ...)

Includes a scattering species in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameter(self, ...)

Adds a line shape parameter to the Jacobian calculations.

jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameters(self, ...)

See jacobianAddShapeCatalogParameter() for information on the GIN parameters

jacobianAddSinefit(self, ...)

Includes sinusoidal baseline fit in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddSpecialSpecies(self, ...)

Includes a special absorption species in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity(self, ...)

Includes a surface quantity in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddTemperature(self, ...)

Includes atmospheric temperatures in the Jacobian.

jacobianAddWind(self, jacobian_quantities, ...)

Includes one atmospheric wind component in the Jacobian.

jacobianAdjustAndTransform(self[, jacobian, ...])

Applies adjustments and transformations on jacobian.

jacobianCalcDoNothing(self[, jacobian, ...])

This function doesn't do anything.

jacobianCalcFreqShift(self[, jacobian, ...])

Calculates frequency shift jacobians by interpolation of iyb.

jacobianCalcFreqStretch(self[, jacobian, ...])

Calculates frequency stretch jacobians by interpolation of iyb.

jacobianCalcPointingZaInterp(self[, ...])

Calculates zenith angle pointing deviation jacobians by inter-extrapolation of iyb.

jacobianCalcPointingZaRecalc(self[, ...])

Calculates zenith angle pointing deviation jacobians by recalulation of iyb.

jacobianCalcPolyfit(self, jacobian, ...)

Calculates jacobians for polynomial baseline fit.

jacobianCalcSinefit(self, jacobian, ...)

Calculates jacobians for sinusoidal baseline fit.

jacobianClose(self[, jacobian_do, ...])

Closes the array of retrieval quantities and prepares for calculation of the Jacobian matrix.

jacobianFromTwoY(self, jacobian, ...)

Sets jacobian based on the difference vetween two measurement vectors.

jacobianFromYbatch(self, jacobian, ...)

Sets jacobian based on perturbation calcuations.

jacobianInit(self[, jacobian_quantities, ...])

Initialises the variables connected to the Jacobian matrix.

jacobianOff(self[, jacobian_do, ...])

Makes mandatory initialisation of some jacobian variables.

jacobianSetAffineTransformation(self, ...)

Adds an affine transformation of the last element of jacobian_quantities.

jacobianSetFuncTransformation(self, ...)

Sets the functional transformation of the last element of jacobian_quantities.

jacobian_agendaSet(self, jacobian_agenda, ...)

Sets jacobian_agenda to a default value

lat_gridFromRawField(self, lat_grid, ...)

Sets lat_grid according to given raw atmospheric field's lat_grid.

lat_gridFromZRaw(self[, lat_grid, ...])

Sets lat_grid according to input atmosphere's z_field_raw

lbl_checkedCalc(self[, lbl_checked, ...])

Checks that the line-by-line parameters are OK.


Computes the line irradiance and line transmission

lon_gridFromRawField(self, lon_grid, ...)

Sets lon_grid according to given raw atmospheric field's lat_grid.

lon_gridFromZRaw(self[, lon_grid, ...])

Sets lon_grid according to input atmosphere's z_field_raw

losAddLosAndDlos(self, new_los, ref_los, dlos)

Adds zenith and azimuth angles.

main_agendaSet(self, main_agenda, ...)

Calling this is - and always will be - an error

mblock_dlosFrom1dAntenna(self, mblock_dlos, ...)

Sets mblock_dlos based on a 1D gaussian antenna response.

mc_antennaSetGaussian(self, mc_antenna, ...)

Makes mc_antenna (used by MCGeneral) a 2D Gaussian pattern.

mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM(self, ...)

Makes mc_antenna (used by MCGeneral) a 2D Gaussian pattern.

mc_antennaSetPencilBeam(self[, mc_antenna, ...])

Makes mc_antenna (used by MCGeneral) a pencil beam.

met_profile_calc_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets met_profile_calc_agenda to a default value

nbooksGet(self, nbooks, ...)

Retrieve nbooks from given variable and store the value in the workspace variable nbooks

ncolsGet(self, ncols, ...)

Retrieve ncols from given variable and store the value in the workspace variable ncols

nelemGet(self, nelem, ...)

Retrieve nelem from given variable and store the value in the variable nelem.

nlibrariesGet(self, nlibraries, ...)

Retrieve nlibraries from given variable and store the value in the workspace variable nlibraries

nlteOff(self[, nlte_do, nlte_field, ...])

Disable Non-LTE calculations.


NLTE field for a simple setup.

nlte_fieldFromRaw(self, nlte_field, ...)

Sets NLTE values manually


Turns on NTLE calculations.


Turns on NTLE calculations.

nlte_fieldRescalePopulationLevels(self, ...)

Rescale NLTE field to expected total distribution amongst levels

npagesGet(self, npages, ...)

Retrieve npages from given variable and store the value in the workspace variable npages

nrowsGet(self, nrows, ...)

Retrieve nrows from given variable and store the value in the workspace variable nrows

nshelvesGet(self, nshelves, ...)

Retrieve nshelves from given variable and store the value in the workspace variable nshelves


Number of initialized variables on the workspace

nvitrinesGet(self, nvitrines, ...)

Retrieve nvitrines from given variable and store the value in the workspace variable nvitrines

opt_prop_bulkCalc(self[, ext_mat, abs_vec, ...])

Calculates bulk absorption extinction at one atmospheric grid point.

opt_prop_sptFromData(self[, ext_mat_spt, ...])

Calculates monochromatic optical properties for all scattering elements.

opt_prop_sptFromMonoData(self[, ...])

Calculates optical properties for the scattering elements.

opt_prop_sptFromScat_data(self[, ...])

Derives monochromatic optical properties for all scattering elements.

output_file_formatSetAscii(self[, ...])

Sets the output file format to ASCII.

output_file_formatSetBinary(self[, ...])

Sets the output file format to binary.

output_file_formatSetZippedAscii(self[, ...])

Sets the output file format to zipped ASCII.

p_gridDensify(self, p_grid, ...)

