
property Workspace.doit_scat_field

Scattered field inside the cloudbox.

This variable holds the value of the scattering integral for all points inside the cloudbox. For more information refer to AUG.

Usage: Input to cloudbox_fieldUpdate....

Unit: W / (m^2 Hz sr) for each Stokes component.


[(cloudbox_limits[1] - cloudbox_limits[0]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[3] - cloudbox_limits[2]) +1, (cloudbox_limits[5] - cloudbox_limits[4]) +1, N_za, N_aa, N_i ]

Workspace methods that can generate doit_scat_field

Workspace methods that require doit_scat_field

Workspace agendas that can generate doit_scat_field

Workspace agendas that require doit_scat_field

Generic workspace methods that can generate or use doit_scat_field

See Tensor6 and/or Any


WorkspaceVariable - holds type Tensor6