
property Workspace.oem_diagnostics

Basic diagnostics of an OEM type inversion.

This is a vector of length 5, having the elements (0-based index):
  1. Convergence status, with coding
    • 0 = converged

    • 1 = max iterations reached

    • 2 = max gamma of LM reached

    • 9 = some error when calling inversion_iterate_agenda

    • 99 = too high start cost.

  2. Start value of cost function.

  3. End value of cost function.

  4. End value of y-part of cost function.

  5. Number of iterations used.

See WSM OEM() for a definition of “cost”. Values not calculated are set to NaN.

Workspace methods that can generate oem_diagnostics

Generic workspace methods that can generate or use oem_diagnostics

See Vector and/or Any


WorkspaceVariable - holds type Vector