A simple way to make p_grid more dense.

p_gridFromGasAbsLookup(self[, p_grid, ...])

Sets p_grid to the pressure grid of abs_lookup.

p_gridFromZRaw(self[, p_grid, z_field_raw, ...])

Sets p_grid according to input atmosphere's raw z_field, derived e.g. from AtmRawRead().

p_gridRefine(self, p_grid, ...)

Provides refined pressure grid.

particle_bulkpropRadarOnionPeeling(self, ...)

Inverts radar reflectivities by in an onion peeling manner.

particle_bulkprop_fieldClip(self, ...)

Clipping of particle_bulkprop_field.

particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturb(self, ...)

Adds a perturbation to particle_bulkprop_field.

particle_bulkprop_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(self, ...)

Adds a perturbation to particle_bulkprop_field.

particle_fieldCleanup(self, ...[, verbosity])

Removes unrealistically small or erroneous data from particle fields.

particle_massesFromMetaData(self[, ...])

Derives particle_masses from scat_meta.


Sets particle_masses based on scat_meta assuming all particles are of the same mass category.

pha_matCalc(self[, pha_mat, pha_mat_spt, ...])

Calculates the total phase matrix of all scattering elements.

pha_mat_sptFromData(self[, pha_mat_spt, ...])

Calculation of the phase matrix of the individual scattering elements.

pha_mat_sptFromDataDOITOpt(self[, ...])

Calculation of the phase matrix of the individual scattering elements.

pha_mat_sptFromMonoData(self[, pha_mat_spt, ...])

Calculation of the phase matrix of the individual scattering elements.

pha_mat_sptFromScat_data(self[, ...])

Calculation of the phase matrix of the individual scattering elements.

pha_mat_spt_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets pha_mat_spt_agenda to a default value

pndFromPsd(self, pnd_data, ...)

Calculates pnd_data from given psd_data for one scattering species.

pndFromPsdBasic(self[, pnd_data, ...])

Calculates pnd_data from given psd_data.

pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps(self[, ...])

Converts particle bulk property data to pnd_field.

pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw(self[, ...])

Interpolation of particle number density fields to calculation grid inside cloudbox.

pnd_fieldExpand1D(self[, pnd_field, ...])

Maps a 1D pnd_field to a (homogeneous) 2D or 3D pnd_field.

pnd_fieldZero(self[, pnd_field, ...])

Sets pnd_field to zero.

ppathCalc(self[, ppath, ppath_agenda, ...])

Stand-alone calculation of propagation paths.

ppathCalcFromAltitude(self, ppath, ...)

Moves rte_pos forwards to near altitude before calling ppathCalc() to compute a different ppath.

ppathFixedLstep(self[, ppath, ...])

Full propagation path calculation with fixed step length.

ppathFromRtePos2(self[, ppath, rte_los, ...])

Determines the propagation path from rte_pos2 to rte_pos.

ppathPlaneParallel(self[, ppath, ...])

Propagation path calculations for a plane parallel atmosphere.

ppathStepByStep(self[, ppath, ...])

Standard method for calculation of propagation paths.

ppathWriteXMLPartial(self[, ...])

WSM to only write a reduced Ppath, omitting grid positions.

ppath_agendaSet(self, ppath_agenda, ...)

Sets ppath_agenda to a default value

ppath_fieldCalc(self[, ppath_field, ...])

Stand-alone calculation of propagation path field from sensors.

ppath_fieldFromDownUpLimbGeoms(self[, ...])

Computes ppath_field from "standalone" sensors looking upwards from 0 m altitude with zenith angles range [0, 90], downwards from the top of the atmosphere covering the zenith angle range from 180 degrees to the surface tangent minus 1e-4 degrees, and through the limb covering at the same position as the downwards looking sensor covering the zenith angle range from the surface tangent plus 1e-4 degrees to 90 degrees minus 1e-4 degrees.

ppath_stepGeometric(self[, ppath_step, ...])

Calculates a geometrical propagation path step.

ppath_stepRefractionBasic(self[, ...])

Calculates a propagation path step, considering refraction by a basic approach.

ppath_step_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets ppath_step_agenda to a default value


Sets ppvar_optical_depth according to provided transmittance data.

predefined_model_dataAddWaterMTCKD400(self, ...)

Sets the data for MT CKD 4.0 Water model

predefined_model_dataInit(self[, ...])

Initialize the predefined model data

propmat_clearskyAddCIA(self[, ...])

Calculate absorption coefficients per tag group for HITRAN CIA continua.

propmat_clearskyAddFaraday(self[, ...])

Calculates absorption matrix describing Faraday rotation.

propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup(self[, ...])

Extract gas absorption coefficients from lookup table.


Calculates gas absorption coefficients line-by-line for HITRAN line mixed data.

propmat_clearskyAddLines(self[, ...])

Computes the line-by-line unpolarized absorption and adds it to the diagonal of propmat_clearsky and derivates to other variables.


Compute the line mixing of matching lines and add it to the propagation matrix


Compute the line mixing of matching lines and add it to the propagation matrix Also computes Zeeman effect for all the lines in the band

propmat_clearskyAddParticles(self[, ...])

Calculates absorption coefficients of particles to be used in clearsky (non-cloudbox) calculations.

propmat_clearskyAddPredefined(self[, ...])

Adds all of the predefined models in abs_species to the propmat_clearsky

propmat_clearskyAddScaledSpecies(self, ...)

Adds a scaled target species absorption to propmat_clearsky and nlte_source

propmat_clearskyAddXsecFit(self[, ...])

Calculate absorption cross sections per tag group for HITRAN xsec species.

propmat_clearskyAddZeeman(self[, ...])

Calculates Zeeman-affected polarized propagation matrix and its derivatives.

propmat_clearskyForceNegativeToZero(self[, ...])

Sets propmat_clearsky to match zero attenuation if negative value.

propmat_clearskyInit(self[, ...])

Initialize propmat_clearsky, nlte_source, and their derivatives to zeroes.

propmat_clearskyZero(self[, ...])

Sets propmat_clearsky to match zero attenuation.

propmat_clearsky_agendaAuto(self[, ...])

