
Workspace.propagation_matrix_agendaAuto(self, propagation_matrix_agenda: pyarts.arts.Agenda | None = None, absorption_species: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfArrayOfSpeciesTag | None = None, absorption_bands: pyarts.arts.ArrayOfAbsorptionBand | None = None, T_extrapolfac: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, force_p: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, force_t: pyarts.arts.Numeric | None = None, ignore_errors: pyarts.arts.Index | None = None) None

Sets the propagation_matrix_agenda automatically

This method introspects the input and uses it for generating the propagation_matrix_agenda automatically. If use_absorption_lookup_table_data, all methods that can be used to generate the absorption lookup table are ignored and instead the calculations from the absorption lookup are used.

The following methods are considered for addition:

  1. propagation_matrixInit()

  2. propagation_matrixAddCIA()

  3. propagation_matrixAddLines()

  4. propagation_matrixAddFaraday()

5) propagation_matrixAddXsecFit() 7) propagation_matrixAddPredefined()

To perform absorption lookupo table calculation, call:

  1. propagation_matrix_agendaAuto()

  2. absorption_lookup_table_dataCalc FIXME: HOW TO COMPUTE IT

  3. propagation_matrix_agendaAuto() (use_absorption_lookup_table_data=1)

  4. Perform other calculations

Author(s): Richard Larsson
