ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable abs_f_interp_order
Frequency interpolation order for absorption lookup table. The interpolation order to use when interpolating the absorption lookup table in frequency. This is in particular needed for calculations with Doppler shift, so that absorption is interpolated to the shifted frequency grid. One is linear interpolation, two quadratic, and so on. As a special case, order 0 in this particular case means no interpolation. In that case f_grid must match exactly the grid inside the lookup table. This is the global default value, set in general.arts.
Group: Index
Specific methods that can generate abs_f_interp_order
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate abs_f_interp_order
- IndexCreate
- Copy
- Extract
- FlagOff
- FlagOn
- IndexSet
- IndexStepDown
- IndexStepUp
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Touch
Specific methods that require abs_f_interp_order
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use abs_f_interp_order
- abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA
- AntennaConstantGaussian1D
- antenna_responseVaryingGaussian
- Append
- ArrayOfIndexLinSpace
- ArrayOfIndexSetConstant
- AtmFieldsCalc
- AtmFieldsCalcExpand1D
- atmfields_checkedCalc
- CloudboxGetIncoming
- Copy
- Delete
- dN_MH97
- DoitAngularGridsSet
- doit_conv_flagAbs
- doit_conv_flagAbsBT
- doit_conv_flagLsq
- doit_i_fieldSetClearsky
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- Extract
- ExtractFromMetaSinglePartSpecies
- ForLoop
- GriddedFieldLatLonRegrid
- GriddedFieldPRegrid
- GriddedFieldZToPRegrid
- Ignore
- IndexSet
- IndexStepDown
- IndexStepUp
- iyFOS
- iyInterpCloudboxField
- iyRadioLink
- jacobianAddFreqShift
- jacobianAddFreqStretch
- jacobianAddPointingZa
- jacobianAddPolyfit
- jacobianAddSinefit
- jacobianCalcPolyfit
- jacobianCalcSinefit
- MatrixExtractFromTensor3
- pnd_fieldCalc
- pnd_fieldExpand1D
- ppathWriteXMLPartial
- PrintWorkspace
- propmat_clearskyAddZeeman
- p_gridDensify
- p_gridFromZRaw
- refr_index_airFreeElectrons
- sensor_responseFillFgrid
- TangentPointPrint
- VectorExtractFromMatrix
- verbositySet
- verbositySetAgenda
- verbositySetFile
- verbositySetScreen
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
- ybatchCalc
- ybatchMetProfiles
- ybatchMetProfilesClear
- yCalcAppend
Agendas that can generate abs_f_interp_order
- none
Agendas that require abs_f_interp_order
- none