Sets the propmat_clearsky_agenda automatically

propmat_clearsky_agendaGUI(self[, ...])

Opens a GUI for running the propagation matrix agenda

propmat_clearsky_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets propmat_clearsky_agenda to a default value

propmat_clearsky_agenda_checkedCalc(self[, ...])

Checks if the propmat_clearsky_agenda contains all necessary methods to calculate all the species in abs_species.

propmat_clearsky_fieldCalc(self, ...)

Calculate (vector) gas absorption coefficients for all points in the atmosphere.

psdAbelBoutle12(self[, psd_data, ...])

Abel and Boutle [2012] particle size distribution for rain.

psdDelanoeEtAl14(self, psd_data, ...)

Normalized PSD as proposed in Delanoë et al. ((2014)),.

psdFieldEtAl07(self, psd_data, ...)

The Field et al. [2007] particle size distribution for snow and cloud ice.

psdFieldEtAl19(self, psd_data, ...)

The Field [2019] particle size distribution for hail.

psdMcFarquaharHeymsfield97(self[, psd_data, ...])

McFarquahar and Heymsfield [1997] particle size distribution for cloud ice.

psdMilbrandtYau05(self, psd_data, ...)

Calculates psd_data and dpsd_data_dx following Milbrandt and Yau (2005) two moment particle size distribution for cloud water, cloud ice, rain, snow, graupel and hail, which is used in the GEM model.

psdModifiedGamma(self, psd_data, ...)

Modified gamma distribution PSD using n0, mu, la and ga as parameters.

psdModifiedGammaMass(self, psd_data, ...)

Modified gamma distribution (MGD) PSD, with mass content as input.

psdModifiedGammaMassMeanParticleMass(self, ...)

Modified gamma distribution PSD, with mass content and mean particle mass (Mmean) as inputs.

psdModifiedGammaMassNtot(self, psd_data, ...)

Modified gamma distribution PSD, with mass content and total number density (Ntot) as inputs.

psdModifiedGammaMassSingleMoment(self, ...)

Modified gamma distribution PSD, with mass content as input.

psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(self, psd_data, ...)

Modified gamma distribution PSD, with mass content and mean size (Xmean) as inputs.

psdModifiedGammaMassXmedian(self, psd_data, ...)

Modified gamma distribution PSD, with mass content and median size (Xmedian) as inputs.

psdMonoDispersive(self, psd_data, ...)

Mono-dispersive PSD, with number density given.

psdMonoMass(self, psd_data, ...)

Mono-dispersive PSD, with mass content given.

psdSeifertBeheng06(self, psd_data, ...)

Calculates psd_data and dpsd_data_dx following Seifert and Beheng (2006) two moment particle size distribution for cloud water, cloud ice, rain, snow, graupel and hail, which is used in the ICON model.

psdWangEtAl16(self[, psd_data, ...])

Wang et al. [2016] particle size distribution for rain.

refellipsoidEarth(self[, refellipsoid, ...])

Earth reference ellipsoids.

refellipsoidEuropa(self[, refellipsoid, ...])

Io reference ellipsoids.

refellipsoidForAzimuth(self, refellipsoid, ...)

Conversion of 3D ellipsoid to 1D curvature radius.

refellipsoidGanymede(self[, refellipsoid, ...])

Ganymede reference ellipsoids.

refellipsoidIo(self[, refellipsoid, model, ...])

Io reference ellipsoids.

refellipsoidJupiter(self[, refellipsoid, ...])

Jupiter reference ellipsoids.

refellipsoidMars(self[, refellipsoid, ...])

Mars reference ellipsoids.

refellipsoidMoon(self[, refellipsoid, ...])

Moon reference ellipsoids.

refellipsoidOrbitPlane(self, refellipsoid, ...)

Conversion of 3D ellipsoid to 2D orbit track geometry.

refellipsoidSet(self, refellipsoid, ...)

Manual setting of the reference ellipsoid.

refellipsoidVenus(self[, refellipsoid, ...])

Venus reference ellipsoids.

refr_index_airFreeElectrons(self[, ...])

Microwave refractive index due to free electrons.

refr_index_airInfraredEarth(self[, ...])

Calculates the IR refractive index due to gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

refr_index_airMicrowavesEarth(self[, ...])

Microwave refractive index in Earth's atmosphere.

refr_index_airMicrowavesGeneral(self[, ...])

Microwave refractive index due to gases in planetary atmospheres.

refr_index_air_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets refr_index_air_agenda to a default value

retrievalAddAbsSpecies(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Adds an absorption species to the retrieval quantities.

retrievalAddCatalogParameter(self, ...)

Similar to jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameter() but also adds a corresponding block to covmat_sx with the given var as variance value.

retrievalAddCatalogParameters(self, ...)

Same as jacobianAddBasicCatalogParameters() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddFreqShift(self[, covmat_sx, ...])

Same as jacobianAddFreqShift() but also adds the correlation block contained in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block to covmat_sx.

retrievalAddFreqStretch(self[, covmat_sx, ...])

Same as jacobianAddFreqShift() but also adds the correlation block contained in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block to covmat_sx.

retrievalAddMagField(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddMagField() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddPointingZa(self[, covmat_sx, ...])

Same as jacobianAddPointingZa() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddPolyfit(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddPolyfit() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddScatSpecies(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddPolyfit() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddSinefit(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddSinefit() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddSpecialSpecies(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddSpecialSpecies() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddSurfaceQuantity(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddSurfaceQuantity() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddTemperature(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddTemperature() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalAddWind(self, covmat_sx, ...)

Same as jacobianAddWind() but also adds a new block to covmat_sx using the matrices in covmat_block and covmat_inv_block.

retrievalDefClose(self[, jacobian_do, ...])

Closes the definition of retrieval quantities and correlations and prepares related WSVs for the retrieval.

retrievalDefInit(self[, covmat_se, ...])

Begin retrieval definition section.

retrievalErrorsExtract(self[, retrieval_eo, ...])

