
Workspace.measurement_sensorGaussian(self, measurement_sensor: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfSensorObsel | None = None, f0_fwhm_df: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfVector3 | None = None, weight_cutoff: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, pos: pyarts.arts.Vector3 | None = None, los: pyarts.arts.Vector2 | None = None, pol: pyarts.arts.Stokvec | None = None) None

Sets a sensor with a Gaussian channel opening on a computed frequency grid

Each element has a frequency grid, a single polarization and a single pair of positions and line-of-sight.

The Gaussian distribution by each element is defined by the f0_fwmh_df list of Vector3 values. In each Vector3, the first value is the frequency center (\(f_0\)), the second value is the full width at half maximum (\(\sigma\)), and the last value is the frequency stepping between points (\('Delta f\)). All values must be positive.

The number of points per channel is \(1 + 2n\) for the first \(n\) that ensures that \(\exp\left(-0.5 \left[\frac{n\Delta f}{\sigma}\right]^2\right)\) is less than weight_cutoff. This keeps (\(f_0\)) in the resulting frequency grid.

The resulting vector of sensor elements cannot be considered exhaustive in future calculations.

Author(s): Richard Larsson

  • measurement_sensor (ArrayOfSensorObsel, optional) – A list of sensor elements. See measurement_sensor, defaults to self.measurement_sensor [OUT]

  • f0_fwhm_df (ArrayOfVector3) – List of [f0, fwhm, df]. [IN]

  • weight_cutoff (Numeric, optional) – The weight cutoff. Defaults to 0.001 [IN]

  • pos (Vector3) – A position [alt, lat, lon]. [IN]

  • los (Vector2) – A line of sight [zenith, azimuth]. [IN]

  • pol (Stokvec, optional) – The polarization whos dot-product with the spectral radiance becomes the measurement. Defaults to 1 0 0 0 [IN]