
Workspace.abs_lines_per_speciesPopulationNlteField(self: pyarts.arts._Workspace, nlte_do: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Index | None = self.nlte_do, abs_lines_per_species: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines | None = self.abs_lines_per_species, nlte_field: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.EnergyLevelMap | None = self.nlte_field, verbosity: pyarts.arts.WorkspaceVariable | pyarts.arts.Verbosity | None = self.verbosity) None

Turns on NTLE calculations.

Takes the quantum identifers for NLTE temperatures and matches it to lines in abs_lines_per_species. abs_species must be set and is used to speed up calculations. After the function is done, all affected lines in abs_lines_per_species will have an internal tag to the relevant quantum identifier, which is a requirement for deeper code.

If vibrational_energies is input it must match nlte_level_identifiers in length. The vibrational energies of the affected lines will then be set by the function. Otherwise, it is assumed the vibrational energies are set by another method. If they are not set, calculations will complain later on while running deeper code.

For now only vibrational energy states are assumed to be able to be in non-LTE conditions. The QuantumIdentifier for an energy state in ARTS can look like:

"CO2-626 EN v1 0/1 v2 1/1 l2 1/1 v3 0/1 r 1/1"

and the matching will match ALL lines with the above. Note then that if, e.g., the “v1 0/1” term was removed from the above, then ARTS will assume that “v1” is not part of the level of energy state of interest, so lines of different “v1” will be matched as the same state. If a line is matched to more than one energy state, errors should be thrown, but be careful.

Set type of population to change computations and expected input as:

  • "LTE": Compute population by ratios found from LTE temperatures

  • "TV": Compute population by ratios found from NLTE vibrational temperatures

  • "ND": Compute population by ratios found from NLTE number densities

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • nlte_do (Index, optional) – Flag to perform Non-LTE calculations. See nlte_do, defaults to self.nlte_do [OUT]

  • abs_lines_per_species (ArrayOfArrayOfAbsorptionLines, optional) – A list of spectral line data for each tag. See abs_lines_per_species, defaults to self.abs_lines_per_species [INOUT]

  • nlte_field (EnergyLevelMap, optional) – The field of NLTE temperatures and/or ratios. See nlte_field, defaults to self.nlte_field [IN]

  • verbosity (Verbosity) – ARTS verbosity. See verbosity, defaults to self.verbosity [IN]