Extract retrieval error from covariance matrices.

rte_losGeometricFromRtePosToRtePos2(self[, ...])

The geometric line-of-sight between two points.

rte_losReverse(self[, rte_los, ...])

Reverses the direction in rte_los.

rte_losSet(self, rte_los, ...)

Sets rte_los to the given angles.

rte_posSet(self, rte_pos, ...)

Sets rte_pos to the given co-ordinates.

rte_pos_losBackwardToAltitude(self, rte_pos, ...)

Moves rte_pos and rte_los backwards to the target altitude.

rte_pos_losForwardToAltitude(self, rte_pos, ...)

Moves rte_pos and rte_los forward to the target altitude.

rte_pos_losStartOfPpath(self[, rte_pos, ...])

Sets rte_pos and rte_los to values for last point in ppath.

rte_poslosFromECEF(self[, rte_pos, rte_los, ...])

Converts sensor position and LOS from ECEF to geocentric values.

rte_poslosFromGeodetic(self[, rte_pos, ...])

Converts sensor position and LOS from geodetic to geocentric values.

rtp_nlteFromRaw(self, rtp_nlte, ...)

Sets NLTE values manually

scat_dataCalc(self[, scat_data, ...])

Prepares scat_data for the scattering solver.

scat_dataCheck(self[, scat_data, ...])

Method for checking the validity and consistency of the single scattering properties in scat_data.

scat_dataReduceT(self, scat_data, ...)

Reduces temperature dimension of single scattering to a single entry.

scat_data_checkedCalc(self[, ...])

Checks dimensions, grids and single scattering properties of all scattering elements in scat_data.

scat_data_monoCalc(self[, scat_data_mono, ...])

Interpolates scat_data by frequency to give scat_data_mono.

scat_data_monoExtract(self[, ...])

Extracts data at f_index from scat_data to give scat_data_mono.

scat_data_singleTmatrix(self, ...)

A basic interface to Mishchenko's T-matrix code linked to ARTS.

sensorOff(self[, sensor_response, ...])

Sets sensor WSVs to obtain monochromatic pencil beam values.

sensor_checkedCalc(self[, sensor_checked, ...])

Checks consistency of the sensor variables.


The geometric line-of-sight between pair of points.

sensor_losReverse(self[, sensor_los, ...])

Reverses the direction in sensor_los.

sensor_pos_losBackwardToAltitude(self, ...)

Moves sensor_pos and sensor_los backwards to the target altitude.

sensor_pos_losForwardToAltitude(self, ...)

Moves sensor_pos and sensor_los forward to the target altitude.

sensor_poslosFromECEF(self[, sensor_pos, ...])

Converts sensor position and LOS from ECEF to geocentric values.

sensor_poslosFromGeodetic(self[, ...])

Converts sensor position and LOS from geodetic to geocentric values.

sensor_responseAntenna(self, ...)

Includes response of the antenna.

sensor_responseBackend(self[, ...])

Includes response of the backend (spectrometer).


Frequency switching for a pure SSB reciever.

sensor_responseBeamSwitching(self[, ...])

Simulation of "beam switching".

sensor_responseFillFgrid(self[, ...])

Polynomial frequency interpolation of spectra.

sensor_responseFrequencySwitching(self[, ...])

Simulation of "frequency switching".

sensor_responseGenericAMSU(self[, f_grid, ...])

Simplified sensor setup for an AMSU-type instrument.

sensor_responseIF2RF(self[, ...])

Converts sensor response variables from IF to RF.

sensor_responseInit(self[, sensor_response, ...])

Initialises the variables summarising the sensor response.

sensor_responseMetMM(self[, antenna_dim, ...])

Sensor setup for meteorological millimeter instruments.

sensor_responseMixer(self[, ...])

Includes response of the mixer of a heterodyne system.


Includes pre-calculated response covering mixer and backend.

sensor_responseMultiMixerBackend(self[, ...])

Handles mixer and backend parts for an instrument having multiple mixer chains.

sensor_responsePolarisation(self[, ...])

Extraction of non-default polarisation components.

sensor_responseSimpleAMSU(self[, f_grid, ...])

Simplified sensor setup for an AMSU-type instrument.

sensor_responseStokesRotation(self[, ...])

Includes a rotation of the Stokes H and V directions.

sensor_responseWMRF(self[, sensor_response, ...])

Adds WMRF weights to sensor response.

sensor_response_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets sensor_response_agenda to a default value

sparse_f_gridFromFrequencyGrid(self, ...[, ...])

Outputs the sparse frequency grid in propmat_clearskyAddLines()

spectral_irradiance_fieldDisort(self[, ...])

Interface to the DISORT scattering solver (by Stamnes et al.).


Calculates the spectral irradiance from spectral_radiance_field.


Clear-sky radiance field of a plane parallel atmosphere.


Set spectral_radiance_field to be a copy of cloudbox_field.


Interface to the DISORT scattering solver (by Stamnes et al.).


Uses and expands cloudbox_field to set spectral_radiance_field.


Create a spectral_radiance_field


Create a radiance profile operator

specular_losCalc(self[, specular_los, ...])

Calculates the specular direction of surface reflections.

specular_losCalcNoTopography(self[, ...])

Calculates the specular direction of surface reflections for horisontal surfaces.

spt_calc_agendaSet(self, spt_calc_agenda, ...)

Sets spt_calc_agenda to a default value

sunsAddSingleBlackbody(self[, suns, ...])

Adds a single blackbody to suns

sunsAddSingleFromGrid(self, suns, ...)

Extracts a sun spectrum from a field of such data and adds it to suns.

sunsAddSingleFromGridAtLocation(self, suns, ...)

Extracts a sun spectrum measured at the given location adds it to suns.

sunsChangeGeometry(self[, suns, radius, ...])

Change the geometry of desired sun

sunsOff(self[, suns_do, suns, verbosity])

Turns all calculations with suns off

surfaceBlackbody(self[, surface_los, ...])

Creates variables to mimic a blackbody surface.

surfaceFastem(self, surface_los, ...)

