ARTS built-in documentation server
Workspace Variable surface_skin_t
Surface skin temperature. This temperature shall be selected considering the radiative properties of the surface, and can differ from the "bulk" temperature. Usage: Input to methods for surface_rtprop_agenda.
Group: Numeric
Specific methods that can generate surface_skin_t
- none
Generic and supergeneric methods that can generate surface_skin_t
- NumericCreate
- Copy
- Extract
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- InterpAtmFieldToPosition
- InterpSurfaceFieldToPosition
- NumericAdd
- NumericInvScale
- NumericScale
- NumericSet
- ReadXML
- ReadXMLIndexed
- Reduce
- Touch
Specific methods that require surface_skin_t
- surfaceBlackbody
- surfaceFlatRefractiveIndex
- surfaceFlatReflectivity
- surfaceFlatScalarReflectivity
- surfaceLambertianSimple
Generic and supergeneric methods that can use surface_skin_t
- abs_lineshapeDefine
- abs_linesReadFromArts
- abs_linesReadFromHitran
- abs_linesReadFromHitranPre2004
- abs_linesReadFromJpl
- abs_linesReadFromMytran2
- abs_linesReadFromSplitArtscat
- abs_lines_per_speciesAddMirrorLines
- abs_lookupSetup
- abs_lookupSetupBatch
- abs_lookupSetupWide
- abs_speciesAdd2
- abs_xsec_per_speciesAddCIA
- AntennaConstantGaussian1D
- antenna_responseGaussian
- antenna_responseVaryingGaussian
- Append
- AtmFieldsRefinePgrid
- atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- backend_channel_responseFlat
- backend_channel_responseGaussian
- batch_atm_fields_compactAddConstant
- CloudboxGetIncoming
- cloudboxSetAutomatically
- cloudboxSetManually
- cloudboxSetManuallyAltitude
- Compare
- complex_refr_indexConstant
- Copy
- Delete
- dN_H11
- dN_Ar_H13
- dN_H98
- dN_MH97
- dN_F07TR
- dN_F07ML
- dN_MP48
- doit_i_fieldUpdateSeq1D
- doit_za_grid_optCalc
- FrequencyFromWavelength
- f_gridFromSensorAMSU
- f_gridFromSensorAMSUgeneric
- f_gridFromSensorHIRS
- Ignore
- iyCloudRadar
- iyInterpCloudboxField
- iyRadioLink
- jacobianAddAbsSpecies
- jacobianAddFreqShift
- jacobianAddFreqStretch
- jacobianAddPointingZa
- jacobianAddTemperature
- Massdensity_cleanup
- MatrixAddScalar
- MatrixPlanck
- MatrixScale
- MatrixSetConstant
- mc_antennaSetGaussian
- mc_antennaSetGaussianByFWHM
- NumericAdd
- NumericInvScale
- NumericScale
- NumericSet
- pndFromdN
- ppathFromRtePos2
- propmat_clearskyAddFromLookup
- propmat_clearskyAddZeeman
- refellipsoidForAzimuth
- refellipsoidOrbitPlane
- refellipsoidSet
- refr_index_airThayer
- rte_losSet
- rte_posSet
- scat_meta_arrayAddTmatrix
- scat_meta_arrayAddTmatrixOldVersion
- scat_data_arrayCheck
- scat_data_arrayFromMeta
- sensor_responseBackendFrequencySwitching
- sensor_responseBeamSwitching
- sensor_responseSimpleAMSU
- sensor_responseGenericAMSU
- surfaceLambertianSimple
- Tensor3AddScalar
- Tensor3Scale
- Tensor3SetConstant
- Tensor4AddScalar
- Tensor4Scale
- Tensor4SetConstant
- Tensor5Scale
- Tensor5SetConstant
- Tensor6Scale
- Tensor6SetConstant
- Tensor7Scale
- Tensor7SetConstant
- VectorAddScalar
- VectorCrop
- VectorLinSpace
- VectorLogSpace
- VectorNLinSpace
- VectorNLogSpace
- VectorScale
- VectorSetConstant
- WriteXML
- WriteXMLIndexed
- ySimpleSpectrometer
Agendas that can generate surface_skin_t
- none
Agendas that require surface_skin_t
- none