Getting started#
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typhon import plots
import konrad
At the heart of each konrad
simulation is the atmosphere component, which
represents the thermodynamical state of the model column. In a first step, we
create a vertical (pressure) grid and initialize the atmosphere. Internally,
distinguishes full-levels (plev
) and half-levels (phlev
). The
thermodynamic state and the atmospheric composition are defined for each
full-level. Half-levels are used to consistently represent (radiative) fluxes
between full-levels. Therefore, the surface is also placed at the lowest
plev, phlev = konrad.utils.get_pressure_grids(1000e2, 1, 128)
atmosphere = konrad.atmosphere.Atmosphere(phlev)
We can access the state variables in a dict-like way and, for example, plot the initial temperature profile.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plots.profile_p_log(atmosphere['plev'], atmosphere['T'][-1, :])
ax.set_xlabel(r"$T$ / K")
ax.set_ylabel("$p$ / hPa")
Text(0, 0.5, '$p$ / hPa')
Next, we can compile the RCE object, which combines the different model component and allows the user to control the run.
# Initialize the setup for the radiative-convective equilibrium simulation.
rce = konrad.RCE(
surface=konrad.surface.FixedTemperature(temperature=288.), # Run with a fixed surface temperature.
timestep='12h', # Set timestep in model time.
max_duration='100d', # Set maximum runtime.
After defining our RCE model, we can perform the actual simulation # Start the simulation.
Finally, we can plot the RCE state and compare it to the inital (standard) atmopshere
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plots.profile_p_log(atmosphere['plev'], atmosphere['T'][-1, :], label="Init. state")
plots.profile_p_log(rce.atmosphere['plev'], rce.atmosphere['T'][-1, :], label="RCE")
ax.set_xlabel(r"$T$ / K")
ax.set_ylabel("$p$ / hPa")
Text(0, 0.5, '$p$ / hPa')