Usage of FASTEM together with MC and DOIT.

surfaceFlatReflectivity(self[, surface_los, ...])

Creates variables to mimic specular reflection by a (flat) surface where surface_reflectivity is specified.

surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex(self[, ...])

Creates variables to mimic specular reflection by a (flat) surface where the complex refractive index is specified.

surfaceFlatRvRh(self[, surface_los, ...])

Creates variables to mimic specular reflection by a (flat) surface where surface_rv_rh is specified.

surfaceFlatRvRhEvEh(self, surface_los, ...)

Creates variables to mimic specular reflection by a (flat) surface where surface_rv_rh and surface_ev_eh is specified.

surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity(self[, ...])

Creates variables to mimic specular reflection by a (flat) surface where surface_scalar_reflectivity is specified.

surfaceLambertianSimple(self[, surface_los, ...])

Creates variables to mimic a Lambertian surface.

surfaceMapToLinearPolarisation(self, ...)

Convert surface RT properties to a linear polarisation.

surfaceTelsem(self, surface_los, ...)

Compute surface emissivities using the TELSEM 2 model.

surfaceTessem(self, surface_los, ...)

TESSEM sea surface microwave emissivity parametrization.


Extracts complex refractive index from a field of such data.

surface_reflectivityFromGriddedField6(self, ...)

Extracts surface reflectivities from a field of such data.

surface_rtpropFromTypesAverage(self[, ...])

Extracts surface RT properties by averaging.

surface_rtpropFromTypesManual(self, ...)

Extracts surface RT properties by manual selection of surface type.

surface_rtpropFromTypesNearest(self[, ...])

Extracts surface RT properties from nearest surface type.

surface_rtpropInterpFreq(self, f_grid, ...)

Interpolates surface RT properties in frequency.

surface_rtprop_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets surface_rtprop_agenda to a default value


Extracts scalar surface reflectivities from a field of such data.


Sets surface_scalar_reflectivity based on surface_rmatrix.

swap(self, ws)

Swap self with another workspace

telsemAtlasLookup(self, emissivities, lat, ...)

Lookup SSMI emissivities from Telsem Atlas.

telsemStandalone(self, emissivities, lat, ...)

Stand-alone evaluation of the Telsem model.

telsemSurfaceTypeLandSea(self, surface_type, ...)

TELSEM based land sea mask.

telsem_atlasReadAscii(self, atlas, ...[, ...])

Reads single TELSEM atlas.

telsem_atlasesReadAscii(self, ...)

Reads TELSEM atlas files.

test_agendaSet(self, test_agenda, ...)

Sets test_agenda to a default value

timeNow(self[, time, verbosity])

Sets time to system_clock::now().

timeOffset(self, time, ...)

Offsets time for some seconds

timeSleep(self[, time, verbosity])

Sleeps until time has been reached.

time_gridOffset(self, time_grid, ...)

Offsets a time grid by some seconds.

time_stampsSort(self, output, ...)

Sort input by time_stamps into output.

timerStart(self[, timer, verbosity])

Initializes the CPU timer.

timerStop(self[, timer, verbosity])

Stops the CPU timer.

transmittanceFromIy_aux(self, transmittance)

Creates a vector of transmittance values.

verbosityInit(self[, verbosity])

Initializes the verbosity levels.

verbositySet(self, verbosity, ...)

Sets the verbosity levels.

verbositySetAgenda(self, verbosity, ...)

Sets the verbosity level for agenda output.

verbositySetFile(self, verbosity, ...)

Sets the verbosity level for report file output.

verbositySetScreen(self, verbosity, ...)

Sets the verbosity level for screen output.

vmr_fieldClip(self, vmr_field, ...)

Clipping of vmr_field.

vmr_fieldPerturb(self, vmr_field, ...)

Adds a perturbation to vmr_field.

vmr_fieldPerturbAtmGrids(self, vmr_field, ...)

Adds a perturbation to vmr_field.

vmr_fieldSetAllConstant(self, vmr_field, ...)

Sets the VMR of all species to a select constant value.

vmr_fieldSetConstant(self, vmr_field, ...)

Sets the VMR of a species to a constant value.

vmr_fieldSetRh(self[, vmr_field, ...])

Sets the first H2O species to have a constant relative humidity (RH).

water_p_eq_agendaSet(self[, ...])

Sets water_p_eq_agenda to a default value

water_p_eq_fieldMK05(self[, ...])

Calculates water_p_eq_field according to Murphy and Koop, 2005.

wind_u_fieldIncludePlanetRotation(self[, ...])

Maps the planet's rotation to an imaginary wind.

x2artsAtmAndSurf(self[, vmr_field, t_field, ...])

Maps x to atmospheric and surface variables.

x2artsSensor(self[, sensor_los, f_backend, ...])

Maps x to sensor variables.

x2artsSpectroscopy(self[, verbosity])

Just defined to indicate a future extensiom.

xClip(self, x, ...)

Clipping of the state vector.

xaStandard(self[, xa, jacobian_quantities, ...])

Standard function for creating xa.

yApplySensorPol(self[, y, y_f, y_pol, ...])

Extraction of arbitrary linear polarisation.

yApplyUnit(self[, y, jacobian, y_f, y_pol, ...])

Conversion of y to other spectral units.

yCalc(self[, y, y_f, y_pol, y_pos, y_los, ...])

Calculation of complete measurement vectors (y).

yCalcAppend(self, y, ...)

Replaces yCalc() if a measurement shall be appended to an existing one.

yColdAtmHot(self, y, ...)

Computes y from input using standard calibration scheme of cold-atm-hot observations

yDoublingMeanFocus(self[, f_grid, y, f0, ...])

Focus in on y around some f_grid, then sets f_grid to same focus

yMaskOutsideMedianRange(self, y, ...)

Masks values not within the range as NaN.

yRadar(self[, y, y_f, y_pol, y_pos, y_los, ...])

Replaces yCalc() for radar/lidar calculations.

ySimpleSpectrometer(self, y, ...)

Converts iy to y assuming a fixed frequency resolution.

y_geoToGeodetic(self[, y_geo, refellipsoid, ...])

Converts y_geo to hold geodetic values.

y_geo_seriesFromY_geo(self[, y_geo_series, ...])

Fills y_geo_series with data from y_geo.

y_geo_swathFromY_geo(self, y_geo_swath, ...)

Fills y_geo_series with data from y_geo.

y_seriesFromY(self[, y_series, y, y_f, ...])

Fills y_series with data from y.

y_swathFromY(self, y_swath, ...)

Fills y_swath with data from y.

ybatchCalc(self[, ybatch, ybatch_aux, ...])

Performs batch calculations for the measurement vector y.

ybatchColdAtmHotAtmCycle(self, ybatch, ...)

Computes ybatch from input using standard calibration scheme of a cycle through cold-atm-hot-atm-cold-.

ybatchDoublingMeanFocus(self[, f_grid, ...])

See yDoublingMeanFocus()

ybatchMaskOutsideMedianRange(self, ybatch, ...)

Apply yMaskOutsideMedianRange() for each y in ybatch

ybatchMetProfiles(self, ybatch, ...)

This method is used for simulating ARTS for metoffice model fields

ybatchMetProfilesClear(self, ybatch, ...)

This method is used for simulating ARTS for metoffice model fields for clear sky conditions.

ybatchTimeAveraging(self, ybatch, ...)

Time average of ybatch and sensor_time


Performs naive tropospheric corrections on ybatch


Performs inverse of naive tropospheric corrections on ybatch

ybatch_calc_agendaSet(self, ...)

Sets ybatch_calc_agenda to a default value

z_fieldFromHSE(self[, z_field, ...])

Force altitudes to fulfil hydrostatic equilibrium.

z_surfaceConstantAltitude(self[, z_surface, ...])

Sets the surface altitude to a constant.

z_surfaceFromFileAndGrid(self, z_surface, ...)

Sets the surface altitude for a given latitude and longitude grid.

zeeman_magnetic_fieldFromPath(self, ...[, ...])

Get the magnetic field components used by the Zeeman calculations.



Azimuthal angle grid.


Azimuth angle index for scattering calculations.


HITRAN Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) Data.


Frequency interpolation order for absorption lookup table.


HITRAN line mixing data to compute the relaxation matrix.


A list of spectral line data.


A list of spectral line data for each tag.


An absorption lookup table.


Flag to indicate whether abs_lookupAdapt() has already been called.


Nonlinear species for absorption lookup table generation.


The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the H2O values given by abs_nls_pert.


Fractional perturbations for the nonlinear species in the absorption lookup table.


NLTE temperatures or ratios to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.


List of pressures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.


The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between pressure levels.


Tag groups for gas absorption.


List of temperatures to be used for the calculation of absorption coefficients.


The interpolation order to use when interpolating absorption between the temperature values given by abs_t_pert.


Temperature perturbations for the absorption lookup table.


Total absorption vector.


Absorption vectors of the scattering elements.


The VMRs (unit of absolute number) on the abs_p grid.


Index of the current agenda in ArrayOfAgenda.


The dimensionality of the antenna pattern (1-2).


The relative line-of-sight of each antenna pattern.


The antenna pattern/response.


A compact set of atmospheric fields on a common set of grids.


OK-flag for atmospheric grids and (physical) fields.


OK-flag for the geometry of the model atmosphere.


The atmospheric dimensionality (1-3).


Averaging kernel matrix.


The response of each backend channel.


As backend_channel_response but describes an instrument with muliple mixer/receiver chains.


An array of identifiers for bands.


An array of compact atmospheric states.


An array of cloudbox_limits.


An array of compact pnd states.


Definition of backend frequency response, link to f_grid.


Definition of backend frequency response, weighting of f_grid.


OK-flag for variables associated with the cloudbox.


The spectral radiance field inside the cloudbx.


Monochromatic radiation field inside the cloudbox.


As cloudbox_field_mono but from previous iteration.


The limits of the cloud box.


Flag to activate the cloud box.


An array of coefficients for effective collisions


An array of quantum identifiers for finding collisional rates in collision_coefficients


Complex refractive index (n) data.


Holds matrices used to set blocks in covmat_sx and covmat_se.


Holds matrices used to set the inverse blocks in covmat_sx and covmat_se.


Covariance matrix for observation uncertainties.


Covariance matrix describing the retrieval error due to uncertainties of the observation system.


Covariance matrix describing the retrieval error due to smoothing.


Covariance matrix of a priori distribution


Depolarization factor for the scattered gas.


Auxilary data to the output of the cloudbox_fieldDisort-Methods.


Selection of quantities for disort_aux.


Derivative of iy with respect to retrieval quantities.


A set of relative angles.


A weight associated with each direction dlos.


S * dB/dx + dS/dx * B.


Calculations to perform for each batch case.


Batch of radiation fields.


Batch of irradiance fields.


Batch of radiance fields.


Batch of spectral irradiance fields.


Flag for the convergence test.


Compute the convergence test.


Flag to determine if DoitInit() was called.


Counter for number of iterations.


Performs monochromatic DOIT calculation.


Radiative transfer calculations in cloudbox.


Scattered field inside the cloudbox.


Calculation of the scattering integral field (DOIT).


Optimized zenith angle grid.


Number of equidistant grid points of the zenith angle grid.


Flag for interplation method in zenith angle dimension.


Partial derivates of pnd_data.


Selection of partial derivatives of pnd_data.


Partial derivatives of pnd_field.


Partial derivative of absorption coefficients.


Partial derivates of psd_data.


The derivative of surface_emission with respect to quantities listed in dsurface_names.


Name of surface retrieval quantities.


The derivative of surface_rmatrix with respect to quantities listed in dsurface_names.


Contribution function (or gain) matrix.


Error corrected sudden data


Total extinction matrix.


Extinction matrix for all individual scattering elements.


The frequency position of each backend (spectrometer) channel.


As f_backend but describes an instrument with muliple mixer/receiver chains.


The frequency grid for monochromatic pencil beam calculations.


Frequency index.


Index number for files.


The body for a for loop.


The index for for-loops.


So far just testing of FOS ...


So far just testing of FOS ...


Gravity at zero altitude.


Calculation of the gravity at zero altitude.


Calculation of the gas scattering extinction and phase matrix.


Spectrum of scattering coefficient matrices.


Flag to activate gas scattering.


Normalized phase function as Legendre series.


Incoming line-of-sight for gas scattering.


Outgoing line-of-sight for gas scattering.


Spectrum of normalized phase matrices.


Flag to select the output of the gas_scattering_agenda.


Geo-position of a measurement.


The heating rates of atmospheric layers.


Definition of the polarisation of an instrument.


Multiple definition of instrument polarisation.


Work in progress ...


Iteration counter variable for inversion_iterate_agenda.


Irradiance field also known as flux density.


Contains the isotopologue ratios.


Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum.


Flag to handle recursive calls of iy_main_agenda


Data auxiliary to iy.


Selection of quantities for iy_aux and when applicable also y_aux.


Intensity at boundary or interior of the cloudbox.


Identification number of iy.


Agenda dedicated to iyIndependentBeamApproximation().


Agenda dedicated to iyLoopFrequencies().


Calculation of a single monochromatic pencil beam spectrum.


Calculation of pointwise backscattering.


Downwelling radiation at the top of the atmosphere.


Upwelling radiation from the surface.


Transmittance to be included in iy.


Monochromatic pencil beam radiance spectrum of transmitter signal.


Selection of output unit for radiative transfer methods.


Unit for radar simulations.


Monochromatic pencil beam data for one measurement block.


The Jacobian matrix.


Pure numerical Jacobian calculations.


Flag to activate (clear-sky) Jacobian calculations.


The retrieval quantities in the Jacobian matrix.


The partial derivatives that are computed for the Jacobian matrix.


A latitude.


The latitude grid.


Latitudinal geolocation for 1D and 2D data.


Flag to check if the line-by-line calculations will work


List of L0 data.


List of L0 times.


Irradiance as seen by a single absorption line.


Transmission as seen by a single absorption line.


The series of gamma values for a Marquardt-levenberg inversion.


The local oscillator frequency.


Local oscillator frequencies.


A longitude.


The longitude grid.


Longitudinal geolocation for 1D and 2D data.


Zonal component of the magnetic field.


Raw zonal component of the magnetic field.


Meridional component of the magnetic field.


Raw meridional component of the magnetic field.


Vertical component of the magnetic field.


Raw vertical component of the magnetic field.


The agenda corresponding to the entire controlfile.


The set of angular pencil beam directions for each measurement block.


Measurement block index.


Antenna pattern description for dedicated MC calculaions.


Error in simulated y when using a Monte Carlo approach.


Counts the number of iterations (or photons) used in the MC scattering algorithm.


The maximum number of iterations allowed for Monte Carlo calculations.


The maximum scattering order allowed for Monte Carlo radar calculations.


The maximum time allowed for Monte Carlo calculations.


The minimum number of iterations allowed for Monte Carlo calculations.


Source to emission, position.


Number of atmospheric scattering events between emission point and sensor.


The integer seed for the random number generator used by Monte Carlo methods.


Rough classification of source to emission.


Target precision (1 std.


Defines an upper step length in terms of optical thickness for Monte Carlo calculations.


Normalized Stokes vector for transmittance (e.g., radar).


The AMSU data set.


The antenna beam width for meteorological millimeter instruments.


Backend description for meteorological millimeter sensors with passbands.


The polarisation for meteorological millimeter instruments.


This agenda is used for metoffice profile calculations.


The average molar mass of dry air.


Number of elements in 4th lowest dimension of a Tensor.


Number of columns (elements in lowest dimension) of a Matrix or Tensor.


Number of elements of a Vector or Array.


Number of elements in 7th lowest dimension of a Tensor.


Flag to perform Non-LTE calculations.


The field of NLTE temperatures and/or ratios.


Raw data for NLTE temperatures and/or ratios.


An array of non-lte quantum identifiers for levels matching nlte_field_raw and on request nlte_vibrational_energies.


Variable to contain the additional source function due to NLTE effects.


An list of vibrational energies matching nlte_level_identifiers and nlte_field_raw or being 0.


Number of elements in 3rd lowest dimension of a Tensor.


Number of rows (elements in 2nd lowest dimension) of a Matrix or Tensor.


Number of elements in 5th lowest dimension of a Tensor.


Number of elements in 6th lowest dimension of a Tensor.


Basic diagnostics of an OEM type inversion.


Errors encountered during OEM execution.


Output file format.


The pressure grid.


The original pressure grid before optimization.


Reference pressure calculation of hydrostatic equilibrium.


Container for various data that describes scattering bulk properties.


Identification of the data in particle_bulkprop_field.


The mass of individual particles (or bulks).


Ensemble averaged phase matrix.


Ensemble averaged phase matrix for DOIT calculation.


Phase matrix for all individual scattering elements.


Interpolated phase matrix.


Calculates the phase matrix for individual scattering elements.


The sidereal rotation period of the planet.


Returns particle number density data for each scattering species.


Naming of all input expected by pnd_agenda_array.


The variable input to one element of pnd_agenda_array.


Naming of (existing or expected) data in pnd_agenda_input.


Temperature input to one element of pnd_agenda_array.


Particle number density values for a set of points.


Particle number density field.


The particle number density field raw data.


The particle sizes associated with pnd_data.


The propagation path for one line-of-sight.


Calculation of complete propagation paths.


An array meant to build up the necessary geometries for radiative field calculations.


Flag to perform ray tracing inside the cloudbox.


Maximum length between points describing propagation paths.


Maximum length of ray tracing steps when determining propagation paths.


A propagation path step.


Calculation of a propagation path step.


Doppler adjusted frequencies along the propagation path.


iy-values along the propagation path.


Magnetic field along the propagation path.


Non-LTE temperatures/ratios along the propagation path.


The optical depth between the sensor and each point of the propagation path.


Pressure along the propagation path.


PND values along the propagation path.


Temperature along the propagation path.


The transmittance between the sensor and each point of the propagation path.


The transmittance between the points along the propagation path.


VMR values along the propagation path.


Winds along the propagation path.


This contains predefined model data.


This contains the absorption coefficients for one point in the atmosphere.


Calculate the absorption coefficient matrix.


OK-flag for propmat_clearsky_agenda.


Gas absorption field.


Particle size distribution values for a set of points.


The particle sizes associated with psd_data.


Radiance field.


The range bins of an active instrument.


Reference ellipsoid.


Real part of the refractive index of air.


Calculation of the refractive index of air.


Group index of refractivity.


Flag indicating completeness and consistency of retrieval setup.


The estimated error in the retrieval due to uncertainty in the observations.


The estimated error in the retrieval due to limited resolution of the observation system.


Switch between integration approaches for radiative transfer steps.


Velocity along the line-of-sight to consider for a RT calculation.


A line-of-sight for (complete) radiative transfer calculations.


A geographical position for starting radiative transfer calculations.


A second geographical position to define the geometry for radiative transfer calculations.


Line-of-sight at a radiative transfer point.


Magnetic field at a radiative transfer point.


NLTE temperature/ratio at a radiative transfer point.


Position of a radiative transfer point.


Pressure at a radiative transfer point.


Temperature at a radiative transfer point.


Absorption species abundances for radiative transfer calculations.


Array of single scattering data.


OK-flag for scat_data.


Monochromatic single scattering data.


Array of raw single scattering data.


Structure for the single scattering data.


Latitude index for scattering calculations.


Longitude index for scattering calculations.


An Array of scattering meta data (scat_meta_single).


Structure for the scattering meta data.


Pressure index for scattering calculations.


Array of Strings defining the scattering species to consider.


Mass-size relationship parameter, for one scattering species.


Mass-size relationship parameter, for one scattering species.


The size grid of one scattering species.


A select species tag group from abs_species


OK-flag for sensor related variables.


Sensor description for simple AMSU setup.


The sensor line-of-sight (LOS) for each measurement block.


As sensor_los but matching ECEF coordinates.


As sensor_los but matching geodetic coordinates.


Flag if sensor response should be normalised or not (0 or 1).


A set of polarisation response angles.


The sensor position for each measurement block.


As sensor_pos but using ECEF coordinates.


As sensor_pos but using geodetic coordinates.


The matrix modelling the total sensor response.


The relative azimuth angles associated with the output of sensor_response.


This agenda shall provide sensor_response and associated variables.


The relative zenith and azimuth angles associated with the output of sensor_response.


The zenith and azimuth angles associated with sensor_response.


The frequencies associated with the output of sensor_response.


The frequency grid associated with sensor_response.


The polarisation states associated with the output of sensor_response.


The "polarisation grid" associated with sensor_response.


The time for each measurement block.


Description of target sideband.


Description of target sideband for a multiple LO receiver.


Description of (mixer) sideband response.


Description of multiple (mixer) sideband responses.


int The number of variables on the workspace


Specific heat capacity.


Spectral irradiance field.


Spectral radiance field.


An operator to create a spectral radiance profile.


The specular direction (for reflection by a flat surface).


Calculates single scattering properties for individual scattering elements from the amplitude matrix.


The dimensionality of the Stokes vector (1-4).


Rotation of the Stokes H and V directions.


Array of Sun.


Flag to activate the sun(s).


Complex refractive index of the surface, at a single point.


The emission from the surface.


Downwelling radiation directions to consider in surface reflection.


The normal vector for a point at the surface.


Various surface properties.


Name on surface properties found in surface_props_data.


Surface reflectivity, for a given position and angle.


The reflection coefficients for the directions given by surface_los to the direction of interest.


Provides radiative properties of the surface.


Description of surface radiative properties, for each surface type.


Surface reflectivity, described by rv and rh (power) reflectivities.


Surface reflectivity, assuming it can be described as a scalar value.


Surface skin temperature.


Classification of the surface using a type coding.


Gives the fraction of different surface types.


The field of atmospheric temperatures.


Raw data for atmospheric temperatures.


The surface temperature.


TELSEM 2 emissivity atlases.


TESSEM2 neural network parameters for horizontal polarization.


TESSEM2 neural network parameters for vertical polarization.


Dummy agenda for testing purposes.


Agenda array for TestArrayOfAgenda test case.


A UTC time point.


A grid of times.


A set of times.


Stores the starting time for time measurements.


Transmitter positions.


ARTS verbosity.


VMR field.


VMR data for the chosen gaseous species.


Calculation of the saturation pressure of water.


The field of water saturation pressure.


Indicates if the wigner tables are initialized.


Zonal component of the wind field.


Raw zonal component of the wind field.


Meridional component of the magnetic field.


Raw meridional component of the magnetic field.


Vertical wind component field.


Raw vertical wind component field.


Channel selection for WMRF fast calculation.


The weights for a WMRF fast calculation.


The state vector.


The a priori state vector.


Flag to determine whether XML output shall be binary or ascii.


Fitting model coefficients for cross section species.


The measurement vector.


Data auxilary to y.


The baseline of y.


The frequencies associated with y.


The geo-position assigned to each element of y.


The geo-positioning assigned to each row of y_series.


The geo-positioning assigned to each pixel of y_swath.


The line-of-sights associated with y.


The polarisation states associated with y.


The sensor positions associated with y.


Two-dimensional version of the measurement vector.


Three-dimensional version of the measurement vector.


The measurement vector for a single measurement block.


Batch of spectra.


Data auxilary to ybatch.


Calculations to perform for each batch case.


Correction terms for ybatch.


Index of batch case.


All the Jacobians associated with ybatch.


Number of batch cases for ybatchCalc().


Start index for ybatchCalc().


A fitted measurement vector.


The field of geometrical altitudes.


Raw data for geometrical altitudes.


Minimum accuracy for calculation of hydrostatic equilibrium.


The altitude of the sensor.


The surface altitude.


Zenith angle grid.


Zenith angle integration weights.


Zenith angle index for scattering calculations.